Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1869, p. 1

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ie Every Friday ket Era Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER VOL NO- MS TIM LIRKUTY To SHOW Ti OTTOS AND TO FREELY TO ABOVE ALL OTIIER LIBERTY Book and Job ST S OfftMBadra7 IriBliBt PA POSTERS Cards BLANK Mi us HEMHXGS PBOORAUUES HI 11 S NEWMARKET FRIDAY APRIL 2 1669- TERMS IN ADVANCE Denial Notice C ADAMS BC David College NY S nut and to watch with servant to be sent up emotions or tin- tight certain tlio reason of her long the In jai tii latior back he the pre MM of it ml who bad drawn It win on of and mait- Lew I- collie me Too girl had ow of the -LiiniU- Id thai ho seen be and defeat all It might Mill I do lik- tin which now I- and il thn tan be niut certainly don i on now and acting upon it prompt it AALlHV win mq Hall i limua Ml rlulrh Horace Thornc J E Coroner Canity of Tor T BIRRIIKi John T Stokes B muni she would over the MM tin ni1 in or would sit in her room it bed and weep for bourn 1 iih 1 parent tin fitful neatly as Mr I He seemed almo over again a limp passed not lb lo offer mystery hung i the babe ami talked ami almost illy and attentively as i bewared father Lbeno wen- other- wail and tcmlcied plcnt Woman booea ni and to lie bandied dlte1 ami A II I TO liquors Murray d- Barristers hotel I be felt a ml bail iliniili m ban tin atorj M hi it to flip paled tlmdajda of I a loaa Md neve MM HOW heir to Davison House ST ijiri It ie Cblkl out became I lol When she her the babe that charge to all I p OF GUESTS if GEAHAM 4tr ic M laaau thai taken tin n her a all and he io bar nirer liajaaaalOjtowUi do nil ii her iovatl lonl alert bad JAMES OR PECK SURGEON BIBLE of York SSSP J Dental Sake GRAHAM T3TSCTrTLLT aumiacw thai Tuesday of Mouth bad occurred made lor tit lost never aud not the teaal PI regard bare the ffirr rem there to- any Caw No That woman ban in bauda of Hint much fancy where alwayit about inloileriiig From Philadelphia she will be likely to people a pood act and a in 1 Alter with the aid bad een in it dtiermineil ivmly a- far could done am have ate of departure by icon anw in I lit p lor the three or lour dnv- tin- m the woman the child in Philadelphia be she attempted poo tola it best the to quired in the officer for of ptri or their the city iulormttlioti He front her ihh- a- to the panic- an In be movement- of the woman ma bad of child ill Mil be started with Jane in arrival tin propoaad it the imlivniua in search whom tiny come were there Dot Mr of the Bnm ill I then went ted nod 0 been Man The or an lor received g over WtXMNMt bull follow a nanTebikl not yei year old and grow 1 a ino The fount the have deciiW the him b Art provide lor and In Kin even- ripality in Ontario bardneaa all Mi do lord when the to I 01 th titlit at winch Ware atal and he retired to bis room I teen nii dock depreMil in and in regard to In- child In the ability Jane boar and J aa to forrat out tin- wretch win hail In- find bar babe be had the fbaa at Hani had him at the ve aao in an when aid moat Jane did not word- were by a- u stick At of the praiiile tjuames of Maine Mi 1 Hash wa block wa split JfMi feet wide and thick It weigbelovcriOO Mr daylight until the of the he found But the piri did not in an hour a she hi I bad been directed the plan ol of the police at our hour are aha came back tar more about loM landing but then ahc brought new- pot and stage office in order hare band nit any onehiij a lieing in stealing child That person al length atii that all the coulem- bad been made that he might rely niton the wo if aTai hi After a good deal of cooreraation in suggehtel the officer and Mi Milloiil uiile here ynii been there be was tor MM here- are Tal he exclaimed icv are Mi u minuter BO lllo Ye- I of going to the Mayor and laying th ban and knew I could find bat If who- matter him latter von would let me have sitting in a thoughtful mood vou ec her when a servant came up to ami Yea aid that a lady ii the wished Ami child How is ihat j father voice trembled A tedr turned her face She gin her name briefly Is any one with her question Thank lto1 burst lrom the lipa Very gloomy and oner duced to diMreae by absence of work A company i- Toronto to dir cation Fori Garry lied ill- propose build that will join the of lake inter vening between an 1 A of Hoard of Trade to endorse- ate will be held next I The Ottawa of a French paper says that the anthoriliea there are actively prepar ing the trial of Duck ley and which it is expected will take next month It siipisased that have gathered much for matnm of a new and important nature in con que nee ofVkhclana Mr UiLord asked but went 1 tin tbi he bate Poison and Antidotes In search of babe replod The following list give wm the girl calmly common and the reme- die most likely to be at band in bile bin breath came almost punt of need The may be old ag bj I ai It in you gel a good ong oTiioisun doW you will object to a cure BOOM it the Britches of his -ion- SANDERSON r to la Every Saturday from oclock A Vrli J You bare been in Yas Hail von any dua of lh at which this woman who child will stay while in that 1 think 1 have That We there the latest train of 10- day Who know that may till nod them in the city tome let go from here The girl who had been informed I gO CUTTERS FOE SALE A J AtCXAPKEr on Plate or Tula Ellrulai rain ETHER spaa71 or Children Teeth NEtrilARKET 40000 TO LEH1V T ft ML M S Maker tad Undertaker Coffins Ready Hade al ljrtie Interna ttonal LIFE SOCIETY OF LONDON CAF1TA1 io 1141 Marriage Ha HILL Ii f To- WALLACE broken iLiniH- Ii