Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1869, p. 1

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NEWMARKET ERA jrery Friday Horning JACKSON filer Propnttor BATES Or AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE MB TUB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ABQCE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XVIII NO NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY OCTOBER 1 1889 TERMS IN ADVANCE Book and Job Establishment PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS FT any IN Mwwiag or TO I Letter flilraai to lb sad alg l P Ok scon as On A aaarfcat flMm SMlrtH OB THOtK STOKES in v Overt Urn for D an ggy Dm Hair ft At- Ml I 4Vkrtri at SURGEON DENTIST NEWMARKET ITp- Haters Craws Tm Mutt it OUT HAIR 1 ALLEN HAIR Will firtjf Hair in Life Color mad It a Hair It will HAIR ii Dental Notice DR kit mt Dr La and Saturday each Month ay Dr s Jut ISM IT If DENTAL NOTICE a GRAHAM hi will Sharon Every Saturday I wail all Anatomical Shirt nit it El Howe TormUa Cutters for Sale Of Superior Style at Finish At A J IMS DR J WELLS Surgeon Dentist RCSPRTFULLT lk1 kj U1 m hj I Oik If- ltU Itd J JOHNSONS SASH BLIND AND DOOR ricroiT note a will if In a Superior Manner I a TU a MfUu art m lw rtau aad rtk Pail Deaths VIclorlM tQaeloljlblh will jEdwribiy from oclock a CABIN ET MAKER And Corrnn ROYAL HOTEL TO LOAN at oca- ta J Lw Cltll MONEY TO LEND BIBLE DEPOSITORY SCISSORS RAZORS to ad at A WALLACE 1 Main Street fl t wary parfena- ad La alt part of Mialac TLatlMr la ralaa mad at Crewm far Sot- La Karl Tart Sir Sum Out April IS Davison House trAikiMiip id ana aaanr of Quota oi ia a W Mat Miktk A G SUTHERLAND Surgeon Dentist Dentistry ADAMS JO Stmt ranaVadt THE PIRATES on sum It was night in the tropica and the Firdty a clipper- tine rooked idly to and fro rising and fall ing her bow and dipped in the long aaay pecu liar to the low latitadca wa war in We ware to Porto Cabello with an aaeorted cargo which the captain anxious to exchange lor the van rich production of the cosntry The land plainly bio eight distant With hour Air wind wa re port but there wa Laid oar banging from the Tarda occasionally fetching up with a heavy alap against the long taper apart The had brought daughter with turn a perfect miracle of lovolineea nineteen year of age and Bell Gra- Tbe captain daughter and were aft adrniring rare of the out bafcreaa The moon not yet op bat away to the eastward a long streak of greenish light waa to be seen which betokened its approach Above countless of stare stud ded the azure heavens and a light thin silvery mist reeled lightly oo the waters gradually increasing to a dense black bank which hung the distant like a pail Gradually the round edge of lid op from bed appearing and disap pearing at intervals an the dark Leaving rose and fell between as and the Goddess of Night Final ly ft roae above the line of the swell a flood of gorgeous light poured in broad volume of glit tering silvery light towards bath ing the brigantine in a halo of glory and lighting up the boll and sails in a liquid radiance The dark bank of vapor lit up though Its watery light by which the unfortunate tem- mariner finds a watery grave The bowl the storm the snapping of spars the roar of break ers and the despairing cry of the are scenes to which you are a stranger and pray God you ever will do Do not my darling I ilfirnl standing by my sido whisper he told to aim at the bow oarsuaan while he took care of the next With a report wen and a gave them in I followed bra old I to of second fusion among our had rid ourselves of three be sides wounding but deep of their leader heard issu ing orders A loud yell mingled with oaths curses and groans follow ed and in another they were alongside and trying to swarm over the rail other boat was still some distance off but making desper ate efforts to join their comrades The four pounder could not be used to advantage on the boats and had been placed in the barricade The next Instant wo wore battling with the pirates who with cutlass docks cheered on by 1 huge strapping dark well as a bright one- And the old man fondly stroked the golden hair of his treasure as she lay half encircled in bis arms An interval of silence followed which waa at last broken by the captain in- quiring of me What do you think of the wea ther Mr Walton Any prospect of It barely that we may get a slant from out of yon bank I think it rieea Do you think so I believe you are right For my part I am heartily tired of this It has lasted three long weary days now and heaven only knows how much longer wo are to stay here You young folks di mind it so much between y and cooing the