4AAVL a NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 1870 New Advertisement I Jl I A IIxkt in It- Jliii TIME T1ME i Imrneter Dinner over I the I Ml for 1niter ho of he Union hank of the Pre- Commondablo j ituln in duo him is Between oclock thin the Groat Western am the city was descried I At meeting of City them and Monday I way Companies it and over to our own ion landing at Windsor also to oclock min for London for favor arriving at tin latter city about Association for The conductor Mr IJiom I Secretary fhr- indeed and made tbo trip this resolution to oath very agreeable by bis kind and con deputation from the Board of t I I i a I In m Trade by a large iinlir a fourth vote ol waiting at Im Mr Bonder and after good the officers of Aid J K Smith thai had receive communication intimating that Western Pro Association about toviajt Capital of Ontario and it had boon suggested that it would be advisable for Corpora tion to take onio mevnircs to wel come thorn It would be a ttlo formal tho Pro Association parly to the various At carnages were provide by the Board and Trade and citizens the city Accepting Km President of the ieiawarv Niagara Square and thence lht Association Build evening at Hall an hour was spent in the Iters Carried meeting then adjourned until i tfvn FRIDAY AUG 5th 1870 Our Toronto Despatch Special to Th- Load According The Excursion C0XT1VCID July 10 Bidding friends Brantford ad iou our party left for Buf falo at 30 a special train kindly provided by it Manager of tho Buffalo and Lake II ran Road who also accompanied the excursion to land of Jonathan T mad being in excellent condition and everything in tiptop order we annihilate by a quick topping at a station on tho way to enable friend Seymour of Consti tutional St Catharines to join us Arriving at opposite Buffalo we bad a view of the reman camping ground where tout ran awajr To day At this point oar train of were abipped on board a largo need for tbia purposo by the It Co and conveyed acrosa the rive Buffalo Hero we met by of Uncle Sams Customs Officer but on the of Mr the crowd belonged to the Fourth Es tate that officer very naturally con eluded it scarcely worth while exam iningthoir traps for contraband and goodnaturedly told Secretary of the Association tbo party would be spared neoeasity of untying the three or four bandboxes of which they boasted Many were the thanks received from ladle who were fearfully agitated teat two or ribbon bows and a waterfall might in the a for contraband goods but in reality Mr is the man to whom credit duo Theonlv dread the fear that a box of cigars kindly donated by Messrs p Co of Toronto would object of interest to the aforesaid dia tom official but thank to a c grocery being near by we managed the thine W our he went to a man Arriving at this city the party were accommodated at the and judging from the treatment we received we take this occasion to ear it not a bad place to atop at Mr one of the was on hand and done ait to make things agreeable The Banquet was decidedly and every way satisfactory Here tha officer of the Association were net by of the local pre of Buffalo who joined our party at baoqaet After ample justice had bean dona to goad thing provided half an boor was spent in Work- II- and were met on the lock tho city press were immediately pro ided were driven to llieWiiler the and ascended We diiio rememlKT its lull should it was about feet From a panoramic or we should rather say a vitjw of this City The capacity of this reservoir is consumption and miles on private conwymg water W different cs are with the city has already been ilal sbaIe ma- lnt a report containing city dsnments kindly us by Mr rta i I- ml A- 1 I klrl lo l lln Ilk nil 1 ting Buffalo of many court and attentions from iho fraternity of tho Messrs Chester of the and Warren of he and Ferris of the Fiiirliinksand Mr Buhrer the we learn total cost Water Works up January of present year is estimated and he net receipts over last year City last year are given at ive Personally and trust mi we shall be their kindness wind its Hows which is of cordiality and that ought to exist be i I- Hi Liberty Literature I Progression and At nine oclock in the Press Gang took pasago tho Union Companys line for Cleveland capital manager of this line Mr Caldwell Hi an Steam host fur our part thing clean and tidy while the edibles of a description to satisfy th epicurean Captain acted the part of a gentleman an lid all in his to We may say of the Purser no more i to do bainei with have wo me where To pleasureseekers west we would add by all Union Steamlsii line fir a Buffalo on night a heavy storm and not a few of the party Alt weak at tho stomach but by imo next day tho agitation subsided went merrily ob I July An adjourned moling was held steamer today when officer tho ensuing year were