The Newmarket Era Morning JACKSON AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME Tnr TO KNOT TO I ABB TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTIIER LIRERTT VOL NO- ONT FRIDAY MARCH 1869- TERMS IN ADVANCE Book and Job Establishment AT EST STY S POSTERS CARDS BOOKS in iva sons CIRCULARS iirjnixcs STAGS v r asks A Ill Direct JOHN COIN CM Or H PEAKONM Notice It ONTARIO David Rogers MD ijt A 3rd SalurJa of Eat MT Victoria Medical College 11 I 1 I PHYSICIAN At ADAMS nut Wo Praise the Lord lay dead asleep in her A REAL HAIR ARC Coablssd in hair I S SCOTT M D ifirdnr The Ana a I Citbat individual who bruSght nor waited to but starting up in- away at a rapid Tb in wt- till sitting where il who brought iiitTmiitiii scon her A ingle glance tin Whose child is it 1 dont know Where did she get She It unlit l Do you oclock Knot entered Bawling Mr by Admiral Itajcv il- Grant staff and lh I Committee took the next carriage The troops drawn Op in Hi the multitude mixed of artillery at tin raioeearfoji Bight dinion of in foe loo Albany Dnnreai Cum Buffalo Madid god ami manned ship ami a ji I i ml civil military were pariici- The arrangements are mirable mid everything orderly The firemen with their I hoar in given eeeaiov the central portico of the pay Ing wry dollar then i than we now pay for luxuries Why it looks as though had beatowed strong box tin- ijr- in locked up mi the rterfle of the for which WO an- DOW forging the Kevto unlock to meet the contingencies Ultimate v it may the I- ami it may le that the tcmraUov- it- aid to secure hut that only Be when a dollar of obligation ftoi dollar 11 nut the man careful able in nation follow the im A of SI I it J WELLS wen to Into Caaati P HOTEL Money to Loan 1 ITS A SUTHERLAND rct Mid Mr irom the hod fidlan 1 would oordfa A llttleemrmina And lamlanam rebuilt nil I The yOttDg DU n of the country hott who iron their twenty live y ar- nee a Bar intereel in the national A momenta M to what will be our command- log of the Mr the j lIwv chamber by and true to ihemMdrchuuld inspire them and with national pride All divion tod relhrfcwa join in lb the pi ota to the uidin I important a that a plan honld be The the Iniiel A united lidanceaiwlbeinaognratdelerminatirti do i be method of doing Legislation noon may not now or kit it will when Irani and hi a sent in front of the dek of clerk of the public debt be paid reap mad not Tlieoulh then by Mr Wade I may mediately declared the tmb adjourned then called the Senate in McNab Murrny BarristrrsV and rrwlo i hail will le MD at rigidly -take- I police Beery wo- a btUM il i ht to tv announced that tire worn in fit a look ti A It- Ill 1 the had accounted for and fmni the Senate Chamber w mm to office only a dn wll i would Here wat gathered together mtioi law wit- require- indiidtia to deal with each other and I would protect the a rigtd ill nothing hot pretentions of thw Other thing- to what the multitude that a and pro- whether of or foreign iv from manuenpt his birth right wopard- 1 tu reelect rights of 1 mi A i Your having om the to the office of r osir own It depart form I Ihe magistrate State- I have in conformity with the this rale In their dealing w ie heavy flee p or i mittitaUoo of ur oiintry taken the may be I to Teeth Inseicd In the Style Pi P B PECK SURGEON DENTIST of Profrsioi Davison i- MAIN ST OF GUESTS JOHN DAVISON JAMES LICENSED AUCTIONEER County of York I Dental Notice it nirii D GRAHAM ConVevanoT c IlilllK IEIOSITORV B Hotel to have gnined seHpowei goxl deal o ha I Mr And took the child with I Did sho feed it nurso it her- Sirs Or dont know out hesitation I applied with milk every Is that your child re May no doubt for the child lea for yesterday- How old i beau- of therein I CM forehead have taken oath without mental The treatment of original n and lhekertniiiatioT of this land the Indian is one deserving of wo articles were to I of it requires of me he will any toward which finest material and tie- of the I fuel but accept lend- lo it on when your aunt them without fear The office ha- ization and ultimate a broogfat It home the come to mo I commence The question of suffrage is one that renting under the suspicion of child rate pointing to one of these articles its I to which is likely to agitate the public ild she being laid before on of tfae replied the jit a desire and to lung a portion of the of an order was made Woman said the magistrate nation to fill it to the of my the nation are excluded from its priri- tell me whom docs this ability lo the satisfaction Of the legesinany tbeSutcs ItsccmstO child ending question- 1- DM verv desirable that question m a lata ft- I be one will light the of all Information against the woman the child her h alarmed tin q you thai Vuth mill SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON iNmi la IS Yes sir Then I after her in the train sail Mr Milfoni turning away and leaving the house I Ho walked unsteadily like a man hall intoxicated Ho bud Doped to And the woman at the hotel and end iSiiii in regard to bis child as tm idic was concerned Hut she had flown and was a day in advance of him on her way westward and might elude all his efforts to find her With the next train of cars Mr alter writing back his Honda in New York started for ired of Satorday from 9 oclock A ERS FOR SALE A and bold asked the i by mi frightened stammered out some reply There been enough said the magistrate let be no now answer my ll J to yon belong to this city Second ATOMS You are own child and I has been on the subject I think I ougl than any one else boldly I must bare or said the Certainly 