Newmarket Era , June 28, 1872, p. 1

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THE Friday Morning JACKSON Painter mj AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE me the liberty to know to utter and to argue according to above all other liberty V XXINo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JUNE 28 1872 Terms 150 in Advance TUB LATEST STYLES PLAIN fc FANCY TYPE ORDERS Ilia bio- I DR II I 1 lewl i Watches Clocks AXl Horse Infirmary ESTABLISHMENT LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON TORONTO It si at TOOLE P in Aurgivr HORACE 10UNT Of J J HUNTER PHYSICIAN Accoucheur St MONEY TO LOAN BIBLE DEPOSITORY PHYSICIAN AND CORONER MIES of York Roads DR STRANGE I fflf JAMES A FOWLER Architects Civil Engineers ay THOM NLW MARKET Carriage Trimmer AD SHOFaa CkrriM bap on Short Aaa IS EMj MITCHELL Barter HairDresser MOUTH Maui St Newmaeket Hair E PLUS ULTRA A BOOK Piano Accompaniment a Jn lr I l ni of Raw aa ijujiuu J J Solicitor Attorney Medicines of Every Description Cattle on Hand Dentistry W ADAMS DDC Dentist B JOY BARBER c 2d A E T Shop Corner of Alain and Streets Rum M UTS John English Oils Ointments Von Bona m Tbe Namo in the Sand atnni ha the Una Ill get the dint of the York Road I inntrucUil ihoaidw road by Ac tv tltr Mineral TaKh Vl-iri- i MONEY TO LEND LjvESu t AND ERIE j lSiiZ SavingsLoanSociety LONDON ONT Capital 0700000 Whips Collars Trunks C Oh Jr Mb II CANNON I DE N T I S T lu id at MARBLE WORKS CHARLES VOCAL collections Select Ai Slum Id Be There ia the most horrible riblo awful at range looking man down by the gate Fan lhalercr you in all the your life Ho look exactly if bo was toxicated although ho may be thing the matter him any way and little Archer a flax en haired cheeked girl caught her breath and contemplated for a moment in laughing the group she had Throe young ladies ocenpied a tic seat by the side of a pleasant stream pruteclod from the midday son by a row of noble elms which might have stood for centuries veterans in ruggrdticH did they seem Fanny thoone addressed the Monuments Tombs Tablets Head Posts Crosses On Short Terms W sister of Kate and s years her senior leaned back in an mood and of her She had evidently not been particularly interested for iw lio then Miilel clad plied in muslin her golden hair floating el with a pout around her shapely danced the the York Roads And too rub his hands out of the low parlor window and be instructed to put all the culverts Thai may do some good with an astatic start of surprise anda all parts rrndend neccajary by grading of the road- continued Fanny her voice laden with little Obi which did seen natural sympathy stood by lha side of the invalid and 1 rub those dirty hands Ins pi I should I think of bath ing the paws of i Lee yoii are won thai a brute and eyes were ex enough If won do this then go to the house UN wheel out mammas garden chair And go at once But what are yoi going to do with have got it inquired tin- feminino alow Yon and Mabel and Kate and I are going to lift tins man into it and him to the bouse and put him Is bed and send for Do you think you know now and will you for once in your life exert yourself ho all ho could both la beautiful dark eye no sign of ridicatioa with her of lack of interest Fanny good look could be summed up in the following brief in- She had Sue eyes splendid Dane white oven tooth especially noticeable on account her face bject and the play of Liverpool London GLOBE Insurance Company Available sway Id a Thirty by Pira is Adjanwast an lha fas tarra of Lilt iaad vita libtiml Head Office Canada Branch Montreal SMITH Cbiaf far IMUEL Buggies for- Sale Of Superior SlyU At A J Solicitor Chancery i Dr Robinson DENTIST WOULD mmmm aa ill rfaH 1st M Mil Moot If First Prize in 1871 largo mouth She- bad very little expression w tfrfrr5dtcun viu repose but let in in a as plain future something to wondor What does be like Dcacribe him mora particularly Say girls just as likely as not an ad- Good gracious I I have sighing for something roman tic all day and here tis right at a bodys hand said Mabel Lynn the Insurance Company the fact always asking and sag- Three Years Policies ibontwhom there ig remarkable in character appearance save a constitutional Inch made her laugh- every occasion anybody DWELLING HOUSES Ona fralora of an In at the house and I forgot we all promis What a horrid bore ARK home but ourselves and I reckon wo An no aioapt ro couUnaed the looking at are Fanny who had arisen and seemed f any for a moment undecided what course Where are you going Fan Pie Cent foe Tubxb must I most Dear mo how late that there are no men For mercys rake do give place there is to get hold of Fanny whose sense of ladicroas unusually keon could not her anxiety refrain from laughing as the disgusted Roe- uttered these last words Just ten a pair of fine ryes slowly and looked smiling girl full the while their owner tried to ilo back again I am not dead nor am I drunk said in a wbispor But 1 