THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 2a 1867- lew AdvcrtiiemenU T U KUrtM Ivrth Yrk il IW rjii iV I CkiUrfo 4 r I li and ramtiilaU adil lor iha cleeiioncrins raouin i itttor rrpa lal Mr- lTnn nuil lo lliclr riplmm and llic oM rimu vr DN J Ij il brohrr of Nmaikt rKitnl til iIm flM in opMiin iliUlr lrrtll ihtnj which rcnicra iuh ailo nrcaarf lii clnnn tnoro llian any other tl tnj lo kirp llip rill diM tr mm in the liCjilaiive Ilullaii The Frovincial Secretary aad jibe Nrttwv Jaha T Orvat Wri6 Ki TM T- Tram Tima Newosftrkct itUMtR AKHAMIIKNT 18C7 A rhaiif t in ia ike arriral ai ilrartui rm Ml lin l I 1 fbf iiilaivl Oil Taclr Bioniini Ky a hoiirn in th liitsitif Io iii i lo a iluty i tiiia ilMar an I VkJiiV Mc ThMVr ni- f ill- ip tir iho omnian foi ili Minty ol wa holJS iiliifaMiofi iliH nil liiia eJii Tha Saeraiary and lUgiatrar af lion Joii 8Noricib MjirDa4Loa Naw t 1 Pataiu Uiimbinaiion Mf M eiicial tuliiUMi And lorlhcr when ricill lUtirroi aiok rlllnl cm iniTico Miirr ntftiiBiiinR irccnt i Nurih fJnerio look coaiun lo in- cd llirjr will nnl liil in rr iiiltrti llirm jdirg in an uniorinly inaeiira ajinai arlvts lir all ilictimiroiinj ciitiikc aa in and lha Canadian lUr I I Ih IKWI Ina Cit U u nf llf tlctrritt llal mr Ilociion b I y Triv Tfim iliiahorriblfiiiruiiitiniiirctLia iniluencmg public 0iiiiiPi ritJicu1iu rhplrip ani k idiilofiil nun or Nw lei ut comratt Mr C KHM Tlitf eonuis if 1cj mnanmn- iJaai ih ihoae if tha daiii- if coul l e U ll I IC n ot Knj- ducrtd in uei a ntinniT that men of altd nMh and rfrl Iccliiiu cin U- land Ilu Mk ttauaTOia m how Lraijlil brjr tha withnol the ihy coBnr On lha cccaon of iha r crMn dijjTiUj t 11 upt dmner of iha Nawpapor Irc i ptjcc lo llip puhlir coun Calls Inr mm inir m her Wilijre o I RM 1 nJ ll- 5 1 1 J cuicllul Sfpiamb ljf MfUJiiinrliftinil Newmarket Friday Adi- 26th 18C7 LATKnr FKOM TOUOSTO Nominations for tho City HON- MR eaOWN S PfOSPcClS RESlLT OF TUK 1UKNT 1 in a l0tili ici k am aiiiitJi oho ffl eiy 1 uavit 9otfl tic Tha raif m 11 1 3410 1 litf tiinaiirn ot n ljt ly iniitiiuiii roiit pi aivptril- Thi iTMn Kiirwial 1 Tho Die is Cat Kr B3ultlee take tha Field Up h tlir flniHl Tho Dominion of Canada I lite fiod Knicrinz opin a ocw niata of political fnonlTT chtnind oor inl Jicuincn MiUeiiule and rjlls loudly he brinrii of lhi wark ihr rruUr Ucrorm andtdoia in f KiJitig ouId b mid IVuo duiiuii haa tnnnirraird iir I a liniaAf bul thought H would ipun fsui by virluo in ta own inariia oili and henca ircapJ ii m-cotdiiig- 1 lha paopla to whom il ia urnUhad baing ly Ill lha howKtor e wpie ciiiaiakeii V J Kund if londiin Ma CiLaoaTiNC pra- aidtd and durir hia opaning remark ftaiikly ackniiweg0J ihal ho had bren Keaily beiofiiied hv the critical com- nil iil ihe pratt npun hia own ecBduci niij ktid ha n me are ai prufuundly fiiiJe of lha arrvicn raitdara I by ibr J uriinlial fur ilie g d uf aociaty aa men wlio occupy pub ic who ara b uch mrina reconciled lo lha ho ftelfare ihcy auive lo prumola I aJd the fact that tha newi- anadi aa wall la etaewhar IRKK haa Oetmninatl U lha ndJraa w ctculalcd laat friihful ill the daeiinrgc nf duly aa il if public artili nenl will i and iiifluenc drprndai liai i A PAINFUL SUICIDE tioaa liilry hen lacjurca are calicd far wlich are to liato a bearin njion Le Ue the ititcrcul of a coanry pracrallj and T aaro Aogu 22 xhich e me in conflict with inlcrcMa ami pariiin il aloioat uatToIdabIa and ii w Mr mote tlnn likri lo aecotnpliah uuch ioik ai lKn rmployed lo acoorc eljia aiiJair wil3ti in aitniilj or fof porpoaci of po Tiid aicendanfj oolj wtlliool other uUcrior objeca II bicana a great eril tddy piiriilitn which S II aucceeilcd tnaing i d pgWic ipirit of it pp- 1 adoical na ii nnj il prtjii sndoolilrdy jgjppg gy julp ediM whether ho will uppnrt the t to undertnd the viawi atd wiibet ihe j miKfa Thirdly having paraoial ag- iba Rvfoirn caniiilatn m iha VV Rtrwimerf wa hrld m ihf vl Toroiti Siock l4ry f i