NEWMARKET ERA MAY 1872 3 in in TREASURERS Rare Eargains SALE OF LANDStbEA pons hi Eh FOR ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF YORK I under the lan1 or of llic lid County In mo I the I I- I I segelhef III I 1 Iherefuro Si Hie a 1 iib of i 1 hall Thursday the TwentySeventh day of Groceries Of bo I what Kb m IWM coo I in one to kill do burrs it l to I- Yon ttlline roc why Jon i MIllO June next Township of Township of East Gwillimbui vo rmco ra What did ho flab rheum toothache and It i related of occasional so niacin that once he knocks at when tiro not recogni out of win Tlio rofceaor ia not a Oh very wo day thai he I will call I who had recently been the Otic bum put the Syracuse House only by a dog locked in ounllv hi wife him and after Si- to liui g at d or the corpse of her lie bad hot himself tbroufh fore head and the I at easod fortythree years Township of King Township of Edwin A Fa Mr lionnc Startle a trial Prospect yeaj afternoon when he trotted a in tleremartat e time of J the fastest ever made by any atallion of any age ye is not lire old will bo Ave on the Mr elected re Dodge Robert Fletcher the veteran boraciean lliagbnl to act as Wee They gave out lb limo ftSJ follows half mill full mile in I land remarked that sterile ia tho most wonderful trotter laa ever soen Startle is a brother to re Dexter llerM vim Township of Markham Save Tour Money Township of Scarborough Township of Book Accountor Note Castings and Machinery Repairs Orders far sit of Work sitcatssJ Merck irj VOK SALE A Young Grey Colt all I to J or Wots high Alee AS AGED JlOJtSE la ood of Dr All I Township of Whitchurch Township of York Village of Aurora Friday March FOR SALE MARBLE WORKS FOR SALE NEWMARKET Farm for Sale inMrOSBDofth Vo SO Wo mum ali lnUr m tin vp7 V AtiAilBLE P April if For BAKER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD 1 OUR Ho Saoulo all lae Tuckers ft Awl apfawlagoa All for one Tear BOND 11 MonnmentsTomb F and St N tow Joj a of Ms is aaall lib Saaspla iofM la hi Ontario Pump Works Sale Comer ad of A si ib O of Ob rorpartka fan fifcM a of lhM poo to from or broken or ether rnJrrsU OikiD nodi sudi frott MM to hi EXCELSIOR of In to into or wiik It oIt ill art All kinJo of Brick Store to Let to ta a in too rlltiB from collar J a CALDWELL April 1S7S TO LET A SMALL DWELLING HOUSE with Ijcin- lllk ajn alloroJ Ft to JACKSON Just Arrived A lot of White Fish Mackerell eB Herrings Trout Etc FOH THE VERY BEST And Cheapest Eye Whiskey Malt Whiskey Brandy Rum Gin Port and Sherry Wines BUTTLED ALES PORTE I Only per Jox At HOT Masters FAVORABLY KNOWN COUPAN1T Has an Agency in Newmarket on all claws of THOMAS ATKINSON Agent for County ita 1871 i J M AGENT FOB JOHNSONS FANNING MILL WHITCHURCH gfcgM s Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES I Johnsons Planing Factory HILL ST NEWMARKET THOMAS SENNETT AGENT JOHNSONS FANNING MIL North IT IS A Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES your and Stovt Pipes COPPER TIN SHEET IRON A JAPAN WARE At price Hint will you For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes CH A SPLFJJDID ASSOirrMKNlT OF TEA SETS At H FRESH V OYSTERS ritlcut la a a shortest as J I farm Produce Sheep JtJjn dre taken in for Goods Start arib lb 08k J J II LOtKIIAKTS Hotels Supplied SS With WINRS n lUICKS At Lockharts and Bag Salt on band at c LocKUAirra Cash for Batter Eggs Bacon Vegetables Ac At Lockharts Oppoeite SMITHS TRAVELERS Insurance Company LITE and ACCIDENT On Accident Department COMPANY or L tit of TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO OTIS or lb Inch m lie Col pbIj a of lb of to all bar ala ar1 Ii fall at Couat Kb Hi PRICE OT MACHINE Plain Bctomtr Ye Adjutant t32 With aad Key sfdtVlMi Macbiar a of loArucUoa ON BOWMAN A Co Ell if rata Musical Library Fifteen Volumes filled Piano Music VOCAL It A DISCOUNT SALE I It FOB THE Next Two Weeks HI WILL OFF The Remainder of his Stock CO saMofSMOi J JO aabl IlttTaonSirrai I be rSjSr- Fum I xjUsT aaeoaloMoiSlofleper far lw Jtrajowr A of ruk iptfllslklmttsM-UoobrVU- Department Lib tbe nuU rt7ilaV7l Ufa lB illy full boat haton of brat wntyaaiaa bat PETERS Uboat or tb Dot rtu It irm la jiil folrdiTiJDd in atari and it IttM art attdiaglj In It ri not tb Kra k low plat All Jt JiiM M b a rMc faatsti ilb tbi far at AoeiJut ill by to lb W KingStrtet at Notice JJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tbt lb 3Mniad Into Co- Bakers Confectioners OWDBN bitiai lb food of lb II ALL ORDERS art abort PER CENT FOR CASH SMITH iss REMOVAL THE AS TO HIS Wow PREMISES Main and J n J all aider far BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work J It Fifty Acres of Land FOB SALE Halt aarlj to Kaslcb a a Tula oUuiabo HIRAM JaUelb7J J NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET TflEmbaeribcr ha jo out a Urn Jewellery Goods Of rMbioMbl GOLD SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods AND POCKET CUTLEIV Fancy Goods is tbt I lb uJ far QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys wnoLKMii as be bs desirous of Ibis of WILL BE SOLD AT A Watches Clocks and Jencilery lbs shortnl an I arraal I Hi CALL AND R otoraitia IStD MS New Grocery VISION STOBj St Newmarket TEAS Wines and Licpi PORTABLE Steam Engine Ff borM aoal rue a JOHN A JM V VALUABLE Freehold Property FOR SALE THE STORES STOREHOUSES c with Tin- LAUD vrijoiNiNii SITDAIKo lea rroflilr by jr ia lUy I at eoo4 rspsir 11 I la block or Iota to all sea Ho A 1 Block vtoJiysrEAItSuIf rue lUfica AcaiaAti Maj Slst Syrup of Bird I f aa acfaM a b lb orM Lad all lb h bemla cl arrve tad lUt Blood tb b and tb i nl and arlinj It far all b lf a be Lib 11 MR d fro of to far A tab m Sold by Sfbr JAMES I FELLOWS Chemist Western Assurance Co TORONTO 400000 at lo b baa paoiqlM A for tbt CHEAP FOR OYSTERS and Retail Fresh Fish Oct Sewing THE 0SB0R1 a i all aqratiaa The Oiborn ai aiaa I a Lb it11 l lo It as rrprrtcnttd Hit YlABaV b0boraUatllt inuplw otk it ilbia lb of my iVHtH are Guclph A liwnIiMha17tS m aaLd Jlj ti ft alabll PUMPS ill Tin rnlieiWTip a arttbla ll IS mtrfU ttcr poViTITTITit real In fa a imtaorva klflaMt rputbn kiads butt la rubird Sirs I bj J Mi ROGERS Two Houses to IN ALMATEHRACft For rttcolars aJf to 1171