Newmarket Era , November 22, 1867, p. 4

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u I r THE NEwifABKfit ERA NOVR 22 18fi7 iw Isii 5T0Rfll5iliri5 Grand Opening I mmw iflKiisisi Main Street Newmarket Will shew oil TiiMlay Hie 8lh iuKtant the contents of Twenty Five CjKctj Stupio and Fuocy Dry I I And Mafitle Goods tulVALL or tiie L S THOS TEOHPSOIf Holland Landing MILLINERY Opixjeito PlaytTs OIJ Stand NewStoreim H pnr i iC M Thursday October 34th Insti or Kmb WLVES LigiOR- i CROCKEnV 8TUNBWARE 1 OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES Ai b ikU 1 ly i A Cash Business HM cnMoBMn Ziowest Possible Price I tr All KimU or MrtlsDUbl Produc Tttn lUeha fr Go Cish for Fani in Seasoi or Bmb KftriiM OeaVvsi TUOS THOMPSON Steam Engine la Sale 1 A horse POWKIUrikbU is lU cooj TlU iiibtenfci A GREAT crRE OF LnERCOM- plaint am orsrkrsia ixca Mi DrtpafMia I ii kiOM io lh riffk tM I OlMt ShMtfp RcnWj pokae r4 w hifUj I liWd itk af PilK ri ikM I laov Mf I fMarf bai chaft tat 1 Mk mitfcci nd ihM OBUl 1 ttkrti tSeut UB Wii lb PtUtB4 I fill tVt I rcir4 I Wnr vithoai pa I ani vn m4 hat pMurp la utoMlMC lo rtv imaked i m- 1 u kwkiaf iBMb WftT I lkl ki tba Uri ant K I hew r en r dMl tka lamciy ia cmM anl i it haa tnvwMbty fim uMiUto mA 1 j MM MMAf I7 raeamtMnd b lo aflnetc M nd Felt Hat J Uat TaaiiioM C k hrga aaaonvii of GhWTir lANJfBL sarRTS tenu rh cWtaeU aa ahapMl la tb aiM aljlM j ir we deora Saoth MIN STlfcuT NKWMAKKET vwmarWifet 1 LIILLINERY I MISS GARBUTT Shop Rooms RlRsVof MAY BaiBC rrpkn hat Siaek it winba faunl tyUUanhlb Newest Styles Of thf 8 MKaftliaK of Mnntle Clutlis Mantle ami DrcHS Trimming Rib bons Flowers Feathen Hftts nnd Bonnets in Great Variety and the IjAtest Fashions CLEANEDrALTERED isiylaa a ealH mij aMbiaJ bafcira nircliMiii lawlMfe TVont Vorgtt tb PUet Two Doors North of Pot OA M Srtrr NcwMAigrr 6 Apprentices Wanted MISSGARUITT Ayril IP HT lf FIRE INSURANCE CO Ofi St Paot Stmt St CaiiMnan Batab- Ihkad CtMTWr 19M Tajlar Bai St CatWiM roysfriNG of Cottons Drp Goods Shflvla lrint Silk MnUM Flannolit Frrnch Merinofl Bibbona Tickinis Cobourg Linin Winccvn Hwery Towclingfl Alpttcofl CoraeU 4c e to call peil r Siek or CANADIAN TWEEDS SCOTCH TffKEIlS WEHTofKSdLID CLOTHS ind VESriSCS GREY COTTONS II OOL FLJIDS AND LADIES 4C 4c- Slc- ife DRESS GOODS TUaphilaa Uvk M D Si CathriaM da B Maw f St CalUriaat riuX fe UeLaM Saq CliaUa TsMlii FMld Baq CaaU i S Caihuiata ThH Bwsa B NHbMiaA Umiu X AfMldl Baqt CaaUw Ximm DUUiei Caihuiata 8iUanAiUtTvrJaor Wl- UnJ Coaaty tb c sAoiMd r m p b n Hafy MojU B BrMk a KiB U D Pert B ak Cask Sat Uatat