1UIIU Friday Morning fa THE ERA Book and Jot LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 1VK HE TIIK IlIlKltTY TO KNOW TO OTTER AND TO ARGUE ACCOItDINU TO COXSCIEITOB ABOVE ALL LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JULY 1 1870 Terms 150 in Advance Poetry The Holy Dead dark of llf and quisite perfume and Mourn fur the tioiug straight up to biro the winloKi opened a charming boy said garden ho told a pretty story I Sir I am fond of your little Goorgo Spencer had been a lieu- girl very fond indeed tenant in the regular army On duty The father when quite young on what wu then I My little a pot every iho frontier a woman bad presented where he replied herself at the fortress Her pitiful But air I am fond of her not a ran thus Her husband had people are generally fund I am been butchered by the Indians out fund of her Mr that when she grows of six children she bad saved but up I should like to marry her duo Wounded and dying she begged To many Margerie father them to care for the littlo then cried startled at the roponitjon a child of twelve That was fifteen Yes indeed sir if do year ago added the general not object George now a fellow of thirty- Upon my word my dear boy I and bas been married ten rears think you had better wait till you are the then little Emily That little older before y Hut Mr Select SWEET quainted at the quaint old cottage a But it wont do if you are in love a my boy said the general you see picture The frame is oval and hangs on the wall of a no pray air furnished room- is an American face in the fairest and gentlest that lhe over greeting to no She hay probably no looker on fortune to inherit and you have Your father expects you to marry brown almo passonate Anew boy bad the look that ouabain K overhung with FIRST SwS ti of trio and garden grateful by liny fountains a i ny a marry the year 181 make such astound think so Hit guest wan looking from the window quite oblivious of ques tion bis too answered for him She is the prettiest darling I ever sqw in my life Im quite in with her Very well spoken ft said one of the company Indeod one may be in love at ten cried tbo boy ingenuously papa way and be married bcr too he added triumphantly Philip said a low pained voice but his father smiled a strange j as will be If it was as the boys startled her and she can love you you may eyes mot his They were rising from hare her the table Philip sought the general Thank you sir gravely said bog that he would him Philip mused his father with a strangely intent look Tins matter interest me can I have the property at pri vate sale Ill buy it now this hour General seemed fur a moment he looked from the face of youngur to that f the elKr man Oftoorso we can have it said Philip hoped to the pleasure yon surely do not intend to it What a grand disappoint- though Barks will never get over it Yob of course you can bar it and sell it again at Wo dont intend to sell it potto father fell dear mamma when he wi on am going on for Is your father aware of tcrest in my be bit his lip my dough te That he didnt wonder Well III tell you what I will do Come to mo with that same you are twenty an J young think be wouldobjecu Besidesthi airoiedrTo the year 1812 Sfc of th rig often been ri you My t Kafir t4 quite struck with her the nu knitting her littlo i-ji- no m how voice the pretty enss a jj iailtc song making the air vocal One day a gentleman and bis son by before they came to the shade of two great where J green branches interlaced before the cottage the gats swung open a gleeful laugh sounded a child her white arms out stretched her bright curls tossed by the wind and action of running her face looking archly over her shoulder at the flying form behind Presently at tbo gate stood the mother of horror in all her her ghastly white exactly forget of would bo quite impossible and bet he ts very place should like to marry one with whom I bad fallen in love just exactly as pap did But my dear little man Spenser is scarcely seven years old But will be older yon know Tea of course laughed gen ii this of yours ray boy but its very very harmless shall be better acquainted with pet thats what ws old soldiers call her does honor to your she is leaned half filing gate post for the horse pulled back upon his haunch Lumber for Bale IftsM IMP- LOSSES OR DAMAGE BY Machinery Store Farm and Stock and the fair by terror stand so that if the hoofs came down of them might crash through that tty bead was a sight that might the bravest heart masterly hand the rider wheeled his horse still pawing the air while the boy a lad of ten sprang from bis light pony caught the child from peril and gave bar to her mother Idly in her with one band to with the other she pressed little girl to her aide By this time gentleman bad dismounted He came forward offer ed bis arm to the trembling woman ted her into house and with a few courteous words took bis leave Papa did you ever see anything cried Philip when they tiering again my honor I Her like violets her face like rose murmured the elder And such lovely hair 1 only the was a tawny golden hue Do think she was running away That darling little child didnt notice the child Her mother I suppose it wa papa it might have been bar said the boy struck with something in his fathers and Gertrude has sister as young as that little child I was going say the mother or sister was eery handsome It seems to me I have her face somewhere Too have hoy year mammal cried the boy de lightedly she does look like dear mamma a miniature why papa what strange what an nary likeness I wonder who their are moset the father his face full of thought General would know pap dear me bow strongs how very like General Vandermere did know Sitting at his splendid dinnertable where the guests feast their eyas and regale their with ex- breaking of hearts sir I assure yoa my father nan of honor I hope I shall grew up like him No doubt of that my young friend your father is In troth and re ality one of the finest gentlemen I ever saw Is It many ears since your mother died It la sight years sir I never icmbcr my mother I a baby hen she died I am almost sorry papa has seen this lady It will make him very melancholy again It may have quite the contrary effect my dear boy but come and look at my portalaccas my color- I coll them Could any painter catch those tint do you think asked the general Meantime George Spenser at borne and at dinner listened to the recital of little Margerie a escape The child was on bis knee ropeauag with wide- open eyes and an eager manner bow the great black bores stood up just- like a big man pap and bis body If the big horse hail of General Vandermere of a peealii rill be le would object to my Bonding her