Newmarket Era, 18 Oct 1867, p. 1

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The Kewmarket Era I gyery Friday Morning ERASTOS JACKSON SSniifKKET BATKS OF APVKUTISINO rr H t Iljc Book and Job EtUbUshment T MHpltUi Mv UM LATEST STYLES AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER CnE ME THE LIBERTY TO KSOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUE FREELY ACCORDINO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVB ALL OTHER LIBERTY S UMK iCWl T 1i u 0L XVL NO NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 1867- TliRMS 150 IN ADVANCE- oxixjKnc Prioi ru4 PAMPJLJiTa POSTERS BlbLVESS CARna CHEQlK BOOKS ULASK SOTFS CIRCVrAKS BILL IJEAVLKGS PnorRA MMES STACE niLLS MAdiaTIUTES mASKS LEXSKS LABELS Ac To Comspondeols MT Uuw td I li to Uw rntUW b TaipAt taJ hj tk ritr ulMtir ijutttii s Jtrtioio John T Stokes tfurrscrA I liuQincoB OlrcCtor I E JACKSON camnd I Coroner County of Tork trM I NKWMAUKKT I Dirtctor M I NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL R B J07 O COAS BRELSFORD P Tnis PiratoUM liroiiKh R International QRBiRturdfrifvi8tsw hiiou u eeXK IK jssumkcf sockTY OF LONDON TchB 1 Bcket Oeoree B Hatchcrofl iitaoo I WlLUin LOriT BRR13TKKadMtrii7 Li lrinCHtnry oiiTejMrr d Ben Paron CO1MI8SlONKRi ihigoMB T4 rpHRtilMrnbr wkM ihU oppoHool- by Mr Boalibf tt Oltmm Dr Beotley niTfi Jotto J 1andy OttictMu Sireet D E S T 1 S T R y T ff c ADAMS D p C The Bar Well Supplied QFPlCiOppolU 1 NVmlrWuApril 7 ISM I Blovlns Severs 1 RRlSTiiliAtureTilUwSolkioT Orric of Ynnye and Wei i WOODCOCK anil from lt Static House I JklAlN ST NEWMARKET RtlLKfdr4U0PtpbrhaH prifp BoB pplitiofc tiU ttthc Uib Drpiiierj Stvawk Mtr9CIC3 C P REIDCO Voembr3 u t HK SginbrrwfnT ihi McNab Murray Jackcs I I I liourwfa Plj- i Curt Jlouir tt wR JOHN DAYISOX RRAVnEMENTP h J AHES HcCLUBE LICENSED AUCTIONEEn Oonnty of York I OrJfTi UJt at the Em Oe attoidftlu lietlaBd Lacdinf Sept lU IhCT Western Assuranca Co nrkrtjlolli ua 141 OFFICE TOROXTO Money to Loan j WISES liquors -J- IL- PreidentHon JMcMurrich lid E T A XJ RXrrrrLTr Cifcjwi irmrjr TT w ir n Urikr to M f D GRAHAM CoBTanccr c Qiicennvillo rolll rULrND ao prMtihfnf I I hkmrj SiO I fiCfi 1 TRADE HABX he lyS THE ytrj bMt ehtrt W Ba I Ml Jogrnal Bror DftTid L Hog6rSf M j i ca MtmEofpiUl MedidUColleVY J TietorU Medical College T7C PBTSICIAN SURtJKON he E JACKSON Arril liie Iab AIKX iOrXFR Wine i- Spirit Merchanl IBICKETT n D xxxTTCK3Hir WaClM SUfiGSOH L ACCOUCHEUR ItaUan War ehonseman ir J V 3TJlT y tFMA UK ST T RZPS cotiy nSlDENCE- PROhprrT STREET Spancer Spencer ilRlSTBRS AND ATTORNEYS iCTOL iaCkucfiy CTonTVaDCrr Wrapping Paper oHipl7rrcn NESVEUA OFFICE If- Hewmaiket Tannery TSVSS r HENRY SANDERSON I oflir viiluk nakito IltNDKRSON Nfvm arliFt Varch 9 IM Newmarket Eferj Satnrdiy K PEAE80N DENTIST bmi pUrPMf Mlendf tGUARANTKK SATISFACTION ijJrU BtMk The Qaeens Hotel am o T rxissv Manilla and Millinery PAPKB A lCEIVED ai rBirkMOclokar 3it 18CC Planeing Karhine And Door and Blind FACTORY TnS MliMrritar la ntanint