Waixlta of l We also offer a choice lot of Frcfh Good and Cheap GKOCERIBS With k Ltrgi 8tok of Boot anl UNUPACTUBED TO ORDER WE HAE A OCXD El or TEAS m BOUOUT IN THE Best Markets A Call is most respectfully eolidted aod JUDGE FOR jrOHRSELVES I W nWY F0a CASH I AND WILL J9 REMEMBER THE British Warehouse tiuiiUiayef jWoic Ir7 CeeetToPrfsce ldrd Stakwr if 1K7 REMOVAL PrirataBira COMW ut Oootla froM Iom Frt ar arrfally aroMiaf all kaaanlow pniarty eairM7 bare al raUUialaii a aab tarifl 1 aa tkt iboat Mt a favo Ijaa iaeitl R iaaarad oa aay af lb abo larylaa elpropOTtj aliaapar tbaa t ay atbaf GOOD TER TO CASH B0TERS SCoTTb RRICE WHL AECH B oaa rkM nolr3t4 1M7 I GROVEK BAKER Large Machine Mimilietirigg Pirposes Tee aaWmbff bariof rMiK U dM artk aftbatraUiibaii uJ kafiag ENUKGH ft RCFtTTED THE PREMISES Bm kla to U atak a Family sDd Uaanfaetoring Sewing Hachines TWT bafte aal rpadal aurwtioaw tkaU laprar FOB 45 Stitch Alike on Both Sides PiralM vHb Cerr ad Irar v t 6w lee Ikkisawe ef Cewbida le Beet Every Family Should Hare One TbaaaW Mviag Mah IaaUa tiwa U Ua k f IbeHeeeMdMdeSaetiMS rMtn is plain and Paacr Slllcbinc m tha ahnrtu JeaAaJ mm iiiiim utmi THK PRIZE DIPLOMA Awdad t hem A 6Ur MaekiMa at Um IHUia BiUbitten may ba Mas b caDIai at tlM tfcw Vra fblnaa May aWbaauaiMd na Bgfiba Aavt appoUlai tba fanowla LoeaJ Afuta fa tba aaU of tba tbara Meebii he win kap tie ewtwtly e bud GEO LANE Bftrri W MGIFFIN OilSprinn W BauWNINO MtbktB WM BOND TrarallMs Agt r Mi aw aU Wanatad w aaU JoERS h W EB3TER XmMrkati Jidt 9 1M4 tf- 3dclaaa Wood 900 tor iaawMaof fl 000 Ar oM yaaf lobt COinrOB AcMt The Lirerpool k Uidoi k Gltbe IirsURAHCE COKFAITT Inveted Funds Invested in Canada 250000 LIFE DEPARTMENT WATCHES CLOCKS Aa gXTHA CUryr W MIUTAJtr rt Bni Kf rrrrpai Sntmrt POLICY for lH0 by lha Carpati jyow- Talvtti B nmTlji Oil IB WUAfcrMBtyai ailUelfcweM I 1la FsMttr lapcxia WHiWiiHf bM of Mn M Ow flMiaf HatUa I ooda MI 1 wMfr lUw piramai claim aMbO II M0 9470 a ira rturilidlM lhrMtiartlw doabledaadtba aoaUiafttrPreoT iaili OF CSMITn umatAL sauitel drirle Jffmltt Stwmrt0 Brdr aer5 liM IfU Agents Wanted JUST RECEITED a LARGE and V stock of CLOCKS Jewelery Fancy Goods Imported dircct from Europe which will be sold at the Lowest liiving Profit I To lit mj oM euioMrt tod dl tba now eoM I c got iaio mj Moro Call and Inspect Before yon But Elsewhere W DIETEBLE Repair your Watcbea Jewelery Olooka Iio A L I W 0 E K G n A BT N T E E D S W DIliTERLK NEWMABKEr SETT 5ik 1867 IMO Vimm 10 TO 15 FEB DAY AOTIVK AMa wBMed Viatorta Sawioj uebiaUMtteak ib SnlM lb laio fSovinckl fair Tb craatoatla