b01l Juliii Snnrirtclda Paiani Cnliiniion or dilikea il Ha dirs any terer he will lie found wotking eiitenllv wih ha Urfortn Piiy V but m the prraeni mulnaoua Kta of thing that my niai lo aappoil Jiin Saniifiald wiilt hia nrw light C n ecriiry or not ul lo uit cireomittncM Uld Ihe theory InJ Juwo in the fish paragraph hil the llou orCommun can iniarfora in maitara pertaining lo ihn Local Igia- aiyiig granoiXMnaot n nnl N nppMLl by ound well or Jure bren the espcBcnt I M xidT IVaity of ecrlain political eretd that oor eoua- 1 hat pracicaily we bna ntcunlrul over and Mr tofk by llm Mtihr C Cjrn- try call- for at tbia pccaliar cnof ii pro i uwr own local nirir thtt iLai ida i Pn S It dcnundi ind rcllj ncd llm r mv hjficilrrr ionr 1 f A 0 po pro0 ptiolin wUct Cl wttT J here he n- norc prfnjl inlotcl thl Icfiy aeoli f Hon U irc jfrwn i fjjiv ipifam f i f clfTntioo Mbieh iinpeUlo aliie general government can coniml eteciion in iiih O i m I a I iliai ncccartry cffrla and aaciiflces in proniot the tneal lgilaiiio AiiJe from ihia bolh Mcl I h t I rre or the eramonlcUh 1 h ih lh tocr of II 11 no IJ3 Ml rd kep wil l hat a T liomhie hia pOM epMl Aecnr liic lo thi 1 CvticeOid It The Conny Cnuri 11 eipailon tht ihey SalQiday owing lo deijyi fi jciiCf lu eicrl hootJ at ofiea rwpond reKrd the Ilemrer HiHrio aa th is the lac irit of palrioiisai to hi i odr of the Ilrrin Iari or not ir whether he for rurru Snfrn- altiard country a Cll Ifu prone wc arete wn Hiin Ulrnifa ai fiermn cntcit oufckea la rie wo arc BdJrB dt ralle 1 upon lo rcuJcr by pioty I A p o oini ujt to their nf rnuiiie lilicl Jvcoltirer oi niJ Ilfiy Tn 1 h Jiliio in P h hV Mr ll9orty IKOI or party prrjjdice and infl jene fcjnIJ Pflntrd on to gie hm ablins ou- luSnra fulninating kla j aialhcu i at ilic oppotilc tnalc hut ao far in a miitode of picreitjDa and protD i He at Icnpih reecim oar tolea fgr n ih dffiult and mfwrintJuiic of III- m i r of S vlay Lrihtoip and Ihea we dreni our work j j atj we rrq liri- 1 Wi ihi fact juthin HelK t ceipihcd and onr aolicUa iend If he inkm aa a tuiTi irn gutranee fr h on Jjit MtmUay ntn of incorropiible inlciiiy were the Hlilial crrd t Wilt it na for an c jre ha bn rlo i j PI l I P1S ffht hrh d b ctJiU Trco 11 ladcptndm l h m MMi cii Qihl not be a objeeiiooabla bat how i ia uur bui oie wrll qmlifid f r the I omTiiivionri eontiilocnoiaa been blinded bj i poiioii an rkiHiwIrdjeil Kefunner nl Irom Otaw wiii be dat and amoke of the clectire eoolcat yara ifidng no ho draly ioihdfcior r4oriiedidir7 Tiimiiie If Ivma I ivimte I nun Mniu t- out If 1 in n I nd Low frfijienily when loi late do the f i in I ell fr ummri delionoeneicaand blondrof4m6r erfet acp trd with tho great ina of ili hleiie ciw Scr elccton to llioo de lleform Iariy i ii noi belter guarmt 1 will ik pla- fcela Facta of thia kind aliould teach eirciiOKpeetion and wiadon in Ihe elicieei of perMot into whne handa ii apfiearanrf doatiniea of our bcIoTciI ewnlry I wilt tje eiecrd t aiiior lh qietKii inooncrJ hir nei Our politic eirclea eertaiolj furnish by iheir vote tj ihe p Il With Mr 1 I biliij Hhtlhtt of ihcf I than Ih welfare of Kw ha endravora to drnw from lha cinidiration ol Ilia oivii unfiifulnaa fur daiinciion by viiifving thiae honral enough to idl hitn 4f hia failing The advaiungaa and im prtaQCe o the iiewapafar preaa lo Ihe people are a van aa carcoy to bo over- rnled and yai bcctuae of Ii viig beeom o romm jn and cheap ita influence gao- erally ia uadareitunatrd by thoae who d rive the reateei benelii Iheralroni M l4MBao may real aured ihal whao he riiiJa itie Newapaper tea i f the eoaniry condemning he unhtly political alntica he haa recently firni wtih Ihoae whom he hia oppfrtrd ever aince entering pub lic hfe they bat e preaa the aemitnenia of the great maia i tho people Inatand therefore of pnjnng forth biitar invee- ivea would OKptay more witdom and zhibit n greater deaire lo aerve the elee toraof Nurih Ontario by paig hoed to iia warning