Newmarket Era, 11 Jun 1869, p. 2

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TUE JUNK Holland people iFra FRIDAY JUNK 1R09 li paid Our Toronto Despatch Till Jill I Toronto influence lift fit J fancy they bo rid I this honest obligation The low mi mm J An Hilt mm Clark I rim Ihii West I ML Hi I hope a Jon bat any greatc Our Inmost desire such will not bo appreciated but by a small j jjj JtJ ofdiewlatiua than aha details Mr twentyfour hours previously but I Wu apparent pain years if age Hi at I me tit Meant Motley should fold our hands and limit compliment to valvuardieasortf heart with ri I disease of the kidneys The Vwr nays The Americans wv- no longer doubt our willingness i such an extent as to give do them right or our Might hop preserve Teh Lord MT subsor national tl0 adviser Dr for a regard- tho not ivtU The I fcaT Hon It is I Mr Red by a firmness which expressed jitif ih I national determination It shows that what may bo solicited with suc- I contained in articles of rejected treaty and what is hopeless to suggest is contained in union as neither Slav against novice bo drove out and took cold BQant from which however be rallied until it a few days ho again took t r cold reuniting in congestion of the m iinlor which ho sank rapidly until death polar London a troublesome pressure on Mr Edward Idi Motley to hasten the completion of people of th bis task but will lie always ready to colony are to think that cancel every trace of angry feeling it no DM standing out against Co tho relations of federation The says likely to kindred And f nil Ibis mil A Shower of Snakes bored in tin- Stale addition to details heretofore given wo have information from are- liable citizen of great damage at Tay- lorvllle The storm burst in it full fury at that place about dark and the felt in torrent Tho electric the Mime general fea- as here wind however much violent and with with great strength from every direction Several build ings were damaged and young hick ory trees actually twisted off by the wind The growing crops were pros trated the wind and beaten to tho ground by the rain and hail But the singular and one which was not vouchsafed to to any other community wan a show er of snake Wo heretofore read of showers of sand of nab and sometimes of fleah but never before of a shower of snakes and yet we are well assured that which occurred on last riday night can be described in no On Saturday and Sunday last every ditch brook and pool on the prairie north of atta nondescript creatures which been described to us a being and to two feet in length and from three- fourths of an inch to an inch in diam diameter is very slightly at the bead and tail The tail is flat like that of an eel bat has no caudal tin indeed there is no tin at all bead is in shape that of an eel but the mouth is that of a sucker The eyes are small and the oars are simple oriticos Immediate ly behind the bead on each aide is flipper like that of a turtle say Meeting of York County Council The future management of York and dealing with the surplus proceeds therefrom are questions likely to engage tho serious consideration of he nty Council at the session commencing on Monday next It will be remembered by those who take sufficient interest In County affairs to observe the action of the past that a committee was appointed last winter to consider the propriety of dividing surplus funds arising from these roads among the various municipalities of County The original cost was and the aforesaid committee reported that the amount paid thereon since the Coun ty came into possession was 27000 and further that there still remained at credit of the York Ac count on tbo Dec come latter sum they recommended should be divided equally in accor dance with the equalized value of of the municipal- tics to be expended on a few of the itoada leading to the York The committee further recommended that tho and Deputies in the municipalities consult with their constituents during the interim between now and June session with regard to particular roads leading to the York whereon it would be advisable to expend their portioi the surplus funds This report by Council but we hare yet to learn of a single mooting having been held in any part of tbo County to subject matter thereof in to consideration To our mind it is not enough for the and Depu ties limply to ask a iw of their neighbours in a quiet way with re gard to a matter of to touch impor tance as the one suggested by Committee Public meetings should been bold and the question ful ly freely and dispassionately d otherwise private interests may largely be brought to bear to influence a decision We think too with all Minister of Finance threatened tore- doe deference to the judgment of the sign rather than stand in position County Council it would not have of being charged with abandoning been oat of place bad the other quo- avowed policy of Government for lion also bee referred to tho public the sake of office but Sir John told Tie desirableness of making any him he was too skin nod and The Irish Church Quo lion Parliament A the Bum of Lord have determined to oppose the will of the people as expressed by the lar Branch also inti mation by tho Premier that in of the rejection of the Bill bo created to the opposing majority to a mi- if Mr has this course doit One thing in view of what has already transpir ed backed as Premier is by a largo majority in thoComi pass or Tre Benches bo vacated by