NEWMARKET ERA MAY iO 1872 Western Assurance Co HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital ProaidcntHonJMcMurrich ju1 TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS Preservation of the Sight FOR ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF YORK C ll Druggist Hie Krai of llio County bcaringjlato llio A II 1S72 and to direclcd commanding l by or lbs Tax on landa hereinafter will fees and llcrvforo tbal unl il of and bo sooner paid aliall a i 1 0n the TwentySeventh day of DISCOUNT SALE 1 1 June next Next Two Weeks to ell tho land diatbargo raid arrears of or WILL OFF The Remainder of his Stock TWENTY FIVE PER CENT FOR SMITH of la Km Township of East Gwillimbury to do NOTICE Jt II SMITH April It PETERS Musical Library xith I i vocal collections ss and VlujI laBC CO Township of North Gwillimbury Township of King Township of Georgina I I A j i bp V if J PETEIS No ran to ALLAN LINE Township of Mark ham Township of Scarborough Township of Liverpool AND GLASGOW Carrying the and United Slates Liverpool Mail Line Rates of Fare from Toronto aj areoilina to accommoda tion HI fartaaj Iba paaaaa or lh- I to Canada C II BOURIIFrT New Grocery STORE Main St Newmarket a I aaataa Township of Whitchurch Jo Township of York All Village of Aurora Friday March M Farm for Sale MARBLE WORKS I ONI conc of to ll U Stock of TfiiV Wines and Liquors IB- CHEAP FOR Wholesale and Fresh Fish face Hi a ia not to aa at aal poo JOHN MITCHELL Partnership IS GIVEN aart lata Co- Baker Confectioners aaaVr of III I I Ami la good ill ot bai Mr Boa SUPPLY ALL ORDBUS abortaat and ma I liar IS 171 lilt THB aoliacribm fac lhrral trrrtaaara a la that aba BBIffQ of Lot in Stoaes and Sre Arret catena Ontario Pump Works Insurance Company Corner S J REMOVAL ED TO New PREMISES llaiii and Simcoe Sts HEAR J WAREHOUSE BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work Prop pnU 6IJ IayrTai umJ ijuIiI call aprcial EXCELSIOR of la a waj aV k u uilj All kitaeU of furaUbcd M lot or fanlaAtL An Inspection Invited IL V 4 known Three Tears Policies ASHES i tiaoeia 17 from M Pure Hard CLES Brilliant aa1 MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES THE Its r 1 ami 1mpe0veuei1 of tee eyes r ll LAZARtS CO Dana Ore ao Tad CAPITAL WELL AND KNOWN COMPANY HeOpened an Agency in No market m of Properly ATKINSON Agent for tio Ccranty lib 1871 JMPATTERSON AGENT FOR JOHNSON FANNING MILL Something for the Public A QUANTITY OK Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing HILL ST THOMAS AGEKT FOR JOHNSON FANNING MILL North Gwillimbury IT IS A J J HODGE Hall Bedroom Steves BAKER LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES SEWING MACHINE o COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will yon till aUfj jot la art dtUrniios to at THAT ATBJLT Tuckers Grocer All WM Aof 1 1 1 ral lock laptoaauaal- for one Year IIONIl Pi 0 to U DO Insurance Company pi Farm Skins Rajs Ac taken in Rxrkrmgetor Goods J J HODGE 1S19- NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE 1 1 FALL Ill SPADES SHOVELS FORES at IN GREAT PAINTS OILS BRUSHES GLASS PUTTY c LIFE and ACCIDENT On the most Favorable Terms Department COJUANY is kj It noli of dit or M to a by Iran ojad Ikal la lot ual lawful of u an arilUn fcrk MB of to S3 to iO iaJoaHj for dtblag dm to total wttk tot aaj at uf to 10 par iWtaad far pre I atetarJotia at ralaa la fu Ufa Tnnkri nala af tat atmaEaiaa vitkoat laa or aaw ti tk It aalb liaa la a plaia la anj aad lu BLACKSMITHS MATERIAL Iron Steel Bellows Anvils c Tliimtlo Azloa Spring and CARPENTERS TOOIA all kinds Boring and Morticing Machine aw COOPERS TOOLS Heading and otter Drlrctaic Star SAW MILL FITTINGS Babbit Maud Robber and Hemp Picking Log and Board 9- GRIST MILL FITTINGS Barrel Bolting Clolb to Sty- WEAVERS Frame BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Lee Bastedo Old Stand Water St Newmarket lira polk aot altaiaabl aajar lit juol AS I a Cliti tor lnMranea and ran to tan JOHN HENRY Aositi King Street WRAPPING PAPER AT THE SEWING TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO OVtt iha laadiaf avacalaM of Uta- aoJ hit aV klot Co aaocaaa la a aoaJnaiaM iitiarJirt iJfod by tat Ja rfU to all OtWra bar alto laka fkH alniUoro reft CalWinnu OF AdWU Motr Wrfcaar Lock aad Kay liOohaabiaa buJ a i WILSON Co NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET THB oat a larta Jewellery Goods Ibt and moat a aaaral of BOLD A SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABU POCKET CUTLERY Fancy Goods Ilia JtatllrtJ fa tha tin la man tor QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys lhaa at and WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Clocks and Repaired a anaalaJ Ufa tack of pood for bulk CALL AND I I W GUELPH Sewing THE- OSBOl us UK tbraa Tbty ail auk lb ax rl Jail- fro ill m oaak4 Will all tba to Guaranteed tobe as represented FOR TI1KRI TEAKS CarriagJWorks baa no on a CUTTERS And Pleasure Sleighs At Prices which defy Competition public tbal 1 to do PLANKING 8awing Turning Shingle Timber UNDERTAKING Coffin Mountings tor aala An Excellent Hearse GEORGE WRIGHT U A I Uao TraaJgold I tar aaacd hrtr pladid tab iailat Gueliu Skwino Hap lllbTl PUMPS PUMPS a VALUABLE Freehold Property FORSALE THE STORES STOREHOUSES TENEMENTS WITH LAND ADJOINIXG SITUATE on nod rteaatlt by jr la liibly and p HI 1 ia a block or In lota to la purcbaacra an aaay For of Or to J H Ran try May Hat of all katuar nod brain and nanfan and I oak Itodaotnf Tbit tb aahaUaUally IkrUataoawfcicn Ilypopboapbittn iU ika Blood Brain and and it rapid of Vital- iaad Blood in af Body ILausur and anion a and and anabliaf family In flated vital It far all aw of and a irophicai or anaay aaan and nil ilitM la it a in Par it say ba in nil tan anil J ffcrtni prTparaUoa of bt to for allowa flynip and Hold by for 740 I FELLOWS Chemist P WELC pj- run anal po poweiaLMi 1atxmt tSWnaaanaSaaaaaBrV ROGERS FOR AT A BiRGAIN List oiLe TJEMAINl AND FOR iilkrf In at bane ppfr or la J 1 Fifty Acres of FOB ALB COHFOaED at half rf ID la For