1 did not spenk To whom does this child belong do not know Where did you get it From a woman in Sullivan street It was not her child No What Is her name In what part of Sullivan street of the fact an you Why do you not answer want the of the house in which woman from whom yon obtained this In I dont know number ill I log the public mind I always should I my views to Congress and the hope and express desire that urge in according to judge it may bo by the ratification of the moat and when I think it fifteenth artu amendment to I willcserci4iny In innluion I ask lege of i jKMaing a veto to defeat jatient forbearance one towards Hut ail throughout the land and laws will bo faithfully executed determined effort on the part of every whether meet my approval or citizen to do his share towards cement- not I shall on ail subjects have a ing a happy Union and I ask the policy to recommend none to en force of the nation to Almighty against will of the people Laws Got in behalf of his to all alike of the inaugural address to as Well as those who favour them 1 minute- its know no method to secure the qiuutly applauded of bail or obnoxious laws so effective by Senators of the The and others fortunate enough to Una having emerged from a places the platform or close great rebellion many questions will enough to hoar the voice of the falo Ou the way ho conductors agents an likely to have noticed the woman if did not speak so confidently had been seen but nooneremem- first having her In Very well mo ha where he remained for two days of some he could get no intelligence whatever to give testimony in proof of of the individual he and at what you assert with a sick bonrtiM turned his After some hesitation and not ftM homeward lingering a day at a threat of cm ad m in rations never had lo late by his friend and soon after- deal with Jn meeting these ft is words ft in his carriage for White desirable tbot t hey Id I approach- House calmly without prejudice bate that A Savannah paper the greatest to the greatest num- of water fouutairl there is the object be attained This as a harbinger of I reouirAs security w in for rcli lineal oputi- lfc ft witlMu iuding ft has two mainsprings thelir Buffalo and Albany but finding a trace of the After an absence of three weeks Mr to York looking so worn and jale that woo the name of a person for whom a summons was made out and given to an officer That official did not have logo to Second Avenue witness lived close was soon produced of She proved to be a git not Gold nixed Tselh Extracted flTHBa SPRAT of Children Toots 40000 TO AT est M loos tcesri CAMPBELL A is w concern at the sad change in his ar teen who looked palo frightened International He found hi an lit when she was in The wo- UH SOCIETY OF LONDON llJSrSlofifr man threw upon be an earnest wd at partially meaning look Us she entered recovered from her attack or illness What your name asked the but with a mind weak and wander magistrate Sho comprehended lo tome ex- Jane Grant replied girl in tent the reason of his absence and a low unsteady voice when the fruitless result was given The book ws handed Marria Li HILL If TUFT Usury hi is of her freely but the grief did Sat her and a penetrate Jane said the magistrate I DOW want you to understand that on whatever testimony yon give here now a double of Mr a weight must bo the truth and that at times be could hardly bear You have taken an oath CHAPTER J GEORGE WALLACE m n evidence and your BARBER HAIRDRESSER at he had been able to determine in jj looked at the Maim Street direction next to go in search of j arreted and said 19 list his child a gentlemen cam into bis kn this worn tobxal h JJ up a rs On his ho aid I Ida I securing to ua and our he Take that woman in the cab and J lLl IcJ her show you the person w a apeON basis as soon as it can Is without detn to the debtor class or to the reentry at large mast be provided for To protect national honour every whom this The officer took woman by the led her out to the cab and la ing her in after her The was ordered to take them to dollar of Government should Is paid in gold unless other wise in the it be understood that 1 as- was daughter farthing of likerokcY Bu from the on the banks I J tiling to do quit tho when Marshall precipitately the room exclaiming Mire give me two hours and I will quell the sign an order to attack go for toward strength which ought to be the irld and wilt lo replace will bag thin we now To this should le Ail led a failhfuh collection of the revenues a strict accountability to the Treasurer for every dollar collected and the in King replied you wish to in every Gov more people No Id rather retire menu When we compare the pay He went away into exile Marshall capacity of the county now with shrugged his shoulders and States still in any art from tbeetTi grumbled Oh if you prefer playing of war but oftft A cement made tine in benzine may be used mend robber boots and shoes This rQMDt will firmly fasten on the lr patch A young lady of Chicago has adopted Judaism This lory to marrying a A toof find tin- proposed by the celebrated Dean Swill At ore probably bund of tbo JJVcwr bo never seen copy it for benefit the body of the were a great ball or mass of the sand and that tingle grain or particle u bad it in choice to nappy all while this mass of sand was consuming by this low method until there was not gram of left on condition that were to miserable for ever supposing that you might happy Or ever after on condition you would miserable until the mass ofsand was thus annihilated at the rate of one grain in a thousand years which of boom