THE sad JcTo Establishment PLAIN ft TYPE AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER ME Till llv TO TO ITTEK TO ILL OTHER LIBERTY Vol 1 NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY FEB 16 1872 Terms 150 in Advance 1 Ontario Legislature Horse Infirmary witli natal drenched anil I to her form antral In mi 1 iuoi III telnet Ill tin Mi Bill tin Iloliayso Civil Engineers peak little warm and my new mo I I I flu- hard In blood to her pale id i unit nl I hi- Treasury but conclude J by Mr laud r to accept amendment tlio dif ference i no Mil- initial Some further took place during which ami Mr levied to foreign By the Atlantic Cable ft Ike Tmiv M If f Jt I tit In Had r of I SB in thou- v tii should not bo allowed I Mill Hon Mr I lake ap oi further to secured the legislative lion Mr Blake Hid ho had understood that twin o lion Mr intended mo roc ail to the last clause l I the Bill tut that gentleman did Hakes amendment to cited that eases ti I iJoM lakcail umber S honh cat VUu or reelection Ipr ies it- jai A 1uo and hi the tfoOt poor old lap but ah I it all the Mart- have God pic ji pp dont he See what all fiai 1 mat In- ltliat i en my lather I JJ new one A J ViDAulJ o Humbugl I Circular Ir I gggssr Now Harness Shop jl in Whips 1 Dr Robinson LDS First Prize in 1871 nude lit go Intl lot Willi 1 be bill DOMINION Imt tone I never i J Jiao- Mr Bat tin- man iniiudently fifit youve Will call WbaJc your hurry Mr J then there was loud at 111 do Harden fluihed angrily and Oalled in an impatient manner What i locked your door uotial lrctiv on arm drunk DOMINION Organ and y mam I tood The alippcrud Hie naked and the he bo calmly but bo wi bnow bo the worao ti I I- Inn a aiiK miwjry a w f 1 aveef hv tee in in liitbowoel drkeye I i wore oli- horl in I a Load was 11 ml j Ivwn Hll anid the wicked tuwantl Wlat ms Urn ilfaalVl iatHu I tev J I Si 1ST0 A- PHIZES AT THE LATR J I A K Musical Instruments am In a minute Aunt Poll Go back and abut the dwr aid the wont yo in till ban Dick Mi llarden bin to a- you mis- and dflncin an old Circa I wont board no lorntr ifyo be my if ye dont mind own jnd lut With smothered an J mutter- ini about the took lit leave and Mn Har den climbed up after Sit j till he reached her own little light a or dead wnt her mind u lo tamed to where bo had taM down mi Mercji A diLra and he bad poan iiie In tlio of wrong J ho on tto wall of the man the pallor of Mm fare hud boaa enough to ler tM hid liiitiid another bona reigned t- Fair in to be held on the lUtb and of Salt In ibaatrlct rult etiquette tiN1 tiio 1 Of half an Ik after whlclt the ii in in viewer the unilerol crealad if tuUIKil which would ihoir that office go- The Kingston and ity- early all Fenian member bam pardoned out of but Penitentiary In with the resolve of the Planter K- James won oil and on Wed- I left his Lome from which he Ik- I tedly I D July Canadian at to giro publicity to of jiiicago lor ban of the demand and present time tlio Jolief to Commit to by e of Who have i to plenty of ftM that men to man- been levmd Ho aid tin late cabinet of the a J tboucht that the country would look with the in cabinet He Haled that the late tt purfuiicuirily by which enabled to bold ivwe and reported prevent poi The oomn hill iu The bill an fraudulent deed and to empower certain per- to appear and act in tin- irtwere a which thclioimc at oclock till Monday AH amending tbc Mr moved for an address of the surveyed lands of the count of belonging to Ontario lie Maid that il was of greatest that the motion be that in formal ion could bo intending n to the end of the landi Mr Scott that would entail much work on Impart n bat be greater portion of it would bo the jxiliiy of the late irovcru- limber licciieoe in in the centre or lenontc He pi iiii 1 in the future inter- of the and the settlers would not iwcd to clash A followed in the troi- policy of the late n mem bare I among other Mr Beellhee wl i not that large Amber ho to lumbering to bo them- We and leave the Country led J he was carried Mr to cm having to Mutual lion jTOlealcd n j waffC appointment of a member alt nionev lb the Council and that tho anything to and art now obliged in Mr amend oak lor bo alruck out and that the word hrre give heel to be warning be In place keep away from lor the The Manitoba ha A long followed on th which old a an con rencctcfl- Hon Mr Wood raid that Horn Cameron had when fa i I hat the lit government had never con ten creating a now office He thoiLht that there might be good the of il office of the of found and fie thought a Mr he racelred no Was no thai future bolder iie would not Mr il had been the in tention of bringdown hi estimate alter but owing tea delay iu printing thought it better to defer the matter till returned rccei debate sixth office delined Ho would an a- he did oft ought to be vote of the Norfolk think the by idea of the use that the had Hwr North Am erican Actto office In ques tion but ho thought It would have been better for to have come down tp tho House He did not approve of cither the amend ment or the propoaitiun of the Hon Mr Blake Mr necked Mr lib ibo t against aranl limits to lumbering com- thought there was not large quan tities of timber within to tempt peculators to engage in iu and that tho had g to do with the timber outside The Cabinet it immi nent danger of diruj from inter nal discord It is that Mr Clarke contemplates retiring into a judgeship and that Mr Speaker Bora his place as IVmior A Bill reapcotiiff rcgifiution of voters has its second reading It baa been framed directly inopjiost lion to interest of immigrant a it exclude them from tin until they have two in l tun cut An itemt in a savings beak Jay How to make time go fast use the spur of men General com waiting on girls at time Why Is a stalk like a lover Because it has lot Its heart Why is an omnibus strep Mr Sexton thought it was now what the ppoeition of their t which Hon Mr hard to i i Blake be was not hot roll Bo Why king lau he the of the Cot there full Council and the object was not men mentioned till after the bad been makes tho Why Is Than five pound nolo bet signal pocket double it and increases Jet- what causes my eyes to be so wcak aid top to a lady They in a weak place A Act in hi numlKrdthoMiiitry replied the littci After remarks from Hon rrmi i Mr 11 i saio a purchase- loan led in and the on Mr men which lct by 15 Jo Id J he motion was J of hi t Bit Hie went Into whole with Mr in wa bating a party replied oil Young at hi Mr del and wore o bill would it Inn tli and wool beco Tho Court I to inln ie ubject eh in Wed I A to Mr to liberal to twelve dollar and took it In getting folio A I I Ion which Ill- of laid Mid tho on it will pen article he would en that the plan will bo to il for ib to rd ucceMful in other An 1 rain- itraclor i Mr John home we re- Billallc