Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 21 1872 re it not for premier- small Pox mini it m urieollDnl lhl baa out in the to pleasantly itmtrj ace I km by car lit llo a river lrlj fc Inquiry Of inxhh i lib to lb mi J to market Cm FRIDAY JUNK 1872 liner and ran Ink front Camp Honorable rf At John Movie of Common Tha joint Ton Deputy Tyrol tha of my P Hull a to my Duncan 2nd Deputy Joeph epiiil OTateon 3rd Domly York John lhall Innra ful reeollccticn all my Ufa Deputy the a it anil Beata Newmarket Athlon i Jeep i loro1 Reeve Aurora in r thu proceed ETC in if four ejira and made my 1 A Lauder i oilcrwio acquainted with bridge the irm a am f Hie Parliament Ft Clerk the County of and I bootaodriiii that the pood Intelligence From Manager of Neva com aaula in I between them and the people i J Home for aid oinoitirioCn Jo England may but constant and City Council of Toronto for general have now bom with those Hlivtimrr MANITOBA from Frog 1 with I ot height steamers will any this ing for iho flfij- 17 ilea lust it of iboi a ran ihcrUhcd winhon for to Iho rrniival of you I enduing By Mr I Hi Ih every irknowleiliro- bill ofcoji courtlier nd tbo From Hon refer which I to ImmintnU Home Bvllevill Mini with the From POSTPOfNEllI NEXT i thoughts By Lawn of the City which word farewell naturally at Grand Jury with a pre- North York From A Bain withrohpoctof fur injury dono re Mr lo id lb Mr of a Cor be II ia aeuie rail of iiilh the A hotel w tl option the Pre Julj art HI 1 Lake J a ret in I- High School Tin have boon in lit by which paotiongon ami via Kittotit lino will to with greater Two hundred boon put on between and Frog Point to conned the railway with will run ltd by lt AuifUht will triko the ton raUM from lied and Grand en will to able to run to the I tbo kiwr migrant and arc warned io Provincial an band of homo on from bortlor iK a raid upon the Province Imthin Bridge tho here It is a good A numlwr of migrant who have not to go where they have to pay day and upward for board t day laM tolow a full report of Mr telling on of which an lid ho that in of tbo Confederation Act it wo a niater of flccoimitr that a Bill of kind should Such a question all to considered with- a to do to all and not to made a to ad vance purty intwroart and party In comidering tbo ho would not dwell the between iopiila1innft but aa some dollar by the Minister of Jtn length on It rural The Press AssociJlion Trip I free of charge It Ua turn 1 ill of Ie offer I bo to I tic till 1 It to lVrl Hop on rrarl J the lotto i in me to Baal an 1 on Tin Pea Out All who came witht in view and proceed immediately upon the to are eminently aatitied Concert Owing l I Governor Archibald to ho on the eve of departure i circulated for signature balnK cbangca and acted hern in one while breath and in another principles were ignored a taken Pre Into the ka tearing per Northern in lime reached Bell per coommi year i to fill to tidy baa recently been pur return is now Commanded by Moe of the place to tho and gunllcmanlya skip- nation and way of parenthcU per as Iravsllera can to ua hero friend trip 10 having pro- lilll got teen decrile1 us Hole and ia llinrnighl not to at hero Suffice refilling Of accommodation Wo a bin of the of that the Donne and country should have a clear idea of what the Govern- ment really proposed lo do he had prepared a correct diagram of the shape of tho Centre Biding of that should the bring- dates the City of uCra held up a to the Kith list and Verap PatMa havo Milled and the whole terior ia quel and author of ih tiding in cite at tho largest part singular hap of which con v both bides of tho with property i Secretary to tho Lieut- From iho Clerk of County of a Council of Peel staling that that body bad appropriated the aum of Audit Treasurerand 1 for From for ditch under a crossing at From the Clerk of Peace re- the appointment and tiiend I Oh in ropiHng IWOta ito and Vaugnan provide the County Council of York Mt apart almilar amount for the purpose Kerr Wells enclos ing tbo bill ofcoxia amounting to with a ahoWing tho County respecting the old goal proper York to to indebted no SOX YkiMU BUTTER Ea Taken in Exchange for the Co Co them lh From Barnard and praying lo compel And Fiflll Of all of the rMarkham From J reap Bradford FromtheStcnofSt f ff thoe low sin in a of repair From Arthur Martin and praying Court Cruncil to pass a bylaw to confirm a bylaw of the Groceries of all kin BEST CANNED FBI ITS thanking the Council for th From Judge Boyd requesting that the door of Court to to open inward and outward From and In of bill praying for id the of Sec- ion No in Hi coke praying the section From James Harking and raying the property of oUi not included in tbo From Alexander to leasing a tollgate of to authorize the closing up an I selling of a part of the road allowance between and concession of that town on the Yor JoSn and other Craving the County paai a law confirm a by law of the to provide for the closing up and sale of a portion of the between lots 14 sod in of that township j From and others praying tbo Council to sndearour to get City Council to open ami im prove the road on the west side of the and adjoining the County of York From Bull and others praying and grand road sws after pays entry Tariff Bill Speaker continued Mr Look it reducing this and weep asked every Coin here- fair every intelligent cent export voter from one end of country