DYESTUFFS Fresh Importation arc nrodixlawlT vr IIT it anil reive lnvo a ape BENTLEYfl Bronze Mortar THE NEWMARKET EKA MARCH 12 I8B9 F Z IE Furniture Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Newmarket Stock or Furniture n7 P and Cabinet Organ MANUFACTORY I I Jfonl il Iv la I the Ili Near lbs Office rMAIN NEWMARKET CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable fur irs and Schools PIANO CASE MELODEONS Double Single Plain and Portable of all Kinds Fancy Plain IT IS A FACT J J HODGE COOKING PARLOR part Cm Prices to Salt the Times Lower th Toronto Prices Now roar lime to nor STOVES aad STOVEPIPES Copper Tin Sheet Japan Ware Desirable Village Prig FOE SALE THE id I ra Mtrjfl alaaU J Hal Sinai f 1 Hotel parti 7ifJ ilewaurkrt NEW TIN WARE ESTAULIsliyKNT rrarrelflui ROYAL MAIS STam ASTONISH kOU A call will to tell at mm Ami- liiltm Pills Their Initrnmonts Received the First Friie Wherever Shown SnlSa MeCHat A fry iff mam PA Porta krpfa bead aad tea PHI MPS J COATES BOB ALL Tinware Lamps c Shelf and Heavy Hardware FAMILY GROCERIES Pulmonary Balsam inn Ha tranche ud a large toek or roots shoes at I latter Bob I- I a- ho iai Ague A Vegetable Tonic J ANDREWS Cos NOTICE OF REMOVAL will not eel Iaaiw- London INSURANCE COMPANY taJvkj bentley s Botanical Worm Syrup acoea ri lKlS a 7TT Reliever Miss POOLE BEOS TO INTIMATE THAT SHE HAS REMOVED HER BUSINESS TO THE PREMISES Next Door to Dr Drug Store Where ho prepare- to in Millinery Mantles DressMaking TRAVELERS Insurance Company OP CONN LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Tor payment ASSETS all Nearly One Third Lower ALL CASH Una of MUal The Travelers Insurance laaara afalaU Ji to J lli to- K Small Cost Large Benefits EVERY THING air Farm Projaoe Sheep Ac taken in exchange for tit FOHOPT THE Pint Store North of the P J k J Newmarket October Reduction in Prices MAIN STRKET IN retnrninz thanks Tor past tktto fully the of and ihf at lnUirly nult Large to his in Scroery c And being determined to keen pace the art will nowfind his Studio rrplta with all the accaairits Jte fur the ion of First Class Artistic Pictures Either Large Sized THE PORCELAIN PRIZE AT THE LATE FALL SHOW IN now tola ever in all Ike above to Boemot MUbut ou to all olio ma I n a call Specimens of the above now on view at his Studio Mrs Johnsons IMi f AMERICAS Not Sleeping SOOTHING SYRUP rit i a itriciE THOS THOMPSON JjASoa GROCERIES c in Canada DR BENTLEY PRICE CEN IS DOTTLE DP DEVEtlfilES FRENCH OINTMENT Wines and Liquors Hit in of a B0FBRIOB At A -Src- for which ll arplfilP rdnhn el optical II an I Ux Of liia in Iltt but Ioitwi fncaul of roaatrr to a trial Tserwill J air aim hi to tl bar liWallf tin will pr to jJa lb RjriatM Th af aHa of Dr A of leaJ to boat a allow um la aad BENTLEY Putter of Brut I lliU mm Forks Uptriat Fork lUke Mop of variety Revolving Horse Rake FIRST FREE CHEESE BOXES ft MAKING Kept Daid A III Job work Ml I at I Ikatwrth Tick and Scab SOLICITED Village Lots for Sale exte Lota iaatadiatj Alaoa House Lot in Sharon Far apjJj at dluma 6- if TO Waggon Makers mil ulevoiUr Tirenty Inr a if of din He laaa J J0HN8ON8 SASH BLIND Door Factory IS