UMtaka ht Um libnJ ptcnuf bworl iM coaBne taf bttainnBia Karnurttrt w to iaUHiir tlwl briag prekiwkl a nparwr Steam Enne and Planeing machine riH Ik rrrrfd io tb cmtm ooapl f miN WmJote StfutEfinil Door SkuUerg Jjetilihngt Witidou Franui 4 Oe tW aWtMt bMWu4 at Meb fcltcf aa rably Brcry JaagripUaa Carpenter Work Contracted for BaiMiaga wrad aaJ appmlva to h On Rrnvonable Terms snOPCn JU9UM SirtiU fiBVTMAiri PUatiaf iloM for tad aUwi j H JOHNSON The Grcaleit Boio for Women EVER INVENTEDI Slavey Emancipated CKAMPION rNINB WHEEL CtBklaet 9IbII Ity wItt Ptrrecllti The Cil AMPIOR ha atoiiJ lU inl lU Viori Bad LTr Whel by tba bfti StpMMr in lb Ccwotr b9 ad aobty II Poiiy Tbrd bMh ualiiy bat b Oltntttr iwbt aad tU matt yam m tb nf farMr vtwrU for raa h fti ha CUmpiM to kDoMe it li lJ t U Jread rp-l- J n ROWE BoiUKineCW PRIOB- 800 ttrj CCBly thwsfb Eic Uvk 9 ICCT VETKRINAKY SURGEON Beat Teeth Material J u a I NOKTIl AMERICAN HOTEL Erery StBrdjr from 9 odoek A- M i BULsronnii wbr b in bifcppy EVERY SATURDAY t wfciitkiamTkwiiaaygthUWr- Wij Residence Aorora OMef BrriiorJt Xortk Awurim n Btfry PriJay sCHOMBEBGc r PBVAE SENrnrTED 11 n J M W DnrabiG Cirriagc surgeon dentist Fortj TMrtAgo- VtUaa tba old boat lcUiifUH AbmUt iae I mm Tba cbeka bava lft tb itlev Tbat tpoha ito faik of bMltb ad yMlb Horn Party Ymti Afo If tbia tb boy of bjfoaa yM- Vbo tlMKb iU til yosika entm mar That abaef vhh vmltb af elda cub Soaa Port T Aga I Bow rieb ad bappy ifMtUM Of tbt fraat voridi an aad rtrili WbeeeileHmg wkh bh baaitaad bo Tba aauj ikpaa af bfa I 6oa Porty T Afo Bst ap t atap acJ iotUcBt pfttl Witb brta aaJ htada tofrtW 6of imt aid HawU atiU diaib witk M Tbmfb aad itorBy aibar 0tbf hava fiUw my d Awl rBt in paaea balaw How cbufad tja C that I kaav Ad fariy yaan bava paMaJ ay 8c tba noKnU actnad dklaa Wben OM air 6iia ii tranbliaf uat blu i twek mouih lik tbtl of B baby Do jrou cipcet friMviU Io m yoa Baiair my child 1 iMkadipodiO Ully In whool thrr 0 tkard hour for jrot aalf oil in ibAnMming NoirIa zyz a atcp pktlt vitb tbaa litlU UuRh 1 raighl to the teminftr So lb sprM inin tliundared o icady cpalMa pulaiog ill im od euDUil ror Sttddfoly ih igoal ohiaiU aoaodfd ind ih train began to aisckao ila aped Sorelf wer noi ni Bimnuih I bougkt unloft t hava fallao uoeon- iowr alMp od aliovod tba prograa I giaoeod 1 mv waieh it baraly ir pat alaaan tod I koow w war oot fl at Eimovih UDiil aftar I ubbfid tha froat from ih wiodov paaa tod looked oui Wa had btoppodat t looaljr lillle pray iiioo io tha midei of dapaa pioe woode 1 ihia EsRKuth t li was tha loTl votee of tlie prauy trev lar opfoalte No I dont know vbet place it ia AM way ataiioo Doe ibia trau atop way alAtiooa Nol ganaraily ibey moal baa baa ipeeially aignallod Mre Yos are eoid ly child yoor voice treoibtea It ia cold ab eaid in aeareely aUa to apnnj ihe moraing gdible vmoe drawing bar ahawl aroond out iniury 1 I aakad Oh t wfh ihay woold berry on- Wiiboot mub injary Per tba Mka f all wr nrU and boya Tbat dasbcrad roaad bar ebaar JbM Iba