IM I HILL EM Every Friday Morning Book and Jot Establishment PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTIIER LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MARCH Terms 150 in Advance Select hail never before noted fact Thus it is through the whole rang of human arc only the few who ore in proper sense The of the intellect is so groat that his ran bo of heavenly and truly philosopher mora In a day than vulgar in The wo accord and si and handed it to Ella who set they lw ibDd a it with Clonic only that flies up in that it was to her mind grind air he and up and up till true That it my Klin he look nor jour thumb that my life work and God kit iing and hen the vcr know ho I work lor relief lb cum- down aYl down and bleeding world a shall you Ye- is arsself on plied all my feeble hand can a ban by lido lo hall bo done that you and I may ho played on a of a thou The rest of the journey sand strings men mido north homeward was in lcrfccl And then theres Method- raatatial and spirited Influence and earnest conversation in concocting and may be likened unto tepees more do wo lean tin- plana for future and in squirrel running qi li reached patriarchal i that our Ella Villa They lor intended the noblest work of somewhat spent ilio earthly creation Shortly after of evening in musical he jumps oil from on degree of grace to I dually onto and the goes up up ami limb to limb and from Iwlli much elided A quiet evening topic- of TWO LIVES Days 1 past and loop nest and the eon aioiij and young philoso- I- pouring Into eager heart of betrothal had been scaled eternal affection on for Ihihilelphia he sought her mind the r hit noble thoughts A fort In now during had been called made iiM to the delightful aluij t arequo shore t Sunday Claud and Ella enjoyed quite a lengthened l other one Of Guardian Angels Elta had thonglit but little the and Claude determined to ad- her the that hover about tho idea of continually with beginning with the idea that ill ary togocrn heart and abioU it from alt ho her away up lo heights of glory to which intheato pajwagcv in point- How grand and on aiiiiiig it la ho remark- oil to know that the great God each special care to actually vend bin angola to guard to our mind to keep our falling to think that at each moment a pure one near to iii tho dart- that Satan at us into life No mention had oil every troubled that an yet been of their marriage Ella him nor was there likely to be for Claude not idle tit jf itodapet rjpoln of idea of re krar the language of I d itiing in for a few with the aud that that tho now inrJuud then entering colleg- so i I nl exalusl for for power to con- nmvdatic wait not his minds and it v the Ottawa the embarrassment trtelve inilnrht the it will 1 l- 1 Kail MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LEND Davison House THE baa fitUJ 4rwt aa atrj W foe lb f The Anatomical Shirt a SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON flEUPBCrrLIXY to Saturday front 9 oclock oclock p nibmmLuic Ma at Young Christian Association READING ROOMS OPEN EVENING far Rriiciaa Wrwwa f e ai Ko aad m iU9 at Taraij in ea IrtRaiunJj a reach ISib ilU I7a of Im aaoId fell on TEETU INSERTED axr ibf laart to laaai tr InV la tU of Tim raruta at ibir own Jnw if All ajnt to J font U April ltd ISM Dentistry ADAMS Scmoaoa Strut East Toronto TjAlTtCJLAR la ran anpJr W vita Tatth VnlMlaJ and and TmU M laid Or iA CAMPBELL DnUl J a t id Main t A M TO PM lant Vtanarkat 2118fl Old Auction Mart AUCTION ROOMS Household Furniture Merchandise t a CSarjftnr a Thomas Atkikson Dae TEAT THE BEST A i of theirs- old Sol had sank Weal they returned It was peaceful calm evening in the golden tine myriad charms their pathway the faint face NatUruoeimcd 0 lull I M reverie the power of the fast falling How thick will into brain of iho poet Every nattering leaf a echo music of blade of Mtenis to bo tho off- spring of youthful joy every wuntl wafted on tho meandering a voice of younger to the had luted will calm of divine How we nil loved to steal busy resorts of day lifefrom the fluctuating and critical circle of men and wandVr forth in lndil spot where had be- charms and there held a cnrrsatiQn our irinor I wo bao staid our at the sight of a flower reniaine I it in mute admiration of til wonderful beauty and from Mich a simple and natural been off into the trri of thought feel ing Or mayhap wo loft the associations of drawing- room in all its rillianee stole away through garden into the quid grassy path and visit ed the grave of tome dear de parted friend Wo all bad these peculiar beautiful in lite and with feelings sympa thy and speculation did Claudo and Ella leisiirelv wend tJwir way home ward Iting near mi all clump ol I hi eve of Elta caught of a beautiful flower in full bloom and with bands sbo ran to pluck it for ratnAflk souvenir to Claud she know was Raid of dowers Ho it from her band inspired its delight ful aroma and then placed it upon his coat But afterward cams a re mark from Claude for he saw many little beauties about tilings that the majority t bow strange look Did you it is that no matter bow you inhale perfume of a flower it never grows loss but always re tains tbo same delightful odour This la a beautiful thing to think upon and another proof Of tbo the beauty of bis remark but ih their -in- many you know 1- and become as I delighted Claude and awakened plea- kerslap and like the sat i of a pas fur alien fellio fiom grace been and now En retired ntentivned he pitted a harp of a the true worth of Claudes to nil inicntion returning stiin Of just men in him