NEWMARKET ERA 19 1870 I- it A in in lust ry for to work into a A volume that will ci I Notice Alfred limn hereby let ihj km Mtmd ibio and D SUTI1EULAND Co M iron Awl ill carry a IW It attach- Apothecarys Hall I ail Why 0 1J die lfopo A lick man Hint him tat I a 0 for I don l liul tat like lb CI 1 1 II honor gabble end Sal to mi M Why tin- oil r Ob as man on illhatliil broth Hind a A lamp by aid An dtfirilinp fll twelve bertha old 1 11 1 Indie they mast have bad US- What are a laborer of a What Joes your fat lit night Gsrl why bo get an tight Lenny said you should NEWMARKET DRUGSTORE JAMES KELMAN Chemist and Apothecary OX TUK 111 SINKSS The Stock be round rep- will and Drugs Chemicals COMBS FANCY GOODS Bid llio boy a brick could To which the wain It will give me how and to giro duplicate get Ah Take The married friend button on a v aid the llcnedil you might Patent Medicines 1IORSK A CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs Of ill Van James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES to hi- married friend And Artists Materials find a button on a clean can lb i Speech wfhc following i Finest Tobaccos tin- ijueens delivered by Royal the of the Parliament My ant state of public business enables mo to release your upon from all power insurances their good will and friendships but witnessed with pain and grief on boll domain and foreign Condi recent outbreak of war two powerful nation allied to ibis country My exertions hare beer used to avert great calamity CASH for WOOL 111 lb Highest Market Price IX WOOL Newmarket Woolen Mills VolilUilaBliBj bo 111 spinning carding rolls Exchange Cloths A Flannels for Wool as Formerly Sharon Beehive Q P SMITH I A I IE SPRING STOCK Dry Goods ff Bod I Broad Cloths Venetians DOESKINS ant TWEED SUITS v observance I I shall ions attenti of tho I right of net I have cheerfully assented measure matured by you enlarge tho powers tho executive not only for the discharge of national SaUtiea but for the prevention injurious to the interests of thi try shall mako every fitting row to check the ojerntioii of the to tho enlargement of area of the conflict and shall if opportunity oflcrs tt restoration of an early aid hon orable peace I have tondcrcd to he belligerent powers treaties identical in form which will give additional Belgium against the for tho North Confederation and French has signified that ho has authority tbo corresponding iustrument and the receipt of full juwor therefor from the power to treat of has invited and likely to accede to the The shocking in Greet hare produced a powerful in Europe and have drawn attohlion to the acrious evils existing in that country My unremitting be directed to secure a searching into the facts of the House Common I thank you fur the liberal made by you for the ordinary sen of the year and fur additional of men and money voted view of the altered circumstances Continent Tbo revenue to meet tbo now charges thus created without revising the balances of and expenditure The Act for the repression of agnrian crime and to main tain order in Ireland has answered its purpose thus far from the Act regulating tho occupation of land I anticipate restoration of peaceful relations between tho land lord and tenant and of confidence and benevolence legislation duty protect life and property I hope now is mora ami I ralv on the loyalty and affection of my Irish I bare been pleased to concur in the Education in England a new for moral and social wellbeing of the nation Its prosper- and the Neutralization Act and tat for extradition of criminals tend to strengthen oar friendly relations with other powers The Act regulating enlistments for short terms I hope will increase of forces promote welfare of the soldiers and for the nation a reserve well trained in arms end roady on the emergency to return to their standards I bid for the reoeM wilh the earnest prayer that when again summoned I may rejoice with the of peace CIGARS IN LAMPS STAR A Remember the 2 Commer cial Stock Mala Street Vetmrket fat Europe County of Units to tu whits I tit die I fort Brtnnlf I iMWCpftMJuplbflftlslni all ml nth fiicsds I ess I sal to tj I ill Asa M Wots it of Ha of ibis slaih of A J Ac I Mrtifr I Wats Ass lh sra lias or sad I ka tet am- 1 1 at to bo is orrrj I ill out 1 kao hat ouririoa ncororj to Shook- btood bo tho her uoo it boo of otirkclo J of Coast of of JUST TO HAND Wrapping Paper I SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH ERA OFFICE a b J CHEAPNESS KIKlilXCK OK KIT it- STYLE Garments Made to Order lb ll lock of GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES For Sale or to Bent by Mr HUNDRED ACRES ia NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET boo oat a Jewellery Goods Alas a anl of GOLD SILVER WATCHES