ToE JANUARY 7 1870 j Mr Ml Kaarej lul lir the j ana 11 tlietef fe were commenced properly peaking mi 1 r4J2E bat Sine Mr had gang of men engaged v it- I Warn ho IwmMihUj heavy in won I prog- I hook litatory g reader tan idea ol ihe employed ingenuity thai I I villi mill Mi John Hill Correspondents A are I Eo lei plied with by now inx lraiiil of troopa I itll linl gone into opera- that violent would probably to wing Col made if it in attempted The of ranged a i between hearing statement their in the mm order mrmlier that the govern- Northern Railway arm hi follower to diband mem would not allow the or the twenty year before trategy the eupjirter of American territory for this rceevd a solitary cent ma being off they lion in the Red River upon them I wrote under ii taken prisoners eome jo la nam country la in official circles ore of rapooibi III a 1 n in ta her and sent to where a serum impediment to ol railway which had bee I nearly all are held in routine- to unit- all lit public and which tat uimriieineiinioul I Col Dennis entered and North America in the now no condition to extend its left the Territory secretly and wa at and not therefore I wrote loo under the procure tuna within twenty feel regarded a a Ike work 1 en1 lull and I la retained at 1 He line road will kortly in rum- J mi wimtaUwl I ir- we may t- StoanVik a m ft Tt S iii I unknown was nut rap turn Iariftn he a DtmiWl wan cumins ow meet him Hit him a private not Inviting an initr- prpvad he nut the the note Kiel ml though he hl it a hen Ihc he jiini no reply The fnatcotitinlH aconfnitriVar ill in y lr wy down hut the Jatjti Junta in New the to would err It row There feeling ami it hut who have more power than Cither ih Junta to tend mure men and VlltcM Annexation would wev the action or the American la wi rf iff4 j f he All the Amen- the KUiihoata to tail from New York that tail way if wvhvh estimation ami in public nam Jan I frankly fully ami truly here in of I old yon then right the annourifctnent of the Havana iiht today I tand by journal- that the re- were not in a position to offer volution ha- terminated to a helping band that we did the The ay immediate prospect of of have a of with the railway rtular ihe neeled but I that we com V oar out the preterit giving riaoii brought into a atttatlU4i for the the we would be able to extend ton the Jailing jf recent aMtame and tab- taring and thciDabilitvot at would alaea IIkIL Towiihiparonf Arch K- ill- i at ex jl Mr were Jo i P iijnl I I til J 1Vo iiiaV I- and the lal ilie ken TriTr V I I tV I tit linr nlinn J pn IiI Mr C J for rorji to iir I jiimio I K an wawwTccVaaXarauaMarft and and for iJ 1 in an I K or alut oi Telegraph to Sutton SiSltS i HI a opora The l pelilU- Jo I a 1L from He J Municipal Elections ha the entire If year For by acclamation for and by nation and for a and Bell who all St Clici will Col Don Mr here thl p cl have Mime lit- on the nbjeit will the tie an I ptcnto lle Ilul aunur The result now labe Hid aor Ail 11 n 1 i of the 1 lttucl Ihefor it a hrj 1 e- in daolctie oi the a of a Ike IkId day rill laj I irwail to l by il who lake plea lrlilMiir I Reiiuntbr A really the reult in Mr Sal a candidal- l Mr all the 1 I t plain 111 ml rt a oil Wo have not the rorc miloo Moiilrea l1ipl repnd to project to letlr I lion of a will Iko note who law I or four ago the ias worked up to boiling the 1 will otilrut the lis No onejTbttl to be the recollect a time public al r in the rirornnon and More Cluster I I If Hip MlarUn I mw1i in Clerk to r 1 it I M errtlll t Ma etwinl of It Obituary are upon TUrniitKiU doubt hi an rang nil a long day llie Sun ere counterpart will are again making Old jn tor sober and Mid had We are told that tha their neighbour by the part they fin dotathment in j arrived at Fort Carry and that inter- another of men though flowed during Ibcy had at on the ift with more They are logo unarmed till they St On arrival at Fort Carry G I J Register Editorial Summary Mr annual i active politician- part the and a apicuoua considering it uikorommnuloT the bail- 1 matter belonging to the Townhip and Col fibbona to who did or who did not ta of the American tbareauU JNgJi Trustees the fob i 1 thunder on the brain if they cant find anybody to fight with up at Wed rarer they are to return an aiUuk on Canada 1 