THE NEWMARKET ERA MARCH Council MMn Mer the or i Mr I- ma la the Mr I pi mi Our Toronto Despatch Ifo mj m thou went act Mr irrki inferior deposit taken up roan UBTMMMM going nil hor IjMlAanM HI Spa FRIDAY 1808 tbli wm of a youth of of the lot ha enured The in- in seller tin immediately siblo to the armed himself with a W learning thai Beaten Whittakerj at sknliog lot has not been both former boon i Quart If JU- IJ I what that J first shot missed and cat awl officer was making a rush towards first lime si me the to Mjjeo revolver he fired Recorders Court at not ball entering the i hi now Tennessee Km l of ii I oofillror vie it of mire met tacky on Chnlo I I 1 I 1 dl explain the i tbeo open fir Barter lb in i tecs I lb minltimliilViMlillII Hi lately Judge Boyd and a- now lies in gaol Naturally the ami the court been allsir lenient manner tlieshrilT The Siint of but the unanimcm1 venlict in to the t tor A Mngnph to ntl 1 l The 3 Emllgtual an be A to Im how very oaf Edward Bach I Karl James awl that the was MTTed rig II the who was ego of oedttdoa tin of a leailinjj The rtaejoar ijmhiIii Board of of JChinn A mm lliuho lliuliTin John Dunn Jmepti Sis Ken Mr Toronto mi Mr Hugh After the in Iresifm The His Honour JilIo ArStproeeMled them it- with re4ultinji an follow Mr Mai- Mr Vice- 1 before Mr liralam Treasurer fourteen it mil lie rat as I to 1 itbatatHling that On motion Treasurer salary was at be was ted to the funds of the Assoe the WW the operation of the Tho farmers of the townil near IuncstoLa having J I winterfed want a fair at that village jrermanently has gained anotberg mark of royal favnr by hia Riding or York f haiulx the ratn ivlaiilaliid Aurra then I r ilimtrativc with regard In P El lit nil S Convention i the i- America Securities jrare from tho Treasurer to the extent Of in and four I oUwra In 85000 each aorffoai were retained Prof mil WH chemist I Smith veterinary and r i of the exhibition I a surinten of arts and in J and grain routs Horticultural The Secretary then read tho larceny As rciri- this the larceny El iein ftlowyj pleaeed to confer upon h i the North that taking of he of the Order of St Michael a property of another the St I el value Of the the D Cba ii i Mr a the civet and edojited iiiiin the 0001 of SabbaUi reeelred one the Boa IKntlrijalr in A juitr Mr Barker the A i a theonchnl m Conversazione Remember tin the jrnli an lie thought IMrtimint nil On motion led Mr of dared Mr- Coetea IllaatnllMr Ijl method of conducting on Infant la Mr Cnnlea uilahly acknowledged the then adjourned tilt by Lloyd That a Commit tee of five bo named the Chair nominate necessary and standing committee of he and to Report with all The Chairman Hewn Jared Lloyd John Terry Win Oldham nod Thou Kirk Tin- then retires and the Convention spent some lime in devotional exercises alter which were delivered by Rev Mr ami Lloyd from the Committee male following On motion of Mr ed by Mr foregoing report wan received ami adopted Mr- Alexander thanked the for the honor conferred ujion him in calling him to preside tins Convention Fifteen minutoa were then apent in devotional at the cloae of March 10 resumed tbts morning V the third subject lor What to teach and bow- to teach to Hymn Collec tion was then by iho Thc Model Teachers Meeting was then conducted by Mr Alexander- choosing seven members of the Convention for tho purpose This was an exceedingly interesting exer cise A little over minutes was thus profitably employed Mr Jackson from the Business Committee reported as follows led them to da boat with the Railway iVIZal would bo as it was probe- mm lit the freight and nasMnger would be I We full note of Mr Bet speech but our space will lengthy report Mr Secretary of the Company bUoWed thai the gentlemen the deputation Toronto had only that morning from Brack and were un alio to meet them that evening Ho told the meeting ibis rend they would build tip Toron to and the larger that city grew the would lie the market and the merchants by doing more busi ness could less profit Mr Been of Newmarket King railed upon also spoke in favour of the enterprise on broad principles scheme having for it- object the levt of the county in- jsipnlaiion giving impetus toils trade wan a public He had property In was ill favor of road Mr followed in which he bowed building competing line onehalf bad advantages