GIVE TIIE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELT ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY I 18 NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MAY 24 1872 Terms 150 in Advance J Sfti M1RSK Card PR II lil II X W WIS in Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY Three North of the Post Office Money to Lead ill His P RE P HORACE THORNE LEE J IANDV Solicitor Attorney IOLST DUDICV OH SlIldEOS Accoucheur AT TO LOAN aixl of DR PHYSICIAN AMI CORONER rrinrhfur OR STRANGE 1 Mmf lh JAMES I Architects Civil Engineers H THOMPSON Carriage Trimmer All J ikLoi Repairing on Short WILLIAM MITCHELL Barter HairDresser NXWMABXZT him of Buggies for Sale Of Superior St At A IM New Harness Shop I m IK i SHARON MARBLE WORKS THE AND ERIE Savings Loan Society LONDON ONT Certainly responded Lily in this mmii for you to sew up banding bar she poke a garment of on bleached cotton We are all working for Ilia and I am very glad you came to he I help I What to sew comma thing Lily are you crazy I never touched audi a thing in my life I And the petted beauty drew back as if really afraid of the harmless cloth Then It Is high lime did pert is ted Lily Here are needle and thread and a thimble in this I basket so a good girl and go to I work I Wet If I mint moat sighed glancing about per that all tho work fiat do y charity to gi Three Tears Policies On M Altasfawd DWELLING HOUSES Mli torssa s Rates are Mncft Lower Owe Pe Cekt torn Tnxa Team id fall apply ttT PRIZES AT THE LATE FALL EXHIBITIONS Pint Vim a Pint at IS ILmSbc r Tort Mark Special Notice laatrawrau formerly la JV Mil by T J Data aal klek T J DALES Musical Instruments ar equal to any TRICE I had ail think it awful staff to anybody she enquired very eeri ly after a few momenta silence Inch the hod selected and each garments the hair shirts that monk wear as a penance Ah Graoiev said Lily body hare the poor creatures to jj whom these articles aro or you would realize that warm service- able clothes aru what they need Wont you go with me day to isil them No indeed cried her friend with a shudder Ill yoa some money for them if you like but 1 always dislike so much to poor shall be very glad of your do ion Grace but I really wish you aid go with me You would be I am sure and you have at umlaut means to do good Wall Ill see about It if it will lly oblige you answered Grace and there was a the noodles flew It broken by Grace the irrepressible hastily sprang up overturning work and basket ex claiming Ive found it girls I What your asked one I should think might have lost th such a spring aa the needle but the plan for soma fan What ia it Tell at see end voices and the work was sod abandoned by all bat Lily as crowded round Grace In the first place she began but with dancing eyes know it is Leap Year Yea yea in a chorus from And that In Leap Tear we dam sels bare certain rights and privileges denied at other times Now I propose that we each select some gentleman of oar acquaintance an I note making a formal offer of oar heart and hand but we will not sign it Then ho shall we get an answer inquired one We will appoint some place of meeting if they feel inclined to ac cept and then we will watch to see sswl you would not do an en- maidenly thing Why I not do It and why is it demanded Grace Of coarse I would not sign my name to such document bat mere ly to write it and have the fan of seeing the gentlemen go poking off to keep their appointments and no one there to meet them hi no barm Do yen ink it is she added tarn ing to the group WHITE LEAD MESSRS BROTHERS MX call atuallo IS pallia and to f lhy Msf in stsssW a tail set rMtnlatd raaliaalal IN I41 Per Or La k aad Was Jr UTS They however though not quite Archer was and from so decided in their opinions as Lily reception by both tatlivs it preferred not to join in the snort dent that he was a and they were might bo found come guest truth was that f Lily Belle bad 1 the offending And rill ill bat Belle Morton my fualovinc girl who bad been in all her schoolgirl ready Grace she said her having been in mourning for lis r father the gngcmenl had been kept strictly pri vate Now that Lily bad begun once more to mingle in society further tier word Ill help you as usual concealment was not cared tor and that or anything for tho sake I the marriage was soon to lake place Mr seemed more sedate with me then cried than usual In the pauses of Co ri ll work out the idly turned the of alone so as trot to Lilys nil hit Suddenly tails of shock tins puritanical company continued Lily of the valley mo sew again when want another inspiration And she de parted with Belle unmindful of Lilys carry out her pro- Seated inGraceslibrary