Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 14 1872 fir Kill Of ran be I Hi will and By the Atlantic Cable Ottawa Jiiis held from the Daily I Mr Morris explained or I made by Mr to watte land in making la BO I loud Mr of said four rods was lp enough isir George K was hilly considered only that Government I he statement of the member for thai it would be well to lie asked forget ft away at Washing to ihe honour I tin country to give LI hero Thai jt a written pledge 0 of what tele broke 5lu JUNt 14 Ibc in1 committee on Mr attention of the slot to tb fact that of was ii Hilary moved an fact it that while In we had a wan acknowledged by one of his own the new treaty a to mean Oar Got colleagues ho hod tried to inn member of Nova plain iUell Scotia by bribing his with office graphed to in that t That colleague faded locause caption- criticisms of iho was not accepted ho Cabinet on the Senate a article w succeeded it would proved llie patience of the Mr Illakea argument but at any country and rata that incident proved that OH member of the the thought of the question The new article can of tho Senate or Nora bo if aubmilted before the Scotia could bo bribed Hear hear Senate on Monday but any lie Mr Wake wax willing to admit amendments or explanation insisted I that Mr Walsh ait a Railway Com- upon by Great Britain would make i had been a independent the ratification impossible This i tplmiar to be upon Granville ptod to show that there was a and he is to nndoraland that tin- Gov- between the Senate recognises no way of post- J that nop accept another Of lit The Council do Dominion Parliament Ottawa June I iter The House Opened on Thursday at Oclock aid Mr Ryan Tbe Act respecting in- lady late rum t or Toronto Ml nub an explanation give the of Mr and Mr Dorian on one on behalf of on the other The job and to it abort of a legal swindle would fall of the cut Consequential publihcd tbo lit of claim- made by the I Stales lefrc the i damage by certain therein the aggregate to about twenty million of It turn largely at arork for thelog book of of while iU to amount of about captured the claim wit down for damages by at over An carricalnrva their own claim- it la a clear and lucid of the and illulratei the character of the diplomatic in a way not to be Uko the extract from il adol in Sir P that the omt Mr mi I going into the pdiy by That gentleman in I fixed arnna a Judge of the of Lower Canada at llecaow it I to In Lover under hold Ha paymenla in iiulinii its fixed law to impnil- in bjioTnlei A long li the lie in rlolent thai they bail been an error lie moved an netting I he fact that year and abalf Julgo John iced 1 Judge an Went making ant of Tho to In the rf if ap North GwllMniLury Council largely of tbo fixed by law and embracing thoy do a acortd urn exceeding tbit payable by law nod in addition thereto for the brag of a yoar and a half to impair the indepen dence of the judiciary and in contra of our law designed the independence of lha Sir Carrier explained the ho of Judge Johnnon of Manitoba Judge Black former of that being deimii9 of proceeding to England it nr fear to one I to fill joition Judge Jnhtnon was asked to accept it for one yenr and tjtiebec Government aeeing llbo importance and almoat consented to hi- appoint- of tbo of Judge John- Summary Uih alula rlhu Agricultural Excursion By reference lo our column it will be the North York Agricultural Society Excursion been changed to of the week cfrcamataneea having deter mined the committee on making The Secretary baa been to week and have been made for dinner at The and Com- alto on boat for many choose tbe proceeds of trip will be devoted for benefit of the Agri cultural Society wo trust the farming ilary as Judge of the Superior Court lie acted as in Manitoba under leave of and there won that could be brought prove that what ho had done glad to loarn contract bob member for Chntoau SS lis the generally MeataUna bail aptroved of apointnient Judge Johnson of Recorder of Usui toA but when the appointment wa to him bo would not have il for one year alone on allowed him as Recorder account of the extra coot of living i that Province For that Jdge for Quebec whe nc MiihmiNNutirvii4 tfatss Tt Mki Mr ilia under full the constitution the bad not the power to pay Judge Johnson market Volunteers left the double salary Jadge of Quebec tarn atKiMniw and Recorder of Manitoba at the SLtJLSS the law dialinctly de gJ2MlaWalasJ that being of any Court can hold or of tbe Newmarket High School pointed other of emolument ikwi Dominion UDler lne Crown The Government it Upland ha1 ncknowledged tbe il- lheappchin legality of bis when they by Mr but thai ih toiH 11 tb cancelled by an in Council hi nppotntmetl Lieutenant Governc WP Of Ma If I Governor was illegal becai he continued to bo a Judgo of Lower Canada his appointment as Recorder must also bare boon illegal on Lbe same grounds