SHE Every Friday Morning JACKSON and Proprietor Or AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER a Vol IS GIVE ME TEE LIBERTY TOKNOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCB ABQVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JUNE Terms in Advance THE NEWMARKET Book and Jot Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS m r no dr strange AN e r of inllni i pv Out il f ii Ha lnlvr1 I irfiii- I Court wbup itiiaitii a Tor McNM JACKES iTiitNHniryitli W E JACKSON RON Kit luiuerorUa e at E B L0L1T DUDLEY AlUtlrrf Kit A irt lay from oclock a till oclock p to July mansion Traveller and DENTAL NOTICE I A A Hat Saturday TEETH Dr Robinson LDS DENTIST WOULD announce be Jr I of be era jir I Aaron J lit of rath I8ih do Jo MARBLE WORKS J ARSON LIC15TIATR or a Pisco Hail Rood Hotel til market OK DAILY FROM A TO P I CARD Money to Lend MM do 17 1S70 DRESS MAKING I Mrs Barry DRESS MAKER order for Dmi Mil Dresses Cut Fitted Apprentices to the Dress Davison House TDK rMpeetaHf on a irKt u BI OTtl Accommodation of Guests And tool to the an LIZAHS THOMAS 0 I Provincial Surveyor PHYSICIAX SURGEON Accoucheur Af Blevini ft of Aurora MOSEY TO LOAN BOY A Mot a IJfA BIBLE and can had a to at too aVOOUGALL ENGLISH kkOOUGAU pAHJUHTEWt JJ oary At Ac oat RESIDENCE Dwelling Fab 13 Dentistry ADAMS Street East Toronto PARTICOLAR attention Firm to lb rem of Children Tcrta A Ma tanifd hi atUnlloo la tin aaioo in ail with CABIN MAKER And Undertaker Corrai lb NEWMARKET ONT in ihuo foe reectfullf to iter art now MonnmentsToiotib Stones SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES in hi f ainc to no to ail be faxaarei in tint of hick are to Toronto CANNON L D N T I S T to All I m NEW Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY the Worth America Hotel BOOTS AND SHOES I Of UM fiM n on tuUao tb of SiSSStnna immiu to IN I I Musical Instruments ilntonol lOMTFewlfn was MR J SMITH ml Sol will ublun M nd if i Bock I Mil Horse Infirmary LLOYD SUBGEON at In Ootarto HORSES CATTLE a Photography I JONES J Inrorma hi and tttat tie baa reopened Photographic Studio HA ST NEWMARKET Enamelling Process SOLAR CAMERA LIKENESSES je Ciibinh or Stereo- Pictures IM f Buggies for Sale y Superior Style A Finish NEW TIN WARE rcapocUbJljr Stove Pipes Ac mart Um Repairing Dons on Short AUCTIONEERING Conveyancing Ac Ac OH There Is Room at Itae Top Tbay he lion to atop ertovoM If yon bat Select Heading Why She Never Married wby with all ad mirer Coiuia Irene will not pretty her mirror curling flet What the would make I with and noble loving She and in of word What happy homo ia nope of ila mom to an evening away from the homo circle And how manages the childrea in cool calm way a mystery to me mat get receipt for I never can Essie mind a word I car What is that about Essie Etta turned at sound of tho full voice to soo Irene looking amil- gly at her Irene Ames justified the praise on her by Etta above medium height form was replete with graceful dignity fair lovely face the sweet crimson mouth and large dark violet ores told a tale of deep sorrow now into a chastened calm infinitely more charming than the bright joyous expressions of yore Smoothing bock a stray golden ring lot from her high pure brow she re peated the question I was trying to conjecture bow controlled I find the hardest thing to control Pleaso giro mo your receipt Cousin Irene Seating herself on a low stool at her feet Etta raised ber black iparkling eyes Lovingly to How I them Well I will tell you In tho first place a great joyeus lively girl of seven- I met a yonsg man only a year at J Bo young very wild Yet we loved each other dearly and bad it not been for the intervention of others we would now be happy Well it was the old story of friendship ripen ing into lore If in parents a warm attachment for mc and I loved as my own We a happy ten month- his parents Percy must not see his little w tears or he will scold cousin Ir Etta learned a all should strive learn that a endurance of tbe ills of life and th endeavor to do all the good all sorrows in our power in leantiful but earth ia nobler victory won over self than the laurel crowns of hor mightiest deal of firmness is requisite Always keep your word however painful it must be then she will know that punishment which DC amount of tears or entreaties will avail will follow disobedience And dear avoid scolding or harsh cannot a child yon not so yourself example ia everything Lastly take interest Lb ill little joys and sorrows have their sorrows and often re their little sensitive hearts wound by a certain want of sympathy in home circle Always try to make home a pleasant place to live in En tice her to confido fearlessly all her to look on you a not as one to be feared There you my receipt A capital I know as it Is a success in your own homo are such a nice housekeeper as mamma that I am sorry my idft ends winter Etta we pleaftdJO I enjoyed ill although we cannot offer the pleajoiC of your city home Irene smoothed the glossy ringlets back lovingly from the upturned I would like to but I am wanted home seems strange to me that you your wealth of mind and raveTTness nave never married You do not surely iutend to remain Irenes lips quivered but she re plied in her sweet calm way I The children would are badly iu the absence sister Irene Nonsense I When you have an excellent and that dear Mrs would come to yon any time as housekeeper and You iritis matchmaker My dear cousin I want yon to be happy as you can be in the lore of worthy- yon It is so pleasant expression of deep pain flitted across Irenes calm face Tea it ia pleasant to be loveo darling and I am happy to know that one you can rely through lifes stormy way Bat my lore is buried In past Oh I would like to know of your love exclaimed