the friends of their but sfted with the length trace flung aside her Listen to much better than tho And she road that long been feeling toward with What Hnrry7nsked Lilv coming tu his side May I Ye- you may now though hod I discovered tho author you should not said handing her the note which my readers readily copied for Grace how could they do a thing she exclaimed Surety Harry did net 1 knew anything it she asked anxiously indeed dearest know you 11 Mrs Grays conservatory ruiy your Athiito Thatcher What do well for that and besides trident written by one who knew of our But I it annoyed me to think that prospect take advantage of the privilege private affairs and I was Year and tell you that most lo think who it could be when I saw Hello MorUna autograph here and recognized tho very peculiar writ- Lily explained plan of the afternoon and expressed her belief that also had some share El this letter They will watch as closely tomor row evening Lily said Harry Sup- we stroll into the conservatory Archeri exclaimed i confront the coii- utterly aghnst at the idea Indeed I will Belle and Lily To this Lily agreed ought to be much obliged to me for P doing an Anybody can ace that llBnt rwd so Harry the ground l Belle did he tread on lut ahc j eo ami just oclock Sound for the whispered her friend look iu her eyes with that letter they mutt come F They idlhR party and of Archer will be la he until reserved that he has no encourage- A to propose When they once ry Grace whts get together in Mrs Grays tory with that letter they come Grays now ia one Mr Archer knows for one day he and I helped Mrs Gray write some Invita tions Cant you copy it for me Belle Yes said Belle rather thought- fully for bar shouldnt carol not one hit I declared Grace emphatically ing back her long ringlets If any one served me so I could get oal of it well Because you see she added I dont care anything about any one I should be per feetly cool and self posseesed Even if it were Edward Fair fax queried Belle archly Of coarse I Why not be as well as another relonicd Grace But noted sudden flush on her Well Ill copy it sho said But how are you going to the lender meeting Grace for I sup pose you moan to Certainly replied Grace I would not mias that fir anything Ill bide in the conservatory and no one will bo the wiser But now copy this she added towing the note to Belle wbo obeyed I mast go now Grace she said as finished I promised to be bomo early I shall see yoa tomor row evening at Mrs Grays And the friends parted As Belle hurried along ng gravity when entered burst into a merry Ill do It I I certainly will she exclaimed If Grace is so perfectly willing that any one should play her audi a Ill jest make another copy of her note to Edward Fairfax Blow neatly I smuggled her rough draft Of It and a sheet of the note paper with her monogram into my And talks of their thanking her I am sure Edward Fairfax ought to thank me for he is as proud as Lucifer and poor a church moose and he would not of fer himself to the beautiful heiress Grace Thatcher for any earthly con ideratlon and to see the way be stands and gazes at bar in party where they chance to meet Is enough to give one the blueal No no Ill settle your air And snatching up a pen a fry few momenta sufficed to make another copy of Graces note the only altera tion being that Grace a and Mr Fair faxs names were substituted for these of Lily and Harry Archer The mis sive duly posted impati ently awaited the next evening Before accompanying her to Mrs Grays however let us take its all right for Edward Fairfax has been there fr ten initiates past When I peeped in he was reading over the note and unless Im much mistaken preening it to bis lips But I mast gel where I can see thorn Grace In the meantime had passed through the conservatory until she to a beautiful fountain near which was a seat so surrounded by tall orange trees and oleanders that she thought she should be screened from observation To her surprise however the seat waa occupied and by Edward Fairfax Hastily springing to her side be exclaimed in low impassioned tones Dearest Grace how can I ever thank you for your generous avowal of lovo Had our powitiona been dif had I been neb and influential instead of a poor artist I should nol Lave been pleased to bare the offer come you bat as it is I can on ly strive a lifelong devotion tc re pay the sacrifice that this confession musl have been to you And he concluded ho bur fondly to him and stooped to print a kiss on her lips bet Grace too quick for him and starting back cried I do not understand you Mr Fair fax Of what avowal do you speak Grace gave one glance at its con tents and realizing the whole ex O