akBalkkB HI NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 1872 in 0 iUiw at willows I nojitng lik wot planting A law of it variably ikcoauti An Illinois editor no hollow from jriiitinp Imaineas I to tell r at a foot T A Virgisutetcliaiif concert at ti coadaakm aonjf ThetVa a pol ilk a country farmer Op an you couldnt the due could you the leaking technically In Innocent Client It I theyre the very Im to avoid Hilling am hen that Tium they dont tackle mutch until alter they her laid their egg Baa lolk are a bragging and a km aline what they are lew Willing to to lafy J hall vlt and elf iiWul Mary Hat Im aorry to No 1 Papa aaya he won I hear of my marrying without a in town Young Lady No An aaya Im not to thiftk of any has not moor in Scotland hunting box at Melton Young No not yet come out Well ehould not dream of marry- jug any one who cant afford all three to Word came the Town Conner I of Scotland that rone of the chief bad given way waa neceiiry to lc whether it should at a coat of two with a new one at a of two i Three di weri held costing ten pound each and it decided on the of economy that the hail better be declared As faithful of the fur they were bound to be careful Mr Here it the moat sample of poetry that we have ever aeon earn Mu la mi dont j war ban pal bla Here a comical advertise ment To iho Credit Drapery Wanted a young man to I portly outdoor and partly behind TREASURERS Rare Bargains SALE OF LANDS A3 FOR ARREARS of TAXES pm COUNTY OF YORK Groceries Arrived A lot I On Thursday the day of mb White Fish 1 5th of March to of June 1872 ibacriber Present Premises On the 1 of Juno next IN A SHOP SELL OFF At folio in nui l pet cent Off BOOTS SHOES I a tarn took Mr and K aaa mI 15 per cent off Cloths Scotch English and Canadian Tweeds Coatings c J HUGHES March If Mackerell Herrings Trout Etc FOR THE VERY BEST And Cheapest Rye Whiskey Malt Whiskey Brandy Rum Gin Port and Sherry Wines CHLOCKHARTS AND IAVUltMlLY KNOWN Has HeOpened an Agency in Newmarket NEWMARKET SS RUkt cm IwmraUr Agent for New Grocery Main St J -GliOCI- J M PATTERSON AGINT JOHNSONS FANNING WHITCHURCH Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES I Planing Factory HILL ST NEWMARKET FOB JOHNSONS CBLBBRATBD North Gwillimbury IT IS FACT J j HODGE ALES PORTE I Only per do quart Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES cur your and Pipe CH LOCKHARTS COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At that will ynn A 111 Iu THAT CANT BEAT yO OF TEA SETS At Lockharts FRESH W OYSTERS ii Hotels Supplied ITS ttlNFS anil Li TOltONTO At and Bag Salt on hand at C Cub Paid for Batter Bacon c At Lockharts H SMITHS ST Farm SfiCrp A lntnjr fcr ltfTWinl Jlor L A J REMOVAL I HAS A New PBHMISES Main and BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work j Brick Store to let IT a a Ih 11 IOC fcrt MODERATE Appl biUtisMr CALDWFLL April 1871 Jewellery Goods WSitawr to- CHEAP FOB ii Whole and Fresh Fish BOLD SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods AND POCKET CUTLERY Fancy Goods HI tvcllrr J fcr PRICE PASSE SatrrirlgMaftTlflq Childrens Toys THE OSBORIf sot to iIhwUjI a Md priert It MtMjfl JOHN Krvatvirt at Tornlo WILL SOLD AT A BARGAIN Clocks CALL AND B at NKWMA1SKET For Sale or to Let Till ft m by nbMribH TEEMS REASONABLE 1 Dwk la pod JOHN COOK Clark if lain IS 117 TBI libonl pi Stones On tit ihorWftclisaftnJ mo Aao bat tin Call and See Spec mem MID Jan IS it TRAVELERS Farm for Sale I Insurance Company t li at Baal LIFE and is TO Accident Department IS AM On the most Favorable Terms LET in i JwiJcot itnnlitti dint IuriK rmnttai 1 nraao or lo of 1 A SMLL DM Secrelarj ar Manoaa of tl at aeeUai la i Ontario Pump Works Notice to editors Andrews Prop cjw TUB obIJ aaa n at tag il Madera kba I lUMP A aetla da araiaaad An Inspection Incited rbjur It of Luc I Mcarttj mm of or I of praniaia 1st Day of Sep next Aoeidaat am of lo SO tor -hot- It aat to of to far kaaarJaaa Life la lU Dapartmaat Traf fall Ufa boat fcaiaraa of brat bat or of Next Two Weeks WILL OFF The of his Stock SALE I VALUABLE Freehold Property FOR THE STORES STOREHOUSES o WITH LANH SITUVIBMiWatarMrwa tt tali ilaaUd lh TOIUKD- Canada an M lhaa all auk laafaaajaj The Osborn Scirn Machine hasm rival want red to he as represented or sale la at ana I tin raaa of parbar 111 all The Gttelph Reversible Ja Tiaaaaji VH EJ EAR bn Ma Slat 1S71 jIUnT Block COMPOUND Syrup of of la VagrtoU I Ir aaf faiaa aa aa lUcm froia BARER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD OCR Family Ha 8kait baa all Urn UafmptanMtoraniakad walk Tuckers ft 0 to too faaUla ml TWENTYFIVE PER CENT FOR CASH smith Ifaaurkat llllSTJ 9 it puia Servant Wanted ion of ilfaad I ita lew policy ayaum i n loa rata Li fur J at All aaa Iu III luika Baft kail aot bat bad M laa for Lira or prompt by to lb JOHN MrST bo ft aarfant par ax INGRAM TO LOAN Real Estate Security Ifaataarkot Aag if- Save Money TIB for libaral laay bag to an ImtabUd to by Book Account or Note la that if an aat paid 12th OF NEXT lor B Ho mall a- Caatingi and Machinery Repairs far all of 8YKESElVIIflr liana 1ST if Money to Loud Apg HUH from lilaatrapbicaJ oca or CoaaomraJaa many baa and all kara baa beri a tort Is Broaehitia it ia a la it bum For Karroaa Dablily It taada an 11 J of Hypophoaplntaa to allowa Synip Sold by far JAMES I FELLOWS Chemist Taj ul A AJjlo Machine Co Ma PUMPS PUMPS 1MI tt I sir sill Western Assurance Co JEAD OFFICE TOROXTO lOOOOOS poVBuT- arrwlf tba roar irlJT J McMorrich 1 Il alia aaalamr 1 ljW il Tha aha rJft SI ilnk J A IT Fifty Aorei of Land J Rank I ha J a Till a fcllRASI MOORE ROGERS Two Houfees to IN Far Bar