In bit position Judge Jobnaon was paid a higher salary than any of the Lieut Governors of Scotia New Brunswick or Que- Tho argument the Gov used was that they bad I right to give learo of to judge and pay him bia lent arf to Ibateim lb beaut nW br Me absent and when be bad that leal ahbunce they could appoint him any they liked lie of both the spirit and letter I be satta bee and M by the being for no Hr Miickenxio gave notice ho would to out this lion the rote to My fishery and wardens in Mr remarked licit not of nab hut forcatchfng ttah Mr of Samta receiv ing a year and did nothing was received from hi- district it neither by him paid to him was greatly sarprlaed when be learned true and bail Icon given to make no further Mr Me Vicar mean- chile being that until ho liargo duties be nothing further The next item cowed was estimate of fw pnto of the cullers Mr Ottawa de clared the system totally to ho modern trade anil was an lion the lumbermen A change was urgently demanded and should at once le made Similar views were expressed try Messrs J and Mr Mr Morris admitted a change was it should le considered after Purlin had adjourned items were then carried or tho rose and House adjourned at I oclock Independence of Senate In the debate on the above the Premier being at a loss for argu resorted to attack upon the OnlarioGorernmcnt which appears to be a objoct of din hire lo the Ottawa In reply Mr That this had 1een sitting for lite cars and during all that time no charge had been made by any member ot the Oppositions during the present session a scries systematic attackahad been mad o the present Government of Hear hear Tho Ministers of th Government In this Wo obliged either into a distt on local matters submit those attacks in silence They had eluded to adopt the latter it to bo the proper and they would to follow Asa member of Ontario be was rosMnsiblu not to constituency but to all The Cily of Kingston which tho Premier here re presented represented ii lcal House by a Mr Blakes and in view of bat fact ho could listen to the attacks of Premier with perfect He quite content to Iist cheers of the gonth at these attack because be kne tbev were from Iho Tories ot the weal whole seats ho had in the Local Leg- Mature and whose seats they were to get very shortly in this Cheers This course of attack upon local matters was mostly cheered by Ministers but night Premier himself had this course He had eel the amplu that it proper to into tbe el local mailer here but be Mr Blake trusted to tho good sense of House for the approval of coarse he had deter mined to take though be confessed it was repugnant to feelings bo cause it not pleasant to submit in silence to false accusations which with very bad grace from the Premier who appeared determined to place himself in conflict Mr Blake for his member for South Brace in another place Bid the gentlemen sup pose be Mr Blake ignorant of the acts aoanected late elections in Ontario Did bo suppose that be Mr Blake could not bring up facta discreditable to gentle men opposite Did they suppose that he could not tell a tale about elections in Prince Edward bear bear or South Riding of Grey where a Dominion officer was sent to influence the local elections Did ho suppose be could not tell about the fly Cable Lam June VicePresident of the Atlanta Boot Club who arrived here recently chosen umpire for the Am Mean and Mr on behalf of Union crow Mr It Leslie of the Oxford Rowing Club chosen referee English j rowed bareheaded in an uniform of while Jersey flannel Tbe American colors were crimson with crimson jockey Odds of three to one re freely given were flying all boru the of a holiday telegraphs reiterating his that it will be accepted and here coincide ry Flags the ith lightning and there lift from jt lorn pari of England 330 pm a number will pas sengers arrived at Putney and and began taking ip their position on the banks of the homes to view the race The rican ha- 1 on the fricids of Atlanta ere gaily deeuruted with flags ing all the broke the ge were fly it They came En length- Inking tie leal beaten before the race an bail The course was from itney down instend of up as ire which be Craw entered race ore most unfavorable is thought match would bo postponed owing to lbe weather As the aky cleared rough and lumpy g dir iiicd by the change in was male at the This having been agreed to both crews wont on a steamer and with their boats were taken up to tbo other end of course at Mori lake there further time waa taken for making tbo arrange- merit rendered necessary by the re versal of the route and was after six oclock when the Londoners and Mew Yorkers stripped and entered their respective Isials thousands of spectators waited with patience and humor while these were being modi positions there was a great shout joy and relief which was U and rolled along both leaks of the river from Mori lake