to whether anything but the political trickery could lands the tbo local to a day or two for pleasure or sporting I Letter from Mr A G P Dodge Member of tho may as well bring along their fishing tackle llcy VokrafUnT- St Law tained today from Saltillo Gen m reached that city with hare taied 1200 men Government reinforce wns angular from which raises quadrangular it was to men including I and right angled which reaehe1 there arute angles and oUuco angles and from The ateamer all toon arranged by tho great landed 375 men and for the angler himself Roars of garrison hero laughter The Premier with his usual canrong had prepared a pool in GovemorCeneraPs Speech which ho Imped to catch some fiah nd Ha of it Mi Mr and a dozen name took a lively int of our evening a mall took pla at Berrys Mr Do wo could st in the In view of fact that of small pox are to be found township Whitchurch and ala prawn Affront and as iba public mind is i from tha ear that through ing axcoraion place at prca- em it might possibly to the means of spreading the disease tho Board it adrUattie rtf postpone the trip till to Ibi ires ar lhilk the approaching excursion A I in committee was to make and by trking the ex It will ake place on the Irlf from on t Am July ni w pleasantly- a in- k rf unJer land village located on Lake inhabi j and as a watering place Melancholy AccidonL and summer Maori presents attrac- 1 that very few phetl in J On Saturday last some little can rival Largs and wellfilled t boys were bulbing in the Pond near stores several largo factories and Woollen Mils of foundries hotel two hers second and third modations and as a commercial Rot J Preabylorian contra bids fair to stand second to Clergymail of this village being In the County of among the number the second sides Wednesday meriting per Mr San named William was drowned and other vb bad Pond commander we proceeded to Wash- with tho view ago at bead of Severn River resuscitated after toing under passing in sight of the aLout IS minute- After Huston to tbo in Mara and accident happened a little boy calling at Longford and Portage At of Mr Henderson ran to the factory former plate we were honoured and informed Mr of ike with company of a happy couple fact be latter at once proceeded lo seeking tho ices of a clergyman tbe place indicated but thinks he to make tbo twain otto flesh We must labored 12 minutoa or understood they proceeded around to more before the body was recovered where the ceremony was duly Fortunately Mr Gorham bad pre performed In full of tbe docks senna of mind to order medical at Longford may to seen the ateam j tance to to summoned while search works of Thompson Smith was toing made for the bodies Dr Son by which they transport saw was tho first lo arrive who logs a distance of or 81 was followed by Dr shortly rods at a much less figure than I after By tbe united and skilled at could to carted with horses or j forts put forth the life of the third cattle and with such rapidity that we son was but body of understand the earning of the works William was not recovered an sometimes exceed per day this hour after sinking in the water too will be a curiosity fur our late to save him as life was pro- men extinct by the medical Arriving in due courneat gentlemen in alter lance soon after The following His lb no doubt peech with gudgeon but bo Mr hoped prorogued par after acomfortablo at wo proceeded Harvey A line of to a distance of 14 miles The road constructed by goremment parti and partly It in good condition and the journey was mads iu about two hours and a half country along he line of brought to shore Both boys sank within from to foot from tbe shore remains ot William were followed to tbe Come tery on Monday last by a large num ber of sympathising friends of the family and the ideasmales of de ceased marked their respect by walk quite a sensation vil road is generally rocky here and we sad lessor od there toing l M Camp Niagara Tork Grntlnntii of the ft Common I have much En reliev ing you from an attendance in Par which cannot fail to to In convenient to many of you at this of the year I thank you therefore all the more for lime and attention which you have bestowed on the discharge your public duties The interest and importance of questions which have torn discussed and decided will render thu memorable in the annals of the country Your adoption of the Articles of of Washington which Canadian interests has placed in a clear your determination to share the fortunes of England The genurout disposition evinced under tho trying circumstances of time has added strength to the honorable pOfilion of British Stat foreign ana Colonial The Washington Treaty as House would bo all exhausted before such tiling as ho held in hia hand k the whole and they diagram another of Tho friends of Sir John A might ad mire it some of them might idolize it and although it was the workman ship of the Premiers own bands it would to idolatry even if he fell down and worshipped it for it was not likeness of anything Ho had reason to beliero the gentleman Sir John A has resisted the importunities of soma of friends in the country to make unnatural divisions in other counties but he had not resisted long enough or such an outrage that proposed to to perpetrated in Huron would never hare been admitted The whole Liberal had been pitchforked into tho Centre Riding in to make the North and South Ridings safe