Newmarket Era, 24 May 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA MAY 1872 v- of Am I biding role brail Her are Iran and Tin MAY Our Toronto Despatch Int week the Com of itliil lor by Ioul olltr were not in pal iml It up at n I oll a Cm ilia 11 I Hi ill Win- lle retinue of untjr ilo turn iiunl It rear mi area remind inc lie honor JoiOJ for lii fi ilium- lend ill Common KiMl Toronto Of did not make any tut Cbnntjr of on No lot i the Jrt f rr in ilia plunder The Washington Treaty matter for referent li vote at on capitulation A subinis- to foreign dictation be imagined than this rote indicates Whan lb previsions of tl Trcasf were fir- public ConscrrstWe and journal it li avowedly es pousing their cause vied with liberal press in denouncing it bat no sooner doe Govern- I- red by the rcgoi gate won sold iliero ha of ByLaw Tins win passed I tin tew market Council in 163 to pre em and iii afreets of the village a synopsis of it that our nay lie ware of in provisions tat not be lawful for an to skate or on hand or otherwise on any of tin foreign ono appeal for the Dam in hear Under only ho Garry May American New I conn opened hero I Johnson presiding Mix lordship that a wealth litigant la I an ad van Ma Van hut an hour before the stage lingo over poor mo Sir I R charged with passing a forged cheque There are three rase of larceny on art ler defended judiciary on a Wail of aggravated mwaiilf obtaining and Sir J A Maidonnkl denial was fully- committed by money under false pretences the mobility of the in default of ML raj on anjl a considorabla Government in matter It vn The body of a real estate of civil province of the Govern- was found wight during a than the judicial Bast tonjify with Ins paity crowing lied ntfccinoe of the to make the It a whether ipid jwel ami J native this country r- enlorday n J It Patter of or tie accidentally ahot himself going hunt in a car lie drew the A of a loaded gun towardtt him aged An inquest wan held on the body t A day and a verdict of to hold tonight t agree motion It waa to issue an order far all carpenters to stop work walk alofo the action the at than the rank and filo of his finical wheel into line the Conservative press new light and now whnt they at one time loudly condemned is advocated and lauded a wio and high and lofty this action the Treat presents feature not often wit- in a deliberative body and the men who lo tho of the pal try have deservedly earned the righteous condemnation of an injured an insulted people The following is the division list thereof in tho Ma 2nd Itshnll not for of the public or of urgent busirn a Iks then 3rd It ida all in of urgent r other Bill It shall Hot be lawful in ilnn iiniiltu by blow of horn ringing of balls shout or otherwise It shall not bo lawful for without leave from the I of this village to place or mi road street square alley lane side walk or or in this village This imposes a ponally for violating ibis Ilylw Newmarket Council Treat preparations have In this village for properly celebrating this day in honor of ller Two magnificent arches four feet wide span Main street and the or- of are each must give satisfaction and The Dab will appear about nine oclock a and form in procesaion Eagle Hotel Huron Street thence proceed beaded by a Military Band to the Agricultural via Main and Water Strode when the Game and Aibclctie of lit day will first on the being a Foot Ball Match In the evening wo anticipate of the best of Fine has ever Huge Bonfires are to ho erected on the promises of Mr J street on of the highest- its in tbo village and here to display will A axe fl4 l I- I One day lost week while threnl Jen employed IMeeatK llnmilton A Sons car factory in this city had a diopute j which led to a general row in the The proprietor look upon to discharge tho two men and as a other nil struck Trades Unions by acts such ax thin gain neither honor or the sym pathy of the public and although they will probably bo sanctioned by the Dominion Parliament before the close of who give matter any thought cannot but regret the fact Tie still remains tiue prin ciples tors steadfantly refuse to rccogn Union and is today the only ci office which is by its on en the country people to thank thetorertnnt of Sir John A Maolonald for it in this they no wore than the disgraceful capitulation Tree Small Pox at the evening for the li the vie lingofihu Monday of Inquest Tho art Accident On while names of several very good men pro oowed for instance Mr President and Dr Joseph Adam- Director bill lliee gentlemen It that their private so en their time that they could not accept the nomination As it is a good directorate been elected and hoped will exert