THE NEWMARKET JULY 2 IS09 A legal form the TRAVELERS A Insurance OK CONN ENGLISH Field SEEDS thinking a better than I my that I have never The fact is I wan lorn to IS A iiitingiuli irlm lite of a maildo Who mold aaya thai the hark v on I euro tho a- A Um when man legally drunk lie It in not ncoosnary that a Man ho En a m lib head your that may be thing then A Brook I mill Win Mrs 11 as her I i- bOBM at drank Nit only Now people said ft of attir to his class now then i tokens A hen ban laying just six handivd and she In Ha abes years Now what i- to I her after that cad and soil her for ti old with dirks him conundrum he in front of a by ft who hi Canyon tell mo ray tore closed Jo to your conundrum Cried ho Ive been bored with then the- a- the be asked father was to iJUOBtifMI denly air How came ho to suddenly the next ques tion Void play imposed his UMftlpIesouti nature and getting him to go on a platform to look at a select audience mi Identy knocked a small trap door from under him and in he entangled in a rope from lhq o which he expired Oefcrrfe lav are ray lo have status of their willed If Mr Hour Ibat the Stotois in the cording to then it i- thought President will the there that he ha- hi Vir and and Georgia having only atai i by hi the da The fin below llulTalo Ho train cum apace bo way and lo Hands but in doing do iron rail with ham were completely out off Tlicro aro at pnaant in of Illinois mills and of woollens with a capital of Aw invested in rami and employing fourth of whom ore and annually of JrHiwl from sheop The of capital is it creasing It is not generally known thai woolgrowing in tilth America ha- into lins as it really has Kvon the Aus tralian breeders have cause fur alarm from this competition It on good authority that tho scoop shorn theru of wool to and this country amount to pounds ought damsel in ages were laid at and g thorn in full Whereupon the defend ant addressed tho young lady a note Baying I have but if you will only forgivu wo may bo happy yet The only which my friends had to you ii now They no longer say aiaro you ef your own u And married of silk worm from Yokohama Japan in was valued at for would have greater bat fortho Japaneso civil war bring a price and from thin source wheat California valued at or only double the silk of a port and freight on grain was great that on the eggs was almost nominal leaving profit to oh INSURANCE ymcntofi Cash Capital Assets all Deposited in Canada All Policies NonForfeitable Nearly One Third Lower TbS COMpiM ALL CASH f a Director Great Cm Ho I it At LOWLAND WOOD LIME LIME CIOSSTASTLT OS HAND uj for NELSON Not Dead Not Sleeping IT A3 bud of a TEAS SUGARS FRUITS GROCERIES c Am Wines and Liquors inert an of tfcrj ALE ON DRAUGHT Al A good Aiwrtnest of Clan ware and Earthfncort PATENT MEDICINES ttikn mm UMfal too lo don not suke a paUi ID Cad aid lb faUrs lopted 1I1 it rataro it ill be star rialUad MILLARDS Cabinet Planing J MILLARD ft Co DR Store Bronze Mortar Near the Office NEWMARKET Crowned CABBAGE LETTUCE Mi or BhUsTi the I CUCnMBEKS nvcii Hong eury Rol are PEAS BEANS CARrOT- All of Boat Quality PRICE LOW Dr Mrs Johnsons AMERICAN SOOTHING SIRUP Canada PRICK CENI3 lEIl DOTTLE FRENCH OINTMENT Cur Itch Salt Rlieua forvhichtba af and which Itch Ball Scald all yHtl ia Of leotard Prrui itb of Dr bad of aeJ dealer to a Ii bora allow a la BENTIEYR and Scab I It effect affM wIiid rclrlj Lime L J ibe lew BACON for tho destruction of ir dusted or watered the leaven and other things are best and of all la suds applied liborally over in with a watering Tito caterpillars fall to the ground and I bush greatly rcfroabed by suds ilobt nothing ont which bo applied as soda for nothing one da in when there CERTIFICATES e of to Tifn mil improrr AfUr la ual1 Sbrap tea ass a boarlci- Sewing Machines I I la II THE OLD STAHD NEWMARKET Noodles o KopteDMair fcr aala i I w S0RGEON OPOMTE I PRICK CB I V MM tfli SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES CIUBLKS Is fioadafortbc liberal patrooaaa iailbtaboTbaaiiicaa bcci U aaw to ail ha la Ills tins of Monument Tombs Jlttvl Stones Posts Crosses Short Notice Reasonable Terms- CoPartacnbip of Lumberjbr Sale to fumib lMtt Change ofLocation I bet rttsr NEW Iain St ENTIRE NEW