tin merrily enough but I wbt and more fact find time drags somewhat monotonously I on every side and occasionally a I may as well add hero that Bell load splash announced that one of and myself were engaged I having their number bad gone to his last obtaioed Captain Graham a consent count Our men stood to their work r marriage aa soon we return- like bulldogs and fooght with the ed home I waa then to assume com- fury of despair They needed not the of the brigantine which be- animating shout or cheering word longed exclusively to old man with which tho captain and myself My prospects in life were bright and frequently encouraged the men they merry the whole world io my eyes knew well ourselves that their bore the lint of the rose and dream- lives depended upon their success or not of the thorn which lurked bo- failure I Twice bad the pirates attempted to haze which at first bad been gin our decks and twice had we re- thin and transparent had now become pollod them For a third they somewhat and waa gradually rushing to the yelling closing around as For an hour or like maniacs and the the captain with my betrothed voice of their leader could be beard deck conversing and high tho tumult shouting laughing and the dew began to At then again my fall they prepared to descend Iter the comes the other boat try them cabin more and the prize is our own Hark father I I thought I heard Boat them back quarter to the splash of oars the pirates remember we fight for Pshaw Bell you must have our lives I been dreaming besides what would A sudden jar was felt and the boat be doing out here this distance boat glided alongside at the from shore T Isaac timo our sails filled and the There There It la again you bear it AffUnV with fearful i regular clank of sod gray hair of the old You are right Bel it is a boat Boated around bis bead io wild what their errand can bo puzzles dor as ho sprang to the rail to repel me But come girl go below tis jour new damp and the night air is cool They outnumbered as fire to one Entering my stateroom I aiiatohedi M iy nightglass and levelling it before them dark shadow of a boat It waa water commenced to bubble round the cutwater liatened and this time Hurrah faere cornea a breeze dlstinctncas I beard the wo will soon be rid Of these rascals pouring in over the low rail and bows the Tram wbeooe theloand driving everything last made oat a large heavy clamsylooking affair filled with men and I watched it ap proaching another of the aame build came creeping out of the distant fog both palling directly towards as The blood through my veins as I tamed shotting op joints of my inquired the old man Yes air there an proaehing and they groaned Oh heavens what will become cf Bell And with my own breast racked with anguish I hurriedly gave orders to call all hands The Firefly could only boast of four pounder a few mus ket and a collection of rather ancient pistols pikes and cutlasses Captain Graham had a re vol doublebarrel gun while I of a fine rifle and a revolver to the captain All hands were soon mustered on deck and the danger made known to them which menaced us The four- pounded was loaded and crammed to the muzzle with The distribufc I fired craw who mustered too In all Every was made that we could think of to make a desperate resistance and a barricade of spare part watercaaka Ate was harried ly made in front of the cabindoors In the meanwhile the fog had shut down enclosing though in the iy walls of a All i wot strung along the rail keeping a bright look oat tor the composed of immense mass of boats to make their appearance The pearl and could not repress an ex- of the could be heard more of delight which rose to distinctly at every stroke bat It was my lips and waa echoed by Bell who impossible to discern anything a bun- was perfectly enhanced try the beau- yards off I had a faint hope ties of the scene that the pirates might be unable to Well child what do you think of find as in the dense fog bat at that a night in the tropica instant I felt a light almost And the voice of the old captain puff on my cheek and the grew soft and almost saaflhaa of the sea ruffled by a be gazed with all lore of a doting breeze of wind The huge bank father upon an only of fog undulated and finally rolled oy two With a cheer always that echoed tar and near through the Live the grand old ocean calm atill night air they dashed Tat tat Ton ward see her now decked oat In her finest to foremort rig she has on her summer mile of distinguished from deceit There is another aide to by a large red sash which he fair pictara Instead of cairn jpdgtog from srJpeeaancee he was their leader and of dark aa by ny ha guided the