Newmarket Era, 12 Jul 1872, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 12 1872 A HOOD PHOTOGRAPHY Ins was much it with wife who drank in feet spent on whiskey and sold every- thing she get her hand to get mere- The poor follow wa at hi end what to do her and o want to Dr Could dcctor giro occupied by Mr It ia yon want doctor because if it ia ajr ao like Op anything ita not I hut only a to euro bar of inc Cant you If I could I that doc should bo a madman But I toll you what taks home a gallon rfifl and her drink as as ah like and I will bo round be- fore the Of old SB pains taken VALUABLE Freehold Property FOR SALE and carried her down into the of an old cattle close I and laid her down on some board b0 THE STORES good sleep twelve oclock and began and a King where illing ire waa are in the null atk Abbey the doctor a And how long I be bo enquired A matter often or la anawered And Im dead in course At a door nail wound up Joe tor Arc you dad And how long bare bare air Somewhere about five years plied the doctor Then we are all dead Tea She at down on the floor and thought tbo matter over a bit The doctor could not imagine could say next and was just fancy when began know the country a good deal better than Where can yoa get a good wbiekey reasonable That floored the doctor and to the gentium an Squire you bad better take borne If thinks there shop in Hades ita no trying to frighten with death her and lat In A black doctor in Detroit ad that bo will not attend any bite patients A saked a clergyman who suffering with the influenza My dear air what do yoa take fur youi Five pocket ban kerchieft M Ah Jemmy said a friend to a man who late for the train you did not ror fast enough Yea I did but I dido tart soon enough Countryman at menagerie See here now them aint dont theyre all marked alike Theyre been fools enough to all to ono pattern A printer out west whose office is half a mile from the neare building and who hangs bis preferred Irish paper says that try ing to get up without tiling s like winking at a girl through a pair of green goggles may know what you are doing nobody else does NT A negro wbo was of with hi neighbours fruit being caught in garden by moonlight nonpluaaed hi detector by raising bis eye- clasping bis hands and piously exclaiming Good Lord this yere darkey go to pray any out startied While one of the la It recent baptism in though It was some lime befoi remember what they we Ilia Wit There tine wit Id Ireland with a flavor all iu own Few theological definitions for instance could bear the pall from that of a priest baring preached a miracles was asked by a little mo meant it a miracle y understand said the priest Walk on then there fornist me Ill think bow I can way lucidly walked on and the behind him and ran tremendous kick Ugh I roared the sufferer why did you do that Did yoa feel it said the priest To be tore I did Well then member this It would hare been miracle if yoa bad not tm- Mary Walker is to be creatine a sensation on the street of Washington by appearing in a Dolly Tardea coat and pantaloons ffy- There is a young man- living In Texas who has married bis fathers divorced wife lie came witbi tep of fail own mother Noam The of Bar- candidate and nominated Mr Cook Farmer Merchant Mechan ics and others bay none bat first- Class Machine as are made by the Sewing Machine Com See Preparations are in pro by the Orangemen of Ottawa to bare STOREHOUSES TENEMENTS Ac WITH TUB LAND Vat Sum a I by Win Ml Jr J OSes Bkt Ms Ms by all THE Large Ass Summer DiessGoods Wool Wool 1 1 mm PAID IN CASH FOR WOOL At tie Mill of tbt NELSON un BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD Flail Skulk u with Tuckers ft lad ffuj All StyUtef on 12th All lor MDtiml Cnd BOND On- I I UK of now bill will GARDEN SEEDS IMPORTATION I A DRUGSTORE OF THE BRONZE MORTAR ih Ofls Main Onion Ant ass nbhiire Fist is sen Shsrl Ore Use sad to sod Irtlsad Ac Pel j sl Isset ril lap rub Ts fail- fiUU Carrot d 8du All of tbe Beet Qoality I PRICE LOW DR BENTLEY SPRING GOODS Palace of All tbe Newest