aduiuMtiuna aid respecting Ctickst V friendly gaoie at erickel Irl tbp CIbIn oI LljfJtcrn aa HIIa 1 Uajn- rtrDiIy Tbd lolloaia ttof baa bcro furarUl fitr poUilUte b blh II ill aern Iba llutUa i Laalio Tlab bail aa eai tone I When MeMia Mrkenzie and MoKetlar wtr inviied to iii other coa atitueneiMr lha Relorn paiy leadiiraiaj Maaara J Oevoati them epoA the pnliiical iaauea of the da aiMa fltravt Uoelrtal Frev 10 per Moeili the LfoJer in hi peenliaily elaaaipel ayle Untiaa44 patea of arifiea aeil atltad lut- derided ttitfrn aa miMionatiea bui he elapted lo lb fenm raMUr AaaDoaiia- baa nw a word of catitwn er aifmooinoir lo j n ni the rnlaalonary afliia of Meaai kiae wV MeDtcalli ana Ihe premier bf ilia I Base Bal 0i Tueaday evening taat a naaa Ball OlaUvaaorpaiaed iatbU place aad aAoa bearvra tboaea Freaideat A J M- Patent CiabiualioA lluw i Holland Landing councu jTi tt I Wfc i olhy ltdUlard Brcuiar prartJea weaklj I ti r- every Tecadaj afWrowe at ilck Panena 111 l ii L JjJ a OM of iba effictn A meeting of tha abovo Coancil look place on lha Sih inat ProMat Iloavr Maaara Thoopaon aod ilielpa A pati lion from Mr Fisgibbon aking lo liava Cbriatopher Street opened wa read The Road and liridga Jjmmitlaa we era brought in aa eatimMa of the lumber re- BibiUtioe te U beW ophera Tber ia baai er aaiTlJli r J I L I Vtvmarkrl oa tb Sib aoiOib of Oeleber laUeaa clare f tbo Irooieal aea ad for iKllk 1 nd th Urk iii1rueld 10 fof lumber cedt I 1 u uiu P1 M1 J IlMp poata and the laying of aiJewalka Ten ara eol ie ika iaiaediau viciaiiy of trkerc Dirac- dera to ba in by tha 15th Init Vjb rfi rnd Wa Iruit ibell b pepert grd lo npatiing t North York Tall Show Hand Btlir cealaiaiac Ibv Priu Uiat of ibc Hera York j I AgrkaliaralSoeielj Fall Bxbibilioa le ba beW Tbere la I a which have bwn Mr Boultbee at I MISaiH WEtJ8 AM McMURBICII fllKHKVt lialhwr SnSmy Tertnlrtatlon I I Mr Buulibaa hatd hia firat political meeting at Qieanaville on VVdnaiday evening laai and ahould aay there wa about iOO peopio preaenL On motion Mr b Lukea wai called to Ihe chair and Mr J W Klmand appointed Sev retary Tlie meeting ihiia organised tha chairman callrd upon Mr Uullba who for alwui liaf An hour endeavoured lo ahow eaue why be had determined to iippoae tha eenon of tha Convention and although we ara unatila to give a re- Hirt ihia week owitig to iha tate hour rt which the maeting cloaed of whai wna nid and done yet we believe Mr Kotilt bee Tailed tj j latify hia action before ihat ntaemtily At any rale of mte thing we lee pretty certain he did nol make a Mr Biutibee tben far a time addietied liimlf t Ilia elaiia a a heal an over Mr McMerricb aa an oatMder gll tbal h interea were identical witb ibe people of tbe Hiding wbtle Ihete of bia ippoDeot weie m the City of Toroalo he place above all otberi agaioti oar ia- Ilea Mr McMarricb fallawed ia a ruel bl lelhng apeecb ibowiag Ibat bad ut ibe Coovrnina beea ananiaieea be wnnM art have aeeapieJ tbe call aad ibat Ir Olullbee wan in tbal Coaveatmn ia point of fact a party lo bnaxiag biin be fore tbe eledora of North Vork NVitb regard lo iba ieiofl of local maa or nuiader Mr McMurricb frankly alated that lh wihr of ibe Ridtag would be Lia wiba ilut be went lo Ibe Lejtiatalurc lo rereCit N- rth Yotk and not bimaelf Hetid be had a large inlereat ia tbe eiuiilry ai w1t wbra tl prospered be al o propred Ha ibiugbi therefore lr Bdaliba elaiia oe Ihe groaad ot Ineal reoiJence cnerrly wa aot fo very gral after all Mr Wrila ala fptka ia geaeral leriat of ihe peeeaMiy of uiainieg tbe aelino f lititieikaa aM IberaaeaUa bol otbera aliU raaais aaaltarad Tbaaelabevt Ihe Cooveulioa to preire Ibe taaity f i Jl Id eopaU iba lBptor or Team CaeetatJe lo Ih prl 1 d h ld nol tl held a meeliag al Q leeoantle ia tbe eaa nader Bookaaaoa aad wee rraerad bf Uakaa pnanple rtaaoM Maifaed rr Ibe pu va be alio alladed lo bia beiat a eaadi- 1 dde fiva p tbe bUaaea v laoaar ba bad oa atrloje vaa i racori 1 r lb cv m wd