rmptara vtk er brta I Inev ly Ufied up iba dead feir thiog end arried it to tb naarcai place of refuge lely rnbiuae arDolig the fno Aad tboaf b tba petb wa raegb aod tfarp Aad 8trad witb ey aod Far all tba bappiacaa Ia aMt Id mad tbat patb afaia Aad tbofb I ace witb otbaraj pasoTMk bow And if tba yaara aid Jeji tataaS Coodaetor- for ihe man of twkela aa paeaing throwgh itiecara why did a aiop at that back wooda piece 1 Out of waier waa the reply u b itrriediy paaaed by Now koaw porfeetly well tbat ibia e 1 tavar waa sol ihe irua aolutioo of iKe hilla and Alter Our delay did not eiceed half ej ing Hnyiwit linute kllogerber 100 bert e lioM for jour regular time epieniabing the boiten and where l Aod wbm io the nasi csenunga pe artb waa ibe waur to cnoe freai in tht pera read an aceuni of ibe norder Uie atreicb of barren pine woeda 1 1 ibrtogbt of ibe alender crveiiuVa bloe ive minutea aftar the conductor ag eyee eod roaebod moih with a eirenge red the ear I otaie roooi for bin at I piyitig ihhil ai my beerl roy ede j Sit down condoctor yog have aotb ib Xadee Gold Aegiotif to do ihia mtoute la obeyed Eicepi for be ooewioo report of What did you mean by ailing ma blaal ar the more freueallrrivel aod luch a lie juat inw j dariure of ihe atagaa 10 fad froaa 8lle- Det allbinfb tl Aa4 baak mw ftk a Tba lifbt of ava penmatal yoetb May aOU alii bhgbt iU Tba tMU baraUU ia bsty nidtbaAlfie auaw ru aay ba aa fr if ao a Porty Taan Afo t jCitprataie Escaped lom Justice nighi I bilier nigbl t itry- I the I aighi REIDS MARBLE WORKS NE win arket w hi baveaank do death end ihe ery marrc coogeal ID ooee booea Tberaa one advuuge la 1 growled a fat old own ia ibe corni tud end weather dont affect it fleab end blood horee could aiaod 1 like ihie but ihe iron horte keapa ahead wbatber ibe ihermooMier ie el aero or ei boiieg water beau Juai iheo the coaductor entered Tickaia gaailemen if you pleaf Ita a dregful ajhi Conductor I aaid feMog with attuned fingere for my licket in ihe braaat pocket of my coei Dreadful air feelingly reapondad Ibe conductor Why the cant live ouiaide and eu I look ihe other way when they creep in oor fellowa 10 Itei a breath of warm air a the eioe- We have not bad aueh mght aince yeir ihe aeeoitd of February wha Tom iTlakl the baggage maater fro bo bia feet aod woiaet g op from Chicago I Dlinn four tamlait tl aeha fortbi Uvrd beg WPERlow LEATHEE And FlndlnfFi Canh a wkiwalih atyla Tba n ESPKCTPULLY BUY 0HE4P FOR CASH A- J MCCUACKEN Mk Miooffl lOh Ballifltrae ket 14h Sbaion l6b 1 Ibmli raapaei tally tlatiiat twteayare aw pra- MoinmcnU Tnib Stoiei Marble TabU Tops c On tba abat ailce Bt tat raaaenabli tnna U Nonabat rtlaaaworia a ployaV to death t Ayr frosan to daaih and ahe m ihoughi poor ihing bui thai it waa eel My beba cold e eh hot oen werm it whu we hoBe Itwae jael eucb a aighl 07 Call and Se4 Sptel V aeio marktlase99l8S I ilf rkfAprnJM4 hamrsih 8t for U Hies Villie Properl Pf Putdor idet and FOR SALE Wbae be will ba bappy le w rp 11 I Money to Lend 4 auaaed