Newmarket Era, 14 Jul 1871, p. 1

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nil Friday Horning JACKSON M II Till I Book and Job Establishment AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER En Hum ami under per GIVE MP THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET FRIDAY JULY 14 Terms in Advance Ill STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS DR STRANGE ItfH id- il il Hi 1JI1 I PATTtRSO WSi I- iibibL Dr I Ac March i UP PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur Office Mam St ft Severs Too ftd MONEY TO LOAN at t Offlocrf rJJEr IS ROYAL HOTEL MAIN by cartful BIBLE DEPOSITORY TJAkM awn Davison House FIRST TEETH I MonnmentsTomb Stones Dr Robinson LDS ill 30th So Jo SHARON MARBLE WORKS Br Cuun ki Mi fo lb ll a VltnUf mi CANX0X DENTIST lam Dr Toronto will it ih folk- vImtiW lo In all if Trt t si CturfM sad work warrant l All to i attention 2d If- PRIZE IN T J DALES ENGLISH AUorwylli In tun K AC A PHYSICIAN SURGEON roller of MANSION MBS STOCK Musical Instruments intiftTii qui PRICE TORE ASP FINISH JlAUd rtrtl Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON Ontario ViMtiWT TOKONTO to Mftw iJZ Mii WO jlauJ or totlr on HORSES CATTLE Medicine Every for on Hand DRESS MAKING Mrs Jas Barry DRESS MAKER ALL for Dnw ill rum Dresses Cut Fitted On thi Apprentices to the Making ROADHOUSE CABINET MAKKR And Undertaker of lUnUrw tand COFFLtS NEW Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the North America Hotel BOOTS AND SHOES I Of all UJ ol on tm Mtiaiw ft Ilk and to ban of All Work Warranted Prof Smith Organist of Church RETURNS agkaow part I that raorad fiMt Mala fttratt to and Id Yowl Mule Id IT 1W Tablets Stones Posts Crosses Ob Short Notice ft Reasonable of A 1 80S Photography L JONES Photographic Studio sr NEWMARKET Enamelling Process SOLAR CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES Large Cabinet Landscape or Stereo- Pictures Carte Amvrottpe and Gems fa MN Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style A Finish At A J NEW TINWARE Stove Pipes lb- aipanoacad rtjlo ftndof lb Repairing Done on Short CALL IS SOLICITED AUCTIONEERING Conveyancing Ac Ac CHEAP OK SHORT NOTICE P MOORE A Condensed srnion Select ailing BUILT ON A POCK Two men broad inl i of wbicb lay firat with a And if not- When the rains descend and the floods come and iho winds will blow my house will fall For a good while after this the two ctoimcd You a wot blan ket sometimes A sweet tender came into the friend face Forgive mo ho said The thought dropped into my mind so suddenly thai could not help words Hut words out of season Both turned and walked from the as moved by a common im pulse They had gone only a little kept whole and tidy I 1 seeds and thorn to and cultivate flowers and vine that no dirtbcap3 aro suffered ill I placed people that lean do thorn good ugh cose or a their condition I give no their want and lot them Ibe scalo of humanity instead of helping thorn to rise I If tan ferenc heed faithful servant In other words you your house on Iho sand and great will be fall thereof rains descend and blow and the floods arise will not fall I think tho friend with tender tain in his face You cannot do I rear ho added for nor needs of these They so low down in the natural and planes of life that it is almost to lift them into region of nigh moral or religious First tho natural and then the moral and spiritual said Mr Jacobs Tbo natural is And nloss that is well ordered and Arm building erected thereon will stand ay when they carrying a large hum bio bosket She looked tired and weak Ah Mary I said tbo place kindly down her bosket id made a respectful Mr Jacobs was porft i of life miserable backsliding world is they do not as a rule lay a good foundation in lower degrees of life Tboy do not compel- internal man to bo orderly and pure and temperate to live according to tbo dictates of sound reason They do not keep through a denial of appetite their sound and healthy nor their minds clear and strong through culture And so tho spiritual they try to build is continually settling and crackling Too often it falls in utter ruin because of tho bad founda- Ab I see And yon aro trying to help your people to lay a good foundation in tho natural degree of their lives Yes in bono that of them may to build hi for making in ploteof hope Thoy are aid to an article Inch is more rapid in iU working I according his tienns as picture or a villa for man And forget that blessing in the of tonic useful war given to hundreds and to thousands Who and paint who spin and weave who labor and produce in order to supply tho ganciesand luxuries that I SftS entertained of it bo better lt moat rrTf by an oldfashioned cent and the hop flavor id with good medicinal as a 2 ounce- bt for me to away Lit it