lb bt be i iv iJr 2iTr wfilS 3 I u I 1- beda jebdea Wa ataagtW a battle erlo had done m tbe paai aad aered them i ewmlrmat abauar aad cdebruid eWf aialUr wiU eiuad tbal la the fotaa be woald eadearor to be Ttw JTaetba raJee abeetlil I Lrt tba foabta cialy fiiihfal ry riie great SoaaaTT trirfkJJ ed Tle iar afur aa jary afUr aaH aetr- boara deliberation were aaabte 10 a verdict and petitinad i J- dfcharga ITie pettita w ufcnarge i b pettita wi lbr neoKtl dikrnJr difDcaltf wbcb preaeated ilielf letL appeara lo bive beea tbi aj- them ceald not ee ibat Scaaatr kJ charged la lh indietiaenl ukea Z tbe ataiutoatiOB ef fiinit iv Soma niemban of tha Council nra of the awe of Crikrt pinion ihal all tha atraeia laid out by oa Friday laat Mr Ribinaon and given by him aa da tlava Ucaara Tboraa Droa eaUUiaStaaal acribad on tha village map for alreata are aad an alevca afiba villajer ia kicb tbe toe- public toada and oughl to ba kept in or- mar era iba iaaera bcaUot iba Ulkr ia eae der by tha Corporation ulhara thinking j iuiac and eilit raaa to apara Tba rrlara that while il ia tha right of an paraon to j taatcb aiU be iJaycd a Tnaadaf aexl iba 27lb hivatheaaaireataopand lo alTord ingreaa j UsUal a vbicb oMaioa iba aaaeal Sabbalb and egreu to and Trom thar lamH thojoei PkNie aill uka ptaee Wa ara atae Council ia not bound to aaauma lbeeejud to aUU Ual Mcra Tboeaa Braa win roada aa atraeia aod become reaponaible tioe ibeir aweral pUoea of baaiae ia tke after- for Ihair aafety and rmeiency unload nooa efibal Uj Inordw ibatalt tbairaatpJojaia labor ia parforniad oa ihaaaaireeta gaajbaTaaaoppertaailyofeeitlaf ibwoarWaa 50 FJaeUy a reterTt Act of Tar Me iber ia ao rasady C Dewna eetalda Batele paitaal to haallb if Ukaa ia m llearya Vermeel UaiaMal kan I Odoaa Kallaotenoa claaaMa Iba laaik I Afier the paaaing of aoma amil billa lha Council adpniracd lo the 15 h mil- at 7 oclock p m Notice of PublicationB- Iba fcoat doora ef all paUie baitdiap aacb u Toea lUlU Cbarcbaa Scbool Uooaea de ara reqntrvd le be alterad ao aa to aviaf atvarda Tbia Act eaaia niolow 40 N PAPaaa Combined laat aad all Trwlm aad owaera afaeab pablle Engiah pablicatioo price 30 eta The i baildlar be bava afkctal to eoaplr hamoroaa vein io which theaa papara are viib ara iiabla loa peaaliy of 50 eae balf of tteo make them atiraetive Here it wbib got t tbe iofervrr Tba ileebaala aiylaof lakiog down aOeiMcrat Cemwoa Fcbool Uoaaa aad eaa ar tea Aaiid Ibe dark deep glooai ibal eavrtlapa aiteodad MAKKtmi Newmarket Aon tQ Poar 700r a tBSO Fall Wheail3a tl 50 Barley 55c a COc OatadSe Cheeae lo a 13 Bolter lije Kfa8o Wooli4e a 25e PiHaioea 30o iee aba 115 Tbe Qaabra bava Mr G irham foUowrd and in hia ra- Id flfepaiaM dead mrk h bal Ih ctisn f Ih n r ai aatii alur oildBita vbea msulatelf enw form Party from the calling of the 6rat k j Jber aiib a ew Yri meeiit g to appoiut a CommiitM to aupar ede ihn old cimmrtee which waa con- anlared ffffU down to ihe nominaion el Meaaia Welaand MeMurrich and chal tanged lha opponenta ol the Conveotion to ihow therein il aetiH waa improper Hn alao met the charge of packing pretty elTeetnoly Aftr a few brief reraaika by Mr Siuta in which he deplored lha fact that maiy who ota month ago ware in favor i a local mn now had tha wool drawn er ihrir ret hy luronto iifliienca and were advocating an nitidar ba inov o leprrarul ua la iba Aatiwra Waas Hia Travela Ice mall editioA piiee 15 ria Mary titeraiy aapiranta in the land of Yaokeedomara now trying tbeir banda in eopying aflei the aiyle of ihia calebratfd wiiier bl oa mora re- aomble the oi ifinal lhan ehalk doea cheeae Tbe maorter in which he lampootied thai iniereating claai of aoeietf who go atoni wiih an eye glaia recked ind bob aiiend- ancen aoch ef ibe fan es a give ihem eoonteoane ia worth lha price of ibe book Ileaya I vaa ixta myuirp lo attend the frvat var eetia vbea mj daabiev eatmd vlik a joaaff eriieeU fren iba a ty atd wbe eiptvaaMB iate CaMtil bIrr 3 b Oaler