Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1871, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 1871 heart fomlor for one A with dm thai hi no ban boh or Enrnalil hie with astonishment cm- In lined What do voa want of two lamps You havent ft An wan told that her minister Sho it Said Jo iitc the and at After iho luck Icm ha- hi on iagc Hot I will not Tito old Lad out from her lofty jiosition for your out A in a town sixth wife Shortly after ho not tho minister who offered him thrcodollar preenhack The minister declined to pay fomueli gentleman roplieJ Just an nay but thats what been in habit of paying Thrall Wo have this winy and unanswerably resort in of a short trip through a portion of the writ or confer- with bis car driver Von are a Catholic Jimmy Yei honor And yon pray to the Virgin I honor Wall then no doubt ho wis good woman The lint have been no bitter than mother or mine Thai ycr honor Hat thou allow there a in their Swim or Worship Tht of Manchester concluded SEWING- MACHINE i of on tin with tlicfvl- lowing A few ago they in Manchester a week of terriers in six most populate parts of an 1 at these service oil any in 1 lnel thy got They took their places in pew and a la ly anj asked them what do you want thcro thats seat One of the said to the other come stung Hill lets bo off I you this was too swell place lie the Bishop left his IrMrlli infer GUEIIPH Seeing Machine Co THE OSBORN The n irnt Machine has r rica it mum si ItuoJrs carol MM or leather Guaranteed to be charred rk the Band Ma L A itch le end Treadle Machine Co Furniture S ROAD MainSt N DMtf Li Stock of Prices to Suit EONS rtoirKl First Class Ii rument As iiapeetloD inuJ MT- lutnBfil Oct Enlarge the Times To SchoolTru8tees of srrd rmn First u stitisg Oat REMOVAL w on In Hi Vr OROVtV BAKES SEWING MACHINE LL All BAD I OtB Firmly Ko Stnlll all ttrjitii Tuckers ft t dU of Grover Baler fiaiBji All for one Tear- BOND tijitarto CERTAIN of the Sight SIMPSON Chemist Druggist SPECTACLES EYEQ L A S3E8 Pure Hard Briliant ar1 I I of led f I ma MOST PERFECT ran assist sight most CASE OF THE EYES to So taj tbt si tll LAZARUS CO Stairs CTJHE OF J Manaaa I lea laritsl sooths p from it r nit 10 isiacat jirin Is I I lb Una In when to aatUkctivt I at boea so JOHN SILVER Swan at kit Silt Core of Long April J Bra- lo Hk I reld and jrfcnly raatotasl to ilai I afl T Cash for Hides NEWMARKET TANNERY pa far Mm CooataBilj on a stack of LEATHER TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At tho Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO OTBft lb laadiai of the BMIal aad soioa i Tbu a lb Caaadiaa and Wh- too of I bo Bradford Tana Woodstock Isanall PRICE OF MACHINE iti Plain llemrarr Braider sad fce Is With Half Lock to as aad a lboreofb of BOWMAN A Co GEO Agent WW Bradford IT IS FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES Yic your to buy your Ad COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At price that will yon A Call ill roq thai are to tall THAT HE BEAT ia a tap Farm Produce Sheep Skin taken Exchange for Goods Dont lb Place Brick of J J October J M PATTERSON AGENT FOR JOUXSOXS CELEBI1ATKD FASX1NG HILL WHITCHURCH Something for the A OP Firstclass BEEHIVES I Johnsons Planing Factory MILL ST THOMAS SENNETT FOR CELEBBATEB FANNING North GARDEN TOOLS GARDEN FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS And all other Seaonablo Goods in their line at J ANDREWS CO Aurora April 19 EW Harness Establisbraent NEWMARKET bain Ibi MB JOHN DA fat of all aba aaj fator ailh Call and Tkolr of Harness and Trunks WHIPS Ac Ho OF COPART J J dot dltaolrad tba partaatabip balnea AlllkbiliUes ail all lb Dated lata WU of AD 1 GREAT Vt aark 1871 DOMINION CL THING Dry Gi House new ew prices i cheapeS than ever csm Orrs Brit Warelioixse CASESJ BAiESOFNEW I n1 Or Sod flkM u4 n mm NO SE 0ND PRICE LIST 07 LETTERS REMAINING the Juw MM Millar MpM IE John DM Jmm 1 k J iUWm sSriSjA GARDEN SEEDS IMPORTATION A AMgtuMkt DRUG STORE OF THE BRONZE MORTAR Near Maw Street teed of 1870 Bed Tort Put flower Cucumber brklaa Tomato JUtra Red Bed TaUo Pen KarW Chatopioa of Loaf Podded liaarf lit in reeks Damrf Pale also Beets far or etc Tin nip Saade 1 Swede Urea Top Aberdeen While Globe etc Carrol Lost sot White laps Seed Bead etc All of the Boat I PRICE LOW DR BENTLEY f Hair to a Col Plop lb a fc daja will akla Pre Dr Out the Exrl of BLOODHCOT Cholera Insect Poison A rare or SodBap Files Bos etc if PRICE TWENTYFIVE CENTS I Bentleys Ague Cure Iauraal fteea Coopalioo tbU Vsjitibli Taaic will aot bat Car the nt Cblt