Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 7 1872 judiciary the llie evening Mr flown 1 profession the title the livered a highly kept up un il a in thai church on of London before jiflm large i by I I I I J i HI III Our Toronto Despatch A senile majority unmindful of the A followed the Clb Hi will aing unto the Lord because he hath titAlt bountifully with la prepared we by the Into David founder of the text end treated Inrge- iv of the gratitude due the Giver of all Good folh appeal to lead a religious life On it COM talon Choir sang a rfAw I have been in tit frmlirti probably brighten up during the Mr a mem- coming month Besides tbe snlmi DOT the Slate- ha deliver- sion the Works olicsl ion to ing a course of lectures on the people on the 3rd of June branch of that donominntioe the of St ward will daring the week The are be called upon to a representa- char and the member JVftlre in the place of Aid IWlead of New Jerusalem Church in lint retired a- lew weeks congratulate themselves on the Judging from the number of gentle- steady crease of mcmlera and even men who intend seeking the suflrsge more on the sure hut almost James the scienlions influence that the meeting be valued of the are exerting citizens among the better educated but A likely that Mr King a treat will be returned The council have done nothing police matter and tike other who have friende at court it probable that nothing more will unoc hi Is 1 to the Gov- and he resolved eminent iVmpaity to deprive ibein of liio righto atn iidnieni after a warm cession put and as 33 ft- Parliamentary that Sir A T Gall is aftt Wo 1 move 1 that so large a from life as well r the prosperous and a pretended Zeal the manufacturing it Si John A Ottawa for instance an addition I member or at the rate one mem- At meeting of the Com- to 11 000 souls the whole of of tbe above Association held the Wellingtons are to be re adjusted the Queen Hotel Toronto on in order that South Wellington arrangement were par- be brought up to the level is to con- completed for tie approaching of Mm to Arthur I annual meeting and Mount Luther and Amaranth I of tbe of in the chair I tiarafraxa and the w of South Wellington r will then contain I stating that the Government and the town plying on Lower St The Will So I bad not CSpldtT North 18740 Centre and South Again the same the township of tho to the to bo taken from llaldimaid Maritime had to and added to The former and tbe route La now a population of the of year would eon lattor Ity the ingenious device above mentioned o week nrew of the will be down to of a general election and op to Jiut harvest it deemed not to Monch lie the miserable little to undertake that trip borough of Niagara with only After mature at the other end of tin in the County of Why Niagara left and why are and Cornwall not united Death of Hon J S It with feeling of deep Borrow and regret we have to record th of Hon J for Cornwall and lute Pre of Ontario which tad event red at Cornwall let of June had been ia ill health for some time bat dangerous until with In a few daye previous death lit woe one of the of Canadian Parliament has filled many important offices Always with the Inform Jiarty he assisted in carrying many of the greet reforms enacted from days of Jtohcrt Baldwin down to the present His Coalition at the time of Confederation estrang ed him from severe old political friend bat for all that bis on the hole wax economical His death will be generally lamented Death of Robert Wo are called upon to record the death of the member of Par lisment this week Mr Robert for South Perth Not having heard of illneta previous ly telegram announcing bis de mise will lake the somewhat eurpriso He was a reformer of the advanced liberal gonial and kind in his diapoaition and towards he won the respect and esteem of all who had the with the glory and elm yield her fore the high of a mother In with natal day being a governm- day and fired from the principal and naval there ia very little distin it in general mind Hut re how different It is not only lb outward display but in they show that loyalty for which Canada noted Kach man as though he were personally intrutte in the prolongation of the Jfteen life and if her existence of her sn Majesty would bid fair pete in longevity with tho inn periods In tl as on mili tary and all grand public entertain ment left it to the individual of the people so that wilhout any demonstration the day was in Katob7 I pleasure parlies and exi siona he weather also a drawback but notwiihaUndi the citizens did heir best to enjoy the day mnngnt the moit sources of amusement offered match on cricket ground a pic games at Crystal