aa itnaa Mk adraa- iMto tb Panaia oMawaaily Ckar Ezptnta iHB aaWraifaaJ aScra BVHiusa J lebeaef Htl pM r-aatbyM- particaUra apply COLLINS 3 W HOWARD gaw Xareh lW- Blank Ac Books TOfiraKCClVCD aaaw PPlr 7f laMrtcd la a Superior Maaoer ictaTethuaeaplrteaaiaeOeU b 0U PoilCMBaBiar Wbka PilUef ih atirted withael paic hy tba aaa of ether spray w diaeeTery aad eaed witk tba pealed lfl7 TO J aea Alae viuiambiech horse AVt a- n- Id ianJsv WM H ANDREWS Bookkae- by SiDf le ar LoaWt Istrj CoUotor of Iabt REPCaKMCES -A- Tra aBipe5 UBatbariaad jJr- Oawtbn Col Baraafard Aei Souirr I H Mtb Oee UanbeMn Saaeet Roa baaa MeMular A Leehad OPPict At V00de0eV4 Boyal Hole Newmarket reb l7 IM I Wvrk TO CLCRCYnEW I B P PEARSON M D Physician SuTgeon Accoucheur Ac fte QCEENaVlLLE ONTARIO AaalllM7 list n CMATViiro oi I 0 iaW rlf7 aitb I r beby ia her And lha cundoctor opened ihe door and pluuged acroae the coupling iaio the XI car crying ooi Hardwifik Herdwlek llerdwick T It waa quiie a cnntiderabla city with adeome iron depoi faring gaa laiape aod the aaaat crowd around the pleiforn itb baoda in their pocketa aad ibeir ci- ir enda flaming through lha night Oar ear wae neeHy ihe teel of the loag traia and boi one poaeanger aaierad it- a aUoder yooag girl wrapped ia e m bleokat ehawl aod weariag a dear little colored ed 10 baeiteu Hka oaa uaaaed ti liag aad finally oal dow jjinpad off at ae erneaed Cnra turnpike road haaiammrad Juntped off ibe expreaa train Well aaid Ihe eonrfudor ahrugipni hia ahoaldera She mutt have beep tiiil edifMiaDily Wbal mad Colly lia five huttdred doiltre oui of my pockei aiid the deciie rurfully 1 di Jal want a row befoie we weni to lUya- waier but I waa a confmiaded fool A woniao coocemeJ will do enytbing I bliait Whlt I riaeulalad you ttirely do nA mian ihat child- 1 mean aiid Ihe dMeclive camly that ihai child aa yng call heri Anita Burton a marriad wemao of twenty aii yeara tf age who Ual night murred lour pareona ia eoid bood and waa iry- ing ti eeeope to Conaj Thate rbat 1 Tbe train waa alopped acd a pariy of ua beaded by ihe cooductor and e deiec- live went back to eeareh for eny trace of the beiBliful young crealorv wboie love- lirieea aod apparent inaocence bad ap pealed ao itrtwgty to my aympatbiee- Nor woe it long before we found her ly Ingfuiie deed bf the aide of tbe feck killed by ihe feil and muUlalpd almoai tMjond reeigaiiion Well ahee aeeeped joaiioe In ihia world If not ia the nest aaid the detec live goomily ee beateod bokiag down Do you tuppoae ahe axpaetad ia be vingo nreaeonable reemed of aueh inaane foly 0 eve laken pront maaturea t CoxxcacfAt BAK 1 ibfeilixaiinf cnAOiiltt of iba UlCaak wbch reomoeMd tba ef Ibe capital by 40 per ceai snml metiing a redoctiao Qaak ma be god for 160 oa The win ciMp lha coeoit a are khewo for thcr buviorat qialfiea he vtN bate ibe eoafideaee of Ibe pah- O 11 Eitora are people Mem lechaed Io atake Ibaa worae lor Uey are aeodiag thea to peHiameai Aaotchatge aay a Tbe Edilort aia giag te PerUa- meat Mr Cbimheriaia ol