Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1871, p. 1

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Every Friday Morning I I I I fa AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUB TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTnER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MARCH 1871 Terms 150 in Advance ERA Book and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS roikrwiiii w I Dr nth I at sn1 of KendrtKr OR STRANGE- MEM iikr or Hip PETE I Chi APtACt TM0B1E OSLER LOUHT DUDLEY ita 0 Dr J Ac si bis rftlw I if- March WTO On and Itatnl Coiiwrm of I MnOrraU All PHYSICIAN Accoucheur OfficeStain St Severs f Von Aurora Xorlh Prom 1000 to 1700 MANSION nor SB to Lend RUU WrilJ J CEO SEXSMITH DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES Ac MARBLE WORKS I ERECTION OR REMOVAL BUILDINGS Wriptio of vmk is hi lis Work Warranted dental notice Otto C RAH AM Mm iti Every Saturday AUCTIONEERING Conveyancing c c Solicitors in Chancery S CAB MAKER Undertaker of Furniture tc Cornet Mali Buggies for Sale Superior Style Finish At A J ft Newmarket UK Davison House FT 118 lib bat Accommodation of Guest a And lint w roll of why hint wits ft than of tony krtJMl0SJ J JOHNSONS SASH BUND AND Dentistry A A S King Strut East Toronto PABTMVUR f TmU Fret tad ft work Ml MM MM iial IbMIUM J S ijtrnkrt SOHOMBERO I JOT COFTIHS OF VJIIOUS KINDS SIZES A far kin ilbMt r Coffin for 187V IjlS FIRST PRIZE IN 1870 MEUD EON T J DALES phoPEiTriIIVInllrnWiOllvpobllcta1 Musical Instruments IW MMl MI of CM TONE Horse Innrmary T SUBOEON nd Stlltla rlj intuit or IIOIISI CATTLE so iltdicitta Ecery for Menu A MGiinmentsTomb Stones of SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES CnARLSS ilnkiif hi t rt Ik On Short ft Tent 95 Lf- Photography I L JONES Ibst Photographic Studio HAH NEWMARKET Enamelling Process SOLAR CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES Ambrotypa and Gem NEW TINWARE ESTABLISH fpHE rotpootfultjr Aitiware Stove Pipes Repairing Dane em Snort Notice TO FARMERS Linseed Oil Cake CHEAP FOR CASH At DRUG STORE MR J SMITH rTU4CBBh f loiiaatnu OV mi Uf tk Book ail ml I I- ami Select Reading The Warning at Bridge bo I cob Id think so bo I been hard to What is it pons wrong with IjouraT for I did not know but tho ml had playing off with him the manner will laugh Woodbury but I tel or I will out of my said half laughing And Heaven I you it in all truth Thursday afternoon I took a band car and went over Bridge I do not mind that I went on pur pose to gel a of her home Of old Domain could not refuse under the circum stances and in minutes Laura with me Irving to the man to Shu was all and but for her wo should given him up lor dead and I to tin- day firmly believe her presence and care brought bock from never flinched while the ur- leg at the only way I said arid Li head of her his hand in herd ration Dr held the poor found hod been by a slick of timber pinnod track and tho roail company a reward of a thousand dollars for discovery of tho rascally perhaps of herself I stood end the bridge looking across tho house enraptured sight of a scarlet shawl which 1 know was her flitting in and through the shrubbery of the garden And while I was looking at her I heard footstepi and glancing up I sawaviion COOwg that Prince was guilty I wasdressou in this suit of water proof my face was as as death He confessed it when wc him and my wideopen eyes were black snug and safe and said that ho wanted Sir you think I Rogers of way and bo- telling you only he haled the whole concern tho railroad and whicS did a good run as it did a ih a flourishing back ran a pretty good dazed but truth While I stood staring and weak ho bad formed this diabolical and trembling I came back to town revenge By lire next day yesterday riUoned myself anything kind It wis an I urination I and to prove it I would go out there again and it would appear a second time yesterday and sir is dead Prince went to California and I do not know what of him Old Domain proved himself a trump after all ami gave in gracefully d blag old and Karl and onwiiipp Lomo i t I at Jk confers that you had Of half put three in t0 whiskey drink anything as you as happy act As for Larls v may belle what you Come Karl about it bare no explanation offer the Bol- Woodbury rotuniod ho at was fearfully real jciirvsa all I out tonight I the way t lkliort was large city of which I spoken and it was there my it could was located for the business of road was all settled and arranged The Currency Resolutions resolutions Sir Francis Hi j the currency provide I That after 1st of the bo takei 2 That after that date British ji sovereign shall pass current red Cowardly J A contrary in after the 1st of to any party mail In Mr rcproK I If 1 lc way I pokoi lo him J ho i days before and train will be a full one If there is an ho it may be a bod one said f con tern by Karl lgeno young man lr or eight and twenty Who had leen on road for years o was best driver Ihocoqioralion and fur that ho had elected tor there was a better lookout