Styles in I 1 r mil mil Amerlosvi MILLINERY Mantles and Jackets Ribbons Trimmings FANCY GOODS C jrnT OPEVED DRESS MAKING Ia lbs swat tjW Produce token in for trot for Miss Smith April It 1671 If MjBjld for d DM MUairud It ail m Hair i JI l it ski ay Dr Indect Poison A sun iMr PRICE CENTS I Ague Cure And Tomie itk f rat W pu iHaraaas is I bed- SO cents per POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam too mIj by kOW IrJy Botanical AntiBilious Pills TWy Mild Raft aad is us l sn Cossataiau IbapaUi JriM BEHTLETS Botanical Worm Syrup Is drctdodlj la Dili Prists Telegraphic Reliever I baa la d for lb Karoasaxk all ataer tat at Ball Pale at Extract of Blackberry For Summer Complaints Cholera PjstMiaj Caena Vat Wag art astaow afasfcey uaaalatas la arraaa a aaltby aaOaa f lat TV lb a islaKTvlrsa f Idas sad Aatriara Taela aJk AsU pliaa4Wla1aspaartia toajpaajadrO fans Miss bat b aaaasdM or at IkWl silianiaaa rdsaawbiviITttrtseEaula It of rtd Is II a Uiad otal T bee lariH Ma sawaaar WsT las hi trtra ly a a af Mbbaoi I as rasais dy a aaad Londonderry AND GLASGOW Currying the and United Liverpool Mail Line Rates of Fare from Toronto I O di CO as r Bill Hi TO LOAN Seal Estate Security Farm for Sale I I jr si iiwatk UI ill For Sale or to Let TBI laxly tteai as TERMS REASONABLE Alto for aala mm Ms balriac Caphaard sail Apply JOHN COOK Ms FOR SALE TBAToartaia plat of laad of pert of lb Maoranea at Mr TrtwbtUi to total of kit air Wad about ACKEJS IU B Md batlilln In u uWUat TERMS k JOSHUA 0L1YER Bare Groceries Just Arri ed A J hi of ajs wi Lite Fish Mackerel herrings Trout EU H CAPITAL 1000 WELL AND FAVORABLY KNOWN Has HeOpened an Agency in Effected on oI of IniurabU Property THOMAS ATKINSON Agont for the CoBotr FOR THE BEST Anjl Cheapest Eye Malt Whiskey Brandy Bum Gin I Port Wines CH ALES PORTERS I Only peridot J M AGENT FOR FANNING MILL for the Public A QUANTITYOF Firstclass BEEHIVES Planing Factory HILL ST YHUMKlilX TH0MA8 AGENT FOR JOHNSONS FANNING HILL North Gwillimbnry IT IS A FACT J J HODGE At LGharts Hall Bedroom Steves For PurafBottled Wines Brandies for Me LOWER THAN TORONTO your line your and Store Pip TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At that will raiOIW CANT Bio Ewrrthln Farm Produce Shtep Skins Rays dx Goods at To j a- j U EL p h Sewing Co THE OSBiRN nd Fruit ryd frlHJvt I Hotels Si pplied With WINES nd CIGARS 1 set til TORONTO u J At and always on hand mt all ja- Cash Paid fori Batter SIm Bacon Ac At H LIFE and of 10oeo asaiast ay lad Stat for W ry lajarj by as for ear aaassssTa aaaarJooa riaaa a site t Ia it Ufa la TraValara asbrasa lata of las Haul I aalUI lUt bar it policy sol lat trtdil I ratal sat raat pise AH Arfaitab Ik add t at W of ia Ala foattttt Is for Ufa Acaidtal Sty 62 Street East TOBOlfTO afaraall REMOVAL MARBLE WORKS I I it SO TO BIB CORN Kit UK Main and J WARKJIOttt aa all for BL ACE SMITHING And Carriage J aabacribtta ikaaka for 14 if J libaral patraaatt Brick Store to let fcM jJU U SENT MODERATE J CALDWELL NO STOCK NEWMARKET THK aaraenbar jail M a of Jewellery Goodt Of awl Far- BOLD A SILVER AND CHJUa Eloctro- Plated GooA TAE CUTU Fancy Goods this for QUALITY AND UNSURlHI Childrens Toy bt at Ttraaaaf a WILL BE SOLO AT A Clocks and Rank usual Oa abartaat sour atock for CALL AND IHCTERU May ISO New Grocery PROVISION STOSE Main StNewiiiarktl Mat a Basil TEAS GR0CERIE8 also part Wines and Liquor tar CHEAP FOR OYSTERS Whole and Fresh Fish Cm Paid for all kinds of Fatst At kunrd Ml at and jnietn COKPOUNO Syrup of all lfotadaartt kikar Kaput r aitlyrrt of VafrUkl by ailal forot i k 10 Md i Lb ml rallrf warn try Si rami MM of Ibt La all of faatroiral hoot aay aaaaa rSssa la aaaaa all kaadltlal btn I- J dial aad to a for aad I by thrcartCafl ft Sis for JO JAMES I FELLOWS Cbeal Ontario Pump Worn Corner of and Prospect Andrews HE MbKtibtr odd tL W tbti tk Alt rutin r lb lfd MM MM MM Tkl Ml EXCELSIOR PUMP of bleb at bW I itll Hi in Ilbllt13 tU J M tbt Western Assurance OFFICE Th ubMribr who if ol lot lb roakkM V

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