Etta involuntarily Leaning back in her chair Irene teemed lost in painful thought- She replied in a low mournful tone after rousing herself Ton shall hear little cousin my hearts history it is a one When first but garding his conduct ho would gi no answer but always change the bjocL I grandma and expres sed my determination of sending him dismissal But alio had too high a ganl for li irn to believe he was be said he was young and thoughl- and that I was too suspicious I ibmilted to her and endured weeks of agony At last unable to stand it any longer I broke off our intimacy During tho summer I never spoke treating him with a contempt I did not feci Poor fellow To think he had to bear unmerited scorn and justify himself- When he left and realized wo were separat ed forever I sank into an apathy from which I did not recover fled and spring ushered in the hopes of literary attainment During that summer WO met gain and through persuasions or Others a slight I heard from own lips of lis unaltered affection iust ibont to quaff tbo cup of joy and re- confidence be promised an it was dashed from my eager lips Ho grew suddenly cold and reserved friondly but changed Wo had no opportunity for mutual explanations of post I it with proud haughty assumed indif ference until the day of his I learned from bis parents cause of the chango Ho loved me hut they thought him too young and wild enter into an engagement and its must elapse beioro ho could 1 competent to marry wanted to remain friends but seeing they thought loo much mo were too fearful of my health allow us to see each other so aft without allowing us to say good bye He was not aware of the true reason theirs was they had too much for htm to attend to to admit of him calling He did not know that I knew all He was under ago and fearful his strange conduct would all advances to be met with too filial to betray his parents and too proud to tell him I know Ah my love would have made better boy Mistaken kindness of theirs it was my lifos misery SUU I was content that ho always would love me I was confident and knew that a few years would removo cause of their objections and we would bo happy Two years after an epidemic in bis place of residence and evening I was sit ting on the balcony waiting for moth er to walk with me when Mr came up the slops and clasping mo in bis arms wept silently lor somo time Seeing he was too agitated to speak I placed him a chair and wait ed with a sickening throb to learn cause At last ho told me that Harold my darling whom had separated mo from was dying and bad sent for mo anguish of that mooting I cannot tell you Suffice it to nay ho told mo of all his follies bis and repentance desired me to wear mourning which I did It is for me as well as my dear mother that I wear it still Ho died in my arms The last word ho breathed was my name His last look of recognition was fastened lov ingly on my face and the last thing I remembered I was holding the in animate form in a close unyielding embrace calling frantically on the more glance more tone of Irene bowed her head upon to cushion and for some momenta Ellas sobs silence Rais ing pallid suffering face she con- Two months after my brother joined him in yon bright world and I was obliged to take burden of life for the sake of my motherless little Now I am content in the alleviation of others sorrows My wealth has enabled me to soothe many an aching heart and I see my borne happy prized above all else by Grand Trunk Collision June A terrible accident occurred here oclock this morning by which a freight train standing at tbe station thereby knocking several cars off the track and causing a general smash- up The engineer conductor and one of Immigrants wore killed in Bluntly and fireman had his leg mangled horribly rondoring amputa tion necessary Several others were injured many narrowly escaping with their lives The express train from cast bad not arrived more than two minutes before collision took place The timely of young Mr Allen who showed great presence of mind prevented a stilt more terrible disaster Tbe young man seeing train coming switched it off on Iho track where the freight train was standing and thus saved the express wounded fireman tho conductor and engineer Ho says they were ranrnc the train faster than usual speed of this village was quickly the of accident Drs Clarke and Wade of have since ar rived and looking after the wounded Tbo name of conduc tor is Cameron from Toronto ihe engineers name is IkTrio supposed to be from Quebec The names or immigrant and fireman are not at present known passengers on were warm in their thanks to Allen for prwonco of mind They made up a mail purse on the spot and him a present It would tho freight train stopped fairly on tho only side track and partly on tho main track This caused tho of tho ex press from tho east until freight train could run entirely off on tho sid ing and the main track open The express is said to have carried a red flag indicating another train wo behind Bat no that danger Young Allen to switch and observing the train rushing down grade at high speed and knowing that the two tracks were occupied ho turned tho switch Upon freight instead of allowing the collision to take place with the pas senger train the slaughter would have been frightful had tho train been allowed to go straight ahead as morning was foggy and no wnj of danger know I am their comfort When I go hence a sparkling crown and robes pure and free from sorrow will be given me and He will bo waiting by my dying pillow ready to bear me to the shores of eternal bliss to walk band in band the respondent streets of tbo New Jerusalem An Indescribable expression of holy peace lit the mournful violet lips moved in prayer to the All while a tear stole gently