them the Im York Ranger The n I if lro Uim sod sitting s the Sin lu ng it hat that the Di a- library and rooms It is Intended to expend in die library which is in a very con While on this subject may be mentioned that ibure is in contemplation I r the pur pose of supplying the City with a li- similar to ltioc no popular at English watering places where an addition to all the latest works of light literature and a room where the and more particularly the ladies may lounge away an hoar there will be refrwoh- provided Such a place is much needed and if got up iu stylo will undoubtedly pi a pay ing ejaculation despatchos say that miners at All righ ton Luzerne County Pa have struck lir an advance wages The tire at Toby on the Dele and the Wester is now under i ho villngc ta safe but the woods and saw mills beyond still burning The woods fife has raging in the vicinity of Japhank Long Island for two and nights A fire broke out this morning in the woods Hay Port on the South side of the railroad May 16 Tho Tribun way of recovering tbo Ahtbitmavl The Bill direct payment by the United States Government in pold of all legilimato claim for direct to American merchants and shipowner growing out of depredation of he Alabama and other Anglo rebel wis and provides that the Govern ment shall indemnify itself for such by collecting tonnage tax of a ton on all British shipping en American porta until fully re- The member his Bill should not only speedy payment of the but mid hare more effect drive British sliipe from American something of its former prosperity ami prestige May During a He rain storm which passed over western and Dakotah on night of tho 15th a large water out to lhoearth tnkiig May The Washington spec there is not a single member of who Since my last letter the members of tbo police force have caused to put into shape their charges against Prince Sergeant Major son and Ward and Canning It must be admitted that many of the harges of a trifling complaint tho chief regarding his drunkenness at the first fire at the iron block Is brought up again and fact for the ly against him The charge against is that he was in a help less of intoxication at same fire but this will probably not be pressed very hard as he is almost temperance man and drunkenness on that occasion was entirely It Is nevertheless a strong to bo used against intoxicating liquor for it may happen as it did in this case that mans system may bo out of order and a very small quantity will render him incapable The charges the other man are not very strong being principally caused by The Commissioner held a meeting on Fri day last at which the subject cane up for discussion but no action was It was generally meeting of the City Monday night the- question thru further prosent in quo In me about twenty five of the bersbare rejoined the force is thought that the whole be smothered over with out an investigation being made A rumor with we believe pretty good foundation is that Capt Prince intends asking for an investigation on his own behalf as he says to clear his charac ter Be this it may there La but one opinion and that is that should an investigation be made the gallant Captain will gain nothing by it The tacts s Wreck of a Cunarder May The agent of tie Cunard Line has received information of the Ins of the steamship Tripoli from Liverpool to Boston The Tri poli Oil the South k of the Point on the will MM lor of It Burroughs of Iatte J was sentenced foday t hanged July The bonded warehouseof Squ Co dar lightly by fire this large of dry goods in ware damaged the extent of about The country is awaiting J I interest some furthcrdevelopi At mooting of carpenters today the Gubernatorial question tho report that the boss last night agreed to concede eight hour movement ally condemned May A Matamor mass meeting special to the says des- 1 1 confirming tbe report that woman The difficulty about Court of Appeal was that bad had a system of jurisprudence family different from that of or to other Provinces and he feared that appeals from that would be made from a corny less competent To found a Court idental of Appeal to Quebec waa the difficulty The lasted face Ho washed long in his way bark She did that night She morning and gj as out of his shortly after were burned pon them News from Mexico Mr I delegation of the At to struggle of yellow fever is Boat Blub left I CI agggggggggggggggggggggggg the Steamer John Foster lying Colby moved repent of the Insolvency Law- Mr Jones of moved amendment that Bill be refernxl back to Committee of the to provide its operations extended to Nora Scotia ami New i Brunswick After a discussion wh intcrrupteil by a uproar labfe