Newmarket Era in Friday Morning JACKSON AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER I Book and Job EstabShmcnt LATEST STYLES BOO 111 A SIC 1itmiRA WMBa srttm bills LEA VOL NO NEWMARKET FRIDAY APRIL TERMS IN ADVANCE LABELS Notice DR act Or Beetle D PEAR ON Stare Altera Mr lout tho hone of fiivlin it a lUlrininril In I as Jan sit- all burned Willi Ml a fteUe lie had iMilailIIIiiitlM lilit Ho lirnl boon devoivod- who had if liiieruvHy doecivc1 1 J t the at an Oir iialitii of search la make an arrest bo here and if an wo bo all called and tin- luinca fur her eve what I 1 lot ltitnniiil- lead request f 1 I C ADAMS David Rogers D Victoria Medical College M lis a IMMIIKI II lii iiMI It mil I a MM Mbjhtlll Hair l Hall i ihslsd I In- Mr Iltlial it said the aiMl tin I of Mi j Hot Mr Millnl shook his 1a No In- fjhe i- It a all a to got Philadelphia and the well Mr salilio1 of llii fact tit l lie made no further ill ia Lancaster lut waited S SCOTT D A Boultben JACKSON lilt J 111 P vims i LIQUORS ROYaL hotel r II 1 I A daissi 1IOG GAUD Money to Loan A SUTHERLAND feci lit TJj a I ih I jflw 4W lwllkelk a j tj Davison House I j MAIN ST NEWMARKET Blevins Seven f sN ffU Murray Jacket Lav tar fa d csllage lak amaml gMW fly floircn mi Mwma flftvn Mn of a flit- jir la 1 fJlIrJlillinl l hadlnwi Kant aw quick had Hum k that hah he hi- l jrnij it sriwo will a f W h hold liirinl into the Stop iht- man il th l imli I Imy amthi bold a mu By to hill Hi r hl Mlowed an a- nonlHe WW now i mi Mr ml know aitd linn II him IrOW and flrtKomc Ea liili t Wait a lew MOthanU hi I tunnnfrutn witl in I kit lo I In- Win intu In- wile in turn many juonlioia of the walk ho fully thai ilid not to hr Hern doubt i patiently for the and thenMartltirlhilfUhin In ami Ins wife that that city all tiiaiiiaity the child whatever of hr lirtor it I it- utterly vain inure wtv eartieal and aincam COO then vjdited Im me on it to iilaov hcrlr the jreiit the The Child Stealer Ihcfacoof thatehild Mi il in amuro ill if at the time he boat U a view f lli At th Hub The child I rwinarLrl 1 I eagerly and ho a the linn- What child Ml COwKsiorafr it ii sin in la no other here i- il i that lava ago After he him and made a many in- jinn Mr rang and when a servant apjaared gave he for a vehicle No woman came here said imiI I The time thai minister in a deeidcd ant wa in What Mr leaned asking a van I piesliona bat lit- the Is there il inull in from the girl I- woman and a babe here nil the fact that lie had di I that they found at the bouse of the OF GUESTS Teeth lateited In the Litest Slflei JOHN DAVISON maun wiii JAMES arrri- tilir Va D GHVHAM pmjii- in County of York I lJl at lie Em Of- iHrJrd Dental Notice graham PECK LLiux I b l tiaama aa ill SURGEON DENTIST Jiii k in EVERY let of o he I la ail all I 1SS lf- Braielies of ais Prtfcuuioi CUTTERS FOR SALE SI 1 1 J 1 BIBLE and Testaments 2iir ivisoowr 1 SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON ssaaaadaa seal lis hi from A Tilt ik Of VA Joseph A Fife PHYSIC I A BON c M lrH on Ttelk EllraclsH fain SPBA7I of S Cabisiel Hater and TO LEND AT par aa CAMPBELL I ni 1 Beady Made Am ilkcnt Internationl LIFE SOCIETY CAHrLHriMlairtirli SMITH Marriage Licenses Mia 01 I is tin GEORGE WALLACE BARBER HAIRDRESSER Main Strut at la with her le my aked Mr tr rviiirnol Jane r Did mi mi- her I did DM yutleUly JIow I it look you bear it cry It tying asleep fan Sho little Imliea you Mr So Or of hit family I hin I uixe What lid you for calling 1 VII to Mr Green and when I taken into the room So I And laofl there not lten I mother mo if presence must have made pirl the morning d if I hM let hac fit ami 1 for a little while She said she hail walked out from itr ami was a deal falfgued I 1 dereived the unhappy father itber on a chair that stood in officer wordd to Mr I obiect of their might well SAoniflhed at 1 their wife lite Tlnry were a- Tntiiilinll same lime that all were awakened for happy individual who had quiet borne in the hiding dear laalv think ahe ban any i-uspi- of your errand here None at all Why A wagon ilia indow near which were an cam in with inturj The story of the was a that it wua the una which had avialently intemkil to li il Mr most not linger a Are you not going to take alongf the girl meed from window and a ire were only seals two Do ya think I had bettrd That is just J Hut vbol get the let in her daughter go need of