elected and general business transacted Tho Pros ident appointed Messrs Climio and J or ballot The following was result of the Mr E Era lit James Som- True Banner 2nd Vice Prescient Mr A McLean Freeholder Cornwall Secretary an Treasurer Mr Buckingham Stratford Secretary A J Belch St Mary a Executive Committee Messrs Expositor Climie Statesman Bowman Era Clinton J Par- nell Churchman Kingston Wm Gil lespy Hamilton Moved by Mr Moore seconded by Mr that the next meeting bo held at ho city of Toronto and tho annual excursion proceed by to Ottawa by way of ng by i Of the Mr Jackson that th Association aro and tendered to tho Mayor an also to local pre Buffalo and Cleveland for their frater nal and liberal during tho present exec and that tho Secretary send copy of the resolution to the Carried J Moved by Mr Walker seconded by Mr King that reporters of the daily press bo granted tho privilege of at tending the annual excursion on pay ment of tbo regular fee Carried Moved by Mr Floyd seconded by Mr J King that a cordial vole thanks fa due and hereby tendered to the retiring president and officers for the very manner in which they performed the onoron devolving them in CO with the Association during the year jus Carried On motion of Mr G I Walker seconded by Mr Thomas Mr Clark of the Canada was appointed for Moved by Mr J Young seconded by Mr Messenger that passes for annual raions be only good when the presenting It has a ticket of also and that the latter ticket only be granted at the annual Meeting Carried Moved by Mr Young soonlod by Mr W and resolved 0 0 scholars Of the 170 teacher employed 1V- in- females Total paid for teachers salaries and expenses lat rear Tho city library volumes to all while Parks and public fares impress the traveller with an of tidiness calculated to a favorablo impression The streets are wide planted with orna mental trees and many of them laid with Nicholson leav ing the rcscrroir and again entering procession through principal to tho various points of interest a member of tho local press or prominent cit accompanying each carriage questions and inf i can pass wiihoatobwning very great hi tho OlJer cities can boast of more but Ave- of Cleveland whero her wealthy citizens reJo have an appearance of luxury and cosy not met in any of the border cities of ighlsiring Itupublic Tako for instance and nrt vied her in contributing to its beauty and adornment Wo not such a street Tbo rosi donees are for most part about 100 ynnli from the front The roadway of Nicholson pai perhaps 30 foot wide hen on either side is a beautiful green lawn smooth of about 20 feet wide hoico shrubs rare flowers elegant sculptures and flowing fountain be decking the gardens in rear too ore magnificent and fruit luscious Oar party tested the proof of this latter remnrk for or approach to palatial residence of J Wade of he Union Telegraph Co a cordial invitation was extended through Messrs Fairbanks and Hudson of the and Armstrong of tbo to vis his grounds and partake of such fruit as luxuriantly presented itself on every hand Before leaving Mr Wailo opened his conservatory and treated tho whole company to grapes and such grapes at this moment oar mouth waters while wo think of them Reluctantly leaving this approxima tion to Paradise carriages were again entered party driven to Union Railway Station the largest unsupported by central pil the The clean and ling polite tho Co some thought for the comfort of The about the city pied nearly hours and at it termination ho Press Party wore to the Kcnnanl House and at a public Benedict of tbo Herald occupied the chair Mr Armstrong and Mr banks two drive bad sharpened amazingly and way tho put themselves outsido of tho good things set before thorn was a caution Then followed friendly speechi fying and interchange of fraternal greetings By this oclock pm had arrived and excursionists were reluctantly compelled to say goodbye Wonding thoir way to dock they found their gallant captain had all things ready and shortly all Atlantic steamed away amid cheers and Our tint to Cleve land was exceedingly pleasant and left many happy reflections Per to Mr Fairbanks of the Her ald Armstrong of and Mr Mayor wo mako oar best bow for very great kindness Here too we met an 1 friend for- of Aurora Mr Robert Boyd 1000 and the Board of Trade esti mate tbo real and persona of the city at estimated ateight hundr ed and Sixtyfive millions As a man ufacturing city It has considerable importance the annual valoe of which is at millions of dollars So much for Cleveland stands preeminently Here wo found some fourteen establishments engaged in the representing a capital of nearly giving employment to one hundred men Two exten sive chemical works aro also in in samo locality Wo next proceeded to tho new Asylum Build- in located about two i he They of erection