re- nudlehtick in quired by night latdffAjM laugh at y Karl taken all in all wosoneoftho finest fellows I oversaw frank hard- went out me to a fault and very Presently tho clock struck twelve oducatd I heard three sharp successive lie had fallen into his vocation of whistles that told mo that the train engineer more for his love of was nearly rcady perhaps peril Earl Rogers was our man For he bad been desper ately in love with Laura the daughter of a rich old fellow just on Ho bid mo good night gravely and Nora Scotia or with reference thereto or which were intended to be and if such alterations of currency bad not been made would have been pay- in the present currency of Nora Scotia shall on and after said day be payable by equivalent sums in the currency of Canada that is to say for cents of Nova currency cent of Canada Oo and after 1st of July n Dominion note or bank note Public Accounts During meeting of Accounts Committee at va in Friday last Mr at tention to and desired rs of the enormous expenditure connected with the Bed expedition Hon Dr Tapper made a verbal report of that ho had found the work very and a recommendation that the Chief of the railway be call ed before tho committee to give ex planations to steel rails and the cost of engineering The report was ridiculed by Mr A and condemned by others iho question narrow or brood gauge lor tie Intercolonial Railway was then din- Mr Walsh after showing his bad by attacking Hon Mr for declining to hare share in the one sided examination of papers stated that ten miles had been Actually gained by changing the No doubt the chairman of the Commission considered this will be a great boon to the country for which he and his confrere should have at least a OB After some further re- a motion similar to that of Mr Crawfords for the appointment of a to examine the papers was proposed but withdrawn the opposition to it was general The committee then adjourned unpaid claims in Canada against the defunct Home Insurance- Company amount to upwards of are indications of anoth er outbreak against authority of the Mikado and consequent civil war in Japan afk Reports from mining dis tricts near Salt Lake there wilt bo two thousand tons of silver oro gotten out daily coming season A rumor is current in Berlin that Mr George Bancroft the Ameri can Minister and wellknown histo rian will retire from his official posi tion in October and go to Italy There is news from Manitoba stating that tho halfbreeds repudiate the MntimenU of Aoweau and express the hope that the volun- any other than the A strange feeling of apprehension of Canada shalfbe issued or ra ps was any What if should issued by Government of Canada be done Yielding which would rolled I thi overcoat turned out the gas locked office and hurried over to the depot in season to catch tail half miles beyond of the rear car and swing fully returned for board Laura was a noble- hearted girl and Karl Rogers stood at his post pale did care for and ambition and silent yet altered and watchful when weighed in the with By tbe head lighten the locomotive tore hut old Domain and she were he could see the track for half a mile and there was no probability of abend and hi keen scanned every lis ever giving his consent inch tho way as train swept on He had set bis heart on her marry- Past Roman station pest the Mill ng Prince a young blood of Cut past Hills Embankment and tho vicinity reputed wealthy and of thev plunged into tho bolt of woods family J which skirted Rocky River Domains opposition naturally made J Suddenly as they swept around the lovers determined and they lUrvc whitened and he ly waited on of Karls sal in quick and hard spite of nan What train warned follow lhnt and destruction I be married doing my beet with the to get ati adranco for him save himself by leaping off but that would doom all for every probability of success Somehow I took a strong interest I on n Earls love affairs I am an old codger and love mat- era are rather out of lino my duty J hrcaki of the fattest dividends to the took holders Perhaps my interests in Earls lore for Laura might be because I most cordially detested Prince always blowing road finding fault with tho rate of speed with tbo grade with carnages with tho with everything in short fur nothing suited him Then upon one occasion bo and I id a few words neither very plea- tit her very choice and he called an old and I returned the compliment with interest After at we were worse than ever One dark rainy night in Novem ber just d slot trait When hi saw that his efforts were I hud been got off and I sitting In the office trying to balance an account that would not balance tbe door and Earl Rogers stepped in to had on hi waterproof suit tbo hood over his head the cejlar buttoned closely but I sow that his was very pale and his eyes gleamed with an unnatural fire What in the world ban happened lingers said Too look a glum as if were going to your own Mr Woodbury said bo earnest ly do you behove in not be avoided he sprang over wood box and un locked from the carriages