Western Assurance Co OFFICE TORO Hon J l NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 19 1872 OF LANDS foe of taxes COUNTY OF YORK CERTAIN Preservation of the Sight AHCNDRVONt PETERS Twain dav of AI IS and to mo directed commanding mo In collect by or tho on the lands hereinafter men- liiunl iHuiher with and expense I therefore give notice Musical Library Thursday the TwentySeventh dayof June next C SIMPSON Chemist Druggist 6t af CUhiwd SPECTACLE VOCAL COLLECTIONS CO to Mil the or thereof as mare to the of laiea and cbargaa thereon Townsliip of Etobicoke Township of East Gwillimbury tonK part of I rtTErJS ly of LINE Liverpool Londonderry AND GLASGOW Carrying the and United Slua ilttils Liverpool Mail Line j Township of North Gwillimbury Township of King I Township of Gcorgina Township of EVEOLASBtl Tat Laaiia of bleb an free MM Pure Hard Brailant ACsfatCMATicuMa The aoJ Kiraiite THEY lh MOST GAME AND IMPROVEMENT OF THS EYES An I yaar arltboat to bcbnii So tbfj tba CKtaptM LAZARUS MORRIS A CO MEL BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AH BAD CAPITAL IMBJ WELL AND FAVORABLY KNOWS COMPANY Has HeOpened an Agency in Newmarket mm Effected on all clones of Insurable Property THOMAS ATKINSOJl Ageot for the October JMPATTERSON AGENT FOR JOHNSONS CELFBRATED FANNING MILL Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing MILL ST iniitHKtT THOMAS AGENT FOB CELEBRATED FANNING MILL North Gwillimbury IT IS A FACT J Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES i your tint to year Stoves and Sfve Pipes COPPER TIN SHEET JAPAN WARE Hemmers Tuckers All tlet of Grocer Rtlfr Machines VTal All for one Year BOND Aag 11 At prices that will ill that let an a1 at THAT 33aaW Pates of Fare from Toronto it Two Houses to Let IN ALMA TERRACE New Grocery PROVISION STORE Main St Newmarket aaaaetnll i lUi apioal a aa aad a a GROCERIES Wines and Liquors ittil to CHEAP CASH Fresh Fish Cash Paid for alt of Farm Pro- L to no d lock rotpocf all CoPartnership Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN Bakers ft Confectioners BOWDEN Bownaii 1LTiaIJ FUR SALE AT A BARGAIN LOT FOR SAIE Mluiod of of ft J I aiUUo ml J jortu Township of Scarborough Township of Vaughan K Township of Whitchurch Township of York I JM ft Friday March 187 Village of Aurora 1M tn MACDONALD Treasurer Co York MARBLE WORKS I Farm for Sale BBIlfQ Let la th 8ta Utsn REMOVAL ED TO HIS I Nov Main JtMASt J W WARKUOVXK la ao to raoeau all 1W BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work J 14 PLUS ULTRA Ontario Pump Works Insurance Company Corner and Prospect St j r sadrws Prop TUB ihi baa in I and knovu Three Years Policies te a l m w ffl Ml ih aotira rtaaaoabl tarau Farm Product Steep Skins lias taken in Godt OSoa ft J 13 NEWMARKET Ha4RDWARE STORE 1 1 FALL LEE a SHOVELS FORES IN GREAT VARIETY OILS BBU8HES GLASS PUTTY c BLACKSMITHS MATERIAL On the most Favorable Terms Accident THE COMPANY iu la a laaaraafa Compaaj c of aaiaat or IjmbUsvf jjrjr all of all aedtkoU aplaaaaala aacidaata I Iron Steel Bellows Anvils c Thimble Axloa and TOOLS M and Machine COO Heading and other LIFE alld J- SAW MILL Rubber and Hemp Packing Log and Board GRIST MILL FITTINGS Barrel Nail Bolting Clotb WEAVERS MATERIALS Frames Shuttle As aUo tame at AND SHELF HARDWARE Lee Bastedo Old Stand Water St a Aeciit of lift la veil an arliua L0CZMA1T SEWING U raiaiai or by stag I aiatb Tbia pa fab it baa a sued if PUMP llbaftaaJUofbIrbiiaatTtodiaaaclaaj to praraM of Ua iau or ail of bicb J L PETERS Inspection Invited aUNUBSwa DWELLING HOUSES twEr Rates are Mncfi Lower On Cent Of to aaiaat Death bj Aon aaal to SO ak for bU lajarj by aoddaai aat to axtaad aix ataka for aaa of Si to par I a id fc apocUIlj baaafJaaa aba blbr Life la lha Lift boat faaiara of Lb boat naaipaala bail or ajsaaaaiaalaa of lao aoto jaai It Ita a i aad M an axoaadalj l act itai tba flaatvlaai la rata All ft fertottoU IU It at bo Mavortad M Ik lb fcatai aitb CaapaaT far Lit or NO STOCK LIKE IT Sawing THE OSBORJt Jewellery Goods g Of lalaat SOLD SILVER SLWLNG MACHDJi ElectroPlated Goods TABLE AND POCKET CUTLIHV Fancy Goods Hi tba and for QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys It at Teroaao WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Watches Clocks andJevetkry On abortaat and atock of tor and la GALL AND Mar 1ST lf1 QUEERS Carriage Dorics I baa aowoabaada I of CUTTERS And Pleasure Sleighs At Prices defy Competition Sawing Turning Shingle Timber UNDERTAKIiTG Coffin Mountings An Excellent Hearse WRIGHT Freehold Property FOR THE STORES STOREHOUSES 1ENEMENTS As WITH THE LAND ADJOINING Water jr Iiaibl willed lb ar la food repair ill roll to of J- I Block Bo Ma 1ST1 John Cockerill all English Oils Ointments Oils WUU Oils Red Oils and Oils and other Ointments Pamela neb roar da pood Aoeroorbrt eoot of braarj i JOHN HENRY Aonrr WRAPPING PAPER AT Agent dioaoaaja UUaloaf TOOK THE At the Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO of I alt lf tbtj u Hud kopUloa or ra Zoo lea ad of Uto sCacdoa biada all tb at aoUiiac of ia tat lifia it daod a to Ckwatiotij baa lao aorraa by la- iaffadWaU tba it a far dddiatribal tb rapid of Vital of Slauiab I I alwnr I aw baa by CaW prora iTTTZTI W rf alao rt a at fart Hap Parti St nlslnL OF I bo ivkoftV lb BO A Co Print for JAKES I FELLOWS Chemist TOrSAKD fa M Viae tbvaa Maebiaa bayoad all aMkTiCl lock rttr do od aaprriar to any rtubiaa pablec For af fttrrartbaaddarabilily Tfu Setting Machine rival m IraprorriBoaU to ilaM- ttra of r J arr daJli Will do all if tba ot to or Guaranteed to be at represented pj pop TfllEK TaUaaV fat St aaatl I Bold at to for a A trial will The Gaelph It tba brat I Tbrrad I tba ita tfJctacW It fall Mil Tk4 do a I A Baa Wat laran Sort I ci J I Ayaat for VtK araiyvbarr Apply to Guelhi Sewing MachinsbQ PUMPS PUMPS 111 foil Jr ROGERS COJ Liverpool Londa Insurance Assols paid of Tfairt I aiadsH noe rob aaJulasB j otu tb 1 Fir raluloa oral Head Ofiic Canada Branch Cbif lor DRIPblLL Voeuarlrt A