am badly hart was thrown from afraid my hip deep fain Shortly aAer Mabel arrived with water and five minutes later appeared in dragging lift wheeled vehicle Mabel finding that tho tips of her dainty little fingers J not for tho limb aha to with an indig- pruteet against the folly of such wound handkerchief aboot the knee applied both the part of the charioteer and great suffering on the part of the wounded man be was at last landed safely on the library lounge Kate saddled her pony and galloped for the doctor Fanny sat by the invalid and to rob the breath of life into him while Mabel and tried to purify themselves by a rosescented bath from the loatbsomo contact of stranger doctor came and injury a compound fracture of the thigh the patient was pot to bed and the case pronounced very serious By evening rost of the boose- bold bad returned and with the true spirit of charity gladly did all in their power for relief of the suf ferer Five weeks during which time the gentleman hail scarcely a lucid moment lie talked of from morning till night occasionally calling for the one who could bare the least influ ence over him and her mag netic touch be was sore to grow met Six weeks before any one knew his name or residence Ho was then found to be a Mr Paul Merriam of Now York and by feaaion a lawyer No more questions were asked nor did he scam desirous other information At end of so far recovered as the aid of crutches on tho piazza nibs be was be able with bobble along abe answered DOMINION Orqan and 9 MANUFACTORY Mais St Newhabmet Copartnership PRIZES AWARDED AT THE LATE FALL EXHIBITIONS IS HEREBY GIVEN si vi the Pris at lb Mrk Special Notice lala m TJ Dabs J- DALES la the atert Musical Instruments Holiw oaataa4 era any TOWS AND FINISH l asaialna arlacllPt E Bakers ft Confectioners Ik BOWDEN A Aad wretasad will Mr See SUPPLY ALL ORDERS hi lias sstiss sad I all away along girls and Miss Fanny ahead looking a little annoyed it is true but ready and willing to do her doty Isnt this jolly Anything to break tbe monotony laughed Ma bel skipping ahead Even tbougn a man break bis neck to accomplish it I said Fanny little bitterly Oh many 1 here he is remark ed Mabel with a little shriek reach- spot first I what a con dition be in I Ilia face is all cover ed with blood bis clothes are com pletely saturated with mod Well I only drank aftei Fanny had knelt In the meantim by the side of the and vainly to discover of life I do believe poor fallow is near dead girls she said alter a careful examination Ron Mabel and brine me soma water will yoo Do be quick child and Fanny out a thought of the sieh mans latad and disfigured condition lifted bis head to lap and with bar in I Mr Bull then moved seconded by a yet Mr Duncan That the the beautiful vision but when he dent of the York Roads be and ia did effect anon the hereby instructed keep but a little short of marvellous in rviair nil the culverts and a knowing smile Fanny said from public roeda within Allow mo Miss Lynn to the you acquainted with Mr Merriam J Carried Mabel paled and reddened then I grlv clow j of said York Roads gentle calm and changing Colonel Mcrrium I am whelmed Believe me had I know that Mm were lying ill roof should have been by How could I have been so deceived Fanny why didnt you toll mo Mips Archer knew nothing to tell propose should ha rtrosence Europe two and I didn the first i f things Then as if suddenly recollecting himself be continued How was 1 to know of year here I returned from lbs earlier than I in tended on account of and ilh this acciduut the very next And I thought it was so strange I got no letters I wrote home yes- to see if they had neglected to them to me I and Mabels had aboot them a qual ity which was entirely new to Fanny ho finding that the pair were old and to all appearances away to the other of piazza Mabel cooed and sighed and asked She foil of the sick mans inquired about bis diet and ironouneod him feverish all of which received without comment aha declared that he bad silting op too long he replied that he thought be had been long agh and finished by calling Fanny his side who immediately an I will assist dear said Mabel with a frown as Fanny went carefully aboot work thank replied the Colonel This little girl knows ex- illy bow to do I shouldnt dare ir road am not moat have been horrible looking object You I hod been dragged a long diets fortl our voice thai day and heard every said although too weak myself known and after that confess to net having the slightest desire for your presence These arc plain words Mabel know me fur a plain man I have always told yoo tbo truth and tbeso are the truest words have ever spoken Faults I could have forgiven becaaac perfect but inhuman help tired had enough to walk ray without a word and Colonel moved slowly to his room did not imagine Fanny that I hoard all conversation that day inquired the invalid from tbe lounge tan minutes later did not was the quiet reply Dont let talk any about it pi Read