Tbo en gine released from the drag shot and all was still Not of carriage went down the first balled on the very brink of the abyss as the more fearfully to impress the minds of pas sengers terrible danger they bad Before the train came to a stop I had jamped and was flying for ward looking for Earl Rogers They pointed it to the iixr in an swer lo my enquiries and seising a brakesmen I and found bint lay under a wreck of the loco motive pale and bloody with no breath coming from bis icy lip two stokes were a way off stone dead I am an old man but I didnt feel the of that poor fellow as I carried him up the bank and on to the bouse of Domain which happened to be the nearest residence by any bank and all inch issued before such day shall be called in and redeemed or notes paynbla In the currency cf Canada shalfbe sub stituted for them Gold coins bearing the pro portion In weight to that of lb Brit- tab sovereign which firo dollars bear to four dollars and 2 and one- sixth cents shall pass current and bo legal tender in Canada for etc any each coins shall pass by such names as Her Majesty may assign to them in the declaring them to be a legal tender Coins already in circulation in Canada under the acts now in force in New Brunswick and On tario shall continue to bo current therein and shall after first of July be current in Nora Scotia at tho rates now assigned to thorn in Canada while silver will ho legal tender to the amount of and bronze or cop per to the amount of cents AH laws consistent With the fore going resolutions ore hereby repealed n amongst them March Col ling- wood township todai the bylaw for grant of bonus the North Grey Railway the result showing a majority of A Richmond paper says that no lest than twenty thousand South erners of whom took part in the rebel side A remarkable accident occur red in Pittsburgh one day last week A coal train was backing into the yard of a rolling mill when the rear car jumped the track careening to the right and with a sudden plunge pitched into the kitchen of a boose abomination that nearly all of them are The Chinese Imperial authori ties bare paid 200000 indemnity for property destroyed at TienTain and appointed Frenchman Im perial interpreter at a salary of 15000 dollars a year which an regarded as a fall settlement of the TienTsin claims Bismarck is said to kept a diary of all and bis personal relation thereto the last years and ha Intends to prepare a history of bis own times He is a clear terse and forcible wri ter and bis sty Is is well adapted to uch a work Mr Isaae Cheater residing near Rouge Whitby accidentally shot himself while out duckshooties on Saturday last He stepped on a log and the trigger catching In coat discharged the contents of both barrels of his gun into his left side causing almost instant death With the adoption of Mr Hot- tons motion abolishing duly on coal coke wheat flour oats corn and other grains and the five per cent Imposed on the total of pre vious duties the national po licy vanished It no longer exists try was disgusted with the by car smashed and crushed in lower portion of the building At the time of accident a woman was tilling near the window and on hearing an un usual at once sprang for her it lo child two years old who was playing before the door She does not know what then occurred for she became insensible and when she earn to bar senses sho was lying under the coal car She crawled oat and found that car was in the of room and that she was under the centre table In the rear of room she found little babe lying in the cradle fast asleep not having been at all disturbed by the The steamer California a pool and West India trader towed valuable prize Halifax last About six hundred miles f Halifax she fell in with a large abandoned tine of Boston bound from Galveston to Bremen with a cargo of cotton The foremast bad been lost the cabin on deck washed overboard She is a largo vessel and hod a full cargo of cotton which was not all injured Sue will a valuablo prize to owners and craw M Intelligence from Pern to the announces terrible floods the neighborhood of Lima which threatened serious injury to the city A number of persons were drowned and many plantations were destroyed Several shocks of earthquake had been experienced MT The Tribune says that despite the stringency of election law we bare reason te be lieve that influence was used in many cases In the recent election in this county but not to nearly so great an extent as formerly Give us Blake amendment occasionally hear from of immense influxes of Canadians into the States These are so magnified that a superficial obser- r would imagine that positively no ploy men was to bo bad in Can ada and that half adult popula tion depended on the Slates for sup port The official returns from the United Bute emigration afford the best to these statements It appears from them that the total migration from Canada to StaUa in was 249 while probably we can reckon twenty times that ber from the States

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