e where in the af to 1 1 i- in the Sun can le relied upon men high in olttte In Mraet rvlative to reinaiuii an but he though of MM I if toe fit- of over the bonier not hold the Govern Another dirtt in quiet ing the irurrvctiiii the AkBl tfaal the Hirer an no legal betaken to put down the ahhough than I ha I been well it la that he could not have quelled When that the Domlnk to purehie lli lurlher and I be iiiti in aid link intruc- lie met Mr Smith and Vicar- urge to change an think- llmir will In tiIlnKho by the Cor of Hob St Jan I A letter of the lath ry to the 14th Irl of the taut are in it The Ottawa Government tho party have done weaken the authority of the liover by their The at Settlement bi but it jiectcd that the Grand of haiautbiirity from clear arfay that prioxte do not ftvor an I would probably reit negation were it tbe and ammunition Th and one or WW potti logging 1 the ofVhuitzand Thfl A Amorican territory are party when they were evidently pulinglheatringnAndpuh- Fort Garry it by annexation idea- men rebel flag the jicple to the Mr that one of lay amidst boating of drumi and vinioual Director ami ptumorrr the trouble will bo that the by Father band The Railway propOHed will probably abandon all flag ha white and adorned rrith Northern the trade via St Paul and will open new will three and Jlowcr Among other epoak Canadian Tern A letter of the t Ho with the North aay- leave- Cam- ko Managing Director of tin tern Telegraph Company to and wile and Proven her will It R and ahowing th a telcgrapii to Fort Garry next remain here omo time Poacewill attending hit manage but this bo deterred now be once more restored in tbe present of the Company under present Mhn Governor following from mi and armed to American News dav and wnl remain a lew A retiorler called on Gov Dec cnrapattKe 2 TO gallon hi arrival here afternoon of Fenian armed I accepted and bin on the and formed forming a pari ol the ra niirU i Report written from fourth battalion of the legion are in many reapecU Patrick were into een ice lnlen dilllculty debt They were written Ail Cot John llrwn wimi the railing manner of fale reporta were in the muttering the legion for lock waa dilapidated and among Rod Hirer balf- j MaiaehuetU com- deed wae very thing that ww iiumlan fity men of- of being and against him ri licoloui The legion in command of men employed it wan one tballeha1 killed two General Burke Miguel of the i the The Junta of thia read with the the telegram forwarded to the Havana rday stating that the of the Havana jiurnatn that they had a I by at ttti to lay down their arm- Taken in with the report circulated of Inie in and country that the I iiriii presenting in large to authori ties for pardon the above deep laid and to public opinion respecting the of our riTdiition 1 hereby the forgery fpovai Vagetl occurred at Sleepy Hollow near i A man wbot wile a New York merchant nnmed Alfred Randall and a eon of the latter named Charle- Mr- kbo through tbe temple Randall through hear and Ran dall the iile Mm an A1IM Randall are dead Ran lien in a dangenui condition up alter the occurrence ed in jail at White Plain- The thin up had in New York and it la th the Bishop and other high perou- force of the John whom he aava he never Tho Catholic prienta all thci flnenre all gave a pa met by a delegation when he reached border and informed he not turn than to the ordingly Tbe of tho ty armed and ordered back lulling language being I Governor he wu not prcptrod rilb was no bat to return to Ameri- that the real there being ladies among them and gentlemen visiting the country having no connection lita- There not a particle of property if0 may bo the jiermal the The avowed property the what of tliininovementia to prepare in the hands of the A any opportunity for a I debt had been heaped up against a liV OHM rtBrj w I you to take ml any whelber could in There are in Lawrence Lowell and all the and towns in this and their number are said to be lor- Dee 30 Vincent of New York handed to Grant a memo rial signed by a number of the prop erty holders ami budae men or to be followed by another which will contain names of all the Brit ish merchant and at Victoria Nanirao and other places in favor of transfer of Columbia to United States The President be result of returned to Mr Colyer