forces at San Lui and move the House and cries of uadajalara and against all in the mombrr delaCadenaand Pedro Ac was taken on Mr motion for a six months hoist which was lost- Yeas nays SO Mr moved an amend that this Bill read a third tin the 31st This was lost The third reading of j have been received has ordered Cavcllo concentrate places oar on of having abandoned at the dictation of Gladstone that it asserted and has diaiinctly ntainod November 1871 tins fact there is ry reason lo believe In night that supplementary article I Monday- bo ratified The Commute held another session this morning at which no deflnito con clusion was reached and an was offered for further procrastination that the members required more time In which to themselves with details of the cor respondence The on Foreign itelaiions it under stood has agreed upon the following two thirds of Senators present concurring that Senate advises the President to consent to proposition of contained in mossago of the thir teenth instant lor an additional article to Treaty of Washington of May Four Senators are in favor of the resolution two in favor of returning the proposition to President and one in favor of modifying the proposition Iostou May A composed of the members of Bos ton pre having the matter in charge are making extensive preparations to accommodate their newspaper brethren throughout the country who accept invitations to attend the Inter national Peace Jubilee A room in the will bo specially fitted up and assigned for exclusive use Horace Greely has ceased to be a party organ bat unexpected Roc ha in Denngo one brigade of the tatters force pronounced for Diaz and joined tho Aba- was defeated in the mountains or by Mendz and the Hi is holding forces waiting an attack by The latter is in Rev with bis infantry and cavalry at ler tho II waa then Of THE INTERCOLONIAL Bid well moved tbe r itself into committee to con declaring it de- China and Japan j April A groat fire occurred in Jeddo during a severe gale destroying habitations covering the sjiace of two by three miles An immense amount of de stroyed Where tbe wounded and sick unable lo they were put to sword to save them from awful fate of being burned Thirty thousand persons are home- loss The government opened their rice stores and fed all who applied A now plan of the burnt district will be will have a chance to build FaUXCIscn May If Chinese news by the steamship Japan is very important Tyseng Viceroy of Rankin tho most powerful potiti- China and a determined op ponent to foreigners is dead though not yet sixteen rears of ago is about to be married He signalized the anniversary of his ascension to the throne by liberating all but first criminals of Empire Tho advices from state tho foieign papers there claim that the late conspiracy waa participated in by men the retainers of dejosscsstd Dainois the object being seize tho em pen r and carry bin k Kioto and the rise and exterminate foreigners The govern ment discovered plot beheaded a va number of the lexers and as it is it for public perusal adopt gauge in the construction of the Railway opposed the the ground that a change of gauge would interfere with Inections with G and the government railways in the Lower After some discussion as to whether the vote should be taken the debate was postponed and House ad- The Campbell Murder somewhat excited th the report that Mr Campbell under of death in the jail bore for the morning Parliament Ottawa Friday May Sir John A Mr Smith of Westmoreland said that the money compensation be paid to Canada for the fisheries Mr St asked if the Government intended to grant to the family of ihe behalf of tho family to the In reply to Mr Sir John A said tbo Bill to give effect the Washington Treaty could not go into effect until the Order in Council authorized it Tbe govern ment could mako no pledge in vanoo tbat it would not go Into opera tion before Alabama claims wits settled The government intended to give sufficient protection to fisheries till our inshore fisheries were open to the Americans by law Tho government could give no pledge that money compensation to be obtained from the Americans would bo expended for direct benefit and improvement of our sea fiaberies It would be a subject for tho vote and pleasure of Parliament BAT VESTS CANAL Id reply to Mr Burpee Hon Mr said government had placed in the estimates an appropria tion of half a million for purpose of proceeding with construction of Bay Canal this reason bat works required detailed plans specifications Ac and not mention lb precis time at which of put no is positive on blames herself and Tho do Campbell London Melancholy Mario Halifax N