excursions on l several railroads and by the City to Niagara I match wa a decided owing to the nonappearance of Indiana who bad been ad 1 to piny a match with the On club The failed lo con at Hamilton and tbe issqucncc that when the hour for the matcfc of confusion look ph on the ground which has i been equalled within the memory that mysterious individual the oldest inhabitant As soon aa the an nouncement was made a demand came general that be returned This Mr lessee of the ground proceed bat upon diaeoi no was paying some twice and that a of climbing the fences in order that they quarter The of llii wan a rush upon the office the few ground being completely orerpower- Mr Makes chance of being were very strong when cricketers rallied amend him and cleared the way with their clubs which were rather formidable weapons for the mob to withstand An attempt was then made to set he office on fire but was frustrated Blake in the confusion managed as- 1 make bis and the roug portion of Ike spectator left ing their double misfortune in having seen the match peeted and in losing their fires lighted in many of and several private parties gi held a ho heard of for hi Home of Commons of has been in last Thursday and many reductions have been made in of the Among whose assessments were in- eased was Mr hi nrome assessed for than Inst year On Thursday last a sad accident the Toi which a carpenter employed i the Northern works namM Patrick lost his life The deceJIcd walking track watching a train on North ern road which had past him when the Toronto train which backing up from the Queen street sliding came behind him and ran over him frightfully cutting him up At the which was held by the coroner la it wo brought out in evidence that there were no light- in the train and that it was travelling at tbe rale of aUut nrllee an hour also that the bell rope on the train t attached to the engine This latter fact appears have seri ous as tho brakesman who was standing on tho end of the train was thus prevented from conveying in telligence of the danger to the En gineer and the train consequently was Hopped in time to save the mans life The verdict th jury was that the deceasod was killed ow ing to the negligence of the conduc tor Ottawa May 31nt The following is a brief synopsis of of proceeding of the House on the Pacific The amendments made in Commit tee to the Canadian Pacific Itill came up for concurrence Sir George said that the Gov ernment had taken into Consideration several of the suggestions mado on the aide principally with regard the of tho blocks to bo given to the tympany and retained the and the per cent or which the Company having 10000000 capital was to deposit the Government He intended move an amendment to the so to it read Pro- ided that len per of the capital in the Company shall be paid up and deposited in the hands of tho of before any bo concluded between the Government and the Company and shell remain in their be d- otherwise ordered No ntereat to be allowed on the deposit lie also proposed to amend the third lr aiding the following ptwisr Provided that as praciieahle tone of each alternate block of hind be less than miles or re than twelve miles in frontage on the Iway and the blocks shall he so d out as lbt Mock granted to tho Company on one si le of the rail way aha 11 l opposite another uf width reserved for the Govern ment on the other aide railway Ho also to add to the clause fallowing And such land granted to the company I for he was or and two anrielies in Tbe officers of the the resnmtuibjlftv of his appearing i Satanlay lat a meeting of the shareholders of he road was held in thi city ft- the purpose of authorizing the directors to ad ditional bonds From secretarys tit appears the value of the work far executed upon road amounts to A reso lution was piae1 giving the directors authority to bonds Thi riMMl has effected incal culable good upon the section through which it having given the farmer along its line as good produce as tbey obtain I engagement the last performance on night drew splendid house and final ap pearance as in the tragedy Othello was perhaps his most careful Olh as we bad a that a Toronto audience seldom ha the pleasure of sitting On Monday Mr Bur ton j made his appearance and mode a favorable impression though laboring under a serious dis advantage in following so closely upon Mr Walhick At the end this week Mr Sparkman takes the theatre for a month during which wilt be presented a series of belonging what la perhaps more favorably than elegantly known as and thunder school During the performance on Satur day evening a circumstance occurred which while intensely painful to the principle