Belle I Belle how could yon And sinking on the seat covered her face with bands Mr Fairfax stood astonished and irresolute He could not fathom the mystery At length light broke on his mind and he gently Did you write this note Mies Grace Never sobbed Grace Then I mosl ask your pardon and bid you farewell said Fairfax Grace made no reply Will yoa shake bands as a token that yoa forgive my innocent share in this wretched trick be asked Grace slowly raised head and extended her hand As she did so glimpse of bis face nidly Fairfax caught rapturously Id Say that yor did not realise till now that yoa loved mo be whisper ed and 1 for nothing more And ear forgive me for Im ashamed of myself burst In Belle who suddenly appeared before them iook at Lily Albert on friends That is Im half ashamed and half bad remained on til nearly added as glanced from dark and on their departure she bad one to the other joined her mother at tho teatable Ill both forgive and thank you Soon after that meal was over Mr said Fairfax at once comprehending Protestant Churches of ling her band into that of her lover though I must tell my share of Belle I hope my note has done no more mischief tlian None at all said a pleasant behind them and taming suddenly the beheld Archer and Lily stand ing near Many thanks vnurkind efforts in my ladles said Archer Had Lily and I not lean engaged six months ago they would doubtless have been crowned with complete as I they have been in an other directum Allow us to offer our most sincere dear Lily as she and Archer by Belle moved consider away Our Toronto Letter Mat 14 The amual meeting of the Me chanics Institute was held on Mon day evening when the officers for the ensuing year were elected and the retiring directors presented their re port lfa ing disposed of their pro- to the Government during the year the Institute paid off all its standing liabilities and bos now on hand like It contemplated amalgamation with the Canadian Institute and together erecting a building to be common to both but it is not likely that the idea will be out as the Canadian The city volunteers hard at work preparing for iho camp which will bo held at iagara early In Tho Queens Own have received now uniforms and are holding com pany drill three times The Tenth Royal are expecting their new clothing immediately bet the fact of not having it does not prevent them performing company drill aa zealously as their rivals in dark green t is thought that both regiments rill tarn out stronger ever on Ida and it is certain thai hey have lost none of their old when such an event does take made to it In the Such an event occurred last week A young lady highly connected re siding her parents in the western portion of the city bed for young gentleman studying the wishes of The gentleman Is looked as rather a neerdowell and his most sanguine admirers do not expect that be will be light in the lege profession Still be found favor In the eye of the lady who by the by is his senior by three years and long after he was forbidden hods clsndostino interviews were of a bar love by absence front the adored one and on Monday woes last sen her to an living In Montreal A couple of days passed without any id of arrival and this was more singular as she waa specially instructed to telegraph soon as reached her The parents became alarmed and com- bands a letter waa jet from the daughter stating that she hod married the object of her choice who her on the way and begging in the usual terms of contri tion As the deed was done and affairs could not be bettered by estrangement the parents bade her como back married couple accordingly returned on Saturday last and wore seen Trinity Choreh hut Sunday week with tho parents of the bride I need not tell you that an affaire of this kind could not be kept strictly secret and it baa prov ed a real bun for the gossip AWaiMBtTTi The llotmans left the City en Mon day morning fur Rochester from they intend making a tear of Slates Tho Lyceum continues to draw crowded houses not only crowded In the mere sense of numbers bat as re- fastness Mr attack ol New York his first appearance to night in conjunction with Mr son in the play of Henry Dunbar And became a marked favorite by vip omas and truthful acting It is understood that a cocking main will take plaoe next Saturday between Toronto and Cleveland aome sports are in the city and able money baa been staked The utmost secrecy as to the locality is f reserved but if succeed in obtain- ng llm duo yoa depend may the police force are on strike It Is likely that the dies graceful proceeding will be carried am Father Gavazzi hat arrived In New York He comes as a com mis from Church of Italy to