Newmarket Era, 1 Jul 1870, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY Amusement I I I I- Horse Infirmary VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT break blood Ma i- Id T LLOYD VI SURGEON I roan ins Iwll 1 I dollar vlfl half an aMoainluca romarkl STOCK LIKE IT moat Ufa a -IS- roust a of a toil ChealcrlMd RoU indolence Mid bluntly rrv my lord rancelVo that von imli- s Ob tony abort the Railed tin- pear art thank that I am not tail a- NEWMARKET isuttir tar Jewellery Goods foot a- A Sunday d An an ls GOLD SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABU MO POCKET aid firt child JOB neednt feel prand about it he Irish- Fancy Goods air- A laird of in the habit ridini to the nice where young wit him in a tone had lat year No laid laird his whip in the iiiterroR tor arllv la pre on timing 11 bat its the same whip as At a trial in an Alabama Inwn not long one of old of me j ear AND PRICE Childrens Toys WHOLESALE to the of bar Can you fee me aid How well can yon sec me anil silenced the counsel am Not In- Franklin HAT A srrsnll It fblbLi Sharon Beehive G P SMITH IVt- LA BUB STOCK Dry Goods Broad Cloths Venetians DOESKINS Kf TWEED it- cheap OF FIT STYLE G CERIES Of lbs Ckoieeat Brand alee an BOOTS SHOES to cranio P SMITH April 170 til New Livery Stable I The of Kings Inspector an a In- his depart Toronto The fruit of i to be excellent in all parts of country with lrii ant prospect an Hon Mr IjUCerln is faring twice of Hon A Campbell to Era and England tar A company of negroes organized for tho of building a colored hotel I a- a ar a a to which do white penou Will bo Garments Mad to Order milted Election J P hat been appointed for Prince Edward Ho tho time of nomination on in lay the is to givo a prize of for the be A fun or caned by a under year of ago competition being to female The fan mast bo ready for tho exhibition of 1 Mu According to last mail there had boon groat and floods in Eastern Aattrnlia causing much property loss of life Tin on an 1 A man named Thomas Batch lor married a Ellen Marshall abort time in Whitby It has been that ho was a li married man having a and two children in England He is now in in Kingston on Sunday when the nuisance is tnkon at par in The Whig how notices that a chants deposit the along with their contribat A Wo are to have a formal contradiction of the alleged fact that the great Confederate guerilla cavalry was among tho Fenian marauders Ho has quietly net led down to agricultural pursuit in V Commissioner of Crown has given notice that lands In the on Jlfack Bay on Superior are open for sale as mining hinds at jcr aero cash There is no roaeiralion of all pine trees standing Mr Robert a of th township of London bad a clip of pounds of wool from fleeces 32 conts sheep were breeding Th person bad lbs- from fleece ENGLISH FIELD SEEDS Fresh Importation A Full ai DRUG STORE OF TUB BRONZE MORTAR A Hit I 11 Lit ill of bat DBA S3 ate Ac Imprevnl Tf All of tU Quality PRICE HAIR mi1I Dr properly loss of lire The to and crops in if tbc were damaged NEW STABLE on Monday in Iho field in which it was grazing without any apparent Mr hod iho animal ttpened and on examining the throat he found a large snake coiled Id it in ouch a manner as to the windpipe and produce death by suf- JVC It Agricultural JOHN OSBORNE -tl- Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the North American Hotel BOOTS stavs t7t mod mi um All Work Warranted 13 tm Componml Extract of Berry and Cod pin dm BENTLEYS CORK AND VEflBTABLB TO When coanrttioo with Iks Ami to free ih- livtrr Organs iki will not only Cor Chill D lbs a VEGETABLE For Brooch Hit e Ac A rctnfJj known atlrraJr la rutin r mil Heat jr Botanical AntiBilious Fills no Tbjr Mild Prompt Safe particular can arlpjj For fries BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP la Sttidtdlr th and It TELEGRAPHIC bast is ward for and M th of Toawra aid Fa to ftaad J sis and a Prix to Cet IiU JOHN Chemisl Druggist Want a It Pure Liquors STUFFS AndorUMWUtiMlitr -TKAt- for parity atntiftri and Fine fc flnmty If To Leather MANUFACTURERS AND SHOKS Spanish Sole Leather To Fifty bjr furalnn aeeuili Hides Taken in Exchange FOE SOU Furniture Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Newmarket Stock of Furniture n part Can- C Prices to Suit tho Times from tl j First Class Instrument mtun Every 01 tMl TRAVELLERS Insurance OF COSX LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE torMjinohtora Cash Capital Assets all Deposited in Canada A to All Policial Nearly One Third Lower ALL A of I Bail ay Toroata J of Baq arm Tin ROWLAND WOOD Local J Agent Aurora OrricB Comer of Front and Church Streets Toronto Iff Sewing Machine DEPOT atari Mr Opposite NEWMARKET Where will ba ftnnr on hand foe lleUll at Sewing Machines lb for Hides NEWMARKET TANNERY TUB will pay Cash for Ida at Tmsj Wallia Old Ataod all j- as hoard a ataek at LEATHER Of 111 1 nuaubU a THE LEADING MACHINE L0CKMAN SEWZNa by Wilson Bowman C0 HAMILTON ONT n of Canada This pron- good Them Simplicity Durability Adaptability AND CHEAPNESS Betides a more of equal importance our adjatuM arhrrb tan aft a heat of any width Si red y it I Unit INN NEW GOODS We liavc now IP SPRING AI SUMMER GOODS OF This Seasons Manufacture I And respectfully Solicit nit feeling nssurcd for AND PRICE These Goods Cannot be Excelled LIFE LIKENESSES MR J I D NEWMARKET tb lc In STOCK OF APPARATUS Likenesses lb bui Founders Engineer Steam Engines Stovaj TIIIMBLK AND HOOP HOD AND IRON AND HARDWARE Guaranteed MAI ST raa HARDWARE ESTABLISH fl HOTEL KEEPERS ALE AND PORTER Sold Cheaper than Elsewhere ROOK 5 Gallons for Powells Patent Swing IT AND Force Pumps for All rnoFutittr CO April IS0 IT IS FACT I J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES tine lay Sto and St Pipe COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will astonish you A will aatiify that are dttemiasd to aril at THAT to order Film Produce Sheep Skins taken in Exchange for Goods 4 ForgSlths rise Viral Brick Store North of tU Poet J A J HODGE OttoUrtl J ANDREWS Co AURORA d ii Stoves Tin and Copper Ware SOOTS SHOES Hardware for all Putti Ac Batter Egg la Cabinet Planing rMpMtfu Hi bo UbUUiami main lb i J MILLARD 1 Co i ntt far mm lb bilt totr J MILLARD Co Western Assurance Co I OFFICE TOROXTO Capital PreaidentHonJUeHnrrieh 1 low J 1 aarlwi Claim iliwUd Tb urib An Ihn First Class Farm for sale kllt II i VY 100 ACRES A boat DO Acres food VILLAGE LOTS FOR nili I H10R flALraalr alloatheptotoraad air for J MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Trma atad Title An J M Lota will Asd tKasbora sad taa Par apply aba the aadtr- FIRST CLASS Pumps to reward the too a that baa to tbe CELEBRATED la all place tbJ hare at rod tad tJdreaaaUtiaj deiAh of Well or Ciitrra WellDigging Attended to A Co ABA Wtrf POWELL CERTAIN Preservation of the Sight I C H Chemist Druggist NEWMARKET SOLE tbe Sale o our CrUbrated SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES Pure Hard Brilliant m leu cm jnJoeai I id of umn a to b MOST SPECTACLES ASSIST lit Ik tool J laPEOVEHENI OF THE EYES LAZARUS MORRIS CO UrSuir IT MKk 10 170 NEW TIN WARE tpiIF SulwriboTTotHlctnillw lnll Tinware Stove Pipes c Mwloln atjl MMl of W Repairing Done on Snort rcapccifull i k mo J THE London Gbk 1SSI TS oa of lb l rf Iliad OJiec Cmtil Cbicf Asm MITEL VrwMnVft a J A MARBLE WORKS at d Mai fl TMForrrir in fen liberal patroii- reapaclfwtlj to arassap MonDfflentsTombStoai lb MM M bat work Call and 8e SHARON MARBLE n WORKS is Tbia I lUl f Feb tkaM tier the radaAllT dariafl ttx MB walk IrrwarJa I a Ifreuti prar iUd flirada SSt rail I Id be7rhoei in a At to M the eV fart I waa I to bottle Ike of pill ami I an reaassO keallk sever be pi lred a a of of i aa aM a kaow to all aeir Iks I Hut Ass Dot to aintb of Pakeaarj I eertify that I hare Abb for hat if woaaaa I before her bar to be Ira erery eaa We aad aha k her kssswB of at La It OUST TO Wrapping Paper SOLD kUrck nUT9

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