NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Previa Teas Colli I tit- Map I 1870 1S70 ATTRACTION FAIR Two Servant Girls LIST OF LETTERS Full Stock in Every Department J STEAD Gos oramo use of fashion During llio week wo will show of Over 100 Cases DRY GOODS Millinery Mantles F A 1ST Z GOODS All Or WHICH HAVE BEES BOUGHT AT WAR PRICES I BodyNeeds I SMITHS FRUIT LADDER guarding AND DAY SCHOOL I Harrison Si Til Tailoring iew r Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Showing will continue to Keep in Slock fur our To CHOUSE OVEB TRIMMED HATS TRIMMED CLOTH MANTLES 300 100 lAXy rr OF THE LATEST PARIS NEW YORK STYLES HOME MANUFACTURED irtl Wei STOCKS LUBRICATING OIL it MWi 1 1 cash for wheat jm imsu w SHOES for Sale ACRES Having Imported llio above Goods Direct from the Best European Markets Our Customers may rely upon OUCJIAW msiliiy For Ural A urt icitUn 1IP lb TENDERS DWELLING I Haass n- REMEMBER THE ACE I J STEAD A- Co Houses to Let IUiutt sii ONTARIO OF ADELAIDE a I It 11OUAB00M Toronto Soft 1131 GALLERY OF ART I good time arrived for sale on nun SOW TIME VARIETY HALL I I PICTURES To Save Money Mrs R BOND Farm SELLING OFF arm Sale Pictures Wreathes LOOK O TJ And Fancy Goods I Acres Cleared Land lie prist PRICE ud 1L rcnkiiuar it iADiilOW DM I For Sale Ml l BOOKS Groceries- FRUITS ill II COOK Vnomlrt SOUTHARD Carpenter Joiner c IMMENSE ERECTION OR REMOVAL or buildings ioviit bases I SEWING MACHINE Tuckers Q nil tori NEW GOODS ARRIVING All SIMPSON Sept 1 180 Stop and Read Furniture Store BELL DRAKE TINWARE A rai DAVISON HOUSE Grocery Dry Goods BUSINESS Conductor Stock of Furniture Worts up out Building Lots ON THURSE T FRIDAY TBBHB will M by Id CauninrtoB of I Lota in k of STOVES or i IOWA LAND for SALE 322 Acres in one Block CASH MUST BE SOLD Next Four Weeks Now For Bargains A- slock iri tmJor td will tluir examine tbo tamo -ikuiii- Provincial Exhibition I Agricultural Arts AT ToKONTO 3rd to the October UlilKYENtwaafM PBBSOin oiiM ifa I mat WW CM ivi lUtll f fit en the Lilts Form fur of all jJ Truck and Bag Holder 1SC9 TUB bo all H TRUCK AND UAH A Painter Wanted OVBlw Ik a loo and f All WOOD THE Liverpool Loudon on of thvnoat ttwrtBUTL Mil FULL liwrf anj JUkI bar- ar lbit nil of a Juu If Ik of Bail liu to UUiak- only toraj JaireJ Haw Witt f ha I taw rabble of a in lb iaUa4rcai mil I i4H in IioWj of on ThmrnU I hair of trlloa SO lloonloro ike For and anj lotk j rtlil I ill to I ftjQU G rapidly toIS all DAVIS frUnda REMOVAL in for lb GROCER Would isUaatoU b baa Be TUB North American Hotel will Bod Good Fresh Groceries Wbcb will told CASH Or Produce Ha by to a E ilAIIER July Copartnership Notice laih lU Ban Ike that enter into Co-rartar- front a SUTHERLANp Co J will on In all iU a al I Old Stud a Mala VwarklUivk511Tu If IT To Fruit Growers FRUIT PULLERS I Souter NEWMARKET BAKERY iHttcliin BOTTLED ALES Ice Cream OF BBSS MA SPARKLING SODA WATER THE FOUNTAIN Covered Buggy for Sale II Photography I hi Photographic Studio I Mais Enamelling Process mart admins SOLAR CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES or I At It ltj 1BT US HAVE FEACE Clean Linen I HARD WORK MADE EAST THE baTataa Itia aM aalt of Aa Victoria Washing Boiler Cait of ii fnfui Receive Otdcrs Ar their Mllnrj Jul Indispensable Article In ry booark jII it do BlaakeU and Woolen ClKhiif I tk work at uJ at MB tin aid I Labor Time Saving Article a WaalHoof will by and il bin an I WW fciiiUactiua lt- MONTREAL Ocean Steam Ship Co CANADIAN LINE Liverpool Londonderry QCMBMC IhW I JiiHMCT and Ty taiJottt