boat be as wall J It is grand superb m I op disclosing to arpsaafng ray wildest Urge boats full of on Bow wish I always that echoed far and gloomy clouds along whose edges the sharp tongues of took edges the sharp tongues of M could by the sly lightiing play affording a baleful US person bodies of his coo- Leveling my revol shots in rapid was unerring and five of their num ber fell lifeleaa to the deck With my remaining shot I watched for a good opportunity at their leader he dashed along in advance I drew a bead on him and for the first time my revolver missed fire In an in stant be waa upon me with cut lass high above his head and a pistol La bis other band which be levelled at mj breast I parried bis blow with my cutlass bat as he fired I felt a sharp twinge in my left arm and I knew that I wounded Inspir ed with fresh energy and thirst for revenge I engaged my aiming blow after blow at him with all my strength all of which he suc cessfully parried however I was counted an accomplished swordsman bat I found that I had met my match I cat bowed and thrust at my gigan tic adversary but ih the exception of one or two trilling flesh- wounds I inflicted no damage and received A fresh onset separated as I was borne back amid the retreating and thinned ranks of oar crew Grasping my cutlass with a firm grip was soon again in the advance and fought with ail the strength I master I had everything at stake Bella life and honor were the prizes for which I sooner than the docks of our her with my own hands The conflict waa defeperate and bloody vnry iocb of the deck was caught a glimpse of Bell she i half revealed in the moonlight Another blow my lada and strike well home the brig shall be your own the girl the edge of the barricade I touched off the foarpounder with a match I had in my pocket The leaden storm swept through their ranks marking its way by a wide open lane wblie the dead and mangled bodies of our foes lay piled across each other on either side Loud and thrilling wore the shrieks and groans that attested to the suc cess of the shot They wavered hesitated and foil book Now is our time men I shout ed rush at them and victory is Sallying over the barricade with my handful of men I foil on their demoralized ranks with the fury of a thunderbolt could stand and we drove be fore like a flock of sheep The ad vantage that we gained however was of short duration as they clustered round the foremast and topgallant forecastle they were rallied their enraged leader With cries frightful oaths they c back and again with charging driven aft to seek the shelter of the barricade With all possible speed I reloaded my rifle my left arm was now pain ing me severely and rapidly growing stiff I saw that it was an absolute necessity for our ultimate success that the pirate loader moat fall Wo were assailed on every side and they had already rained a fooling on oar stronghold Conspicuous by his su perior nature and by the red sash he wore their chief an easy mark as he stood with food on the dead body of of the pirates through the heart Tho fall of their leader my expectations raised still higher pitch of fury and I ti Graham for a for the worst With load cries of triumph they succeeded la forcing their way over tho last barrier Placing my back ago net the cabin door I prepared for a last desperate resistance while the remaining three or four of my men ranged themselves by my side Before another blow bo struck the load sharp report of a gun waa heard shortly followed by another As if by mutual consent the pirates as well ourselves lowered oar wea pons and looked round to sea from what quarter the sound proceeded A short distance to windward the tall spars of a ship could bo seen looming op above bank and as came pushing through the fog hull became risible showing a gleaming row of ports with the men standing by their guns It was a British cruising in those waters and her attention bad pro bably been attracted by the report and flashes of oar firearms With load cries and affrighted yells the pirates gave up the contest and leaping the aide piled pellmel which were towering ill my- rind the other The decks were slippery with Mood the bodies of the pirates wejl those of our own crew lay in their gore beneath oar foot and with a feeling of despair I at last found oar little party forced to seek the shelter of oar barricade It waa our last refuge and hope if they suc ceeded in driving us from posi tion they would force over the In the meanwhile the brigantine waa gliding through the water at the rate of three I waa somewhat s while engaged with the enemy forward to see that the Firefly held steadily to the wind and every