iieetli Il iMrr 6 baaleOaler W Tun b Tbrsa 15 raa odi EMvoaJ b S b Usiar J M WaoJ b 0ier lb Otlfv ilTrMabdaaMarpby 4 aoioei tlWland b TajrUr U b aet e Oalcr 0 1 Jl fy f I I and declired It carried hy a majiriiy r a tlx Uaraik b Eolvood UI1 Tlal n than letnir the City Hall neilins Ih bll od bl hT 1 b moi J prominent in rflScial aialiona may hdmit we would lvo aupporied him j 9h inaiant by eui of a douU It is nOt oar otgecl in thii iiK it nccouni te wa a party It wiih a pocket knife Fi aritele f dlacoai the qoalificaiionaof our Cnanioo which recled the gei i Fiiilay the 30h u Yuik will I Eai aill be differently virwcd froia diffirei ind piiiiia anl Ihey will be tcardgd aa rthy of eootioued eonfiJcnee or otlcr c aecording to ihe liaa of our niindi Tajtor am sat 9 WvMnvp b VTevl 0 Wiltiaiaa b EaateoeI 1 Total lIjIlaA Laadiat IJujiltevi Usiorily for itoi iMliaj I I- I opoo lcrcil 0 o If bm prrjdicJ iaJfwJnt pon Tb Tl UolM biJI pEcic uppol o c Wedneaday neit I at ihia janettite Tbe aimpf fact that Sir Jubn A MeJonald Hm J S Mar- a man hss occoptcd a place ia the puUie doaalj and Hon W P HowlarJ will ad acrfic in lime piat to OBr otiod- Vvea diaaa a meennj of Meia lUniaen aid claim opoo the patrooacof the Uallia in lha Weateia DiVtawo Ihia even- couoj One pertinent IjueatKWJ lnw- V bi n Ih Ou I i l f laal Teeaday i doca hia paat pablic arer romuh a VVerNorthambariand haa elecleil by j eolBeient ttuarasiee thai ia ai tnattera I parly laai Teeaday 1 NorthomtMriand i aectamatwn lion Jame Coctihnin for ihe affecliag the isterra of aoo for ihe CjUlaoai and Mr J C Ry keit ier Ontario Oar Ottawi Deipateb The Comiiiriiced fflIud7o ieir CAVSIAIES Foa CARLETOH ABC a been unmiadfal of the tnlercata coin I or Uava aoatht ptaee and power for nnder4riog favoriies II P anwoftbineaa abooU moalitn then to the aifl abadea of oBIirfoa If Dr ROT HUNTER r r J l leli riu reliable nan f On tbia inl i nay aot ooifl not to fcrcrt tha aa a leai o for tbeitir raUaijuoa f pnblia reapooailiitfy ocrtaM Aa fiiiled either ia ability or iariiy ihcy may fail aaia If io be paai they ful io aardiog oar riibu Blltj 01 Imp Q Wm i i proootiss I all tha duUee of tbeir rtadioiia- I ikbed confldeoee and oar hearty aoppott I Peraoaa of tried ioegrltyaad unyielding FIQHT AT A PIC NIC pat iotin aboald be nooacojced ill- the intereata of toe oaootty in tbe sew fte Ilc ko I order of thiop aad e aboald rally aroaod and aaataia them ia tha reaponai Orrawa Aognii 22 j ble and diffitiult work ot gaidlig our The eoBioatioru vribia City loek placej tare deaiiniea If it ba aeecaaarj en Monday There weie about oae ibiie cntraat the pablie afiira of tbe eoaatty aod people praaent Fiveeaodtilatea waie lo niea yet anlricd ihe neeeaniy iieokraaied far ibe liuoae bet ealy iwe will g9 to tbe pollr vis Meuia McUillivay od Carrier lha fuiwier ia iheOppoaiioo carMjalata For tbe Local LegiaUtnre ef Ootario klaaaa Svtaod Friel were nam iaaied tha latter BBliCMttiea Tbe cootaet ia likely to ba a apiriied ora The uoniuatiMi for iba aij iiing Ceaaiy of CaileM took place i CufiMia on 1 Mlay laat Tba aiteadanoe waa very Ui For tba CooiDooa Haaira Boebea- tbere ia for earcfalaeaa ia iba aelceiion I here ia oo fjacaioa that amoag the to lellint yeonaarj aad loeehaaica aa wait aa aai0g tha tnaieaaiiU and learaed pro foeioaa there wtlt ba foond a aafiaieai natubcr of conpeteat saea ia wbcaa pa iriotiaai and iaiarity iba iHwoat njiaac eao ba placed Witb tba oiodcaty hat alwnya aceapaniea tro loerii bcwaver uiew of ihie ataaip of oharaotar alumt invariably abriak Crom tba paUic giM iba pomp and tie wliKh whilo WP C ndestii o racrdigly regret I here I antlier fnct aod on of rr urh for tba UaM betag caliad Treat a Clak Aaother Aa eseeelingly iiipahy iih ihoao wh We ciey aa tbay do aigmaiiae uch aa To ne IhiI we do aay Ihal Itaformer ahould Meacfatfingly oarafnl how ihey lenjthair iiflueaco lu any ciurw uf aciioo calru- Inled aoouor or laier io give atrengih t tha CAuia of the