wa- their first and only and for long years had they mourned it but whether an dead or lbe bail knowledge Jar ait Mr- were well a quanited with Mr Mdlbnl and his wit and at tin of Iihw loan bad came for wanl with Of the pert of one aid in searching il she went with I lor loal one on the aftbejad that into the street other although 111 doing so woends where a awaiting ibem aaa In the atlernoon train of cars they healed over bleed afresh were on their way to Philadelphia An Mr- drew close to the where they arrived about ten o clock jside the and mother there came to her bitter of her own long night of agony She went back again to that lme when the first terrible Ban that her babe was lost and the wild 1 that almost maddened her when of one another like strokea from a hammer her brain in her to her friend these memories of her own loan gradually faded away Yet what power there in words to comfort a mother wboae babe bad been stolen from her arms Would a reference to the fact where they about For both himself and companion Mr look lodging at tin- States Hotel Jane had been in her I about a quarter of an boo- came to tbe door ami said thai gentleman with whom without any dclav Jam- seal Mi you know as well as 1 do that mo ment u of importance Toniht be here bat to morning ahe may be gone WW yon go with me to the place yon that before mother to A LOOT bad sustained a similar low and never her afford any consolation I Alas with all the generous sym pathy felt by Mrs Lows loo well understood that there waa power in ti words could I Utter and therefore she offered to the bat bar ami bar tears and tbeae were given freely Mrs Lewi had fewtteaaaboU and duties of her own and she had therefor follow the of bar own foelinga and led to be many hours each day with Mrs whom ahe began to feel a regard somewhat resent ng that felt by a mother for an For Lancaaler la there boatth s not been inquired Mr Because replied was belter for to go alone Had appeared with you or an officer nothing would have been learned True true you are no doubt right there Jane said Mr Kincardine after recording a few names on his roll throw up hie task in disgust at dtticioncy he labours under the ma of penmanship The censures Council tor giving such offices to loweal len der irrespective of To make Municipal appointments by len der any bad and the men who du it diplay ia to publicly declaring cither that are not aware that qualification for office isof any moment or that sre them selves incompetent to judge of the candidates qualifications Canards hare lowered their rate for passage acrona the Atlantic and determined 1 carry steerage pas- mouth down to the slomaeh dies Magnesia soda pear soap dissolved in water the erne best remedy is Ammouia rumudy Luc Alcohol first ach by an emetic then dmbcold water the head give ammo of Arsenic remadas In first place evacuate the white of eggs lime water or and water and the pre para pari icu white lead and sugarof Icnl Alum such Hitherto line liaro del ry but close liter J there v- Lot dont you remember that gave when left Al bany that she but instead came off South Yea Bat had no reaa an incorrect statement here She waa with friends then She was with those wbo knew all about her and who would not bare wcred a question if you or an w chest IvsUy tejegw mx on head aad Irngs by r had been with I egg to tight give of n mediately Mid Mr after he hat sjttl ii of tessW probable that will remain there A weak well- We will go op 1ie Al the word the girl MXl J slightly doubts awoke lia liw l When Mr 1 cold water aid she turned from Mr I will get myself ready and am well w wait for here replied Mr Milford j whom he bad an appoti clock and related what bad carred be saw in the morn ing that individual bis ami remarked I cant that I like this We worked backward thatgrlas been through the large line from Stettin in many to New York This company intends building four steamer at a coat gold and are to ply twice a month In addition tins extra steamers will a month by the Hamburg and Now York Steam Packet Company commencing May The tea plant io cultivation some ten on the farm of Copt J as Camp bell where it has been grown about ten yean It is that East Ten M tea drinkers can easily raise their own tea with very liLile coat or trouble The plant Is a deep evergreen shrub and grows about five feet high It is hardy and needs do protection from fronts It beam abundant crop with beautiful fragrant flowers in October The following seaaou it matures a somewhat resembling the seed of oar haze and grows up readily The vigor of this plant adaptation to the climate been tested tea produced rum the leaves of the plant very much in flavour the tea am Young Hyson plant New to toe Noam Polo Tbe a veaae luanlaw by a French boose and wan built Quebec al shipyard of the Hon nigra baa been lilted op for a voyage of to North Pole She has been lined with India rubber strong of timber built enable to resist any She is stored with pnrrisiona and fuel for years rifeei 1 are accomplices iu an soda or lime Hot brandy and attar like hartshorn and lorpeatiue at ahx Strange he Tbatought he known J J lf on booking at bis end Bat at the of my I apply finding how long she had been pre- Aild is only end in and I strong and take it paring to go atop to what is oil umutanb ily atepping to tie bar he diracted a in the manner by which freely npply tight above from the vessel The expedition baa been by Mr Lam bert who has for some years past been lei- ring in France upon the subject and who baa thus secured sub-

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