Waliaa ea a m prioob ud viTMld lot tkryttn TiMjr vilWiar tMk b e fMolM ofllS la I r fitMiwed lencr We viltglfatbeaWva oowMiidM or viU i paTaHbmlaabU7adeiMa I f or ytftioalara ad lerma addraaa GATES a CO I SlanaetrM iALESBOOlC Ho 14 Kiorfii Stft Ofu MnjiTNERY li mti iiKiiii ES TJIB LiSHMEAT MISSPOOLE Begs thak DRESS MAKING Asd if ooir prqttnd to xtaU all orirf bcHaf iigigod tW nrfiow of ft pimt C auy jtm txporioMo ia mm of Ibt boM boQM ia Now York N BFancy Wools Braid Buttons Trimmings hA STAMPING TO ORDER exnt aaaum oo wtTMe ICQ Cords Wood Wuied im attkufo for tba tbttra Ladies and Childrens Under Clothing ALWAYS ON HAND E A Few Apprentioefl Wanted the DjcwJakiog JVLT Slk IMT HM tlRsr pmxt DR IM J PECK fnuioN uiiNnr NFU MAJKKT iliendorrh wonih Mil Mrra TEETH IHSERTED aad warrani PW ga Caaadaor ibr U Teeth Filled so as to PrcKerc them fur Life WMaat Ma takes ia Esiraciag Teath PraveotPsU Teatb Csirael Piee fortboec aatble to pay 7XUWXBCOMXUaJLa AararaMay l lf TbialatACrtlrythat I had tvoaeUortenli iaaerted br ooa of Ika lrdttBf Oeitlata efTo rKSrisPrfAj 5 wad n aet of tMtb Ibai Mi afloo April IGS I am hMpjr to aUta tbai after fiavinR tbi MUoftaribmadobirMbfr dailalaatdM bylir NJ Pel ofiMth ma lat I n I viibaatisetiot ia all parpoaaormatkailai J UBmtn BMAarrovi Uay lat IlK 1 applied to two dMtlaia asd bad aaa ef teetb M4ie bl oeld o onaa tbat wetaMao- be mvlafar ma ad tab plMar ia masf kia ta tbeyaUic RESIDENCE AURORA OriUr Prampllf A A G SirrHERLAHD izsa t M tU EacW Ht IM ta iMWediMdsyin aaabi ISth 14tb JU OUrrA HiU 17tb Albwt tOU Ifaay of tba above Attaa bld Ul aa Smday tba day fellewiaf will be tba day of appeiaimm if M etberappalaUMBt la a tM mm dM Tatth Iflsartad in tbs Latast Styltt Tib aitncted witb tbe laaat poanbla Teetbtnipl ee ae la pmamtbaaa faelifc itieateaMMtie la tbe rvfalatM of C dmia TatU Xasa bat WBi natarUl Zo A Time Gi9 if fUiurtd waited aa at tbair ewa BaanlaMt wWa reqai-l- AU Latter aaat te my adiraaa wOl waiTt yiwt April IMO DR P B PlECK SXm001T DEHTIST RESPECTULLT aaMaeMthat b taa ia tba fallovia pUcaa at tbe Bradardtb do Bead Head Stb SebofabarfSib N Aomratbo iMt day of aaoli MOtb naa bo wlltbappy to waltopoa iiooara reqmrlaf bU eorvioaa in aay of tba Brtaeiira f kis PrafMikn- aoj oforatioa prorUoaly war- Totthlnaartad ok Gold P or Toloa Bis ambb TasUi Extracted a4MMt Palm Bytbaafcof BTHBa SPaA7l lalaUea ef OhiUrtns Tatt EMORY YORK HABBUTWORKS THK sabaortbar W aoaood a lUtW SbefoB Walar Street Efawmarket two daon BMt of MMara MeMaater a Laofcanii laraiiiMvprofMrod toocoaaia aliorderafer MONUMJeNTS Tombtonea FencePoets Mar