r opponenia Oo ihia round tfe think tha ontraa parurd by Mr iovLTUi la unwKO ami mnal re- aati in Hiaaaiar tolnmaelf and lo ihoaa o Ilia Kcdorm frwiida whs aalaiu hia ac- Uott thai bu been afedtloM not wiTiatanlmg the large arvd for aui wa know rapctata rrjui- ition preaafjied to Mr UoiLTBas wr have yet to leirn that at great a diauiiie taction raiala m the Jlrjorm RaMktai the aaltciian of Ilou Mr Uc a aoma people wcud have ue belMre ane we haveno douM Ihia iriMb will be van fiad at ihe piiUa We may le mm akeii iHil if ao it will ba iha Aat iima wa have miawnderalopd iha tamper of lha Kidtng aiiica our ronnctiun witb t A raquiat lion of CAO wa adoia ia annawhat tor inidibla but whan tba fwei ia taken into accuuM thai thara are over SiUO volaain tha Uxiiiig Ita imporianoa vantahea amizily abd wa firmly belteva tt i only neveaary to let ihn great tody of lha aeclora kttoar their duty and the work wiil be accmplibad aucoaaafulJy CdltOTiai Fxcorslon ja peak ia af be rveat viaU at the Caaadiaa PraM Aa- aoctatiowt Iba fafinav Vallay Iba tafiaav Aj vVMeotaarrca Wahilly araa tb tbe Enitrfrit ibft tba vbala viait vaa Iba naaiban U Iba Trsai ef iba Vallay aad ibair frieada wbe Mwiitad ia tba aalertali paa Ue aisbt wbollj ae aad i rtda Hp aad daea L Iba vl lee baa ilwatoyMt aarv fralal g Cialiair tlH either part kaav tbe elbee I ad deiag ikia vaail aal m nduUe euaal of tbal gealleaaa beviag latirmeJ blnaetf a letlias ap iba akaleb la tba Aral iaainffa lha aeaior eievaa led tbeir oppeaaata aed al- iboagb nakiag a fooil aeof ia tba earned iaaiag Iba jeaiera overtaak Uma ia lietr aaeaad iaaiati ua Tba alUadaaev d apanatars la alia tba iort aa Tba Uloaiag ia tbe mta Sad Dudley T10 b Hatdiafc DedlaylS Darrif blUrdiai 0 b BewiUaeallie Maralaad b DaJli Ualtida b llarUiaf Leaai b llaHiag 17 bDadlay Eardiat Darrif b lUrdiai Maralaad b DaJle Uida fc Dadlar Mai b Ui Kaalibea n Brmi raa oal Paal aa eat CoUiaa b llanllni Beaiiey b bevJaa Widen S i Bea 7 Teul t b UarOIag 0 b BewiUae d b de a AlUaaea 12 b HartUageWaltU blbrdiafaWaibn b Dadlay Ob Bardiag 10 Widael iByael 6 TeUl 0 Sad Imtiagt 1 b Pearm K lntle b Paaraoa Haediee b Pearaoa 0 lag U wiekti AibiaMa b Jaanaa 9 raa eel WaJlle b PaaraM i b Paarwa Uuiatard b Paaraaa 7 b Paaiaaa 8 Leaat V liidl b A ado IS b Paanea S b Bialibaa Bevdra b Paaraaa WaibevaU b Beoitbaa a CaUiar Bea 11 1 bjaa S daeiarClab ISu TIM WrlUa Up to tha lima wa go lo peaaa a iatiaMlioa baa baaa rateivad ti ibe Wn li Naetb Yark Il vfll probably be aaeaf tba laat bal tba tiaa aajaat ba lea deUyed Be- fere tbe awaM ia evr Iba ftataraiag OOewa pra wiU be beoad everybody who tnuk prna U iufg ihe vole gin could nut help eeing iha moiton waa loV by a large aj riiy lha dciinn of the chair waa imputed aid n call lo dviJe made TUree or foar mn by In tine wsat- d to prak Dr Hunter finally got Ibe rt nr ard tbtei ved ihal wlnU be pOft rd ilie acliop of tie Ceareution be alao rvltdipoMd in lite abalract to aappoit llie enlatiia e ihougbt ibe prteeiple Iliad dVB cnrrrel A aort of general covetoo and aitemp al ipeakmg ful lowed for a meatea three or foer haofir Mr Lbaa Difije Sfc and tbe meeiing brke cotfeaien enJiag by gVipg llirea ebeera tf Ihe Rrfiina CoJidalet aod tbre for lle ij leen A it w II be two or three week before tbe etrctian aad al il will be well baee a record ef Ibe aayiaga aaddoinga CricketT0R0KT0 vt Auaoaa A autcb vaa dayad aa Tbanday aa tbe Taeealo groaad betvaea Ihaaa tva daba Aarora viaaiag by 43 raaa Tb feileviag U tba aeaea 1r aai Sadaaeay Slanlaad b Draael 19 a Hovaid b Braaat Tboajaea a Piper b tiavard t b Hevard 8 Paaraoa e Burgaaa h Hnwe iS bpraaal 14 DavU jr b Braael b Baiaaa SI UollaJay a BraatI b Baiaea S b Baiaaa S4 Realtbea b Elalaaa 3 b 37 Oreael t acl a Itaaard b Bra- e aad b Beaaal ti Way b Devard FiaM a liradaraoa b Uevard BUka not eat Cearteaay 17ib Beft ia a artlat paw Kara la eaa aT bia f piacaa a yaeaf Mber gaala adatirialy aoria rf tbe lal aevealjr boara baaceaaed apaa