I NEWMARKET ERA AUG 19 1870 tor enjoyed real gratification at tribulation of opponents that have ti during the past two week From Pan to and from I part of Dominion a wailing Ministerial camp had gone forth Column after column has been written by pens in gnul evils of magnitude predicted and calamitien And wherefore Why among the Simply this in alluding to tho of the speeches delivered at a public meeting in Toronto couple of we k ago On tho North West question the Globe took occaion to tell leading Conservative who in unmeasured condemned Sir Geo that a little welldirected honest condemnation bestowed Sir Jons A and his Immediate followers from Ontario would be consistent and serve a bettor purpose The latter could reached by the electors of this the polls where judgment ought to commence firing blank cartridge at the leader of stio majority from Quebec would not materially tend to future moot This was first point and may bo regarded as tho beginning of tribulation to Ministerial Globe urged the electors of Ontario to apply the lash where they could it felt and the A of Staff Editorial on iho ltochoater Democrat hat recently Newmarket and vicinity a visit tb July a Like your faco- pndont Mies True I too made up my mind to escape from tho beat and forthwith sped my way to this delightfully shady retreat tho embowered home of an old and friend Voter Ten who having been the faithful peri tendon of Sabbath Schools ere for over a quarter of a century futniliarly known to all tbo good boys and girls in tho vicinity well as those of a larger growth all invariably bailing on meeting with How do you do Peter Well Mr Editor while you sweltering and fainting in your turn for tho edification of your dear readers during orrid ot weather of tbo month now closing your humble servant was actually re- himself with raspberries and cream huge bowls of fresh sweet milk boncath grateful shade of Uncle Voters stately maples Think not Mr Editor that I am taunting you Far from it I only wish to call your attention to the good thing awaiting you in country in too that will not run the hazard of sunstroke but will at resort cool invigorating no throw editorials to logs Canadians are a pb loving jicople predominate Everywhere in the citios and villages may see naming posters announc ing by steamboats and railroad Those picnic excursions are largely attended by old and young Tbo managers of road running from Toronto to appro- art of the w musts ranco and naled point charge of power in to meet ruiimg This A second fact gate still practice is laudable and worthy of to that declaration the j ment made to all the uUnets is rood run on refusal to roeievo the Emperor d along the entire lino or to enter into is Acci- with In nsMsossu tor notwithstanding tbo French felt and repass daily duty to tako stops for immsdisjT mber shingles lath defence of its injured honor and cedar posts heavy timber which is and to adopt all tho carried daily to Toronto on this rood required by the of i lew i exhaust tbo vast which it has access This road is seemingly in con dition and well managed pas- cars are painted a lively outside and coxy and inside Tho several between Toronto and Consequently from tin itsolf in a state i Destructive Fire at It At four oclock this each a small plot by a was aroused from lm bod picket fence with fountain playing discovered flame- issuing in tbo centre supplied from the wntcr foundry In a lew minute lank tho whole being nodded laid buildings comprising the foaadiy out in gravelled walks and dotted and machine and finishing hopswoi with beds of flowers All in flames Them buddings ocean this not only an ornament to about acre of ground bat most refreshing to the eye spread with such rapidity that of weary traveller The three found impossible to resist iliem thunder mid lightning hen- the almost as I preceivo by tbo efforts of Mr Ferguson of itou tho Slates and awfully grand Much lion to life and property occurred he his wife had retired to I- when their bouse was struck and both i jured tho woman fatally J another In village of Aurora few miles distance from hero a Mi on stepping to the door of residence had tier sight entirely do- ilroyod by a seven- Rash Houses barns and this So either totally shivered to Atom Orchard four miles cast or hero fine driving house of George filled With hay grain sleighs as struck during that torm occurring in the morning and burned level with lie ground together itb almost all of its content in brief spaco of twenty minutes In residence and hams escaping only by ho torrent of rain occurring Mil interest is manifested war and 1 have beard ut one indiVidual declare in mi Johnny Already I cars intelligent sturdy young eh their way to Prussia for land of their birth ijucnt reference is made here to the Fenian raid all deeli that should little game bo a third repeated not a Fenian crossing lines or within reach will survive folly as they are of those wiJl make short work of all future invader Much