minute brought as nearer to the land Bat when I gained the shelter of the barricade I glanced over my shoul der and saw that tor brave little Bell bad grasped the wheel while the man being relieved join us in defending the ship she being well aware that every arm waa needed for the defence of oar liven the eagle eye of the pirate chief gained her leesido a series of flames bant forth from the ports followed by the reports of her large and heavy guns whole broadside waa fired in rotation followed by the quick sharp command of tack ship Aa the corvette filled away on the other tack she again and the boats now reduced to a sinking con dition were soon scattered in and canister rid tho world for ever of the desperate gang Not oof escaped and as I watched deatl agonies of the last despairing wretch I a hasty prayer of gratitudi to heaven for our fortunate and hair breadth escape Soon after we were boarded by the boats from the manofwar and with their aid our decks were soon cleared of all marks of the recent fray Captain Graham was discovered the forward deck severely wounded in the sido by a sabre eat be woe earned carefully to state room where I at last had an to congratulate my betrothed on oar narrow escape I related the whole affair to the commander of the who ex pressed himself as highly pleased in arriving just in the nick of time By toe assistance of the man-of- war wa were enabled to anchor that night in the harbor of Porto Cabello and soon after daylight dawned across the waters My own wound as well my falure fatherinlaws healing rapidly under the skilful can of the naval surgeon and one day Graham calling ma into bis room addressed ma as follows Well Walton I have mads ap my mind to retire from the command of the Firefly Too have proved your self a brave man and fought wall the of my and the brig therefore you deserve then both Tho surgeon informs me that they a chaplain on board and I think the sooner you are spliced better so overhaul your shore tog gery and I will make all arrangements The blushing Bell made objec tions to the proposal and soon after I bad the great felicity of clasping to I foreign Colonial By the Atlantic Cable la am of will or a douMad bat If lljarlnih OIL of that la la him rat him- Pupa would of a lbs Italian poMtl Of la Dot producing 01 a of a word which ma and sad aaoatlir navr bat base of a 1 J I Mild Cams If Old New York merchants say they never saw such a complete pros tration of business the great crisis of 1837 and 1657 there always some bronchos of trade which flourished during the sospen- on but each branch of trade now ems equally paralyzed There La great activity In the sawed lumber trade of Ottawa About 1 lions of feet are now piled at ilia there and about millions of feet hare been shipped to the United States this season commenc ing in May and ending 31st Aug The world certainly dose move The people of the State of Kentucky voted by a large majority Last month to impose tax upon the State for maintenance of school It la Dot long ago that it was difficult to carry such a proposition on a popular Northern States Uat Dr J for Catairi The first legislative blow against the established policy of patent laws has been struck in Hol land where in opposition to the Min istry one branch of the States Gene ral has Voted the entire abolition o patents of inventions by to It is said that the other branch of the States General will certainly concur in the new law It is believed the result of last weeks Cabinet mooting that submitted by himself and Paul Forbes it is also thought that Spain wilt y reject the propositions bat in time will endeavor to pooe action Official information has reached Washington that the President of Pe ru has issued a decree for a public ex hibition at Lima in December 1870 of agricultural and pro duct including models and roachioc native foreign Two bond red and thirty thousand dollars in gol 1 are appropriated for premiuma and Geo Francis Train baa ceased to be a actuation in California and sighs for another foreign jail or soma reliable way of making a fresh noise in the world It Is strange that with bis fertility of invention in this respect it does not occur to him to swallow a torpedo and jump oat of the window At Niagara the Whirlpool which are below the old Sus pension Bridge but above the whirl pool are fast Into notoriety among the object of interest Hither to they oould only be seen from above or by descending a rickety old stair case but an elevator Is now building by means of which visitors will be enabled to gain a good view of one of the moat remarkable caricuiues in Niagara River

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