letters occasionally or presents from my home This upset the lieutenants gravity altogether ho turned away and he coughed he ran ont of he laughed till he cried when at a safe distance and hardly knew whether to run th risk of another meeting Philip was patient however he there quite composed when lieu tenant looked in at door his handkerchief at his month You will excuse me I hope it was attack ho said with diffi culty retaining bis gravity Certainly sir said the boy with charming coertesv Have you con my question Tho lieutenant cam another attack bat he I think I may may sometime ho replied bad better bo No nil buy it foi tbe pleasure of my widow of a bravo That he poor George I said tho general with emotion died of his wounds a hull in the thigh that could never be got out Had a did funeral buried with all the ors Hero we are at home Before morning of another day the deeds of the house were transfer red to tho widow of the late was almost overoom by this unexpected turn of fortune cry pale was and beautiful as she was that day nine year ago when she leaned lilylike against rustic gatepost as she came down into the room where Philip and hi father sat in deep mourning Presently went up stairs where so lovely for gratitude and a shy sweet bops brought the child like bounty of other days in hey My darling cried her mother my heart tells me what it will bo Givo mo a littlo time dont leave till I get accustomed to thought This Englishman will you front he will carry away with him my sweet flower how can I lie ffS said roseflushed Heaven will not part us my mother has first claim my lore and she hid charnv ig face in her bosom bat id not finish the sentence The rosier anticipates why should I paint the meeting at or one side In time both mot and father were wooed and won time both were transplanted ton near having e to say that to to to my the presents i Thank you sir yon are most home rich in all of kind said Philip his handsome face honored past Tho man of whom lighting up We leave country 1 write the son who has become ix months in nine years with power in land would be recognisv consent I will return And were I to name him His thus the matter was concluded wife lb two beautiful matrons Pet grew and grew like became the pride and the glory of the the rote in the fairy tale At four- circle in which they moved Philip was tbe pride of the county regretted bis choice and it is was so tall fair and lovely standing motto in his family that the And still cherished lore early and long memory of Philip In childish ten- she had promised to be bis News From Ottawa little wife Twice a year she received j long letters and of lot she looked for them with eagerness and rend delight One present had at of August next and not come in spite of tbe prohibition it to meet for tbe despatch of business properly from the father though following now postoffices were sons name a magnificent harp established on the first of June 1810 learned to use it she had a North Hiding of Clare Cress fellow At last ths nine years had passed York Ontario Little General Vandermere had brought Inverness Mabou Harbor back two guests from the city Lord Inverness and bis son Philip now a Ontario North handsome young follow of twenty jatoke County of sweet powerful voice and to her County of Victoria Ontario sing and play was the groat ambition d root Pontine Quebec of more than one promising young holme Centre Hiding of Welti baa brought wo Inverness cityLord Inverness Philip now a Ontario of twenty stoke Coanty of As they passed tbe little oldfash Pioe Itiver reopened South Biding cottage Iiilllp looked i of Bruce Ontario Benson out It wore a deserted look The North Riding or Norfolk Ontario St vino fell from their looping languid Stoke for want of care Weeds grew in tbs Centre of Quebec gardenwalks garden looked much of Richmond and faded No windows were bee North Hiding of Vi open the porch seemed as If It had Ontario Vankonghnet North never been tenanted A tarn in Biding of Victoria Ontario road brought them to sooth win- 1 It said that Sir John A dow Sad sight red flag of intends to proceed to Portland in auctioneer fluttered from the top course few weeks to recuperate by Philip grew deathly white tbo searido Poor George said the general It is expected that the NorthWent we buried him a year will be transferred to Canada next bo left things in sad state and month house must sold But we in- Tin Nw tend a few of to bid for t make there are many up the amount and It to to widow There one scoundrel though who because she res passed April M third of statute at large pge If any person with whit lips shall wTn the territory She is there poor child her lion UnUcd Su her and a brave lass sue is If or provide or prepare by the authorities to l Jj for pay dearly f w from 1 he worth nf a vary di Indeed I cant tell sighed hi shading her eyes for a moment It was a terrible fright and Im no over it yet- Only hilip fo He had made up his mind that he In love with the fair darling rose Margerie as the general called her and it curious to see his tender way towards ber Beautiful as a dream child was with little moods of thoughtful and earnest brooding over some feeling that stir red her baby heart They rambled together every day In the garden eat every day in the garden to which Philip carried all but toys and books and he grew enamored of the little maid that there occurred between her father and himself one of the strangest scenes that perhaps happened Philip found Lieut George in tbe bowsr on day mother they can keep tbe property Obey do well for Margerie gets almost any price for lesson Her harp has bee be carried on from thence against the territory or dominions of any for prince or state or of any colony I States are at peace very offending shall be doomed gull of a high misdemeanor and shall there wcTVearinPblips eyes He w i dollars and imprisoned not lovely hills vision stood like an angel George bat dune without It Father looked tailed when It came would they each other looking up at dread that might bo and be caught her in bis arms At that moment a whiterobed figure passed from the Into the garden Philips heart throbbed with wild delight It the lovo of hi childhood now the worshipped ideal of his manhood- more than a dream his About five thousand dollars a pounds cried Philip eagerly three years Tbe citing and very Important that the French Prince Imperial la soon to be affianced the Archduchess of Austria daogl tor of Francis Joseph being in all the laly selected popr boy done that he should be thus summarily disposed of by his parents might at least until he had oat- grown bis petticoats before arranging bis matrimonial fulur tnohabees HZadjf a thousand rocrTerIna