your any in- with But Ida Bat that wagon wont hold morn than two parsons If I take an there will he no room for yon matter I can watt hero until your retarn And besides I rather nut l present when are Mr stood and for Ob yew It on the turnpike in that linvtun with her fin ger throe miles from here Any one will tell you Mr be in so tritiins Mr Jlilfurd not Imagine and so ho expressed himself Let go hock said the I will take this girl the from her the truth in all tho parti Bat he bud bring her mind glesuc Man land ami but a of infurma Sick in and mind an I almost Ur sot back to New York after of nearly two month- wife lav this time to some may well Is that t When Anna I lat a her feet carry her to the residence of the mentioned He lis office when sho entered II iicc with excitement a he exhibited strung with a that did not feel at time glancing with a took of anxiety from the window Nu it is not worse when you saw it but medicine baa been any of it was given to the child physician ashing any question made another of medicine which was jsmrvd down the of the insensible babe After this had been done be said to i he of this child I Anne shook her head and simply replied in an evasive manner No is her child remained silent but it i- that a powerful struggle going on in her mind She bent ace to the floor in order to conceal When she looked up the family of a poor hut woman who lived close by To liu- il that was preying upon little the first work I dona that If the thini would be time enough to look Inn her Into A ling Upon view the I took Ann an 1 to the Ifiie of the woman which food a little back from the main IT I wheri he ten lr iirr proved to be everything to the child and lie of ten days she a- rfsjorarad that rtnni I inlinue her journey From the nil In mate of family where kindly A ha I main tamed as much reserve as was were that no line iniveririir in replying she had said a- liUla m and that had alway been vague and isfactoiy to Summary Statement All theCasmili a were reached and in them cm pt County Town The state of the raids prevented me from gettingtn an two days before the appoint ed day of the Convention I teJegnph- then lheimsiiibilUyof reaihnar it The state of ho road also pre vented me from r aching Perth and on the days first appointed but I appointed other days Held large Lanark at Perth bat not sufficiently circulated to to a public meeting in thu illageoritenirew but in place of it I held was largely ho village of Arnphor The proposed Grammar School Bill ith the addition stated in my ooji com a cation was proved I flhall therefore not to A tat auditors When she with whom her wish to go that Anne you most not be surprised at what J going W say it is plain that to In this child You have obtained it l Just what am must anxio replied nne interrupin the It is for this wish to leave hero as toon as the can be safely removed itut I sure tho doctor will Why should bo A ith a trembled look He will consider it to mi you until ho can communicate ith friends of the child Has bo said this inquired iirl firm He has Anno bunt her head floor a while dWtor could not an other- said the woman la ails las in There and she then great ejom a It is not her child I ssWaej What then is she doing with it JJl I J asked the doctor upon dtrattanrf and vague suspicions intruding is of no consequence now to was answered 1 nough that I have fled from her to sure its life and that I intend it to those who have the best right to have it let consequences to be what they may With tin- end in 1 seek your aid protection Ad physician you can see tliat is something wrong about the ami the nature of you will understand when I tell you that for throe moulds lias been under the constant indu ce of paregoric and laudanum An exclamation of painful surprise caned the physicians lips as be out his hands and said Let me see the child After looking at it anal examining it for a good while ho reaclaed it tho girl remarking with a slow shako of head Had Io you think it danseroaslv ill drtetoT asked Anno with anal her manner that gave the physician confidence in her i lions and right s towards child I out tell liltlo about it as I ad to your mother not long ago he hare induced Iter l- play false plied until llio of the I- part towards you I anum has taken has oil At the death of one hope another That will not be for some hours yet sprung up For hours words Yes