fur two inport him The vast project of matured ring a railway to tbo shores of the Pacific will a new pathway for as well in peace as in war to the East and will I trust to productive of most essential tone tits to this Dominion by giving ties to traffic of all descriptions on- the vaJuo of the public lands In all promoting their and known a greater outrage than this drawing closer ihe ties which attempted to to perpetrated upon a the sister Provinces together Jay free people lie wished Govern access and multiplied Had there been Liberals would certainly have been elected and he Mr hoped even yet when this outrage was fully known in Huron that such tail hour joy of such means but tboy should never to tolerated and be be lieved would never to forgiven by tb people Hear hear By the of economical diagram he bad shown at a m was ratMd SI SIL Asm on Iwiinii lb Few who bare not considered subject have any adequate- how large an extent of act ad ran ago possession of great what was proposed rivers like tire St be dono He would to happy to and its tributaries comprises allow a copy of bia diagram to be The outlay you bare sanctioned on by any member and be hoped their improvement en that bare a plan prepared of it and auxiliary canals is a safe invest- throughout the length and ment It will to amply and speedily breadth or Ontario Laughter and repaid by the augmented ofappli trade flowing down all channel Opened swollen by the net of mourn to vera mast MtU to Trra at as urn for it will to fluonce of your own productions with those your western neighbours It is high satisfaetor that condition of the revenue is so pros perous as to enable you to the interests of the country by com mencing the these works at ones without delay or mis- giving of the ITouae of loll for tho cheerfully I I beartily ll you on the as Of of a the repeal of to diminish burdens of the people Th York County Council of County I opened chamber Street Warden Mr Thome Bull pre the perty Commissioners mended that bridge over the Rouge River should to and that a new bridge should to con- Robinson seconded by Mi strocted over River J Aiken moved that reported favorably or tbi in I of JarWon coarse of construction over the Hot- ton Porter and tbe mover isnd and slated that had I lo reirort on the petition found of the idges an condition and directed preparation of tenure by which county held the gaol property was very unsatisfactory and legislature to an Act confirming the title They atat that they had endeavoured to get an appointed to settle the between Ihe city and the county bet none yot been named by the city Tbe renovation of the curtroom was recommended and a great increase reported in the amount for which tbe tollgates had been let The Commissioners thai the running of a traction engine on Kingston road annoyed the in habitants and depreciated the vnlus Mr Ball moved seconded by Mr Tyre that Conned go into com mittee of whole on the report of tho commissioners at oclock to morrow Carried ALLOWANCE TO Mr Mac gave notice that ho would movo Council into com mittee to consider propriety ol granting additional aid to volun teers of the county while serving at their annual drill at Niagara of a for the Richmond Hill Carried The Warden then at a quarter to the chair until two The bill relating the inrorpor Richmond Hill as a was a first second and third time and passed Mr MeDonsyld seconded Mr Stephenson that when the adj ii rued to day it stand adjourn ed Thursday next in order to give members an opportunity of visit ing camp at Niagara The motion was withdrawn in favour of one lo the camp Hi the close of tho session gave The Wahjcn said several had thought it desirable to have a abort session get Through by Wed- or Thursday and session in the fall Mr Bill moved that when tha Council adjourns on Wednesday even ing it stands adjourned till iho so cond Wednesday in November After the motion was withdrawn mi lilt Mr Mi surd that a- the attempt to petition Legislature last ses sion for authority to establish House of Industry was burked ho did not think it necessary to take any farther action just now Council then June The minutes of yesterday were read Warden said that on Saturday Warden submitted era estimates for follow The amount to to raised would neci the imposition of a tax of o mill and four tenths in the dollar equalized value of Co bich was a slightly ft bridge orer last year Tbe increased necesilated by the building of the bridge at Br I ford of the cost of Reeve I lba County would have to pay the construction of Wilson projected East at Joel Phillips 1st Deputy John Phillips 2nd Kmg IUW Jams Robinson Reere John jane I 2nd Deputy John P Wheeler Reeve Donald Stephenson Deputy Scar torotrgS David Boyle Potter la Deputy Thoa Webster I I I InIM omrarUnc a itir auMrCaa n AD atrr url WMtow alias MSI si 1st day of October a Mas a aid or will preoaaS la la sals ill I Newmarket aa N 1 a a aSbertisehieiHs HOUSES TO LET ALMA TERRACE Tenant wanted to 811 them to GEO Brandies and ONLY THE BEST BEST TORONTO Cricket Bat and Ma F A SI Childrens Cabi BASKETS Butter Trays Ladles Books Violins flaataarkat SILVER IV the hereby am NOT Notice to Credit John TaLton Creditor baring debtor JACOB For Bale or to A STONE DRIVING HOUSE WOOD Four Acres of ran As aadaKlaiSSSl sail 600000 SAWN SHINOI FOR SALE First and Second t a rtbKTiatr

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