would not increascsl new roal Ho thought the whole was undertaken in the interests of Toronto and Land Mr P ttbo a frw remarks showing that Mr Barkers figures were merely theoreitl spec ulations leased on an hesis and only calculated Other speakers followed but we have not room for a report The meeting decided not to recommend Whitchurch to give tho bonus On motion this report was adopted An Intermediate Class of Boys fas iutrrslueed to ion and Mr P Irwin The Martyred Nine Reformers of South Ontario assembled in largo numbers on Wed nesday last notwithstanding the snow storm which prevailed to bear Dr explanations with regard to his zigzag course in Parliament As one of Martyred Nino the result of the days proceedings is significant Resolutions were adopted not only condemning Dr but thanking the for course that journal has taken in bringing those professing Reform principles to book for sacrificing tho into of their parly on of or for personal advantage public hmkr1 I Colonial By the Cable a been The general ointments pos- or no that I them lor their fitnes the same be ami lair and thai all the highest It or enemies punish and that the rolrmfiona for the ins which he left entirely to the discretion of the department will Is- influenced solely by their ca pacity and integrity A gentleman was informed by President that bo would tolerate no idlers in any department and that people were too shir to pay salaries as a mere bonus to professional politicians New Yoiik March Two Ger man had a befttn Judge Shed of a very peculiar char Between them they had invent- a whale as large as life which exhibited to the public as a veritabfo live whale for so much admittance I tax assistants placed inside to work the monster The deception was complete hut at conclusion of a spies in the audi waited and olwerved four Jo nahs emerge from tho whales belly they attacked them and cut the whale to pieces The the whale refused to pay laeture of monster but Court ruled against him Si I i is March ApartyofCati who have just arrived over land publish a statement of their suf ferings on the Pacific Railroad which if read by one contemplating a by rente he will certainly await phenyl and better weath er They were outrageously treated badly fed had to shovel snow from the and finally wort obliged it to Laramie miles They also forced lo pay exorbitant prices for March The five Pott says Some errors occurred in the of the names oftho following in tho correct list Secretary of State E Wash of Illinois Secretary of Treasury A T Stow art of New York Secretary of Interior J Cox of Ohio Secret iryofNavr Adolpho B A J I of Oh inutsterOoneral of Maryland Ait vcucral Judge of Massachusetts Tho Senate confirmed entire Cabinet in a very few minutes after inaled IV Sherman to bo rnl Sheridan to be Lieut Gene ral J to be and C Augnr to BrigGeneral Shooting Case March Mr of regiment who was shx last evening is still alive but inset sible at two oclock Recovery I hopeless The brain oozes from the wound There is i wounded officer living a fow days sympathy of nearly all classes hers lay with young civilian and family The sister of accused made deposition yesterday accusing Whit laker of having seduced her las after having first put under influence of chloroform A slight possibility of the will ie careful to accept only hare their on the back of the Indictment It will he your duly gen- lhat nil thope employed therein competent and willing to proper discharge the to their live positions It will also lw your privilege though not your itiiKrative duly to visit instil tloni particularly the Lunatic Asy lum the roof of which shelters a large I regret to say rapillv inrea- close in an inajeraiable deDOJ of reapoa It will be for you to remark upon character and workings of Asylum an I to make siuh sag thereon a to you may scorn lit and prer thing of touching the public m the lion of or kin topic mi gotta itself to you I should happy to it ability cs make Sttsi Which sum remains in s hands to bo accounted for to the Association In the of sum of is Charged as Treasurer salary and in tbo accounts of 18u7 is barged making together Th as above back to iho Treasure count do so believing that no such necessity existed as that of discount ing a note large balances appeared from year to year to credit of the Association and upon which