W Iraalx aHay daahlraHaved aa Danaga by water bera tOt kit tbaa 9100 a raally piauy piaer daae ia Ue la H J OOO bcaatifal pipe r Ila eil I veil I raekaa vbiiavaab ear feaee R aad ta Ibrov aoaM teal iate y fpM My daogbter veal aal a tha room ia very bart lArier Ukia taartiai with bae aad IW IbaatMal Maaeer ia vbkb ibe doae akad reaaeka Sba etoMd tba door aay ia ilmlia T flioww Papcaa Price I3cenl Enttiab Rliiien Iheae papeia are nlco tich aod taey Each book coniaina aboni a dZ4n eo varioea antjcia The eooela dirg pjrl ofa eaodidatea addreaa far Coo ia opprlone i S ta my pviaeiplee I arf la beria Wbi lahkt a Tary laJidau la abaet aqaaraaa par paa dialer PaUie raa a Ig i Ibia la prUrier Jrat a raaJidau iaabaet rbat fair aa aqaara Bat ef tba PaUie To bav- Wy raa a kiad e parivig All of tbaae waika my bo bad al 5lt HefldernoBa Beek itore Newnaiket d7A maeting of tho Board of Gi ar Scbeel Tnutaaa ukaa ptaee at Iba I Friday alWaooa Iba MU laat at iba boar ef lbr eeleak f nrpign k Colonial American News WAaincro Aig 16 The alarm wbiob ba j it viviled tb a City baa aoi hal la eqaal la violenee lor ii or oera year From Wrdtiealay eveain anhl thia laora lag raia faii inceaantly and at lima wiih iaol crinaa power Nw be Winjf oew ireet reilwjy Iraek bridge bave aaflercl iucalealable damage A large ou i ber of perKfina haie been reacaed fro bald ojv Ihal wetr partly abmerged Accoaati frotn llie aairoaadiag cengliy in regard U damage to Ibe peach erop aad tbe bealtpgdoea of eoraSlda OBI Mbtlr fence Irrr Bad la oei are aeiioaay daaiaed Tba atorni waa terrible all atoag ibe lailroa froa Iliebinoa t Arcia Creek Tbe tr fr- Fredeiickbir lo Acqaia Lretk cnipilrly awboiergd Oiaaa efa By tba Bev Mr Willaagbby at ika of bridaa bibar u Oakvilia oa iba iikT Dr Cbartaa Leak te Him Jarwba Nile aitb At Bradferl aa Wadetaday waraj iba la led tba aaly aeo of Mr WiOiaa BaBv 14 BMatba At Bradbrd ea Moaday Mraii lha M jBiMhi ajad 9yaan Al Bradferd ea TwwJay the IMta Loaiai Jaoe yaagaat daagbler af Mr heaa aged Id yaara 8 Matba Ia ICavie4rietaatha SI OaargaSmar Clark iaftal aoa af Mr Ifaaty 8ip Bm aged 1 ytar aad Id Oaya la Ifevnurket oa tba SOb iartaal Artbar iabataoaefMr 1 flill Ax- tdTbe Nw YoaK Augoil 10 Tho ITtraldt Chicago aiieciil aaya the annuni foi tan Pic Nic oecuriod today at ilaaa Pak 0 mile from ihe aty Al tha military orgBnizitiont wera in ottendartca and eivr liana to the nuiibar of fia thouaand were oa tba grouad tien 8paar made a briel aneecii llowi and fighta were the order of tha day RoctitarcR N V 15 Profa ror Lsngworthy while performing wi h the liD8 conutciod with ForepeughV Circua at iloneoya Falia laal evonmg waa attackoi by a lion and bady injured OwtK Aug ISOa SilBrday agbt lait our town aed negbbeufliood aai Tinted With aerera tkader atot areomnaaied by bailatoaca ofa large itc Orcal damage d oe le ib naaiieg crept Two biiain had anwjii of one bBadred aad Ibirty paoea of glia broken Tbe leetrab line aeitb aed aoulb ofbere wa nacb iijurad by falling iraea Ftroui Aag 19 A lerrifie oraado taking aa eailerty eoarae awept orer tract of eoaatrj aboat ibrea feaitkt of mile wide aad five to tbe aortk of Ibia city yealerJay aftereeoa aBrfieg baraa blowirg dews cbiaMya and bay alaeka lerelhag fenera graia aad aa iaowaae aaiaber of Iraea atfo the lelegaph wirai aad Ibe waila ef a biok ebarcb la ara tba 0ra Sand read t eBUkeblbaepeea lUvkiaa a A b Uaali- bae 9 Hevard a Helladay b a Paaiana bBeallbaalC Bellaiky bBoaltbaeS CUka 1 aal eat 0 A aeeiiag of tho Mechaniea la CoainUtlae will Uka ptaea at tbe Bailiwd i Damaga ivmeaae uikWlkldk ifllutUijcbrFid i aad abw aotbiag aiore ibaa wa kD Ibe barniag of tbe 07 LaaveoTabMaoe for eight weeka w f ouid of tbe Si Society which Shared lhi pablieali baa baai fivaa ta Bev Mr Cbaabara eaa aftba Waatejaa Miaialata of iba ffavmrfca aad An- l IOI 10 Mr McQ bl I fneadf iliia 10 aoy oae elaa Tbora ia REFORM UOKUITTEBAcarro8liack oo Ibe at Ibe meeting of ibe Ralorm Committed held