NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1870 -J- Iir- litiir1 lit York Mop la Colonial to army Farming In Nebraska J lock against it The above writer how tbo prophecy hi put Ibsen lergenry I Sin IlavingjiM returned from J a about volunteer and licirmc ct TheCtyofloifcsshadou J Jgulrtrops Not more count In lids Mm all told about two hundred soul fct than onehalf of the volunteer are advantages by tbnl into to It Catharines ex- election for both And nil By the Atlantic Cable xi i tt1z This armyol defence may 18JS under influence of very J as Ml Voiuttecrs-inlmilr- promising rumors which reached me defence may I oluiilcers inlanlrv promising rumors which reached 3000 artillery of the prosperity Ii infantry 30UU artillery jof I was accompanied by belie in I and other arm- The whole ten other Canadian farmer with their Ion UN d tin- force of men regulars families found no difficulty in A soap ami volunteers will of course lo linking up or ICO acre lot and j scaled the swiftly- 1 pro FRIDAY MARCH 25tb Our Toronto Battels ff I advancing columns of the And if we may put any faith in the argumentation of the of the report and plan is the very move that the Feni ans trill desire the enemy to for ho pays confidently as as the of and Montreal have been or their small gar- risowa and the available force of ho march no tin left ring orihw Fenian army from Lake Huron the immense in the vicinity of will lake Ontario and will a takepOH iunofKington army will he by ONtitL a in io hold it an a ha- Ik- may then frwnl The hundred hat m both ho and of Congress with a of hi dture helping other required the strength of home to plough if- sod being mi tough The year no crops be put in the aol is so much by the summer that sown on it would be up June and July the only A woman is getting her jumped the hack side of bed ploughed SALE I aissT- AUCTION AT HIS I THIS FHIOtV I WHITE GRANITE Irt China Tea Service ftieiivral lniaiioppe left will attack of Vow Orleans pickpocket send a boat balloons and the gajrea heavenward go prairie iu if turned other The experiment of nixing Mm would not rut We had to wait until the full Mforb wc hail any return for labor then of wheat In the acre of which wo oblige Small and with debarred from stock owing to the want of material I S- A Sin Judge build were per jtitiie with by liniii- a to confine to one starved girl cents tor sg and keep them during t mil 1 ihrn raising mIim months up on dollars for her on spot in order lhrt they dmuld not Mi to li h duarepnentftlion Myi r by their rote and lor their own rmrposM have an jiriuctplo Mr Oliver XL P introduces on pay per amendment to the ion Bill for verity of the public ii If ri with- of all the while seholar the to it The at Kingston it a distance of Omaha market and there sell it for f cents pet Jj in J GLASSWARE Jr Turn bleb being wuri Our erecting dwvl from Handy Point on the Mi a distance of It wholly of cotton about j in diameter A which we Id the kbont twenty days mi and all and ne will be lovely III the plan Now on what fro ft ear she prophet hit as ho go and thus put a stp on the part of Ureal in to the of Ireland hat of lie Irishman will that dwellings in the old wo the hole- in grmnl Iheuiover fern and which formod oarwVnler month helleriug tho in somewhat similar structures which were not taken during tbe winter hay water Ac being carried to them 1h in thing ins u the open during lll I tbe of on in Can in at the in furirov bee and Montreal lha Craod were copy from tbe i I V it f rolam Law direct I In paper of last an article healed Onto taa lkKMreLvuafwTarla w a few im- in relation toaprojeclcd tl military movement shortly to Iks ii is ly the Fenians Wo are n t the now able to lay before our reader more complete and detailed account Clark of Voile as well an of the I and of the army and a good of interesting ujti of the plans that army We must premise our facts ami cnRlhy he document J- ij lit ndi 1 r and iuaelion will Tllieirre imd light their with each other openly before the public This Summer will cither see the Fe nian dreamers and arhemcra tdthcr deep in work or entirely disrupted by the conflict of diverse policies Which party is to pnvail is the only question that remains to bo decided It is narrowed down to this question of life or death Are the aohlicrf or aoealled states men and diplomatist to succeed and we shall see Red flows St March 15 The of says Ihe Canadian under ton and others resulted from enthusiasm and sympathy for the pris oners who had formed a brotherhood and Towed so long as One was kept in the rest would I thought- Pino Lumber at Omaha at per thousand and at r basbeL When I loft En February while flour at per lb This great between the price and flour i wing to of Cbale in same market sold at Mi Our tire we got from river dilancc of W paid for it but a- eompfiscd wholly of drilVwood is early Tarpy County in Nebraska principally by the great of whom would return they mean families to my own knowledge have turned to Canada and will bo follow- by more I know several farmers sold out their farms in Canada and took with them to Nebraska from wo to thousand dollars each and ire now living in goffer holes to raise as many hundreds The Itailroad runs within 15 niHM of my larm and while it was prosperity all round now there is no sale for grain and yon cannot think of raising Block 1 what might of North Like Leather We re abandoned refilling The ml populous change proposed large I wealthy the be kTSded in Peel or pelted to bold three to discharge the The fact is worth and of lb a lading to such data a l n The CraflMnan No fi Vol V mi IViml vnl -Jbllc4KMt-lwuj- on lunj light I Will Samuel officer which a full nu J accurate considering that tho the force of the thereby endangered which I r leader If tar this ip the and help Pro- visional Government to mfti or der Thews were released ttneonditianally to prevent bloodshed Canadian leaders then demand ed a general amnesty for Canadian including SchulL- lavTbcen upon by leaders der this aarcje I lor the coining campaign It this diwumont lhat the originally appointed decisive blow the the latter pant of April hut later date is hinted pi as probable rendered as it from certain iu organ only dimly by military writer not blind to the Out that have to he c rot ted but the chief Item of expense All the