tbe MU1 GaxttU Mr 8lepbraoa ef Cb4haai Plantt Mr Bowell of Ibe Dliv4ie lnutltgeweervk rtiarntd m ih Hoo rrCaiiMnofl There i atie Mr JaM Beaiy of lb Ltadtr bul be itmortprp perly a pablubw ibao ae edije Acaoeg lb defeaicd edilort are lha ra Gtoige BroHD of Ihe GhJfC aad Mr Tboiaat While of Iba HpUtator The floB Wa Maeagall aod Ur Jaata Toaag arc exediiora N F Tbo Noh York Fair held at Newmaiiatoa Ta- day aa4 latt Tbe far behind io tbe onward aUide of pregwe Oar ehrowd ftieiida in NewmaHtet an iM lit ia drawing all griaia t iheir ailla they have ao eye to boalncs apd aem to have tbhknaok of mooopoUstK all tbe good thiaga Herald EtehBcad Bill 1 Jt 19 eftinated that et4 of tha Roaky Moaauina there era 000 In diana in boetilily to tbe wbjiee The Ug injaa ef tbe party ia Red Clood of Ihe Upper Urtilea Red Clood i ported aa having eoid We d peeee becaoae wbee we era at peaaeVa are very rieh It will uke eoaoelbia elling I under my breatb be replied Ha amiled To lell you ihe ke oneairsU poai ho hat eome down For Ihe plator tore over tha tame rouie 1 Excly ao for iha purpote of trav elling it in a certain oeie4y Donl be Jariaed for your ovo aafeiy iia a de- riive pciticaraaB I waa about to repeat tSe worda ir aa- oiahmeni wheo he moiiooed ma to he Where ia be 1 The eieetive 1 Ha aili by the door yoader witb e regged far cap pulled over rfacea vitle aod Eldorado and tbe p aoma on eiraoM bai now feaiJ tie village af it aa a It waa a year agn when ibe Gold dinxtvery had only jua begun ti be takrd ebooi end before ii began 10 etlracl aiuaiieo abroad We have noihing new or iaiareatfng or apecially encouraging to report for ihe paal week- ihere beipg a pauae ofeipac iatiCn aa to what ih aruahing naehinecy now being erected at EUorado will reveal concernltig the reel value of lha gold aod atlvar beering of ihia viciniiy Kvery- body feelt thai ibe whole affair ie about to be put to the leal ibet will probably make ImnsfiHfflt UnnArrr PsoFLt Old Vaabalora aod iqaide UsroptrLAa Psopn The fat In a erowd aad a abort man oa parade Dio M A ohii in a coaalry Iowa a midahtpiaaa oa aarter deek aad a aebool eoomittee oa an eiaaiaaboa iij Paasaccrax Paofti Woajan by boye by beir parenta oflhutarlorCaaadi lar to coma and there- taaehata and all poor people by to r 1 amiled I could hardly help It What ia the caaet A murdera man and hia wila aad 0 lillle children thair throeta cat laai nighi aad Ibe houae aet oo fira afuf- trd Graal heaveoel whet a nonaier We had continued the eonveraation hrougboui ia a whiaper ecercely above Mr breetb aad now the eonducior aroee ead left me w aludy the facee of rey fel low paaaengera wiib curioaa drea oppeciie bothy beard and a ahaggy Willi Ihe collar turned up around hi t felt convinced thai thit man with ihe heavy hanging ji wu the Caia aod aa looked furuvaly aerM 1 caught the wide opeo blue arbe of iha hir Ulila girl Obeyiag the inataniaoaoua implaa ol my heart I aroee and a aayiog wy ihe for for many a long year tb w i fore nobody carta pHeularty aboal a 7 