ilea distant from fast approaching rather in will appearance Workmen wore also en gaged In levelling and fencing the grounds Tho buildings are feet in length main structure being four Tories high withwings twoaiul three stories Tho estimated cost of the buildings is given at will lie remembered by newspaper readers that quite a discussion was ha somo lime since the grounds swampy and judging from in dications around premises we arc inclined to belief that was not altogether unfounded How ever this is no serious difficulty in making tho grounds all that is desira ble matter of dollars and cents simply When laid out and planted with ornamental trees and shrubbery as intended grounds will present a tasteful and pleasing appearance while distance location from tho city will relieve the management from being bored by constant visitors Again procession formed ami a short drive of a of miles brought us to ho Colleges institutions of which London has reason to feel proud Although kin dred in many respects to institutions by various religious bodies in Ontario these colleges wholly independent rt church or state aid and while a healthy moral supervision is guar- teed wo learn they not conducted on a sectarian basis As one writer has said they stand alone a monument of the christian enterprise and seal of bo Very Dr Dean of Huron Bi ll i own princely munificence and tho nid of friends whom he succeeded in in tores ting in this grand mission no less than were raised to found the institution Thcsucccssattending Deans labors in the post is best guarantee for future prosperity During the last term nearly 200 pupils availed themselves of he advantages or he i duatc of Univi and mothi Tho Buildings are handsome struc tures pleasantly and healthfully sit The grounds surrounding in- hide an area of 140 acres laid out partly in ornamental gardens play grounds cricket grounds Ac the institution also has Gymnasium Bowling Alley Backet Court Drill Shed thus afford ingoppord without tho necessity of coming in contact with the outerpublic in hav ing to seek these from collegegrounds From the tower of the Ladies College an excel lent panoramic view of tho city of London is obtainable After thoroughly examining the College the Dean invited the to refresh mon Bountiful was tho sup ply and right heartily A tow oasts and short speeches followed Mr Smith President of tho Board of Trade taking position of Chair man on tho occasion Wobavo not room for detail it to say the expressions of to Cana dian Pross were such as to leave no room to doubt their sincerity while on other hand tho of satisfaction equally gratifjl hour of mutual profit Oai Hcllmuth has left pleasing reflections Again entering carriages proceeded to famous White Sol Springs where been erected and where the luxury of a bath of pure water may bo at any tei fancy may dictate from scalding hot to icy coldness Those Springs discovered at a depth of foot below the surface while Ing for oil on the of a river called the Thames which dors partially around city since its first discovery tho wetl hi flowed continuously and may bo re garded as not among least of Londons ad vantages We like London it seems a place publishes lire energy per and poshes ndicaling a determination something- Present about i and being situated the midst of an excellent agricaltaral district most continue to grow Tin reception hero altogether was very gratifying and much credit is doe the member of the Board of Trade and editors of the local press for their efforts to render the Associated Press visit pleasant and agreeable ami kiss In the evening a meeting of the Association was held at the Tecum- when the Treasurers accounts were examined and audited and some routine business completed Here the Excursion proper terminat ed bat we parpoe giving a few notes of and Brampton noxt week if time perm its lodge of the Indepen- dentOrderof Odd Fellows Baltimore Unity was organized at Barrio on Saturday ly led a resolution f city should carry out the same This was and carried Wo are glad notice this action on the part of passed up Tho Caaivl during tho past marked consideration from of various Ameri can cities visited and this return of compliment by Corjoration of the Metmjioliian city of Western Can is not only commondablo in itself but will confer a favor on the Press of Ontario which will not soon bo for gotten Tbo Pros Association of Canada composed as it is of members residing in all part of the country are not in a position to do tlio amiable a they would like but wo take it upon us to say as President of the Association tho members will should Toronto so desire in making the demonstration a complete success kindly suggestions of Lender and Globe in favor of ex tending a warm reception to tho Western Press is very timely and considerate Provincial Exhibition next