down pale cheek that peace that all understand inn lull ed troubled waves of She laid her band softly bowed Thank you for those tears dar ling May you never bare to shed them for yourself Irene was Ida your life Yea dear when wrote that book I was in great anguish Thank God all the bitterness has passed Come let us prepare for dinner I Another accident occurred yester day morning to a train going east a short distanco this side of Port Hope tho tender got uncoupled from he and rolled over an embank ment The fireman whose name was not ascertained was instantly killed Our Indian Troubles A report has prevailed in city for days past that Indians along Dawsons route has risen and committed a series of outrages After several ineffectual attempts to cum at truth of story we received following despatch from a corres pondent at on Saturday night Jane 10h A report reached here on Wednesday which was confirmed this morning that a body of Indians made a descent on boat builders at Lake drovo off took their away and burnt several of new boats besides breaking up and burn ing others in course of construction The boats were being built for tho Lake of the Woods and Rainy Like under the charge of Mr James Dick brother of Captain Dick of Toronto to whom the contract had been awarded damage done has not been estimated Nobody was hurt Tbo carpenters and others employed at boats have left and will arrive at on Monday or Tues day No reason la given for out rage Killzd Whitby Ga zette says A forest unusual in this section at this dale was hunted from township of Pickering on Monday last The was taken up iu West Whitby by Messrs Campbell Turner and Smith about two miles west of Brooklyn and tho animal was run to tho village of Columbus in East Whitby when it wheeled and retraced lis slope to near One of the hunting party called upon Captain who with bis dogs sol out in pursuit of tho new game After a close chase of about two hours tho Captain with his unerring rifle brought Bruin to grief This the instance wo hare of this visitor in Scull Ontario for a great many roars snobbish In all canes our leroporary simply tho Mr A example so press generally 9- The sen ItCol Tidals and detachment of the Bait in the crowd of jtcrsons as sembled to conduct a prize fight on Canadian territory tire ac knowledged in general orders fc3 Grant it appears has appointed one of iho numerous bo Hi luacaJoUhip at West Point overlooking tho claims of a son of the lato Thomas Francis whoso appointment was urged upon him The proFenian newspapers aro bitterly allocking Pre- 1 MRl lor this of a son of n immortal pa- IS Land and Wat a Iondon weekly of high reputation slates that in Che shire the cbccricst of nil the counties Canadian cheese is largely consumed tho people there pronouncing it mild and palatable This is encouraging to the manufacturers of cheese this where the is largely engaged in and rapidly extending Lindsay Post wants ados tlidihcrnled long-ear- crosseyed bowlegged crook- shanked young men from knee high Willi the gaping at well droAsed laches to relieve crowd of the corps who church doors Sunday evenings and store at congregation as they localities besides say wauls same No Jets than hundred and fojly hills passed by tho Now York State Legislature were voted the other day by Thoy lostly special acts of which the Governor has occasions strongly proteet- ground that the general laws of the slate sufficient to cover of all persons seeking incor poration companies Those Potato There quite difference between theordina- 1 th imported pest known as tho Colorado baa The latter are six limes tho size of the for and ten dark lined running along back converging to a The former or is about size of I ho lady similar In to its big and brother it with three stripes fly Both kinds are now to be found i almost every potato patch CO says that few days ago Mr Waller of that village returned from cheese ae ry with his large milk cans and after washing them put them out to dry standing up against tho of the house next to sun In a short heat of the the clapboards by tho l aid have been burned to tar Ducks are said to do good in exterminating potato bug gentleman of Pique Ohio put a pair of Muscovys into his potato patch which was literally swarming with bugs ducks ate the bugs with such avidity that the latter were soon exterminated and th patch has not since been troubled with em The bugs did not appear to tor any ill effects from eating and ware not alow in taking A Washington correspondent of tbe Sun alleges that on Monday General Sickles was instructed by telegraph to the Spanish Government that tbo estates belong ing to American citizens In Cub which havo been sequestered must be immediately returned and the damages of their seqiioalra- bo re will I that warlike hoi by id to General Sickles tho Spanish Government in which to its answ A family in Morris ton N J recently narrowly escaped death by poisoning from wall paper Shortly after dinner thoy were taken with air the symptom of severe poisoningtb effects of which were traced to tbo meat that morning from tb butcher A piece of veal was given to the oat which died in ten or fifteen minutes eating it Investigation proved that poison was convoyed the meat from the hands of the lady who received it rota the butcher having been In laying Josh Billings discourses thai on tho Dinner Horn This is the oldest and most sacred horn there la It is sot to and plays Home Sweet Homo about noon It has been listened tow with more rapturous delight than even band has Yti bear it further than yu lean of Mr Rodmans guns It will arrest a man and bring him in quicker than a sheriffs WOT rant It ken any noise causes the deaf to hear and the dumb to about for joy Glorious old Inetru Long may yuro lungs last