presently said the invalid I must talk now and you listen I was engaged to Mabel Lynn I believed her everything thai wot amiable and womanly ami bat for this accident I should have married Thank God for a broken limb I In comparison with a broken heart ia nowhere Yes Mr very true Now we will read please interrupt Fanny demurely Presently I havent finished yet Fanny come here And Fanny vary difficult to suppose this gentleman with pale luctaal face fine eyes and dignd manners was same man the girls hod dragged in from road Fanny who had been constant In bar attend bad naturally become well quainled with him bat young ladies had never until be was able leave bis room been treated to of his face Discovering that the invalid was really a gentleman by birth and edu cation and to all appearance in ex circumstances they bad al once signified their willingness Fanny to be introduced which hint blushing face was bidden Fan remembering their indifference handsome whiskers a pair of on the day of accident bad not thrown round a sensible waist taken least notice of bat when y bow excessively stupid the invalid bad bo flu- recovered as to lt IB lo describe lore scenes be able to walk about on piazza j left for their an introduction could no longer be borne ColooeUMerrisra aocom avoided them and the Colonel and Now Miss Fanny said the are to be married the coming gentleman one beautiful after having exercised soma the open air yoong lady walking lowiy by bis id r uink bar Dominion Parliament walked about far enough and if yon Toesdat Jose 18 the Report of the Comrnjsaior MOOty property Mr Jackson Tbo Committee then report was adopted Mr Fisher moved seconded by Mr and tbcit Canning that to draft a leutGovernor asking hi bold bis consent to have t Ural College on any of five be I the Mr in moving tbe rosolu- insinuated that the statements Inch had appeared in the report of the Agricultural and Arte Assocta- land at Mi mien chosen for the site of the agricultural college He considered land good and fertile and had found plenty water Is the wells The proposed was easily accessible from was Church acoommoda M near to it and there were good brick buildings on the firm itself vicinity were half-a- dozen stone houses which proved that locality was not a poor one as it bad been described Mr Jackson asked what if tbo Government should resign in conse- of the Council adopting that resolution Laughter Mr thought it did not bo rne the Council to ask the Lteuten- lUorernor lo his to jibing his Minuter advised right Mr Bull thought that the bad qualities of tba farm bad been exaggerated He did not see any harm in sending LieuLGovernor respectful petition with having the collage built in the county Mr Lane bad never known a ion prusantod asking the Executive annul what the representatives of he people had done Mr Wickaon asked what ground here was for the proposed petition iVhat wrong had been done that war- anted it Mr Munsie that instead if sending such a petition as one proposed petitbo Mr MeKellar the College in York Hear bear Mr Wickaon suggested that a do- puuiion be appointed to wait tbe Minister of Agriculture in regard the matter was then put and lost the mover and seconder voting fori The Council tfaei adjourned until to day morning at re oclock will fix things will sit hers a It is so pleasat In a few I shall he able to assist myself and re lieve you What a care and trouble I have been to you child But what tied tenders for the leasing of should I have done without you Fanny Archer- yoa saved my life I nm And a moment the P moved seconded time of TVysaTi away th Mr That the 1 to be bom lucky thai rick Col Gray has accepted Chior Justiceship of Manitoba A Bill to expel Jesuits from has been passed Bismarck after iLem sar A sensible Pittsburgh mob ro- destroyed a skiff because it bod owned six persons ear A roan lately died in Tennes see who had been in an almost eon- steep for the last years Col Higinbotham baa been nominated as tba Re- candidate for Wellington Centre Some people act as if their were tike coffee and would set tle themselves in time by standing Henry McDonald son of the late Premier of Ontario has ac cepted the nomination for Cornwall ess A lockout was begun today by ml I 20004 ployment Tinning of Toronto in fifteen minutes found body ofyoung tbe volunteer who was drowned at Niagara on Sunday Grant hopes Greely wilt be nominated at Baltimore He would rather be beaten by him than any man in the union Mr Malcolm Cameron is run ning Russell pretty close and it fa thought be will beat Dr Grant out of the field Mr Ira Morgan has bis support Toronto Bowing Club hte already announced its intention to have annual regatta on the 10th of August when Several handsome pluses will be offered for competition A Q says Mr Oswald Bel I are former of East Williams bad good fort ana to outlive a wealthy relative who bis left the interest for hi- life time of Th say it is better

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