concerned fairly came under head of amusements for the spectators In the centre of dress circle eat a couple who their dress appearance and behavior quick the attractive for all beholders lady young possibly good looking and a pearl colored suit which newly made brides particularly affect He woe decidedly elderly bat of the Sir Charles who think that at the age of CO by the aid of a black wig dyed whiskers a ron on of rouge they can pass for Hi attention to bride were most marked and several times bis arm wandered along tbe back of aeat as though il was with difficulty ho could restrain hi went till was suddenly observed to become limp and if nautical metaphor may be used be keeled over rolled under sent in a faint Then rose a cry of women shrill as shriek of on the hill and the brkh was quickly on her knees beside her fallen idol kissing him with the greatest tang and whispering Look at me Fred apeak to me Fred apeak to your own little Pet tred and other terms of entreaty and endearment to the gust of the practical occupants of tbe boxes and the seri ous annoyance of those who preferred the tragedy on Ijo board to the farce being enacted under the seats Fred at length recovered and carefully taken out of the boxes by hie gentle Hose to the en tire satisfaction of everybody reserved bo laid on each side ahull alternate blocks front line ii blocks I irved along tbe line of rail way lie also tt amen I the 15th clause by providing tha Jit least jsr cent of cap inl of the which the Government charter shall lie aid ino the hard- of tho within on- month after the dle of and shall remain in his hands till otherwise ordered by the Parliament iggested the of the following ml Hut if after the into the hands the General of such contract shall be finally ted the Governor in Count il onlersneitlOOItUOOtolsarefundejI The House then we Aft amend th and reported r move concur rence in of the Committee of supply The item under the head of Charges of Management of the Public and GorernmrfH were concurred in except to meet the increase the Civil Service Act or possible new appoint ment which was allowed to aland head of Ada of Jn Hon Mr Tupper introduced a Bill respecting appointment of a ship ping for each cmstom house Nova Scotia Tho following Bills from tbe Senate read a second time To provide lor the of Immigrant Aid Societies rclailig to Quarantine The following Bills third timo and passed To incorporate tbe Agricultural Insurance Company of Canada to it corporate Accident Insuram Company of Canada to tbe Royal Board of Trade to inco the Board of Trade of Iovis Tho Hill to incorporate the Toronto Corn wa read a second time and Hill to incorporate Missionary Society of the Church- in Canada Sir George moved reception of report of the Com on tbe Pacific Mr Blake proposed an to the first clause providing that the railway shall extend from some point on or near Lake and south shore thereof passing them to establish that a rail way should not ran cast and north bat by south- and west This was of great importance to Ontario the amend i Mr moved- that the bill Iw reommiltod for the purpose of at some point of the Ottawa as shall bo found to afford the shortest prnclieal route to the Pacific Ocean to neb eastern terminus and not a provided in the Bill at some point south of Lake The House divided on Mr motion with the following result Yeas 115 Mr Mackenzie moved an to expungo the acting that the the right of chartering There is nothing remarkable church matters this week and the creed of St ia warmly brought over in and shall its damnatory clauses alternatively and granting powers to railway assaolled and defended orthodoxy panics reigna undisturbed in thi city Tbe The motion called forth consider- hand- Church boa become the able discussion and it quite the correct On a division amendment was thing for visitor lo do it lost nays which attended by with he other lions On Monday Mackenzie report was then adopted third reading ordered today Hie House then adjourned Washington Treaty III return a luuv In rilTv nlm I pi merriMintel a mall the ropict him Mr in sad drowning occurred here last Two girls Margaret ting and fell ii To June Tbe special the Alabama negotiations wero and that all efforts to a agreement of the Governments Annie the rivo by walking log which at present the color to the spposilion re- Kinney considered its determination to accept tho Senates amendments of nrai- worthy effort of the supplementary article wmf chief point of the M to bo at drill neai the absence from the article of any Tl lsd lo Kenn words which cw be held a- defining about eleven claims failure to night A Bill- i tbe introduction the title of IT