Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Tut anl LATEST FAHCT TYPE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XVIII NO NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JANUARY 21 TERMS IN ADVANCE HAIR HAIR IlcrtiinlrhlirtIot reeta tarn A JUTD In On A RESTORER Will urnr to Color anal Bens1 Surveyor I UuuJiia41Hi DR a SCANDAL S 7 r llnlr JOHNSTON IN 1 T STOKES JAS v I Dental Notice DR IIARXDEN WILL in ai Dr fun lb mJ Thirl Silvia Ma rtT Ibraajb Dr Store DENTAL NOTICE I- St SURGEON Cutters for Sale At A J Surgeon Dentist tbal rruUrljr Vtlnf4 an lb at PES J JOHNSONS I SASH AND DOOR It ow in flat OftmUm fcUrktua IdUi y ma I7ib 0 wait pun in an of lb braacbw GEORGE to BOY A I HOTEL by In J MONEY TO LOAN at th Law of Jon a MONEY TO LEND MUM BIBLE and TeaUmnt rati had I c A WALLACE Joy Anatomical Shut HENRY SANDERSON SURGEON to Inserted Superior Planner Finn it Tooth a Ul Davison House tie iM Alain u with ra far AtrconuHoJaKm of that by to lb Druggists 4 KIN TULlT TORONTO DRUGS CHEMICALS PAINTS OILS Vrt Materials will In I JTr Saturday from till SffilJSliyilBBSgl FOR SALE THE Hotel Sutton tor to A SUTHERLAND Surgeon Dentist win flWaivtai7 NRWMARKKr at Kid Road la ItoDdbaaJ Pro ilia Albert th lit Satarday TEETH INSERTED xtMlal wlb Tawh to br Tar paid to of draw bat amited at awa Dentistry ADAMS DDC Snwsoii Dxktibt King Street Toronto PARTICDLAR atttla feliwa of Taath all wort A baa tha la- kll its ahai and with VaUaaual 11 aad DR STRANGE if 11 Iff ah I Hail the I lllm 111 mi by lr SLTGEOS A Homely Story of Homo boat witb a jar won of cliainn ant WAH mi to wet dock men eagerly apart captain up to her I will yon to your mad am ha sail You you for a in Sbo could not lol her he Wo thought it hot humor him Ho to bo in air at Jut That cap a hwky inaido crowd with I bear you I Bob Firth a not man to die a rat in a hot him dretr for The great bloated dhl of them aval of bis warred purple her little Jtobliyl Ho did her at firt talking to the who was wetting fata tumUrly I told you Id balk you with wan something yet of the old the treat Mater blackout the upo Carpets t tings- Mats OIL CLOTHS c WE bii bast it a4nrnl anvnbnnalit kr al Auk AXES I CHOPPiriG AXES I 1 V D AXES And Coopers Tools DOMINION ORGAN rcmittiiiK onion will loleil m0tlicr My to ovary littlo alio ho mid hastily The wound soil do in Cod to I on hio tOldonly iacharita of and Bob llnd l liloyou hnrdly Ho W L over boon obi to a but J i good at heart true tool ul P hi friend anl no man has V J- Rob ha been very dear to mo for nofber you had your oneo i It only A felon She stood up straigbl onder and tilT arms out to tho black hulk where her boy hand on breast of hearing thelirm Jym nan look it away and gently l I rl r flowed tho shirt or two sailors a for the outskirts tbo crowd to Lend Baal Ocesrii Aptl at the CAMPBELL Young M Christian Association OPEN EVERY EVENING te lUadlacKa A aalack lo ITawauikrt 1 baa CUaIaUPKA Professor I Hi It PianoForte Organ or i tunc be Kail Road through gray wot of log and A of pair rain The great wwimoA in mist atoSl likp of l tie fir her hair Id trick which ho bad ben be was a boy lie revived after while and lay quiet lib head rated on a a the pretty girl When hit it it human or woman in Jbe bow of the boat ll0 l her cloak over her at them No she not to but ItTfetr She kept I upon it wore U him a A bad done aloe thai ft the lC ooeW to them all all to to him felon That moan of l you bar vat ch moment in it ton liko tho en of a ITitc l ul laatihgadeal lodv and there the who had led him are no hero 1 him to love No overt followed bora to ateamcr ho made a l to the lo J My n not me K Uily bo No I board the at when I found his came on mil to to him to is ago SJ- lono now bo over U They all trill back on know he IkAc into death and that which lay beyond yet lift Cbrfctmn frwoium De wm Well make it a Christina they wont forget But you help mo now When John Firth wearily homo that night up at tliu gate to the dull dark little Maefii ho iouid it a I of light and an d ffra brought the Hub Court of v i triad an tl liusa a aoma 11- I la back again aWavy Hut tlat haven t i Dont Mop to I thiik 1 tftoayrWitavl l It Willi Mood in way at a laf nek- talker Dais for de And tr a juiddiul ie known las lo an extent to flood the near river with infidelity ha aju ing I or Ihrismait as din 1 dreamt the ho She tinl knelt lwid him of title loaded pie ready the oven The great headland wrapped they thought would be Ihe ding mora ItMt but in flf ho to feal ihe town tf a of lighthoartedncs follewetl back all oar here John here She puahed il J fhcriudaw gare birth open door of the little parlor A joor whero a tree glittering from to ihrtM children floor to ceiling nn I then opening a in pen box ahe poured out all the binning coin tho floor kneeling at net and them up Make the homelike with it She led bo saw and then ma a look of terror eye You help me John help me or it will bo too late Help tdo what dear wife To make Hob homo dear hint that lie will never liable to shako olT us hold on him To ahow him tho beat you could for me poor girl but you didnt know what was right No you didnt know eye- wandering oft to the dark nit toon Tbey The bounty of it to be applied for