apack of gold having been foand here or Tnm PaopLi A I9T PP I tba qaeetioa a nan who d not Hka be aboi at and a ateanbeat eoespaay vfth I ehotera eaae 00 beard I who adrar- ipraaent Bui ooiwithataodlagj tiaea la yoar paper ihe man who aever ihal Uadoe ezeepi for e few addiiinital refooea to lend yoa taoney aad tbe fblltfv buildtuga praaeata mach aftba ordlaary I who ia eoartinf yoar ttcr boaiueaa eepeet it formerly aaed to do e HUVBLC PioPta Tba hoabaad wfco graai criaia io ita hiatory iba quetuonjp jj ebaroieg tbe wife wto whether il h lo remaiir j 1 arable eounlry village buaiaaea centre of a ppalooe nioing iravel- tha door Pardao Bf jouag lady aaid I eui ynu btd battel Tea a madar ib bow horrible I be fnghleaed09 ooa aball hurl yowl She afaiied op to my face wkh awaet nfiJiig Innocenca 0ir atay in Exmouib wee tary brief j t during lha delay 1 could aee that tbe atchfal deiactira had cbaoged hia tau ir one nwrar tha broiieh nun m the taggycoet See faliared ie young girl they locked ib car dra at Bx- nomb i they ar ualockiog Ibem now She wee vlgbu Probly they were feerful ihet tbi eritiinal would eaeepe remiked li I iroahle yea lo btda fair to ba reeebed wolvemonih from iha time ibe alter contiogency appeared lo ba emoog he hinge poeeible On the 8ih of 6epi 1603 il woe 6rl of all anoooocad io the Urraay ibal gold bad actually beaa die Tered in a amall quaotily io thit towo ihlp Tbat annouocemeot aliraciad 00 itieoHoa at tba ttma 811 weeka efter- aaida wa maaiioned io a brief paragraph hai more gold had bean eihbited 10 M by Mr Lyn Moon and ibat it waa decidedly rxh We took core thai lime to call lha etteotioo ef the preea of Tor oaia end Uoatreal 10 lha fact which wea ibeo made kaowo at ooee fram of Canada lo the olbar The reeall waa eoon viaibie in the auddeo oulhreek of tbe gold fever The Ricbardaoo Hi became a hooeebold word aod epeculo- tried lo eeacre II and there waa a general ruth to buy up mining righta aod obtoio niinorel lerriiory io all diretiooe In leea than a yeara lime Madoe baa of tbe varioue phaaea of a exeitamenl fvipM at otM peri od iheo eomplaiala ihi humbug and a awiodla iwe iocooa I j hoabaad a boots and Iba auo become he thiaka job do him ntteb boaor InDparaioca Psoptt Tbe yoaog lady who reada roiaanoef ia bed tie naerar the wtave atariad heaiaied id laauai aad tbeo obeyed Doea tbia Irala go lo Bayawaier P aha aked lo ioa eo delei9oaly eoTi etxi ewaat ibu it a Ie ill throvgh w made my way lowardt the ice eooler by the door but with difteuliy for the ifoio waa agaio under my dweppoinlmi goblet waa ebaioad OareyMM CoCbartee Coataa jai nMrvAaea Oavltea David i Dartdwe Eebart Krrvtt a II Oambte Jaam Orabam Uaeild H UoOaa HieaMory lend Semol LtSPl orray WllUam arioboeaa Oeerea M Utaea Obedtab Win iha ehelf No laiier eeid eba viib I will coma myoalf I dVaw the water ead bald lb Mp Yea I caa I ba af aay acrrle to yea T f 09 el laaat pot ooiit we reMh Bayawatar I wogWIikeeearriegatbea Wa ehali oo ba tbara jM tbei ibraa boara Do we atop again r Onlf 