of claim which declare what class of the term indirect thought would be to leal to old lei able Fish and Thornton both from Gen and Karl Granville Tho Itritisb Cabinet il is understood again reiterhte Ihcir reijnesl that the word ibmitted in the copy of the Article sent by them shall be for the amendment They also continue to profess tp doubt interpretation of its word in by Senate Thoy no long- the explicit and lute withdrawal in term- of the in direct claims hut the point as proposed I and which describe the inll which are to eltled by ilemcnlnry rule for he for the future rcforoxplieit y to u in llreet cla a are the snljeet of pre The so as to make the language of the rule pro ilothat in future no indirect claims of any should of any 1 upon either nation in of failure to observe neutrality hold that a like of the li oi re- nay again hence the jus of language so ta the inlo will to for die future a I caaes of claim There- ply be So rotary of State to the dee bat metres today was sent a two lok afternoon and the response is expect morning The Presidents ultimatum to Mr Fish inform ion that the President insists that the rule a amended tho Senate mutt be taken as the principle upon which the Geneva tribunal it to act and as to difference of interpretation with rgard to what the said rule may for tho future that may pro be the subject of discussion resit It is important to note thai ihe tribunal meets on June 15th and the failure to receive final render it impossible no i order lo have it reach opening of the American New that any has been i of the who has not rei seat in the House of the issue of the writs House of Commons i- di becoming a Dominion Legislature Carting and dual sric could sure of rcosivi eats 1 1 the petty have put gun to move is not a Bill what is it it wat resolved by Sir Jo his adherents that the Teh bo either bribed into to Ottawa inspiration destroyed That the proprietor A himself confronted by Ho was obliged adore his alter of the sort bitter oppoitioi it and hence the the of killing off the TtL will bo mein in all thin taking lo politics and A petit the committee of Brooklyn Aldermen I find of facd 0 allowing deficiencies looecur amount of Mrs Campbell I seventeen hundred wo are informed have natures to the dot like to know people urge in extenuation of tempt to arrest the arm of Jul all foul murders that w in Canada no lotKily for a frcement of Canadian annals the win itself io concepii of execution It waa oiiburst kindled by wrong or irritation Tbe either in tho qui or in delio and if n solitary has ever appeared I hundred thousand dollars Juno In Sen- ioiliv a roeolutio approv ing of the Government in regord to the Treaty of Washington and urging the importance passing tho nee wary lawio carry the fishing clauses into effect was presented The matter was referred to a committee MANITOBA The one oclock on Saturday Frenchman named Franc i at the Sheriffs ported that three men a be tbo prisoners who rece from the gaol were observed lor employed on a boi ing with atone leaving ten miles east of fisherman boat a the morning The Sheriff a the information proceeded 1 Stn chartering steamer to logo in pnrsuii bat thee prisoners had and as the steamer had serve the boat either in ing from Niagara it May In the Chamber Judge Johnson delivered a spirited address in which he alluded to lion of bis appointment Governor He hold that the Govern- wore wrong in that action as trip The stolen I precedent and history showed that escaped prisoners was the only similar appointments had been made l support the old man wh and sustained If his appointment ha I and ho cried bitterly as temporary governor was wrong discovered his loss The wna hi a Judge are probably now safely but bo argued neither were so Ho ihe other si of the lake- tided to the prejudicial effect on business of the winch the that ho was acting illegally might have dad In defence of the he ted that of the Chief Justice of on the Gen eva arbitration and thai of Chief Jus tice Draper in He also ex plained the law in relation to awards and the principle on aking them which he had acted i In conclusion ho bid tar of He will lean Ottawa about of June lbs R JKn Lsllsei f Dirt A I Ma bout r it nt SstrJ fchllwll Escape from Gaol On Thursday shortly before one oclock three most desperate confined in the Toronto gaol effected their escape from the of that establishment The prisoner were John Dougherty and h WO h I r and a lew ago treet and John u I fir box j of ami ho from a bonded car on Grand Trunk Railway noma TitajMiiiionKih lima inc were all lbre trial at Bar ii bean mado an ii of Victoria lp

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