Cabinet Under circumstances baring the decided vote in the Commons it is not likely II Majesty would hesitate toactnpon the advice of her Ministers in creating the necessary Poors to tbe in tho Ipjtcr House She baa shown a willingness independent of jMirty to act jart monarch and although proposed may bo regarded a what extreme yet exigencies tho occasion would To refuse would result in a deadlock between the two Hous es of Parliament and spread feeling of dissatisfaction throughout country In case of refusal tbo only alternative to Mr I bo to resign hot in such an event who reigns of government What Mr Ibraxli or Lord do with nearly twothirds majority against them in the Commons And they advise a now election with the increased agitation likely to consequence of the rejection of the Bill the chances are their own ranks woold bo still farther reduced their numerical strength still far weakened Under alt the cir the Lords wonld shown more good sense by accepting for they must vl The Scheme Abandoned bold resistance from all sides of Commons to Government Banking Scheme made the Coalition tremble for the consoqt rather than meet the inevitable fate for them by pressing tbe measure to an issue hare abandoned the scheme altogotbor at least for Humour has it that the According to all accounts Ma Mal colm the Old Coon du ring the palmy days of ere Coalitions or Patent Combinations brought into requisition as a part of our governmental likely again to enter the political said Ma at P for of the Hidings of frow and an extensive operator in lumber finds his duties as representa tive so seriously to conflict with pri vate business as to induce him to re sign and in this connection it is an nounced that Mr Cameron is to pear before doctors of that Hiding as a candidate for the vacant seat of free trade and when previously occupying seat in tho old Parliament of Canada was a advocate of liberal principles and the rights of the people Wheth er the seductions of office as Queen i Printer since has bad any in fluence his political views other days however to find tho Leader ring a favorable Latest from Ottawa Malcolm Cameron issued bis address electors of South Renfrew Wednesday last lie is to e opposed Mr P P for in the Local Parliament will probably adjourn about the 23rd Pat Buckley of the parties charged with having something to do with murder was sent tc Asylum on tbe as a In Mr Beaty of the Leader wants an arbitration aiders good against tbe Government for depriving of the advantages of tbe York Tho manner in which these roads hare paid the Coun ty shows what Mr moat bare pocketed already and only magnifies that gentlemans assurance to bear of bis setting op a claim regarding the perfectly developed snakes or whatever tboy are ire a dark blue The number of these creatures is I as we mentioned tboy swam in every branch and puddle of water Their mode of firogrcHsion in addition to the undu- atory motion of a snake is by tbe use of tho flippers described above and they swim entirely under water or with the head and a few inches of the body above the surface a indicating that the flippers are absolutely essential to motion They are perfectly harmless Men and boys take thom from tho pools by and they are brought to for inspection We are not willing to admit that r knowledge of ichthyology is not sufficient to determine what they are Eels have teeth are carnivorous and some species are very belligerent These tho cyclopterus or suckers having no teeth and are evidently for attack and except by flight are defenceless Furthermore they have no fin and their flippers are only adjuncts and not their prin cipal moans progression They are not serpents as they want fangs either hooded or naked which invaria bly marked tho order of ophidians Wo will not worry our readers with I any speculation on a subject beyond specimens which will omitted to naturalists of acknow ledged ability whose opinion we shall lay before the public It is the universal testimony of all I the people of the country that no anything like those was ever before seen by them The ren ders it certain that they have not boon developed there as it is tally impossible that tboy couhi hare bat size without having It is certain they there before the storm land it is almost equally certain tho brought them there This which passed over so large an of country and was so violent undoubtedly gathered as do moat of plains of It was a tornado and passing through the country dis- irbsd the usual atmospheric and electrical conditions sons to produce mural tornado a high wind heavy rain and an electric storm Tbo moat plausible theory which occurs to us as accounting for these fishes is that Lord Clarendon of Lord lavt evening subject of the Treaty hie elicited the following comment from i An jot of rf the London Jonmala morning i7I or EX pvt the demand of j rt Mk region of the North- Jil nil Dai I- Mir In with a vuing Mm A natenl ban WJn5 nlTofn With Scotia pacified and lor to oOp the to earn- a on the eve of t j A hove would like in- to her political With the policy of tho Home j Government act in array with and unprecedented ffIC on around rfl r- at no remote ieril to have their counter willni I r pnrttbrongbout the whole eitontof M Britains vast Colonial Empire it were sheer to dream of k the abiding much longer rt at ivrit of Wl tlie ln erument for that capacity wsaai Hie f prepared here and what IS- There i Nova Scot Wilkins does not know what