8he dew a deep aigb eeeogly of rebef end eaiiled beck a a eoraar ibwDCtal tba laap ihet baag r bra fixture oppoaiia I aoaW eaa herl gpiy aad daaartad eave by a bell feaa ibai of a loTaly cbiM Appereatly loakiag brakaaaaa bo looked bat iaaiaad of lakiag H eb pproaebed aha braabed eodWy peet iaaopeoad lb door aad taabed oat upon tbe plelform Siopbert Siapbert bea doieatee afriagmg lo hie feat ebe will be killad eoadactar brekaeoMa hold Pi Tbaraa all Wa bara had Mr Mwhara report ibe erecUoa of tbe Qlinte Gold Mining Divieion eid ibe eppolotoMnt of a Gold loapecior whb a Uouttled Pohca 10 eaCorea tha Uialng Law We have bad a raid oe tbe Bicb erdaon Mineaod burglariea io the vill We have aeen new Mildinga erected aod the errivel of new lewyeri land afeaie and epeeelaiora end the eaiabliahaeet of aeey eficee ead the foraiaiiou ef aame ova milling compaiwee We have b great expectauooe anfulfilled ef Urge parmeiMOi eddiliea to the pepole- tioa bfloade feichiag high pricae whlab except ia a few iaolaled ceeee oot bM realised 8oae of the albIetore already depertiag ead dvuUe ead feert altaroate with bopee for the falare Wa are only juat reaabing tbe pt in Jiteb eoough eapiul ie iaveated lo eettle beyoad diaate wbethar ibere ie geld loagb io the rock to pay for aruabiag it end lhal M mnra ibea wae looked for a friead wbo ia alwan apgagcd if yoa m aad tbe correndaot wbo eaanol find tidie to aaewer yoor letter AMBiTtova PtopLt Tbe irbe peya tbe mogaxiaee for iaaertiitg bia ea tDuaieatioea tbe politiciaB who mite to party becaoae be eooaot iato omoeaf d tbe bey wbo expeeta to m PreeideoL Q PcoPiiThe yo iady who lata ber mother do tbe ireatof fear of apoiliog ber baade tbe mtM weara thiaoolad aboea oa a rainy day aad tbe yoeg geatlanaa who is aaLi a be eeea walkieg with bis father DraTcra ti- Peps- JDiaeer wat epreed ie Ibe eebia ef tbe pterleea aleaaer the New World aed a apleadd etspaey were aaeeaibled aboat Iba labia Aeittbepetaeeeralbeaprpar ed for gaatroBoaie daty vaa a Ntlia cree e of tbe genae fop decked daietily at arly batlariy wb kidi el irreprb able wbiteoeae raeeloat d pidrlike qeixiieg glaaa oa kh aaee I1ie delicate ewmal tara bia bead aMe I iiae Bd BMT tbao aixtcee vu etriekeo year egeMudoe jerrcatry ty- Tbe Arebdacbew Sopbia baa de clared ber iatealiea ta wear aiearang fee tbe Emfaror Maiiaihaa u leag brcs Waiub I Sahr i pwopeVab of a weBala Yesaabr Aod waitah all ibe eeward to ab y with a wegatabW eatM aaiea wbich will give a debcioaa Oavaw te mj Mab WbVe the irfted eiqalaiie wae givwf bia order a jolly Wealaia drefar bad bateaed witb opea eineih aad pretradiag ayes Wbea tbe creeture be braagbi bie fiat dove ee tbe bubte with a leree that made erery dub aaee aad tbea ibaadered eel Hare yea gel daraed aee ef apadea Yiaaab Biieg w a iWaaderieg big pUte el tkaaks gtaardsl aaeldiak poljlMhabMaeblaa ket eadef my ehie aad rab 8M bfiekbeit abile I Ued Tbe poor doady abeed itraigM t treaeadeas r Itb aad be wbele table

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