Provincial Exhibition for Ontario will bo held inTorontoontho o th day of October next Competition open to alt world The dates np to which entries in the various classes will bo received hove been as follows lep arlfal in Tor Editorial News Items of lbs City an fro ia Csniw 1st will liktddJa wrj of rtblalntJoaf panto for only was to cmatrj Werr I Bff lien bob- j Sine lb aa pat in Ijp roolaiiu that part a rumor tUt am on aatioa of tU Canadian I oUotaotUbleabisr Err Brick Iba fiaiiuad of Iba snj f twin for I I tor I aikitl idJiaj of four a whtck fa a inpeaing Iba iamvSli aa ok atJinj II la acrtsry fcrwr4 partiaa kaava to km smsisU to to by J at of atobar Local Summary A will preach -iirjU- are lnvltoi to Price is succeeding Train bad on ami I 1L I I- 1ir up of Board of rruaia UiHHlay last It County Grammar Schl On not fur to Presentation Mr rirwilngty Mr first regular Quarterly New Dominion Monthly The The Crops In this immediate amr4s avrovp and ftw pari roots atms but yield and Accident Mr Robert but by th passenger on train pro ST St In tT- A meeting of the Newmarket a I jw will villa Into lam Holland Landing Council A of vai held on Monday Kiwi J Las sad paid Mr Ali ia ftMaa Park J A in Park Mr ms as Tba Cms ill Soparate School Examination array who ioloniol tho Atlantic Cable la ai ii today r not oalkor military neutrality England iiTtHla the Emperor il public and a Emperor HUM law In a trtanclaSjrmad by American News July an old and romineataj of the Stock wa72 last night at his residence i third street Tho Stock W reward for tat of murderer Angnst disaster at Pacific miles here at night Tho Spray from New Orleans for nnti with barge in tow killing and ber of her crow and boat then took tire It to obtain a full list of tho July 30 CaptKojj was arraigned before States Circuit Court todyf ing neutrality laws guilty General ONei was in dock and askol by lbs if ho had anything to wbvT sonteneoof Court not passed him Prisoner bis services in behalf of hit country as a reason why but should bo light Ho was tenced to the Prison it sor for two years and lined Col John was to months and lined It had no command at front and that bo was not sentonced months imprisonment fined Two prUonors asean Stratford jail last Wednesday August The Clisftj Salt Company have this salt at a depth of feet Where three men some I guarded tbo Parliament a dozen are now The lownoaa of the Ottawa has caused great damage tot lumber trade A Prussian to the soldier who captor first French flag A benevolent young lad Ottawa sells kisses at per for the relief of the poor There is no truth in that cap tain Samuel of the committed suicide Lady Franklin has ini or k and is the guest of Mr flfl Bishop Montreal proceeds Friday to tako part i of translating some relic I Til at been formally received Imperial authorities by Sir for the by Lieut Ci and Major Beooa St- Catharines with libel suits just now Mr moor of sued for if be d back something ho wroto of that town Chief of Poll ton Time Ran A from Chicago says Pembina say Reliablo his been received that the Indiana have Fort CtaoN a Bay post on South katchowan Commander McDossI among killed and Edmonton wore also attaji A deputation Corporation of the Montreal waited tho Managing Director of the Oral Trunk Railway with a view tho location of car works the western section of tho line Hi an ford The deputation a to offer liberal I of thirtytwo thousand dollars i order to secern this boon to M and it is understood that Mr BryoJ lri formally enteral na propo n Pan si a Wo tbo foiloal from a late number of Telegraph Mr A the lumber king of the north fi purchased tbo extensive as Halls Mills Wsbssfe near Cold water The luring department will bo under supervision of Mr Km A Spam latoofSageAComiilatBellE with whom be ha been for ten Mr J assumes the get management of finances ato both the above veterans in tho trad at his command Mr may rest assured of having the manufactured lumber and aacba got out any in province Death or The Montreal Mr fate Gov the Hudson Bay company died at Liverpool on in Mr wont to Red settlement In as chief fackr tha Company trading interests that section of the country la he succeeded Mr Jobnsoi- of and hoard of the Executive and hi sW on death of tbo late Sir Geaf Simpson he became Acting of- Ruperts Land a pa ho has permanently appoint 1864 on tho reUrment A- Since September last heath has been gradually until death put an end to on the Post AnianoMBit A letl in this city from Fort that has arrived Fort Garry He reports that very anxious about the doing very damago to the crop and Indians waichi closely and are hourly expeewf from the expedition conveying to pi at present height of Arriving at At Port the that the troop I- bo Inhabitants or the W convinced when the of amnesty that boa Imperial and Canadian tare approved of the