to my than to pay honest labor and skill in its Does that which bis alemoeynary bettor than the usoful The and oppressed I think uccour the weak our aid but always help best who can wliea wo call up their strength and skill into effort As for the costly residence I pur pose building added Mr Jacobs that shall enjoy it have in it a larger plido than over yonder who is building frame will have in his neat little homo when it is finished It cost him four what mine II taking our means into account- it is wrong in mo to build elegantly than my poorer friend justice To do justly to lovo walk humbly are tho eaten thing to be regarded Thesear elements of Christian character build on this foundation house bo it a palace or a cottage stand Arthurs Magazine Facts Fashions and Fancies Larcnder and cards are considered stylish for tinted New York trimmed disorderly lazy man woman cannot be a good On such a foundation God can build Or to change the figure boil no spiritual seed can take root no plant of heavenly beauty that took hold Tho and lifted it from ground idleness and low sensual indulgence Why Mary I he exclaimed C bould not attempt to carry a load I lh Lord ike this It is enough for a strong U SftS and ho called to one ftPJ SS lt of the laborers at work on tbo new d bailding I want you to take basket homo for Mrs Murray jmrnelncal order of Christians I took up the Perhaps so Bat wo must have basket and went off with woman I patience Tho pulpit is doing well whoso Thank you Mr Jacobs it is there need for it to do bettor so kind of yoo were full of office it ii hearts gratitude half of people usually slow to learn You think a great deal how to take care of themselves said subject Jacobs as ho looked after the I ponder them often replied Mr an I have to be seeing alter Jacobe Every all tho while Mow many quired friend and ruchings of lace for the neck and sleeves ore more in favor this season than they have been for several years Plain with the Spanish lace border now for trim ming back of round hats fastened by a large jet pin A new style of necklace is a tor toise shell chain to which aro sus pended small bells of tortoise shell with a clapper of gold Many ladios bafje taken to the of wearing a pretty laco cap the he m Very that the hair plainly arranged black silks and trimmed with black braid and metal buttons Sharpfaced girls ought to wear broad brimmed flat hats Round cheeked ones if discreet will confine themselves strictly to turbans The new styles cf for next fall are said to be something really new and many milliners think that they will have to hire a few people to tar them to people used their decidedly unique appearance MM It is hard nay almost impossible to you live right unless we think right Wo often bear it said that it matters very Aboartwenty half of them wo- little what a man thinks if ho live and children right Now I am pretty sore that If you have twenty people to be in all right living there must be looking aftcrall hands right thinking and that perfect- must bo full said Mr noes of the living will bo in the If they bad common aonse and degree or right thinking Tho good task would be and the true are the delegates to support replied other But and so are the evil and of ih convention Mr king people as we call them are the false Or putting it in more ex- spoken of by inmost but little wicr than act language truth is the expression children localities Mr of dont think outward gu of what not half strength he that is the trouble The other day fatse M Hon George found half a strong men at man then bare truth a a work with crowban levers try- foundation on to build bis life rag to got a heavy bowlder out of one the friend ho will stand of my fields They had moved it Not unless he build by good deeds ljj the rote of all what they it would hi get rid of great rock with roan should bo Juno A convention of the of South Ontario was held in the Mechanics Hall in the town of Whitby today A waa proposed and carried la I the arm in cor the parents aro of usual Tho cleahatt city n the world in Holland where no km ever been permitted and everything is kept with most entering i that many of tho houses to remove your shoe oven the Emperor of to comply with this on his recent visit to that place The Chatham does not tako kindly to the Leaders rumor that Sir John A is to bo our next Govern The dinner presumes tho arrangemont would bo very satisfactory to the party as Sir John would be to all and purposos Premier and Governor but it would bo very dis tasteful to peoplo of Canada at largo Banner baa reason to be lieve that Sir John will a Gov ernorship in August his reward for selling his eouotry in the Treaty but not the of Can ada Jiquor trades of Great are represented by a capital of and employ 8Mb operative and