Dnaib An i Copal Ike the a 60 cents per Bottle VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For Coombs Colds Coop CoMsjaptioD A least if not to Ike tar too to Pre pared oalj Dr per Botanical AntiBilious Pills parti fected with Coesplaiat k4eaadBtko4t are Calhartio Pill erer offered to lb public Price alloptber the beat BOTANICAL WORM It daeJdedlT Mediciae ertr It ie to Ike taste sad I aad on peat it pasa State all Loaeapa it that it will raea for of eta BtNTLEYS TELEGRAPHIC RELIEVER The bee ia the world for the Belief all Prut Cents per MM coapouHO Extract of Blackberry VacallUf Tk aad are of at ledpd a AesriapsjM saiasalalea lb pre keeJlkT of tk The prraareJ oaitaaairad tk sdlelskl of the Teed Aati rraea pleats it Is satapted far the care of diseases wbiek is la all with t Used disordered easts af bowels dariof la should be kept is as as the atioa of bottle lie pet bottle f 8 A pet stock CbeesussJe Trass rasserj Dye Staff Ac far sals si reeeoaebie polhecarys Hall I DRUGSTORE Ghemtst and On- very firm KauA A firm hmTlrurlN rvspoctrull CARRY ON THE BUSINESS IN FUTURt OR HIS OWN ACCOUNT The Stock ill be found rep as with and Drugs Chemicals BRUSHES COMBS FANCY GOODS Patent Medicines HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs Of all James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES BRUSHES And Artiste FIFES I Finest Tobaccos CI0ABS CHEROOTS Ac III LAMPS And rwmtahlni mil keep Dp with pint erf to lb NEW STAR SHADE Tlrloilfrnia For Chapped tor aTler Remember the Place in 2 Commer cial Block Main Street 1870 the late All LITTLE WANZEB Sewing THE Ik of lb abort respectfally that be swv prepared to All orders far NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET FOB SALE in tots to nut Oatmeal Corraaeal POT SPLIT PEAS Buckwheat im I Jewellery Goods Of tk latest and 8t TORONTO Out stock or SOLO A WATCHES AMD SILVER CHAIN ElectroPlated Goods POCKET CUTLtHY Fancy Goods I 1 met to fcr AND PRICE UNSURPASSED Childrens Toys WHOLESALE as Is deairou of this of trade the whole let WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Oa lb shortest Bit of amiable foods lor CAM AND SEE DLETERLE Punips A liberal Iibrral bestowed since t repared to til WELL or PUMPS Pimp he to All Pomps Warranted PUMPS PROMPTLY REPAIRED a will be The Little Is tk ill the p f work la saora Less Liable to Get Out of Order Anil Ran ANY OTHER SHUTTLE MACHINE is with i A I OIL CAN aited Oil SCREW Ike ia order The tittle is lie FAMILY SEWIN8 MACHINE Late Asaeriea or Orer bar been of art id Tfcesn are be all af frost witb to and of jar at Fast Offiae St sis ACHE Jan 1671 7 PUMPS PUMPS Cheap Building Lota DM obi Uvttmnk BIUU tk i M sOtl Tilt Fiirniture Store BELL EJVART DRAKE Til kli Grocery Dry Goods HARDWARE kick k mmubUj tuad Stock of Furniture STOVES Of to7 wkick to the pa Liberal Advances on Consign iimts of Produce of Floor April if LIFE LlrNESSlal MR J E I D I 111 his to tuts of ded the aHaikaS that he has bean has his STOCK OF A ad is bow prepared to asscejas LifeSized Likenesses wsat felt this rirlatt from SsssJl LIFE SIZE Unit a All Uodk mm S Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE SKEINS I BANT HOOF ROD AND IRON lad at HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT We weald a I iswssarkel Sharon liking Up Cheap Goods THE desires to retsra shujei far lb kiad Bestow SHARON la so rsrpeetfall te bis friends aid the Iks I La recw of a SEASONABLE GOODS Of the CLOTHING Will and Caaa Tweed Broad Cloths Silk which I by Yard Up to Order I la tk Bert Possible Also to itaiiluiH DRY GOODS Of Groceries Of Stop and ReadJ If you want Howl end TIN WARE A Oppobite the DAVISON All Work Astros ft Provincial Land Sorveyors VALUATEHS ft LAND AQEKT8- OFP1CB Bast Court Torwato Oat Special aid te or dary Lines fcsE focresE of Order tar la Tork by form Coart fasf eVOk Tseoalo T THOMPSON TUB proprietor bep te Us ke has Reined and Ik shaft Betel kept by Mr Us t keep a First Class Boos The Bar and Till be witk the bast eawatr feeds special paid te ether art wwaaaat the aad koea trad CHARGES MODERATE Good I rrr Late trareilLaf Apat far Wss A also basis ass a jfP Western Assu Co OFFICE TORONTO I Capital ff4000V Pre aldentHonTj Tarts 1 a4n I The subscriber who for ikt wliHsks at March Chemist Druggist BELL ART T7EBPS a DRUGS MEDICINES atJEUlTl EH Chemicals Perfumery Toilet Fax- Ac EEf sj the MsrwEHrkesklSalSTO Aurora Still Ahead I ME IMPORT I TO aad sha DRY GOODSir BOOT A tv Garments Mad to Order ami tort Fan Taken In Air A 15

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