NEWMARKET ERA JULY Address my Dr n V Coroner for Coonty of tmlatakahl this and why A of af i our haw in of la ft a art tmrran and of lieaatata n Canada GREAT BARGAINS a I ltdl- that INERY iSELLIXG OFF in NOW REMOVING New Store North Dior MRS L BOND ihi no- CALDWELLS BLOCK Main street NEWMARKET SPHING Millinery Manlles tiik can Hotel lirSimpm JW Insolvent Act of William rfha Batata tla 13th day of July Ac At find Below Cost for Cash Silt Iur THE GOODS MUST BE FOLD It SIMPSON HAS STOCK Japanese Silks Silk Warps GRENADINES MUSLINS PRINTS SELECTED Plain and CRESS GOODS I OPEN Next HUGHES- Great Bargains NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE LEE HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ear Horseshoe Sand Iron TIRE SPPING AND CAST STEEL TUlMBLESkLlXS AXLES DRAG CIRCULAR SAWS WALLPAPERS Leather Rubber Bolting Hemp Faekinft ROOM I ArFRS papers TAPERS OFFICE PAPERS I nALL for All Wall Purposes in MANILLA HEMP CORDAGE Blacksmiths Coopers and Carpenters TOOLS I SPADES SHOVELS DRAGS AXD FORKS Hay Forks Rakes Scythes Snaiths WINDOW GLASS PUTTY PAINTS OILS COLOURS I LEE PHOTOGRAPHY A I VJ th I of North the above HALL I in uaijjmt Recently occupied by Mr nALL ilix PoundKeepers Sale IS HEREBY GIVEN On Saturday next a at 1 h I TWO YOUNG STEERS GEO ELECTION A LARGE OF VERY Gum Swamp Whiskey FOR SALE Now Two Yean Old at loaa Gin Ale and Porter WINK At Hendersons photographs TIM by Of fl Mr Murray Scott IHSTIinCTOB of vocal Uhia I 600000 SAWN SHINGLES FOR SALE First and Second Quality SHAWLS MANTLES Parasols Sua Hats And CLOTHS i MiLWM KM i r ill Ww or I- rE lo g I ttI fc III lafearauuh u lava fS si fart ill List day of I a FOR SALE v will Stock Grain Farm OF ACRES C mm I- n CancaaaiaaaT nail a That BUILDINGS Good Witer TO Village of OH Dm liat of Juciwa A Dwelling and Shop Oaat an I factory II a para da da of ajtpl WILLIAM laaiiM ORCnARD I ii nans Tar m CCLVERWELL a Tu la I ij pojiu I 1171 Notice to Creditors John Tatton DEC Cmliltr I Jcbl an HATS 8b CAPS Boots and WALL PAPERS WINDOW BLINDS Aid JoU Ttuw Leber next rbll lie I WALTON MfLBTlN BOGABT Jim I- Groceries A Complete Stock otlj I ton OLD PICTURES J J aalrjitd tor Particular pains if JiHAPRB Mm J If 1ST BUTTER EGOS Taken In Exchange for Goods Groceries of all kinds BEST CAXXED And Fish of all kinds Brandies and Wines OILY TIIE BEST BEST TORONTO ALE Cricket and Material FANS Childrens Cabs BASKETS TUBS Butter Trays Ladles Books Magazines RECEIVED DAILY Violins CONCEBTIvAS Jm SO if HOUSES TO LET ALMA TERRACE I Tenants wanted to fill them A jjly to GEO Jm II 1BZS II THE MAMMOTH Large Assortment Summer Dress Goods per Discount One Ewe wo Lambs For Sale or to Bent A STONE HOUSE DRIVING A WOODSHED Wool I Wool I arllb PAID IN CASH FOR WOOL AI la of lb at PUBLIC SCHOOL Teachers Examinations TUS al of lor School Taaehara aad will I la Adelaide St Toronto OX 161 A JUL not fcr Pint Ill at la ha pUo OX TUESDAY OP at A at MB of laapaa- lota WHIM at u AoaUa hjaiiatooiala of laartaaca twrhia JAMES HODGSON Four Acres of Land SIMPSON ffiSNffiSSdS Wanted Boots BOOTS Largest Cheapest JEST Stock o Boots PRICE OK MAMS OTH THE A BOOT or Boot of Season I DOLLAR THE MA FAMED How Sold AND WORTH t cts DOLLAR AXD TWENTY FIVE CENTS Stand rivalled The Stock DRY GOODS FOR THE KG OF 1872 courn tana EVFJtTTUika HEW IN Ayr is DRESS htm a apalU I JAMES New for Coats PAX S Vesta an Suits Master Jr SPRING SPBING DRESS GOODS PLAIN AND I Stylish New Novel I PARASOLS Unique Designs Gents Furnishings 1 A Choice Variety Staple Dry i Goods An Immense Assortment a CAPITAL VALUE HATS CAPS Latest Styles Family Groceries ALL SORTS I Fresh and Good I A now lot of die 80 cent Tea I on and more coming CROCKERY GLASSWARE I Some particularly Cheap Lines Cloths and Clothing A Selection SPENCER GUARANTEES SATISFACTION a IN THIS DEPARTMENT Call and Examine our Stock SIGN OF THE BIG T Main Street Harrison Seppard Co SPECIALITY the of improTmjf and par rfHinTOMtl CM aWEDC and IB KtWWtUm it