persons cludiug dependants on the buai- Of the latter number persons are engaged in public houses and hotels persons are em- ployed in bottling and coopering in brewing in the production of bops in growing and picking of hops in distilling and rectifying and and cor In the of Tte aggregate rsona engaged in the gland are 34 annual wages of those liquor trade The capital bre mated at sign the Prince then nominated after highly speeches of his acta a statesman and a politician and jo i rote of all hen I discovered The foundation is one thing and jdcpnes present amidatenlhuaii bout At this rate material of which the house built a requisition waa there- taken them a week to another But the first consideration Mr Brown to stand for the county and acommJ ippoin ted to obtain the That isnt the way tfhry it most of th Bury it said one and another are called looking at mo as though I wore net of mined 1 building palaces and in my Yea dig a hole just where you and bury it out of sight You do it in a few hours I replied Their blank looks positively ising Then you could see a little light come first into dull face and then into another and when the full of thing was grasped they aa pleased and surprised so many children and aet to work dig- four feet of soil above it This is an instance of the way in which I have to think for them It is the same in little in great things The women in their sphere are aa bad the men If I didnt look after them In their house some of these would be littlo better than pigstyes Im about every day and drop upon them at all hours or No gate or door or hatter has a broken hinge for over twentyfour hours and I dont aeod a carpenter have tools on the place and I mako July A 53 train on tho Nashville and way ami men tan into rain moral Railway which left and spiritual rain I mean of Monday composed Iu many the foundation ha and aynt material There moat bo a good miles from this city building as well a good foundation After locotrio baggagecar Rouse will not abide rivcr way and the remainder of the train fell with it into the stream 9 being Laid will have a perfect building aid Mr Aa perfect I can make it answered For your own enjoyment 1 For my development aa well enjoyment I have a deeply ground ed love for what is grand and sym metric I am an lover of art A fine is delight My thought in architoeture and iu amnio surroundings Gctt baa entrusted mo with the mean of gra tifying these and in doing o I am not I hope proving false to my atewardahip If I can a well to have a large and elegant home my neighbor a small and ornate cot tage is it not as lawful for me to have one a for him to have the other far a known at present killed and twenty three wound- ad none mortally Lakb Captain informs us Island About miles west of Silver Islet and forming part of same companys claim promises to exceed everything yet discovered This baa been protpeeted and work will bo commenced upon it Immediate ly Major Sibley of Detroit who Is the managing Director of Com pany baa been oflbred enormous sum of for this island alone and refused offer From this fact some Idea may be formed of the Im mense of the mine which the Montreal Company sold last year for let than 25000 MB fiaady money Brothers in law the judges ttw A bachelors part a spin ier How to serve a dinner eat it Sleight of band refusing an a The first Odd Follow Adam A companion of the bath a sponge The British Institution Por A rough customer good Queen Ml Half a of Wale Rapid consumption bolting one food The monrning air lboded A crying sin taking babies lo play A chool girl recently at an examination by the cler gyman to toll him what Adam lost by his fail and when pressed she replied I suppose it his hat Servant look into tho break- fast room and says mad am there a beggar in the kitchen wants something to eat I her the water En which the egg were boiled Bridget it is quit nutritious Tho editor or the Atlanta Vrw Era having had hi umbrella stolen makes following proposi tion If tho gentleman who now ford us pleasure to preaett him with a piece of the handle broken off a short have it glued jv While trudging along one day but affected ignorance of it Preach What command do you belong to Soldier I belong to Texas Regiment What army do you belong to Preacher very solemnly I belong to the array of the Lord Soldier My friend youv got a very long way to tho from aV Glasgow Herald a a mad at the mark Croat at ITe If Majesty King George an her the Duke Argyll I If any body found fishing a boon ta loch or below I loch afore to loch te loch iu te loch loch or about to loch shes to be wi persecution First shes to bo burnt syne to she to be an ifever she come back shes to be afar warn- God Sing an her Graeo the Duke Argyll

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