to do it Tho trouble is that nearly all legal gentlemen in who from their known ex- porienco and would eligible to a scat on bench of Supremo are inch us J W lienrj and Stewart Campbell On side of the there is only- one man in the Province entitled Il legal standing and ability fc and that is The difficulty is that bo does give up himself and bear the thought ti a Tbe old story of the dog in the manger over again Mr Kintrey County Treasurer of Oxford has it leaving Iwbind him The event on Friday last but it is not yet generally known Candidates are already here for the offices of Clerk of the lerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Surrogate Court all of which bo bold besides that County Treasurer He was also tbe neighboring townships All deficiencies bafbre tho present sureties were accepted ami they will contest Ibeir liability It is said that he leaves bis family destitute The saya catch of salmon there was much better and the fish larger than last season Codfishing had been very successful and several American ves sels had returned homo with heavy cargoes Sowing operations had been nearly completed quantity of wheat sown Doing much greater than for several years Several whaling vessels were shortly preparing to leave for Labrador and Newfound land and no manofwar bad yet been seen off the coast ship Belmont with timber for Plymouth which sailed from here last Tuesday is re ported ashore below The pilots say she is on a sandy bottom A tug has gone to her off asja We have already announced intention of the Governor General Sir J Young to make a grand tour of Province of Quebec and the Mori- time Pmviuces immediately on the close of present session of Parlia ment Wo have now to add that on his return about end of Septem ber or beginning of October ho will remain for a few days at Hall and then begin a tour through the Mtra rostra the lath rrooi using tat word I a- ftUsaafe Mag Pi- A bill introduced iaua by a noted wa Mat hew on in July the The sharp frosts around have injured vegetation says garlener and some ther Iroat capsicum I plaoti soar A i died al is now in Montreal call Major Houghton ewSfi or A further reduction in leon male by lie Directors off Atlantic Cable taking effect Mm Juno 1st The rale from 10 word now reduced to an I forssM addttiooal word and signature are all counted hoe As we from fl first Mr has accepted the tendered ly Judgeship of Middlesex no reason for believing that was personally anxious for the and wo believe its accept some pecuniary selfdenial Mr David of Dorchester is in posses a cow four years old that has fl four calves in twenty ont months J was only dry four weeks in the mI period During tbe last ten she had three of calves la whole are in a strong condition tbe cow is again likely to her progeny Young and the Hall will lief istaal shut up during their absenceOr- Jana fira Daily lat span of horses The Mrs household loss not yet known iiunsurssael on any of the property much difficulty that property was saved the tin American New part consiuennK me u America and the ready England wo wondethat lat- tral of J of I ll Storm as IS shown of fcet that blew in ffosu Tho leading points in the now Insolvent Hill are 1st That cither a voluntary or compulsory assignment may bo set aaido by the creditors at their first meeting if they think it de- the debtor should not go bankruptcy 2nd That there are two of certificates the second class leaving the after acquir ed property of bankrupt liable during a certain time 3rd Tbat rather severe provision be made for a punishment of fraud in insolvency and bankruptcy There are op porlunities in detail for working out the measure It is extended to Acotsta all of Dominion Gazette that sjjjw is progressing plot baa been very rapidly and buildings by a negro having for its going up is large including two burning of town of steam saw mills cabinet factory and and massacreing the inhal several brick stores The extensive The Sheriff and pnse while lumbering business of Mr Boyd is a negroes said to bo imp great source of wealth to plot were resisted by or gooo giving employment to a largo shot and killed number of We understand June that he has already shipped dooo fromlblt received bore this and passage of four boats daily through tbo locks gives lllfU Jorl place a lively There are the CsM few villagea in Canada making the fy is rapid progress that -n- Spaniards with serious losses asm is li tagrag period sea of Jordan is not of iii female costume at its and Ho saved height in York Girls are to bo lory arms and ammunition seen at every turn braided and be- with on now rifles of thai froggod and flounced to a wonderful approved pattern extent French fluting has run wild at like ivy and alt sort of robes and June 3 Abort even parasols are encrusted with It three rows deep ngtnOM he suted bis goto attetnpba hi motion iter got so well me rejection or P xl fo the wheels IS from all these creatures- his right log to jelly than the rosolt of the firmness of M to people wS ia rTc0 Mm of Regiiter Great tain Standard says The nego- for the Alabama Treaty failed bom p- because America never intended them j to If England admit it ia Femtle are mono- tin business of light- gen rj- of jag to a jelly tt if- near the thigh tls J- wor 100 per to Tho a young man of a very strong asm Exchanges from British Co- the Doctors bar Mrtj now reach Canada in days bis recovery

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