ble Table Tope Ac Reduction in Prices PiOmFilG SfSfilO MAIN STKEET NKWJIAEKET W LJONES IN reiornioj thanka for p5i fafont repociltilU ioerms fbe mlubilaou of New- Atket smI ib paUle ai Un ibM be kM MJe Large Addilioaa lobh GstablUhmcnt ia IaslrniienliScratri c AodbeioK doiermined tokoep pae the art biienilomcra viU dow flod bia Stadio replt with all tba apparatita aeoeaaoriea Ac oeoaaatty tor tbe prodoottoo of First Class Artistic Pictures Either Large Sized Pictures Carte do Visite Ambrotype or Gem Pictures Also the LATEST TOYEtTTI 0- THE PORCELAIN FICTUBEea Ba iaU alao Alt attMtlaa tral tbat fcr bla aaaaMi la tbe above aft be wa aaiM tba PIK3T PRIZB AT TIIE LAIB PALL SHOW IN NEWMARKKT Aad MW baHac irary acillty tor esanitiac nrdra la ail tba abova braacha W la frtpared to iwaatea tiafiiiilaa ta all wba aiay fcrar bim with a all 03 Specimens of the above now on view at his Studio 4C12 CARTE de VISITES FOR l50 0tfl W L JONES i N 26th 1867 tr22 A R VATSO FROM LONDON ENGLAND WATCHMAKER MainSt Newmarket U First Door North of the North American Hotel of Savouirkat aad torrottcdittg orkahAp hr ibo iboreufh rrpaif af Watohea Olocka Jewslery Silvsrware Aa luiad tle T Uari And iroata by kerairf oa baad tle beat matariaU eoiaUae with icwh orkmaMbtpta merit a ahan of pobBa patreoaipe Uaria hal spwaida of tbiriMa yeara eiparieMe m Loade aad aOiar Urea towaa ia iiof bad It rrad to aalielaeiioa to all who say Chronometer Duplex Repeating English American and Swias Lever Horizontal and Plain Watches ifbhf repaired aader peraooal upffiao SiJrarwafa made ta order or repalraJ bya m Mllvnamlih Ekctrieal Matboaiatiaal ilfaaaiaal aad otker SciaoAe laatruswaUearafuDy put ia order Best coMprriTioN Ni Kewmarket A REMalI Ka haa R E M O V 1 aia alJwdawfcT Oa tba aboftaot aad IMy Oomiilir ONE TRIAL WILL 8DV K PW ItawmarkeiHoerll To Wheeiwrij Letalanaaodaemtradtw 1 Sb whh DelllMBMTZ2 SuUaa Wall CiatM- N prtauaaaaraaiiaatadla BOaABT TOWS Apply u A 9sartTewa April 10 1M7 N EV BABSWARB THC underdraod raapartMlyaMv lb oitliMaa ef Kewnaffe Miaafe feneralty tbat ia aanaettlaa wiAdu Stove Tin Ware flk MAIN SIRBET NEWMAFSKE Oaa Daor MrSaarlil Iher bare reeewly epaaad aaW HARDWARE SWtt Aad will keep eeoataatly ea baalat ainckefbeirOooda eee HOUSE PURNISillNOl TABLBTLWV Arrtelaa f POCKET OOrLBW PLATED 8PI Paints Oils Benxolfl Putty Ac AWo a 0d aaaoitBaat af SpaMtiUt Boea ed atbar American I Other Clocks Cheap parng impioaiiji r 1 PareeeebeiUief willBdiHeibabee To arrfre hnly beiag w odered la a eelMiiaa of le eaO the aoWriben ibtk FIRSTCLASS ENGLISH LEVEK AND OTHER WATCHES f fa AfiaK