a rbal reply the railway any new railway e CI A railway tin unwieldy a terrible to maintain in good order ft Is at all times liable tore id dilapidation and once dilapidate it takes year and years up the decay lli id that together tojday We are now a strong way On the of this month the day that joyous day of our- there was not an we bail any knowledge that had act been paid Cheer There wai let 1st of January fend but that had not been mi rote of n credit Renewed do not let it Is- said that when I be to railway i three or four years ago it of any indifference on my part to tW imjHirtnnce of Mich srt I aisU sm my- Prince Arthur decline the the death of a family The Pari Mi new gold each to be styled Clark Gamble solicitor of the Rank is looking bar after A P McDonald at Ottawa tt Mr of movement a An hock at Bay St Paul below male inhahitanta take with fear The friends of the late See Stanton hare raised New Years gitl to e Mr Blake baa bean invited by the Montreal St Patricks Society part in their annual charitable concert on tho lth Film Cm Dr J Ua of I rtsiji r QmA At it Etta denied on that the Sues Canal is to be closed far purpose of works bylaw granting a bonne of to tire Toronto ami Nipiaing baa been ratiried by the is thought that the amount will placed in the band- of the iirA with Mr bodye reinaioa is not expected Portland until the middle of Iutel will M despatched thither to receive fleet about that time Thel Monarch will make tbe voyage by tkl of the Jan 3 By a of over the by law 111 of the Toronto Grey and railway baa been crriet weather being great interest taken in the and the utmost good manifested by all at the close polls Hon Mr King of Ai John ban a new school bill l government will introduce at of lb New Brunswick It virtually provides schools meeting the expense by one year may cause Ho have hi- poll tax of twentyfive on tut bored to repair tin damage which had adult male population any then been done and hope sum required to be on property Hear Take tin- from Toe bill baa been favorably receive origin of difficulties lie Id the fact reVl STmrill I J form of leoal iorthedisiiHraetioa of the Hudsons bee the I the lit that hope ledgrncnt from Con- if Now all this is limply downright were foohehncaa Tbe reception accorded at and Fort first Pegg an J elected roles wen Mr Stephen Howard but understood from beginning that foretaste of what may bo expected he was not a candidate ngnin should tbey dare pollute our Council fflTJSS year reelected without New York Sim so that our en for Reeve Nelson reader- may how large filli- for Council Messrs A J discard tbe J Cat J well and eeir There no contest n virtually in thia village a Mr win declined being a candidate The ST Council for therefore for Reeve Tapper for Messrs Geo tas mm Oak faoukl at Iwre lnaeiweJoo SourGrapes medlle Bay in the Red will ilirialon of mera to Snalnr f made by tha 1 Chairman of Comnitlee on 1 l biik eee of Company in for aome Unto an Ml lot been a enure of conlrorerv finally M Chairman the Committee on v 1 wallow or e- who alter reiino h Iho movement important in lime and bar bat on j lwholri ieSiXS ebich ltl a and im- 1 I wkJ hi rihirnilrollaMi The knew only j nwiicbililv lr iony lnp a in in the wu- and Senator Sumner V- I try to Th f u a r ir hie weaTiaiSuS not thoir ajronuat uir nre the legrco of that It ria followm no tic I who n lnt lalcl redilclion of the and la by dilated f ami takliuj a wallow or two 1 ide hooldar eypplj- van tor salditimmediaV UdTyoul V PI I lClunlOf In to priesthood of the kail Ur had halfbreed would bo crowded bock of railway through the lnitl Kingdom from la of be in- 1 train rod doigninf men ambitioaa of poweT would thoo to op revolution emo When txaman and directed the movement The woro in- rua to pox to I and It let Haw New Dec Washington aay It J iitiiTl the rumoured quit lh ine luw will be follow I whip dhe dollar an acre mail pa aeller have lwn well pleaw to or Portland tho war in Rupert warning ftl at that price i cent per hair WIMJ not invaJo the tern- III- prepaid via imtlMl and Amen- per half ounce weijnt cam not to invade lb n Kingdom ion Itppear that I noway whip at a higher paid or lee than prppj fr tho to reach the A will haiTrad Johvcrywiuj try going through h y Im rn double lb ihe doeiaai iponiWe poataae-