NOW IN FULL OPERA HON A Call from Builder Solicited Money to Lend AT rd rata ad ran J COLLIN8 HIM it iTfta Tits l I eaiarautjwYt tjwfi j Ihapriui aad fall a CERTIFICATFS Oei BESTLKV Itlawhaiit Wool Atlar la b audteokawtar thaa Ihao which ha o Mom h and thaa r vThiT atari mTmii of Sh oh it saactatUaa Agents for Bake Ml Ma J Aarur Mb U Newmarket Brewery ENLARGEMENT OF PREMISES UoleUeper as Print Stock Ales lPoter AND BrlEWER First Cla Ale and Porter Price Paid for Barley Papered nljr tir PRICE CENTS PER BOX IS or Ilea LIME LIME I BAND aad far Sal Change ofLocation I be o Lka to STORE MainSt Newmarket new stock J LOCKS PLATE LOWESTJPRICES ALL I CHILDBENS TOYS Drlow Price Or Call tod them before Every Attention Paid Repairing Clock Watches a Door South of Newmarket Tannery T UK a liken Fate North AmarieaD 8UPEEI0W And Cash for Hides leal Paidor lad Skint w CO VILLAGE LOTS FOB MALI FOE SALE itawd plat off STREET iIm paid waioewlj wbIc IL am paid TO for Director Qraod Allan Kq arm Dash Andrea- A Thoa Afeat J Spetia far Ontario Teroala Feb 13 MY HIGHEST PRIZE w Tinware Stove Pipes Repairing Done on Short la determined not to be rmold A IS I A iiniHUUUUH FIRST DR J PECK DENTIST It thai NEW MARKET the At Hoi I Maple Airwkk Klelnbari Wa two ha urud Ml bad Mapt nil Ilrotwt and aacodod fCoBadl Hd I will TEETH INSERTED l ii ili n rri I I a AS 12 CAETE de FOE Cts Teeth Filled a to BARCLAY FOUR a in it rjrlB I Fold Motion aj till I to the BAKER Sowing Machines aria 1867 BOND Sola AcwaU Traeciiog Aaeat Western Assurance Co OFFICE TORONTO Capital 00000 President Hon J Mitrri iri jiAiinrei t Title Aa low md fj Lata will lad lea who bean willafo For apply the Agwal thia aaiiafactioa ATKINSON HENDERSON tflll UPPER Under Feed STITCH LIST OP It 1CSS I No 1 Hand Sowing No i Hand do do on Stand No i Four Fold motion do No do do under food do do do do No do do manufacturing do do do the Very liltl THOMAS Aawot Boa IT JttmcmUr the opposite Mrs Fortyths HOUSE Furnishing Establishment No 83 Street 3 Doom Above King Street PRONTO BEOS call the attention of the to at which will ha wall worthy a the of iataodlaf Plated and Metal Goods Tin- Ware Galvanized Iron Sheet Iron and Copper Ware Table and Spoons Special attention is directed to the trade LAMPS AND CHANDILIERS Flic stock embtaccs the moat chaste an I tosclher with the cheapest grades thai the reqairetuents of all Globes Burnt V Wick great arietj lor Oil or Special ia to the stock r noon jvrJ3i MAcniKTHnT oira CHILDRENS CABKlAUKS AND MANUFACTURED AND IMIOKTED fa Cooking Parlor Box Stoves Dumb Stoves and Stove Pipes Groin Measures Apple Clothes Wringers DONE Toronto December 30 867- Wild Lands for Sale THE oiTcni for ac in the of TuwoAlp of 15 ACRES I TO TRAPPERS Ac The Trappers Friend b J Jaaa ia tb ai fcrlll Newmarket Drug Store II VoTTibr I as I ll- RESIDENCE Orrtm Farm lor Sale OB TO THE Sal nr test Hall 1 Nmtvaj IOO Mora tea and ed ia a new Plank liar FRUIT BhARlXQ ORCHARD Apply ia j Tn CONFORM Powells Patent LIFT AND Force Pump Adapted for All Depth A Far liaibat la tad ai- CELEBRATED PUMPS la all where Uaj bees ear Addreaa statist Well Digging Attended A ROGERS Co