Whiek hiiinftMldkN from th will STOVES AND TIHWi UNPRECEDEIVTEDLY LOW PRICES I laifidm parebaaam wilt do well to aee thie atoek Were boyiag alaewbare y B Pepairi to WatdtiM and Cloth WarratUod fxrr T Umiki lewmrkei May IMT 1 8f ll E mikU STKES ELVIDQE manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES Mill i Gearing THKBebseribanbBiiaitefvdieUpartenbipfcrlbe pwrpaaa ef avtylaK aa tbe abm bw I aM ia aD ita rarioM bMLcbaa b rwpMtTally ta taUmata to tbe pabUa tbat iby a prep to exaM all erdara ilb wbteb tbey aay ba tatnated la a aaat eaMaatlal aad verl pBACTICAL MILLWRIGHT rAKncvvaa ATnimox will t riio to TkT aipaaTaKHT op m Miatwta a good sblrjt10n of IIPROVED STOTBS OF ALL THE LITEST OESUSNS OSS T otcrze- t IVGWHAKKCT Agrial Worl Allan k Hendty FATBNT PLt SCUFfLEU Aad n ktadaof Cior RKPAIRING DOS With Neatneai J Aad attbtadial FORGEIN Ewcniod fx BK9 M M MAO OaTdUrt awiM aad ania aawylalbalKiP k a HbegUaabrah a law aM liaal fuwn b bateaaadtk Ptowa and eoaW bar aiM Mm tkiakW tW rapvtotioalW a aaSkioat aaaM daemad it mmtimmrj tr We Ii Nt I u f anpat way raly ea hatiaf B a mora aabataattol aniaW lar l oaa taratab Cast Bam Plova O Beat Fonndriea in the Province witn fto Tbay bare ao laraa a alack ef Blea far lataaHlaf jianbaaan to aart fiOw aa caa ba feud la aay eb tbe PrwiM aad wbka will be aeld Ik Caab er apprtved artra BEIOW TORONTO RRICES rSHOP near the northern rr- station 0 Salt RoomMtu Strttt Kmarht Call and Examine Before Purchasing Elsewheer SYKES ELVIDGE iwmarket October 25 1866 tl 37 Oaltaadai Cfra ordortac aWwbare H O suhueks Vawwarba Fob d IT IS A FACT Htk J J HODOS cooking parlor SfftlFIS Lower t Toronto Prices Na M jaar im U bay yor STOVRS aad 8TOVBPIPE8 t ataa Copper Tin Sheet Iron Japan Ware At prkta tUt will ASTONISH TOD A call will aaiiaOr foa that ikm datarmiaaduasllat RRXOSai VSAT S3a EAYE CNUfJVE Pam Pradaoa Sbaapakioa Aaga Ao too io ezobanga for Goo D Feaorr mt P Tba Pirat Brick Store North of tbe P 0 h I ilOOGe NawiDttkat Oofcobat 13Ui Juae IW For 14 C Aad weald a aa laapaalU aieawbara antcbuee taUiabaaMt vill be dalla FHBE OF VHAItOi TESTliNU tbat wa bave aeod Tbamaa Heaf fnia Beam Pataat Plowaad bi Baaiamla C UoydPbllipSakel Peter a laM Jaba Ueom WlWam 8pr ol Ahbiaa ali StewwV Ma I Tboam Uayd FeaMlr7 ou llfl ALLAN k SK rowMrkHlt IS IMT A Qood Del AT BRELSTOB every SATlDAVt A n 1M7 Tealea Good Tea 50c Good Tea 6 1 Prime Tea 70c TWj Superfine Te Vtty Beat Tsa T A IIBNDE VevMiM AM WILUAM Farrier May bo powahad oa all Dw HO RSj A T bia t MaiaStiaat evwarfcft Jaly lOlb IMF

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