to putney The Atalanta crew won the tia and elected to row on the Surrey si Tbe gun for the start was fired at English crow took water brilliantly In the first yards they got a length ahead head ing to Surrey took Allan las water at Barnes Bridge Just had the Ai of despera a proved ihcii half From cans made a aerie spurts and slightly drawing up London boat but tho tremendous on the nun and they soon began show signs of exhaustion- On resi waterworks Chi le J The Washington Treaty nix of the June I The Washington special gives the text of Gen Scbencks note to Lord which was read in House of Lords on Thursday night Tho nolo fol lows u I am now authorized la a lie despatch received today to say that the Gov of the United States Hi the tire that the was headed for and beached on Grenadier Island living to the of the fire inly one boat could be rvachod which ins immediately with a I of and children but it I the vhvu all frtinntcly straggled to The a id irew saw hat only CMOei for escape was o jump into the and got to by of ihj floating de- Tit and life preservers which lbty ill mreewUd doing with the ex ale lady raid teens be a lira wife f Mr J Mnnal who jumped the rn with a but owing its Icing was drowned propeller Dominion passing in after accident nl tho passenger- and crew were on board and brought to this place where they arrived about ji in A is a total wreck thing but the hull remaining apt larmichacl and officer did everything possible for rescue of the passengers and crew It is ro- a Boy belonging to the Is missing bo passengers are it hotels and leave train for several Tbe baggage and car- go tiro a total The loss mi the ttsamcr is at she is said have been insured for about sixty thousand dollars Nominations SEN FOR PRESIDENT Jane of be result tbe communicated to Senator by The first to him in The President remarked this ing that the news him r surprise as delegates were instructed veto for him he was highly gratified that tbe nomi nation was unanimous and felt under obligations to his countrymen who through their delegates bad so em phatically endorsed him both in speeches and by their which showed that the rile slanders uttered against him found no among Man ascertained that Mr Pish has not resignation at Secretary of Sate June Th Illinoii German papei in the supports the nomi nations of the Philadelphia Tout June lltrall the are not strongest the only avails ones With as standard 1carer success is morally certain Cloth has been for weeks past the district of country lying between Gall and by a gang wh bare operated on the farmers to a which seems almost They travel in ith them friends a Mcwtuoili Ji Nays potato bug has made its appearance in the weaL Those de structive are said to be around bad power thejr British Government and apt the stripes and Three of the rulo contained in tbo pro- they offer sale at professedly lov posed article the consideration for Jrices for three for and to be accepted as a final settle although in some cases they took the three classes of nidi- whatever was They misrop put forth in the ease of resented the quality of tbe goods ex the United Slates to which ihs Gov- their a and weight of Great Britain have and with glib managed to sell targe persona dispatch says this purchasud worth each others note not approved here in Wash- worth and a largo number authorities bare in- A list of ten before us have Gen to say Lord paid oat among thorn and this Granville thai the views of bis Gov- la all in one locality The cloth tarns to Its meaning of the out to be worst kind of shoddy supplemental article waa not intefXed and a groat deal of it is printed color coming off on being wet If out In their for holiday some localities they chasers in every from 25 op to as high the cash they hare Township thousands ofdollara Oars should warn public Conservatives the Washington Treaty and auewhvSirt told em to do so WJi town of plica trees free of charge to want to plant ft premisee Wellington County voted a day o volunteer from thnt county sri tends the Windsor camp j Wei twnrth County the patriotism rtf tin young by an offer of who in the at tbe n If volunteering waa a aged here in that way the isler ten full companies wit of finding it difficult to ranks of seven kBaslB la linn sini a J Mr tiv It I fllrd nil 600000 SAWH SHINGUHj FOIl SALE I First and Second Quality GKOHGK Township Notice IS North 0 BELL HAVEN On Monday July- ptM t lb Im rfIL I 4 I Lb Mttf I IMS I loih I I I Ml I I LI M hi mm hr forrMil I hit 11 lb ikKMJ01 Tuscan e si help the contest with their opponents in new suits and why of coarse ho knew it nod he parliament lie bad been already a shower of rain would have could show how op- informed we were dealing with the pleloly washed oat all glory of Tenders Canada VILLAGE pi A and apedAcslloas sssaS HouseKeeper IIUpuJ JAMES a lb lilt

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