yes This is no doubt true were ottered with a look of disiros replied Mr starting to his and die glanced hurriedly front Come 1 Lot us ret urn the window a spoke ly The girl will no make mi Did I yotf to effort to escape but wo moat prevent doctor that you hat that to me After a hurried for their for this child intrusioii into the quiet family of That what I said girl minister Mr and the oflker looked earnestly into his face dpoveofrfor tho city at a even protection can I greater than that at which they asked doctor come out On arriving at the hotel Conceal me from my mother in inquiries were made for the giri I your house or any when else She left in can that started the child better for Philadelphia a few momenta ago was reply of the landlord rally put do that the child you very one doep woman did flush that covered the faoO of At which was now besides lacing bent down turned partly away Then I am to understand said he firmly after sitting silent for awhile upas hi poke that the does not to let roc It would for him under circumstances to permit it really desire to re tore this bubo to its friends inform doctor who are mediately writo to anal will come themselves and receive it from your hands The girl merely her lips firmly and slight what relate School School I The i ifvcnlnin at Port Hope and Alexandra by the vote of a majority Local Superintendents Id bo to be and paid as now by the Municipal Councils Thomajoritv at the meetings held In and Alexandria desired the gentleman filllag lheo offices strongly fir they did at sevonl other ings though several Township intertdants at meetings alvo- cakd place The majority at all the other Countv Superintendents qualified appointed and paid as by the Committee of Legislative Hie majority present at C held in Napa iee Alexandria voted against the 10th and clause of the Hill tho he minimum salaries teachers the latter pcrmitlini the eiabl of Township Boards School TnLtee at the rvquest of majority of school a Town- flic inventions at Napaned and also voted against the Idth clause of the Bill giving trustees same power to a teachers that they now have Tho Con clause which provides in all public rHhool from the of July to of August With exceptions unty Civeiitiom approved Of all pro visions of the proposed II The lwt and almost the only of the Bill much debated are to and payment of the former and the in salaries of On these two points the were considerable and it Ifoon my wish and policy to and o Only by consent I pltrpose to submit will for Sihftj rmopaased of all parties Toronto March 39 raw- One thottand English par bare been Imported and set at liberty En in It It singulaf fact Mr Lauder who was elected by ft jformeM should have chosen to bold his first three meeting in strong holds of Toryism waa recently moved in the Bradv wick Legislature by a Mr It met by universal ana secoTsJcr was found It is said Mr lip only iaonsred lliv reeling in that body hi have baao preaching op Timet A fellow who been in- China says that the barber lint the raaorofi leg and their lld lire shaving without any lather and never after whibsho JThe customer remonstrated bat wan in the ajyl she to that the lather was entirely or doctor give the slight est reepooase to any question or touching the child sulnect continued to observe most perfect id to TneCanadianlJominion seems to bo prTMpcring Nova Scotia has given way and now Legislature of Newfoundland has passed a il had a to make the tiff and was thcreforv who bad the face and its After the beard had bean offand it wok dona In a vary short timo the took a long sharpy neallesbaped spoon and began to It only his re o to do Who ara its friends Tbe girl shook her bead under which the Hudson IktyTi a litllocslata alwnitlbe may bo placed Under legislature of mains for British to come in ami the wdl boa nfiglity Strsteb whi- with a few years poteetlin may an independant withaspleu- j did future if r who nrA male Grants boots has glass sign in of bis The barber suddenly twisted bis neck to one such a manner that it cracked if the been dislocated Hold on the party alarmed for of All right Ida me no hurt and he jerk and twist the was limber as an old g He than fall to DeMina sKk breast arms and ride with his fists and fairly glowed with the beating the had received- lie bed dished a bucket of cold Water his be skin frith towels and thhis work wasdootf Iwosaaola