AND ElectroPlated Goods Fancy Goods IW met rtjlih tot lb QUALITY AND PRICE UNSURPASSED Childrens Toys WHOLESALE lbB oartkBBOd at ToroaU u bo la JaaiTOM of braaob WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN and Jewellery Repaired L A bbj lf Hew Livery Stable I TBI oabaorfW to la- of baa a bra 111 b Implement JOHN OSBORNE to I 1170 IMS ENGLISH FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Fresh Importation DRUG STORE 81 OP THE BRONZE MORTAR Garden Seeds by Ounce or Peck Ancncaa of ISrtB Bod Illv0 CABBAOB York Pint aaJ Via- CAULIFLOWER LETT All Boot CUCClfBEBS Karlj Clastor flunt Love abJ If A T Bod I PSAS of InUad BRASS Si AspATAin Pol Also Summer Sornrj Itaprevod Top I Seeds of the Seat Quality I LOW HAIR RESTORER for Droasir Boston lUr a Yoikahire Remedy Cou Worm an J all Wod M of BbCM CotUo Compound Extract of Black- Bony and Choieii A Sara I of Plies Roaches Ac rrtptWaf Dr BENTLBYS CUBS VEGETABLE TONIC it tbo au Pi to tbo Law And Or frota Coorolioa I I POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For Colds loci p ft c Ac A AtMrioaa Coofb in I o knows to Or Irioo pot Botanical Pills TWj art Mild Prompt sad la bo particular Is rsqairsd p Ij d tVoso CoatpUau ib- M sad tl boot BOTANICAL WORM I doeidodlr Sabot Worm OTtr It it to tfco sad la it 1 OT Warm I J lorlh Tb boat J t h CtnU per RjtU tohYbeniw Chemist Druggist Wins Merchant Ac Has roeorod a frost or Pare Wines liquors by quart DYE to Soari JJataeeoi Pipe c a W AT R R E AND GOOD Constantly on Hand a Mar House and Lot for Sale TOR I proprrt bj HOUSE FIVE atdASB OE LAND t THE LEADING MACHINE SEWING Tbe Old Mart AUCTION ROOMS Manufactured ty Wilson Bowman A Co HAMILTON ONT TS now ho Leading In Dominion of it baa attained inherent rood leaning 111 inw iiiiiiiuh ui j attained through inherent good Household Furniture Simplicity Durability Adaptability AND CHEAPNESS re of equal importance d with lo aaiaoroat Storage few our If Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Newmarket Stock of Furniture Lor in part Caairs Is Prices to Suit the Times b ar I l ail First Class Instrument TRAVELLERS Insurance OF CONN LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE payment of Cash Capital 500000 Assets all cash Deposited in Canada All Policies Nearly One Third Lower Tbaa Copaioo ALL CASH I o7BrftdfordjYM Markham I Steward Oak GEO General Agent FRUIT JARS Brass Kettles Enamel Kettles 8CTTHES tttcf Cheap and Good at Aaron Jurat 3D J ANDREWS Cos crctaaU Acnts Montreal Aftal or Great Wot- spbnComniiasoatrofCrowB Master tllaa at Aadtov tosmthp lompanj of Ctaada ft WOOD feats J McNALLY Agent Aurora Corner of Front and Church Streets Toronto Hat IM Cash for Hides NEWMARKETTANNERY hud a stock of LEATHER Of all which will bo said at ttsassbls IT IS A FACT I J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stores THAN TOEONT0 PRICES Y it your lime to buy your Stores and Stove Pipe COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will astonish yon A will tod that tfatr la Soil at THAT 33Cvi7 Farm Produce Sheep Skins Rags taken in Exchange for Goods tao First Brick Stars af Pol Ofias J A J HODGE October 18 Cabinet Planing aW or now J MILLARD A Co First Class Farm FOR SALE 100 ACHES SHARON MARBLE WORKS Br WoARTBOB la hi ioada ft tiaeo start t sow to oiocsto ail ho bo faTosrtd with his Lao of Monuments Tombs Tablets Head Stones Posts Crosses On Short son able Corsrtatrsbip or ooa March tf Conveyancing Scc CHEAP ON SHORT NOTICE P MOORE Western Assurance Co OFFICE 10t000 President- Hon JMcMurrich RIKStakoBnVllU It jro latmompllT who lor thio m fuc-lios- Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the North American Hotel BOOTS AND SHOES I MARBLE WORKS rpUB la far reapoclfu to that la art bow MoflnmentsTofflb O Beat bat Call and See Specimens Lumber for Sale THB rikscribsT Is to ft ill of aloadiaj psuthassrs LIFE LIKENESSI3 MR J I bat notr Jons to bo baa isrcxA ok AnJ i to imhq li Sli Or other tits to sail those nshlai state All a low and Opposite ST NEWMARKET B HOTEL ALE AND PORTER Sold Cheaper than STOCK ALE PER S Gallon for roac Powells Patent Swiuj AND Force for All TOlak II i I I M H brrt b iwW aoSsji fl If SAB l HIST CUB sod rtvsrd lata ha CELEBRATED rUMPS In all bore tb bao be lallliaS T WellDigging Attended Is A ROOMS Co ASA CUJS VnrfwobM CERTAIN Preservation of the Sight SIMPSON Chemis Druggist SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES Tls of wkkk an as It IS Pure Hard Brillianl sad as soar fora aad be the old of wartaats as at MOST PERFECT TIET 1st SIGHT EASE Wearer OP TEE loot a jesrt So lbs as flnt LAZARUS MORRIS Up XT We as Mrcb 10 NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT r ho koopo on I Stove Pipes tho moat cat aUlirUla Repairing Done oil Xttn ho UnalM no bo bo A