NEWMARKET ERA MAY 24 1872 ALLAN LINE Jja NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE CALDWELLS BLOCK LEE THE MAMMOTH fi Paper Hangings Liverpool Londonderry MAIN STREET ON HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Woodware Bar Horseshoe Band Iron NEWMARKET SPUING AND CA8T STEEL I AND CHOICE SPRING 1872 SPRING 1872 SPRING SUMMER MILLINERY at MRS BONDS GARDEN SEEDS Attraction Liverpool Mail Line MAMMOTH I S ltoal stjlf Hats and Bonnets CABPI 10 GOOD HANDS WmMcMasterJr LARGE IMPORTATIONS DRAG CIRCULAR SAWS PAPERS I Leather Baiting Hemp II AS IN STOCK DBA WING BOOM PAPERS FOR DRESSES Japanese Silks LUSTRES MUSLINS VANILLA HEMP CORDAGE Blacksmiths Coopers and Carpenters TOOLS I Silk WarpS DRAGS AND FORKS Forks Rakes Scythes Snaiths WINDOW GLASS PUTTT PAINTS OILS COLOURS LEE A Nawmarket ROOM I KITCHEN PAPERS OFFICE PAPERS HALL PAPERS And for DOLLY VARDEN Saratoga Turbanp tl 10 MM Lata Flowers Ribbons GOODS Ornaments JET GOODS I AND Chignons Switches New Novel i Trimwungt dr NORTH OF TORONTO silk Sties I PARASOLS w from to no Unique Designs 1 Fans of all descriptions BALLS ALI D I OF DRESS MAKING purses all prices Plain and Yorkshire Champion Mrs BOND T a vim aapcal a J OAK LODGES Boots DRESS GOODS DRESS BOOTS BOOTS For Sale or to Lei I TERMS REASONABLE TO LOAN Real Estate Security EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FirstClass Style Apprentices Wanted BOND lot lit Sharon June Feast On Saturday 1st day oi June next Foil WORSHIP AT D MANTLES Parasols Sun Eats TWEEDS And CLOTHS SPRING GOODS HENRY FRY Brandies Wines Medicinal Purposes AND FAMILY FIRSTCLASS GIN -BUM- Canadian Whiskies A ALS Ac AT HENDERSON if S h e i IT Is S a e Public Auction Borderings 18 Queens Birthday Palace of Fashion WHITE SERGE WHIT LUSTRE All Wall Purposes BRILLIANTS DRESSES Black Lace Shawls and Hike of put- PARASOLS Alt rises and colours Grecian Wow Corsets Grecian Bends Lara Collars Worked Colli and Cafi J Ola VUH Under Clothing tloiacrr Bindings aal Tail all hie Extremely Low Prices FOR CASH IMPORTATION BENTLEYS DRUGSTORE BRONZE Mali Srurr Garden by the Ounce Ptnad Oman Lai Tallaa dunk f Parsnip Tort flat Cauliflower Gents Furnishings A Choice Variety Largest Cheapest BEST Stock of Boots MAMMOTH THE A 1 PRUNELLA BOOT Staple Dry Goods i Short Tomato Extra J Extra Rrty Being An Immense Assortment I CAPITAL VALUE And Straw Work FIRST- CLASS MILLINER Trimmed Bonnets Eats Boot of the Season PRICE ONE DOLLAR HATS CAPS ii Latest Styles 1 1 ii and MILLINERY Mantles and Jackets l aWr Ribbons Trimmings Band 12th I L FANCY GOODS C OLIO OF ODDITIES a Writ Li Urn Mwti miu ha Mb HATS CAPS MATCH Boots and Shoes Tut Race on SPORTS TorchLight I recession he Pond GAMES WINDOW ir JJXKCUTOIto NOTICE Notice to Creditors Watson Play tor I laf Ib Mtw r JMBU talth A I krJr r r a iat di w FIRE WORKS OFFERED celled t Music Come a id See LONG LIVE BE QUEEN 1st Day of September next Servant Girl Wanted NSW YORK MOOT I Mkit M INGHAM RAGS A Complete Card or Yam Waste But Cain Pun Paid fciMpn smith Ni Mar 1S7 IHf OPEXED OCT IM ORDERS Eitrmp MAKING la jW or Miss Smith II If Plants A COLLECTION OF GroenHonM A Plants Aba Lvteal Pnces C SIMPSON WOOL1WOOL I -writ- Caah SaaJI Merchantable Wool at J Ha It CASH Groceries THE MAMMOTH 18 ALWAYS FAMED TEAS How Sold 90 cts AND ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTYFIVE CENTS Stand Unrivalled of March to 15th of June ALL SORTS Fresh and Good I A Daw lot of Lbs 80 cent Tea I on hind and more coming The Stock DRY GOODS FOB THE SPRING OF 1872 EVEBYTHIHG IN SHAWLS DRESS GOODS Staples New Cloths for Coats FOR BALE ASB Cal all ay air nelson III PASTS Vests and Suits Jr Present Premises On the ISth of June next IN A SHOP SELL OFF At rata of Duraaat ail per cent Off BOOTS SHOES a ad 15 per cent oflF Cloths Scotch English and Canadian Tweeds Coatings c J Vara II 1171 GLASSWARE I Some particularly Cheap Lines Cloths and Clothing A very Saloclion SATISFACTIOH IS IN Call and Examine Stock aala aag SIGN OF THE BIG T Main Street Harrison Go SPECIALITY iwrflrnproTin an at taarTt a PAPER AT H Turnip Nerd Carrol ita I liaad I All Seeds of tb Quality I PRICE IOTT DR BENTLEY Giaimui liruairraroCaUlmtk It to to a ftfN a few MtlUokia a Dr Out Insect Poison of PRICK TWENTY CENTS Bentleys Ague Cure And Tome WW i lbs mi atkr IrrpM ha CmnS IMS 01 slj Vim a JfM DtoM arjaa Vegetable oiuto Cwa8 A faat af PrvpsnXiaaa aad to wait iili Tito par fca- BEKTLEYS Botanical TW an Una iWir Far ttaa a iia Urn J -alsa- an Wat I Botanical Worm Syrup Jadlj fWAaS mm a awtr to aW I aaa 4 ail CaatJ Telegraphic I atow tor all atkar ptraiaa af Tiaaan aa4 ba to XKar a I Kiruri Extract of Blackberry For Summer Complaint Cholera hxT af pnpatod rtrtaaa pw- A ataatoatoadk aU pkato toM far awn a fctosto aaaa aaa ptarUl fa It af all a nUiad wtoartofaJ toato to aad totoi to if iliw I iw ff atack toaj usasjil at I prtaaa yasrxv5