to Victoria i J Vtrit llcvlulk Bar It to aa aad In tho lower part of Now York on Now Years Hay where whiskey did work a aocen men either or A of convict in Cm iril Jail at on ho of I comber God la who made Which will help of Dr A to do cried John he held his his lrent ho felt as If CO- of Minnesota com- life had in hie veins plain that they are gradually but up do a new leitso of loug yaitrv had toon granted to him God bo thanked for our happy he laid in a whisper And God paid a happy Christmas itUo Colonial By the Atlantic Cable Tho captain her nor tho woeful cry of a i tho end this had waited those twenty years It seemed but yesterday he loft her a boy choosing lo five hia mans life apart from her There never was a man with finer possibilities in nature than Firth said the old Doctor thinking to her Strong re ligious instincts refined tastes and tho most genial alTectidnatotllow alive Bat the very best qualities he had having been drag him down Full harder my The ateamer is moving Poor he got on the wrong path beginning She wondered if her boy knew who stopped and their lies going with the tide muttered ono to another them ia the gathering Dight unresting sea rose fell out of the distance came the inarticu late wail a soul gone from those who vainly followed whoso bold had slipped from it She crept closer Sho could not yet that God would htm from her She put band on lips the lips that long ago bad drawn the milk from withered breast but they ware icy cold Jan 11In tha loJaj ilar- naailc a loug apaeb lb aid If hall put him on the wrong path down which he had gone to l be was to tread and hell if he knew it wa I she cried Robert she MidSSA had t 1 bad power to stay him now Then tared the yoartt the count bankruptcy i for and t ly drifting their cott than they can soil the is very hoary An Americaa paper tolls of a hog that got into a and drank a jar of peach brandy and had a delightful drunk He laid in a back yard in a elate of for hours and his fnonds would with How differ- odd mixture daring lSIC seasons will bo fearfully muddled and wo hardly noed look i winter Sir Francis had to bow when be was a child had leas days and nights whan her boys Tba had no pillow but her breast a dreadful lmplacablo God of I lrniT l heart ready for I mother lo make them atrong and Pull harder see us If nigh be too late old man pale with excitement took an oar himself But then quiet It waa all clear now The minute throbbed by lowly and her whole llfo dont mother mi pure and had not had time to know be boy then Now They would dead hand heart While iiiBuffcrnllo as hero she had done her boat to turn the dark side of life to God knows she had loved him had worked and saved money It was trifle wherein she bad She had forgotten the thou sand littlo loving acts the tender words welcoming kisaee borne pleasures that cost nothing which would have made life daar and happy for him She had mad Gods good world meagre and bare for Now be She stood alone with the money money Stretch bands as she would to him across gulf of no kind word or loving touch of could Tr reach him now But her boy He was not dead She felt herself growing blind and sat down God would give her boy again training out Was it as il not too bur and bad she yet a little time a little time she laid down in the trundle- bed trembling and sob bing with the frightened child his head upon her breast not withered bat soil and white petting and sooth ing him in a way that to all Hobs bo had never known before When bo was asleep the tried to pray But she could remember none of the adjurations for mercy ordinarily used only saw a smiling child a child in tho with kings and lowly hastening joy- fully to it and the angels from wilt to She wont down to Ann her cheeks roses and eye on Are Ann yon want lb grandson appointed Post department This as an instance of the sacritic ho in joining the Gov- eminent It ia reported that ho in tends to sacrifice other of his relative VA A aelrcs with hideous masks nd garments in 111 week and in fngh an infant Into convulsions and making it mother who tbo a of rriild Listened into the room to shieUytl from harm tar Bake of is about- ct hi own solo cost a lino of from powers for the work were last so ion and being nearly it is at works will ho ruary The estimated cost it Dr J w no glaring require waaeanJn1i i no piiiUiij and blowing It an ibeir f aorral for ll and Stands alleviating pain am fuIIfilUig catarrh neuralgia bead ache Ac For sal and country merchant generally Dr J A Co- No A far Street Weal Broadway Cm Dr Kitrrna I kIsi wwraaa rapoaad A PxOtflCtm con flawUilDUa tchiplattd world fair to be held at la of which there parade wtui was so much lately promise to fijatle A meeting to report larva Son arte and amnfemet anxfcmn called in that Saturday hot It tonai turned out a miserable failure None and at vara of big guns were present th that did put ia an wars Ifca I J aol a r- ft lh body found sqme keeping themselves warm It ioir turns on I I that magnificent idea of worlds fair at Washington wa invention of two use there one of whom hoi a of to sell or let which other had just Mted The whole in now lookol upon as grand speculation for raising wind and promise to in a grand buret