aare the Clerk and thoe of Jail ore paid by fees and our proportion of what we now pay towards these will ingupn reasonable salary the bar- once would bo mora than indirect advantage of having a County Town iu the Hiding Prop rty would bo in value buildings erected to influx of thereby increasing the taxable property of the new County lessening aver age pu tho Townships interested Now seppeae that the proposed Coun ty could be worked for about a mm quite wo think not including school moneys which woe bo the same in cither eve we would save in average of about jrer annum of our taxation To if wo wore toadd 1500 more for a period years a sum which would Mraaty be felt over Iho we would jaiy for County Buildings and have the doing our business at borne But when we consider that this Hiding would bo entitled lo a largo as proportion of assets of gravel it to ff Correction From C A l Mssewstisjh of ItoblMiaua STrtJr Irwin ilr llii mi tolL fighting forvo army to lie written report la about men Within twtmlyfour hours noliee writer W l well Km It is etinmted report above alluded to r rt l heing over the other la The fori- ally rated thrcejpjilits Northern New York will bo stationed men in mid At an tho division will bo put in motion To avoid sin picion New Cork division the right wing in the rcrt will assemble by small detachments hut at the northerly on the a the rcportjto posh once in cooperation with movement to Tue am page and all the With id mi in of three days previous to of the men at least such it as is not already at nameless jwints As soon us this movement ha boon completed men in Chi cago will leave that city in detach ments and congregate at a poirt in Michigan neat At this point they will be furnished with all uy applies and will transported by night by vessel lying in wait for purpoeo acroe Si Clair Once upon Canadian soil entire fcrco will commence a rapid march towards But is not to expected that this army as ill ho Will be In their way to Ihe itboul opposition Fat from it what will British be and Riot and said while ho was and prepared for war linding no prospect of enforcing his demand without endangering the nee of the whole of tho Canadian forces decided disband They at time numbered well armed poundorcanno ns of gunpowder and canister from lower fort following representatives have been elected by the pooploto the Council Board of the new Provisional St Peters John Sinclair jr and K Hayes Pauls Tail St Johns an I Town of Winnipeg AGB Remaining districts not beard from up to the hour of going to press At election conduct of the delegates at recent Anglo- Convention was approved and vote thank given them Dr formerly of and Dr are on their way lo Canada via Fort William latter has been banished from the Settlement Judge Black owing to the illness or hi sister and the severity of the sea- ion has declined for have boon ioI Sir John A intra his Bill fur ihe constitution of Ctntrt for Dominion Bill has been pretty severely criticised pit will probably pass with some flight modification Two Canadian- who the Pupal papad through Pari on the on iheir way home They hare a of nisi medal- by lie hope deration of faithful Road tmi have to raise byj debentures to applied towards gnteiiiig and and Erin payers will be taken on tbo Bylaw on of this month Montreal is excited over an other The heroine it the niece an clergyman in that city and it is said an heiress of some wealth She I an orphan and very young other party is a artillery officer who was staying with the brother of the girl The marriage ceremony was perform ed at St Albans It is ordered that in all future public executions in Canada a black flag is to bo hoisted upon a staff on an elevated and conspicuous part of the prison end to remain for one hour and bell of prison or if ar rangement can be mads the the parish or other neighbouring church is to be tolled fifteen minutes before and fifteen minutes alter execution Spring Tweeds V I CASES Ml BEAUTIFUL CHECKS Fine Bordcrca weeds AT SIGN OF UK GEO SEXSM1TH DRY GOOD3 BOOTS SHOES mm a ailian far me I have returned to Canada and only regret having over loft it I am now resident of Hamilton and will be happy to give any information tojSr desiring concerning prairie farming in the far west Tho Pope and Fenians The Fenians have lost all resport r llrmti hi v to Mm AapiKsi bout of cm clergy things but now the bull iTtW or the Church the edict of tho man who is shortly to be dared infallible is laughed those whom it is directed and is iu their news papers Protestants have no reason to complain If men who lmal of Protestants be for heeding not thunders of the Vatican when thousands of those belonging to the Church itself refuse to the of its rcvog- Fenian and Nn papers with one voice de nounce the Pope in terms for his Into ball against the Brotherhood The iris published in laugh at Ihe document and boldly slates i sooner have the Popes his benediction Here are i wards Pope gave diction to insurgent Poland and day that country Canada Itiaoxpeotcd at flrt meeting of the vacancy will bo filled and delegate and Commissioners will tnko their ihe his to and the Southern Confederacy i no more prayer Maalt Heaven fortblciugs on Maximil ian on his tor Mexico be rcturnCil his internal palace a corpse Ho sont Christ mas rose to Isabella and an- Christmas she was fugitive cursed by the people He Italy and she is free from the Alps to Adriatic him excommunicate by ljl book and candle tight for his bring nought but disaster Washing March Sen- a sorely herald at Foreign Relations Committee at propamy and success to their mooting yesterday eon- Such language at of treaty for annexation iof naer before appeared in columns of a publication It shows that ffgf- baa done much to loosen I I March I Surrrl 1 Toronto Markets I Domingo after a short a rot was taken and Chairman was directed to make an adverse re port to the Senate by a vote of to 3 Notwithstanding this action ml will endeavour secure ill ooosid oration Cash Bfnkable Fundi COGENCE TIIOS LIFE LIKEHESSE MR J D si A K E ItWnl J lU M Mtib i tut l ha STOCK OF APPARATUS ibrMMn sl lb topsiiiaM LIFE SIZE nil Al o ORE At InsolvtntAct of 1869B Court rf lit dm M- mat Hit Ik prfWitK ifc I 1 hen ti m Tmw m Day of April A ink J4M fa j llu the hold of tho foretold tint ila naad r English Mag I It for for Mai