no inter est baa been allowed James Taos Auditor Toronto February 1863 The Board resumed its sitting on Friday when Mr Denison was intro duced and addressed tho members in relation to his charge for commission and also with referonco to the charges brought against him generally An offer to submit the matter of commis sion to arbitration was declined Mr and subsequently Hoard passed a resolution allowing i icy I proceedings will be taken The next sitting of tho Council is to bo held in Loudon Other matters of a trifling nature in connection with the Board and agricultural interests prolonged sitting for time An adjournment die was at Nonresident Land Taxes In almost every Municipality there is difficulty retpecting nonresident taxes and the sale of lands thereof ledge or consent of iho I appropriating go Is oini7n lpartcFt ip of York know as York Choi From its central the use or benefit oftho Tho more mrxlcrn acceptation of the word however finding and keeping of grsls without making any to dieover the owner and this the more of the term Ono fact to huh I wish to direct your particular counsel and advice id Jure then retired and Iho I Globe Court proceeded Courts bo change Ontario Legislature by which the inn is liable to have final rat him Clerk the Court In which the suit is entered if ho the defen dant iloes not the Clerk notice within eight days after service that he the i Such readers as are In aits will do well toaliond to very or they trill find ju Jack Ribii tike things easy as formerly and not trouble themselves until Court day this happygo easy way of the gool graces of th clerk will had himself in an exceed ing tight place in a much shorter of time than formerly Fortu for there an appeal to the judge by which the clerk s final judgement be set aside but Will bo attended with trouble and expense Tbo best way is to give immediate the matter on lieing nerved with the by the bail iff Several important iguinentsbavo just been male ml Sheridan has been assigned command of Louisiana Genera Is to Texas General Canbyi Virginia and Gen ing in Mississippi has been aU A fearful accident happened ti in Thompsons saw mill county of Essex ago The iintiirtunateman log slipjied tho Inch cut an oblique gash breast and nearly through his body Negotiations are pending construction of a telegraph line Lindsay to by Falls The liberal has been offered to the Mow Messrs Boyd of Smith Green A I of the undertaking Barta Patrick Boyle pr the J Ciairt t Thursday afternoon on a ued be the Police Mag Mr on a charge libel The information is laid by A Powell ke the gaol who alleges a certain article beaded published in the IriiK six weeks ago statements that were maliciot fttlte Doody a the time taentry in gaol i baa In relhtnag fact gaoler with owing to incarcerated him and fed him on bread a water for stating to the grand the fall assizes that meat si to the prisoners was tainted was taken to Ottawa in charge n a Weekly I of Ireland held their annual here Vcsterlay and evening Alsiut delegates were present The grand officers for em hie j3 1 LLXi Grand Chaplain Mlr Ceil fiatl trnnd as lots on Rose street taxes that the same lots for tho year 1858 as lots street and again sold for Belleville Grand Join Grand Treasurer Daniel reaaseaaed mm mum lptv yen hat pur- 1 1 3ilJs9IH were purchaUr J J SS5 prevent ho ton S T The Town i not the S act of in rc the n J l purchar houll have looic1 bio the matter before purchasing Again i tBT Tho Caiuuttan says We by error Assessors have assessed SlU oral lot rofo Flour Fill ft lr 1 PmC I Now in this case if the it being that the Dominion A juiymcnt has boon mlo voluntarily will shortly lie the owner can not recover bis money for despatch of owner of one lot pays further progress has been in taxes against all lots Hudson Ray Companys tarily and under protest to prevent delegates having Kent in bis lot from being ho have to Lord Ma paper In re a right of action against gad lo claims of wmpnnv ta No doubt has been provide- by as set forth in their recent reply to County Council in dealing with the terms of proposoj TORONTO nonresident land fund as to how a tho Duke of Buckingham This paper matter of this kind Is to bo arranged we completely dlsposssJ Again a certain lot was returned as from of ear of tnrm kept a being the property of a and for 1860 The Company rid ha