i NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 16 1870 Apothecarys Hall Tl- w nt I NEWMARKET STORE J A ML a CASH for WOOL Market Price CASH FOIMVOOL I ivKiv Tin business Newmarket Woolen Kills The Stock I ROLLS Mr that ll Exchange Cloths ft Flannels 1 1 IIWSIIKS COMBS II It I IIMMa for Wool as Formerly IUI to lb oW FANCY GOODS Patent Medicines nil UOIISK A CATTLE I DyeSLuffs KELSON raiM UK 133 Sharon Beehive p smith James Genuine White Lead OILS Dry Goods PAINTS VARNISHES i Tut USEES in- I jii And Artists Materials anil ail a1 I an I as or lalj a I limn lik In- I I I villi I 11 M an MM lilauall 1 mill PIPES I II US HAVE PEACE j Clean Linen HARD WORK MADE EASY Victoria Washing Boiler Receive Orfhrs far their Finest Tobaccos CIOAHS CHEROOTS IN LAMPS SEW STAR SHADE Broad Cloths Venetians DOESKINS rod TWEED SUITS not to in Ontario for CHEAP j Garments Made to Order 11 Stock of GROCERI ES BOOTS AND SHOES ENGLISH SEEDS Fresh Importation A Full Jut at BENTLEYS DRUG STORE OF TUB BRONZE MORTAR Main Street Cordon by Ounce or 0 It I If of tone Early Tori Flat Pat ill the CCCCWBBB If A 1 R Eel ft PEAS CI DEANS art A P ItBMP luproted Top Bret Glebe C ABBOT AIlriDihatn Km op art feed At All Seeds of the Rett Quality PRICE LOW CAZniUS HAIR RESTORER P SMITH Oat For Sale or to ONE ACRES Indispensable Article FOB SALE v OR T kn II Uptvl for la otrr I u it o J on ritkrr Waolea Clothing ov or th A Jirr k -lor- It P tkrrr MtiarooillM labor ft Saving Article J Remedy RooJ Worm fct aakt lOnr P KXICIIT Ice Crfcam OF BIST QUALITY SODA WATER a- Photography W L aalaBaffiSMS NEWMARKET Photographic Studio man Jaat a la MAIS Si I NEWMARKET Jewellery Goods and Dr PRICE TWENTYFIVE AD POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For no A A u at lent THE NEWiitMlKliT BAKERY i SOLAR CAMERA Enamelling Process watches ril AM I Electro- Goods TBIE AND POCKET CUTURY Fancy Goods it list rcr THE Liverpool London Globe COMPANY on mart list IM a fc Fin at ratca aaplt La Alt fair lit aawwa ia LIFE LIKENESSES or Stereo iMtaa in tla wall tofoisbljr Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stove c its BAND HOOF BOD AND BAB I HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ilboad OH I WORM QJUITY AND PRICE UNSURPASSED aalrStaia HARDWARE Kit olidl a If a a J too litJj to by per BENTLEYS Botanical AntiBilious Pills Tbj an their particular can ii For anal I one Liver an laealaa are Use Childrens Toys WHOLESALE Cheaper lb jo ran be purchaser at Toronto WILL B SOLD AT A Clocks and Jewellery Repaired prewiiU it CALL AND 8ER a New livery Stable I per lima eta TELtSRAPHIC The beat Lib meat in Ike the Belief ol sad other tor to PwHCtatl I InfiaBinatiof Pa Chemist Druggist Spirit Ac Pure Wines Liquors eya rtrl lMeneetle lite Cramp and nv it I J llli Wlefceya of iuWc liaat ha atarwd a DYE STUFFS LIVERY STeABLE hb bmmu iheavaaryaaaiiWHWRforilelrRT I foe Agent for Fin Tobaeeot ft- I it of the SST Old Mart AUCTION ROOMS Household Furniture VirfAitniv Furniture Booms Enlarge MainSt Newmarket TRJS to lbt jyt THE LEADING MACHINE jLIFE MR J A rrooolio J rrZ a iS or Maall I LIFE SIZE LOOZlrlAlT MACHINE Manufactured by Wilson Bowman Co iiua I HAMILTON ONT BR Stock of Furniture I Simplicity Durability Adaptability Cane real j Table rial Prices to Suit the Times First Class Instrument ir a until lBlrufDt Warrablfit AND CHEAPNESS Resides a score more of equal importa KEEPER 1 J ATT for I adraoco be a I M ai I a J I I Sold Cheaper than jjAMuSrSWAKI General A ALE PER GALIO i for FRUIT JARS Brass Kettles Enamel Kettles TRAVELLERS I SCYTHES I Insurance oleics Force J for AllDepUj4Pirja OF LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE ProV HUM fir Cash Capital 500000 Assets ill Deposited in Canada Ai to All Policies NonForfeitablo Nearly One Lower Than Coupaaiea ALL A of a araatrd for Cheap and Good at J ANDREWS b Co IT IS FACT I j J J 1iODGE Parlor Hall Stoves LOWER THAN PRICES Voir fa your Slovtl and Stove COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At ricr- will nih yon A CII illaar tee that thrj are toaell at THAT notice aid tercM Farm Produce p Rags taken in Erchmvje for Go Is Piaea I Brick Sun North of lb Port J J MILLARDS Ilia Excellent- the t Cabinet Planme raak Railroad Han Hon Air AadVe A far WOOD efartr J E former of Front and Church Street Toronto SO ISA leal rrradauIW lh aaaABUFACTORT 1 UK pobSe are reepMtfnll J MILLARD Co tkei do ttMUi for nana Cabinet flltiaiorlenfur I laainr tbey batdMre la paMieseaerall ability t9fitfMrtea J MILLARD pe aetppert ban CELEBRATED a all tbej have Lean er depth of Weil WellDigging Attended A f adjualed SHARON MARBLE WORKS jptlARLHil UeABTIIDR la than hi if hi vl en op lo I loll o all order be ikit I irrald not nlkbal be fat oared alth liaa of ate and la I a aBfhl Western Assurance Co OFFICE Capital cbrtain of the n SIMPSON I Chemis Druggist twir SOU SPECTACLESt a S E lou of kkk j aapadall fcr It a Pure Hard Brilliant Iramarkot MARBLE WORKS I Monuments Tomb Tablets JIea Stone Posts Crosses c ic 0l Short Notice Tar of A March 1SSI THE la the It fcr the lbr1 to iatiauat- ate no all or one bat aaialoead Call and See Specimens arkti 1KJ 1 difereat klada pr no bat of no of S hn I iadared to feel lle ezrak toy baafe mm- an for sale tie propertj eitnated IjriUVilWaTaVaaffbrnVoAi Paotw of a prirate but bit and and any mm I I only to eat try the Remedy I believe it ill cara I by lla day SO A Vow J NF bob- while ill her Wlared arte leeaaBdUaelJiaBlsltaaei for to ike hoabaaei I Old te baterr any be the CaajUntl band ton of any be the J or MOdidse one thini that I tome ha eUdalnreat like the LEATHER Of all kind kick bo acid at naaauUa J flew of of of of lumber for Sale f Til I Horse LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON T W aWBieeac- to I he InhahlUnt of If al nriiullr j till Uae I t I llarr ma killed or by tetter on of a Ac April MOST SPECTACI ikr licit CAME AND the Wearer THE And laat a ft join ihry at the LA7ARUS MORRIS Notre Da ate tree e bpley arch 0 NEW TIN WARE j US- ROT on Tinware Stove Ac moat etyle Repairing Done on Short j ho doUrmlDod not lo net uoderaoMlat A CALL It