in the Court Hawaa Newmarket Belt Monday al 1 oclock A fall atteodanca ia reqoeetod Tba Iriaada m co etioa with tba Matbodiat Kev Caaaaaiea Cbarab la Qaaaaiwllle pnr beldlag a TeaParty an tbe Slatiaaa at eaa edoek alter whSab ndlraaiaa vlll ba dalir arad bgr lev Dr Caar Bar W MeClara aad oib Tiakeia S5e cloM oJ tba coBBaaicatoa o Cor WrostiioAag SO Tbe AogaAaar icasllolel owned by Mr Watd aad oc cHptrd by Ml Ubodos wai detroycd by fire aboat two oclock lbi moruiag vety hlile waaaared Ilia probable leaia b 000 It la partially covared by ia araace B Bottoo baa a Dumber of liitlo joba oo bettd The ChMtoai Hili Roaarvotr to cufll 1025000 the Inaatv Aajloai at Wiothrop fOUUOOO tbe romoval ol Fort Udl from l500 000 to 000 OOO Bradford Wa regret to learn thai r ar klvUiage af Brailfcrd b aev riailad vkbl tha asloneion Broadway to Waabmg- Mr biagbaw voU kaeva te aM ear eld Court llouao The Tablet Turned- Tbe Ltaitr dalorooaly finde faeli wiih tba Oppoaiiioa Pany in geaetai and the electora ol Kiagatoo in panieolar lor biia ing eat a eandidate to appon Sir J A MACftaau la tbe fetlawtig atiain Tbeee ia evUaatly a dileeaiaatiaa ta apfwae tba taaJing Wilwia U vbe kaadi Iba daalia- iea af tbe Dewlaiaa at eoaddad te Iba mke af giiiag aaaeyaaea 01T copl of k ihi m joollo bM U A 1cDtr Wu 1 hi Ml u p 11 ud n h il b nnaoMMI I aiioa te a leading man ia tbe Rafeim aova reeaaaeaiite le He jribtldbara aad aaaan Ibat tba iia a Tenna la eeaatry aahacribert a diSiar 1 par aaaat ia advaaaa lababitaato bee aad Mr Oelliaa laaKaayr have died To CrickottM lliia moraiag at lea eele a aaeaad ftae al Criekol wUt be ptayad aa ibe XevMarkat Orwuda bMvaaa ertb Yark alevaa aad tbe ArtiRaey Clab at Taeaate Bdeabl tba aUeakaea tt apiHa- ten will ba large abeald Iba vaalWr peava voarahla Canadian Jonmal of Commeroe Tbia ia tha iHU ad a aaw Ceeeaadal vaekiy Baat B TofRNtMtXToTbe play tbia araiBHig at Iba Uaaa Bit loaraaaaeal waa opeaed by a gaoM beiweae the Ve tortaa of neraoll Caeada aad ibe Moa ilera of St Joba Micb TbeCaaadaaa played apleodidly ard woa eaiily I Iba fint prise Tbe ibird claaa prsa a apleadid iilfcr lobace barel foe Ibrew- mg a ball Iba greateat dtdaaee waa woa by Porier cf Ibe Ionia elab dialaaee 290i feel Tba belt waa afterwarda ibrwa by Hokioaa al the OelroM ctab 312 feet 3 iocbra bat Ibe tatter ehib dd ol eospate Fijr prtjiea ibta aleaoai There ara aaid lobe ao leia tbaa bonujUa haae bell eUba ia Detroit IW Mae ball epideaa ia ragMf lieleatly lbroaboat tba coaetr iaal Sarak Jaaa flopbie daagbteraf KrJ For the Electors nnBT H 9EIX116 DR4 CNH X do pae aaat rbeepw tbaa theea a aph NO liffE TArKI3 I iM beaad te five ihrgaiaa lbaaeacaMMB A lav Sbavln left Cbanp an Dirt t W TRBNl ITevaarkef Aogaat 11 1MB JOHN BOYD CO Wholesale Grocenf ABI HOW BBCRITIXO ATTOmi BTOBBd Corner of Cbnreh ft Front A Urfaaad aHI aaaetedalaakaf J GROCERIES W 1 n E S dbr Mkkk Ibay are prvvarwl to ew te Iba Tca lewart pef aad ea liberal iatwk tkab eeaalaU af TCAATeoaz riyiow IMIl TwJapa I Caha trfMal aM Baiaedaad eilimg I COFFEef9Rto Lanm Hk aadMeaba TOBACCOM10IU ef wtoaagradaa WInea Jt IMtaoraCttMfijp Maaallaw llaek Paat MaHT Btaady bbda m mtk udoiA- Oia U bbdo aad mam j Otd qr aba Ba Mab WllilgJ IaavillaB Kaeaaaa t BeblB bey Bawaya lalay J OU Teddy aad Ceaaaa Ale and Perfer Baaa aWiik- aeppa la aad piato SaiMa and Bany b Nrkla faarta M pta SPICES CHEMICAtS FBCfll SOAP AND CANDLES Bice starch OUi Padib AM varj artkle bi tbe IVada 61 63 Front Toeo Tea Tea IT Good Tea QOo Very Good Tca Me Prime Tea 70c 76e Superfine Tett Very Best Tea lit rpBB aabMeCbav bap te alata iM I aeaeaalledla tbe Preriare ad Oalailk aeaeaalled la tbe Proriare a Oaia eibav Oiaoaeiaa at Ibe Bl Qa t A liENDEftSO Bewaarka Aag St tM7 Sharon lilominatiiia I AND PEA8T l7ILLlakapeaeaaaeaali ibe IlbaM aatbaevealagaibadlhaMlbePiM tba 7tb day afSepMoibar 1M7 CillLDRRN OF PiOS fOarea iatwtSO l7 l BOW BBLOAATIA leadeeeraa la i ekty de ba 1 AMt Mr LaUe te deteaher UMaaitei Aagi idT