she saw true nobility week male jKrfett AimI my hatb and a susceptible of in her bis band Ought bin opt may lor a month Cenilv he but that there still Ella nay shako one loot loose and he gleaned inlbruiatk Rtrnsl re Dl to bo loci her to a scat his dear poor Ella yi She regarded him and for conversed with her loo an individual love to to loving and ft poes was a grand heart as ho nluno know and looked to lim partly in awe but how and when at lat he her played large in pride a she knew that their lender rosy tips to his up together to bo with it a kind good night she necessary and social the richly ptUtiou from the merchants of incumbent uboti married floor casting a mellow light against the chance in tho ould deprive him of much time that everything in tho jiarlour v iutroducod an Act goo1 nighi he grandly improved ing great goo1 lor tho he leierniiitetl to postpone it for May holy angels guide and I the frank- iinsiderablj time He did not keep guard you my own both this Son took plan from but gave night giving you mild sloop and pSc many members being opposed to know all and still g iaiKlreariand aUriitlm o tho Mr the arte lion which be- tie short pilgrimage of life And South Kenirew ihem and looked forward so they parted and with many for the report of survey cm- tho time when he a great and good partings on earth knew no ployed in the iglUmiliood of Superior I would his 1 wise Elta to us quietly acquiesced but pang of separation was great I J ran but sho would not for their long engagement A Curious Sermon bo near him to share the of bis master mind But following a change as all things tho baoge CHAP I preach ctl tbo ill of Brandc my that I aint an man an them as btovos that The following day and Elta made another excursion northward hah was raught with the usual l Claude again referred lo l lIml which he now of JIIC known to as h JgMtiM no man a big- 111nlr7 of Christ of becoming a practiui instrument g Mmo of the world the Claudo romarkcl Wta ftm were to bring with you today mN that Im a jiuist Thar some folks as labour in tho worlds vine- yard They had pasod Keswick and ao tcre jus- entering arbor of cedars n Ferguson and Claude drew pocket neednt Im prcud for I aint en Ive ben a preaching uv tho gospel twenty years an I am that flat boat that lays at landing I aint poiJ my neednt lell cdxactly nbar my text may be scon it lion Mr JluMnigu the the denounVing tho it moot fur having taken no steps to open up market for this country Sir Francis referred to ft roiiiuikablo progress the country ha J male since he left it fifteen years ago and referred lo efforts to maintained that ala ought not to beg and pray for it poo- He thought tho Gove desired free trade relation Itol I but it now reals OTor- the Initcd Stales t inns which bo He denied that hero had been any such preliminary pre ment between Hoi See regarding free admission of manufacture- Ho referred to between the Govern mental of Canada and tho United and preferred decidedly of Canada and hoped never to be from the monarchical insli- of Great Britain Ho saw to give any bone that would bo a renewal of with Imted States An took Mr Huntingdon John A about the mem orandum hitter declaring that ad I and inofficial document it was unparliamentary to its production Mr could not support ilr iogdtns out was in irof Hon Mr advocatcd and also iasion from Great Hi 0 treat independently chapter book of generations and tber last chapter book of lion an if ycr will go search the youll not only my but a great many do ycr good tcr road an when J or shall find it reals oimai I this way And on a harp Ho denied that resolutions a thousand fringe spirits of tallied anything that necessarily in men perfect My broth- ring hi mo speak spirits England on the United Now t bars a great many kinds States tariff and Went on to spirits in world in the fust place the Gorman aa a proof or the spirits of turpentine ami tho be effects of a commercial Ithenihitrs some men call alliance Mrveral and Ive got Osgood an article asserted that manufacturing in- kind spirits in my flatboot teres in Canada wore decliningaml as ever was fetched down the that ho wen sissippi But a great necessary to their improvement many other kinds fur Even If compelled to di He on a harp of a against Englun I ho did thousand stringsspirits of just men would object to il if it brought in mado perfect But tell you the of kind as is ment in a ratal rv its tire is spinU oorotlirued as is in the tox my in a somewhat chafing stylo Theres a great many kinds uv fire positions at Mimed by Messrs in world In fust place Huntington and Ho finally common sort uv fire you lilo said that as wora so many laid pipes and with then points in resolutions he Are whon ycr to vote against good one aud i and fall and many other objected to all but iho first to kinds my tax Bays ho however he and all his friends played on a harp of a thousand assent Mr denied the Claude read the poem with Is meant in tex my broth is Belt fire yes my door and thats tiro many you will come to if yer dont do hotter nor what you been doing for he playod on a harp of a thou sand of just men perfect Vow the difforont sorts fire In the work may be likened unto different suasions christians In ho world we have Piacofallans an tbey are a and a would not support a because a political next census would toll di Sir runt tale Ho objected to tbo taken by th two gentlemen to obtain a treaty ai Ho customs union would sure to follow Mr Oliver opposed Mr having supported Mr as adjourn- after at me conversation was agreed to and the stood orer till Monday