STOCK J Cloo ltpi a- LOWEST PRICES DEFYING ALL COMPETITION CHILDRENS TOYS Every Attention Paid to Repairing Clocks ill 68 LOTS FOR TlOB of J MAIN STREET NEWMARKET I I 1 sow for the Wild Landsfor Sale THE for saloIiOt In iitnl Tuwnahip of JaMi ih Mr GAMBLE TO TRAPPERS FARMERS to Tho Trappers Friend PREFACED J Jasa ta nuI awd tor Wild In Newmarket Drug Store sous CusKtBg isdebyroaus lick fcf which It la gm nrnr Ball bars or It BOX or SO BILL ir I and mbm Wpa ob liaaca Li diffriwaaklasHpnariWd I oatiaaad M jet m MS I A lha araiod a a eel ia Br in I bar aad two taad trmwsfmtti First Class Farm FOR SALE 100 Pram Data A Miss E BUBNS TURN AND DYE la laical Wat of April C D la a I Raising BUILD nuj AI or Turning Nasi JOHN Chemist Druggist Wise Ac Pure Wines Liquors In pari of iIoIUukjuiii factor Atuuda a r irrir J J DVB STUFFS Fin in nil all and good Dec ISoS Furniture Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Newmarket lha paUk Stock of Furniture 1b part Case Sealed Chain in faa Tabic to Salt the Timet First Clas3 Instrument STZES ELVIDSE Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE At to BAND HOOP BOS AND BAR HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT a nt STKES Iftarkat Fob THE Liverpool London Glebe COMRANT Kin fair Boat libcralit i to sad ran ad bv Office Canada Branch Montreal Chief Aprillit VtWMflri A SI rlrd J a of flora hop cava of aalat ni sol a la all uv and aar I u bars lo aj lh I will tan to bcoaar Count ibia da of leo9 J p- I that I bar lha lad u of proU dor Lara ier bar oar itcaW M la la partlaatar I sow thai ill bar cm- darlJ I baa aloe bar mh aar la lb rtboboo Lb 1U1 that it baa Ilka lU MffMt p w lb CoJblt Irgviaaa i MARBLE WORKS lilrllraafciaiaforeUwrl Slottfs Marble Toys c- OsttBahortcaiaoikaasfld raaaoaatili Call and Set Specimens of Melodeon and Cabinet Organ MANUFACTORY JXU THE art Bow lb olirt aa woald af m la lb CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases for and Schools PIANO CASE MELODEONS Double and Plain and Fancy Portable of all Kinds Fancy Plain Their InBtrnments Received the First Wherever Shown A Call is respectfully Solicited Every Instrument Warranied COATES IB gilSOSta FOR ALL Tinware Lamps c Shelf and Heavy Hardware FAMILY ami totk of BOOTS SHOES J ANDREWS b IT IS A FACT J J COOKING PARLOR Lower t Toronto Prices roar lima to bar roar STOVES STOVEPIPES alio Copper Tin Sheet Iron Japan Ware AT price thai wit ASTONISH YOU A oil will THAT AST I EVERY TI11SG GENU WE Farm Sheep akini laLeo in exchange for th Pi So of P 1 a I if- Reduction in Prices MAIN STREET NRWM ARRET LTONES IN thaoks for reapcoifull afaraM of New- aad baa Large lo EsUbliahuientin Scene ry e First Class Artistic Pictures Large Sized Pictures Carte Visile or Gem Pictures LATEST THE PICTURE- would alas call that far hi aaeccaa la tho art PRIZE AT THE LATE FALL SHOW IN And bow rrj for order all lha abor b aaliafactioo all who ma turn with a call Specimens of the above now on view at his Studio 12 CABTE de FOB Cts 1867 If J AC II Wholesale and Retail Ml nqaaac a la ibe mi I lor apeak Faints Oils Varnishes c as r DvataAa folloKing is a of the Varnishes he hits note on hand 1 kra Float Oak Pan bballaa Black o Coaah Bod Bod ftoara CASH J UAiaGACII Western Assurance Go TORONTO PieUdeit Tba i a AIICNDFJISON Hatch IS British American COMPANT trnai ItmufvUI THE ON MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE C0MF7 Mimc lit Jacob Job AlUhlB Km Haatbarj Jeba Cooaatota Walao Isaac Village pHR ratfitI tat I parti NEW TINWARl respectfully Tinware Stove Pipes It ideln iho aawaffl Repairing Done on Short JtttS FIRST DR J PECK DENTIST A W i Budnih work laelltoihapablicib laen it rr had fit other id Is faclioa baa in MTiaf TEETH INSERTED la all ltic1 Dr Pc Teeth Filled bo to for Life cars taken To rata Tealb Pre for p TnlBtataeartirjlba I JHai RESIDENCE AUB0J Order by Atfitb Farm for OB TO BE LET la at al Eaal Hall of I lha Tib a IOO ACrfES Mara lib an Mj Tear a near Barn and on FRUIT BhABlSa OIXIUB ff Pailcnlaa Apply la- D lb 1SL7 Powells Patent Swing LIFT AND Force Adapted for All Depth Pa IS US l reward Mapari thai baa sua a fact a rer el tbca CELEBRATED PUMP all ha bee A alalia of Wall or Well Digging Attended ON NOTICE A ROGERS Co KM- MaU