May hour Grace papers contain of a fearful disaster ai On the I brig sailed Grace commanded by with a crow of scaling voyage Charles Labrador on in with and near Bottle Harbour the having forged ahead a gale I ran but ki lll in of flnatimr 1 The ran ailrhg but in inui all r and only 11 al ill fTho Km press been with I iria and Albert by of ita editor at seems to rassoient All position of a journalist who i the same time a candidate la at best irksome and difficult that he Is fetter in action and restrained in by knowledge that whatever he may or do Is closely scanned by thousands eager to find in it what may be so interpreted as to annoy ml perplex those who are supporting those who shackled condition him to ho The under signed therefore withdraws absolutely from Ihe conduct of the Tribune and will henceforth until further notice exercise no control or supervision over Signed The the Tribune falls upon Mr to Dr Sir John said remuneration of halfbreeds in Manitoba had been made under the Manitoba Act and a division of 1400000 acre as a grant would be based on it ing she had taken an active part in murder of her husband and charging Ttiomas with bur lo the horrid The many previous contradictory statements of condemned woman go to throw doubts on lb accuracy of what might otherwise be accepted as a full free and confession so that the statemont is not by no means ipted as containing the whole caution I Koplu should not permit themselves to be unduly prejiiilire1 by the accusations contained therein against prlsojior Coyle who has to be brought lo trial lor the Airs Campbell by offering as an excuse for her action that her was ex ceedingly her and would not allow her the liberty she desired She bad made frequent complaints of this and took her part Aa a result a close intimacy between them and finally asked her if he would give her her liberty would marry him She assented and they at once set to work to a method for potting out the This occurred some two months before the murder took Tbe plan decided was to poison ber husbands food Fur this pur pose poison was obtained bat she grew too frightened to it and this plan was abandoned They then de termined to shoot him and Coyle went to St Marys and purchased a pistol Identical pistol produced The murder was to have been com milted on lb night of Wednesday th 12 of July Mrs Campbell was to sit slier George bad gone to bod and let Coyle in But she again became frightened and retired with her husband The next day ah saw Coyle Ho said he bad been to the house the night before and wanted to know why she did nut lei him in told reason and they arranged for crime on the Friday That night she says her down with family as read bis Bible and said prayer He and children then went bed about clock while Mrs Campbell mending oclock came dm lo meet him and they coo lime regarding the They went in together step ped up to the bed and attempted to fir the pistol cap snapped but the pistol would not gooff Her bus- band still slept soundly Tho two further talked the subject and finally decided to resort to the use of axe Coyle got it un clipboard and going to the side of the bed struck Campbell a heavy blow with back of the axe which she thought disabled his arm and enabled WrsTisw sisJ s- by i it of r InlKiri mil and is A lengthy tion of for correspond rela i to the appointment of I resident judge for each judicial dis met in Province Mr regarded it as the greatest constitution that could establish tho power to anomaly courts but bad not point judge lb greatest from this of affairs There were many districts in with out judge and justice was adminis tered by clerks of courts who often had no professions knowledge The result was that number of apjwnli from Quebec waa frightfully large This was a matter demanding the immediate attention of the govern There should bo a court of About 11 Newmarket Market PHOTOGRAPI A BO of Net Recently occupied by Of or La la as OLD sopird sad Particular paint l FOB SALE THAT Mrtai Im mm rf l W4 olin boat Aa TERMS 4 pljiM Map If OIiiT time amiMI wall ha could with axe in at over lolhodoorl where j la aceraed be best of it and succeeded in bim firmly against wallCoyl N CtrUffSof SSd AwpSaSa f TrrriMnsI then vailed to for the butcher knife which she got to asked i to cut her husbands throat with it This she said she could not do and taking the knife from her Th band drew it aeros Georges throat I Almost immodiatoly after Campbell J- fell tho flmr and died Ho to die very hard and I fearing ho might recover look lb axe ant him across bead and whole fleir JjJ look lie- in no light was in to until shortly

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