surprise is expressed at slight im posed on generals at daigua People here are of iho belief that these same Fenians will yet prove thorn in tho flesh to Uncle Sam uel himself following singular incident was related to mo by of the jmrlic- ntcrostcd Fort years ago a borne belonging to Mr lb strayed away After search in bo took a rido of bet length running north from the city and calling upon an old friend Mr a wealthy farmer he aypM missing animal Mr K VM have got my horse said Mr In deod replied K is that yooxborso I used and bo suits mo so well will buy of you 100 Agreed thousand acres of land allowed the lay idle contenting him self with simply nying the taxes during all these years till recently when bo sold land for Tho horse cost him just SCO I Called at offlco of Mr Jackon publisher of Newmarket i a of land for him found him absent with his Detroit and farther West their annual editorial lour Mr J on their annual editorial lour Mr J you rcnioiubcr is indefatigable of Press Association tarried for hiloon th ii- tour a Subsequently on his return and found a gonial sjecii the craft tyjiogrnph and editorial By Hi Mr Editor s Association contemplate going to Montreal on their annual tour next year would it not be well for the Press Association of Western Now York to unilo with their brethren trip calculated to afford so much pleasure What say you gentlemen W Tho French Declaration of War much of those remarks forcibly illustrated than in poor weak occasions that gave rise to terrible conflict now raging in Eu rope Tbo whole matter is com pressed into a nutshell ill the annex ed paragraph The Gazette publishes the follow g as text of dolivcred to the Prussian t In fulfilment of bo has received from undersiguVd Charge Affaires of France has iho and his Deputy fi l ir Command his with ail the lorn utterly destroyed entire is estimated at of which about is in the Quebec Fir in patterns is heavy flro interrupts several tracts with tho Intercolonial and ford Companies and tbrotsl hundred men out of ptoymOnt News Mziimts Tenn affairs Fort are Mil unsettlod Tho and nos still committing denredsubssl in Texas On July a party of Indians attacked Ranch near the mouth of Link Wachita in Texas killing Mr Ware of Illinois and wounding About of Indians raided Te killed a man named Co carried off Ms wife and five chikusst Thoy also wounded par sued raiders to Wachita Indians attacked soldiers and aV a fight rosultiof tt the killing of two soldiers and uW wounding of Tbo Indians lost two killed and several Tbo troops thon fel bock to ro and being reinforced started in pursuit of Indians but not find thorn Alt the have left tbeir war camps and off together It rumtirod tbtf The ApaeatJ and still hold Naw York- August TIM morning Michael of llrookljst became enraged at bis wife in of a potty quarrel aasT threw her a butcher which instead of billing her piorsn New Aug James forth of England baa pted challenge of nin Mr llrow township Scarletts road near das street wore completely dMtbysiJ by fire Tho fire originated in Af shed and from ibenco spread to Up sheds outhouses and dwellings all of which wore destroyed together nearly all their contents la barn wore yield of ten acres of wheat threshed twelve acres of bat toy straw eight acrosofoaat and eight of peas two threshing ro horse power a Durham bull to pigs littlo of thf in the bouse was Tbo premises were owned by John Dunlop Woodstock who sustains the loss of about covered by lift Browns Ions is about and a is insured in Ismail amount fire is to have boon tiki work of an incendiary or caused by ashes from pips of a strolling W grant Leader learn that Ilowell P Belleville Provincial Master for Ontario East has office of l rand Master of 1xlge Tbo reason for this slop i British America and consequ given up tbo Provincial sTrtH Mastursbip By resignslioo Mr McDonald Kit if Senior Deputy Master becomes Grand ftf Ontario East Canadian A Quebec despatch of laattk says has to effect that the teambota a market boat piling hero and was run into and sunk nine tho rivor by a schooner The of tho boat has just of llis Majesty King of Prussia v tho following communication of boat has arrived hero sa Government of Majesty states that his vessel sank Emperor French not being minute and a half after alio to regard design of raising and that about Iwolvo wornca a Prussian to throne of children who were in the cabin Spain as anything but an enterprise drowned Ho knows no nanus directed territorial security that of his cook who went down to of France found herself under Tbo boat was about yards necessity of requiring from Hi shore at time Majesty King of Prussia an as- j a private letter from that nation announced that his I race Area- be carries into effect with Bar King this Toron tll0 iMt0r and on contrary to Ambassador of 1IU the j Sir Georgo K rusticating at tho power of taking account of Gait and Sir Francis Imperial Govern- and Gen Lindsay is i moot could not but in that a short Riviera