I WW AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Mi Tin to know to itticr and to TO COMSCIBMCB ABOVE ALL OTHBB LIBERTY FRIDAY JULY 1872 Terms in Advance LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS B JOY Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY A I Solicitor Attorney John Cockcrill English Oils Ointments Musical Library 1 s THOMPSON Carriage Trimmer Buggies for Sale First Prize in 1871 Vr- in y of the eyes that were following her overt look and motion I that all Mies Lennox asked the I All j Ifynu were thinking of galling a can show you something to Ml you An I cannot will not I ir 11 1 If you i No trouble at all Mi laid the clerk the good anil spread Krone ick bolter drag New the work of Ontario of do very lustrous ilk brown for me a more kindly one with glint in it not unlike keening llie an tbo color of bo soft that blinded tat rose that ever bloomed day ami iTIiurs I 1 1 a is i Organ and Ytmn ing t he I Road COROVER Harness Shop I- J METERS Mr DA Musical Instruments IKIZKTKETir FINISH PHOTOGRAPHY A EL HOOD Dr Robinson A Surgeons c t a a OF Liverpool London Insurance Company Available Aaseta Dr tab for the County of York 2naaaM Cot I bU J res of aw mo ft aim Wit to Dr at t nil bo S11 Horse Infirmary WUnUY VETERINARY eaatftaAuivK Evtry on enxafU to to part ntboai aariuA an S Insurance Company Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES in wort of Mlliou of Wit W I iu Low 111 Copwr Canada Branch Montreal Rates are Lower FOR TlIRM I foil to A SQTJIER u CklfABlnr ian ajrat Dentistry c ADAMS King Kltet Toronto all Takasiwl lb whim he in the n T n an boar before hurrying from 111 to another to borrow money to d utu l f tested their lively chatter jarred i in earn VBiorcalr toko iciA JV TO LOAN Real Estate Security cosily trimmings will ftcnlil when ho the mil but no he would ifit were only half a largQ To bo sure ho would responded other And Im not going to let the girls ouuhinv me you be certain It my beliuf DUDLEY pv the rty flimpjy on Mr John from Europe ibiiy are trying to catch MONEY TO LEND THEIIUItON ERIE I Never I Soch a horrid Rathe CI i too She he AWT Would you LONDON Am bo dnrkui That in for the of St John it is hi color I met yesterday jmij tall and ho in- grown I Yen Rivd HO rich Pa My ta j j be worth million if Cost Charged two girl out Th oeiaj all bearing It Liu JMrijf My I pas ut fully through it Will be owing to the trungtb that you have Mtoafof the proliTmiy objwt Are looking any her forehead It caught the eye of the who were pacing and ihcy gallurcj it juct I the Why dont rap tarty I it juul what you dollar a yard the ring un the illt heavy fold so a to display it and beauty There not tbo ligblext or regret in the ted admiringly upon It pretty and quite reason These words Were with Mich ntiro that At id milting anything painful or niltRting thai with tbo wonder d in the of her involuntary raapecl 11 ijondpot could no imitated but vaguely com Mr St Jtrhn bo at lira Dayton this lid evening i Shall I ell you wbv I did not wick ii inquired Mr St John a be in took a seat by twelve The cheek of Rum grew an red be- 1 lnr tba tote of Quebec in that a the flowers I llie mailer of the Intercolonial Rail from which she wn way iu order to have aid of I just thinking about you and Vet fojut I could thank you He to cat off the ion with the ml ay sysluin of o that of a million land ilTc il I tut I that hi had but and I tome hi very good Ireanming on former acqm 1 to call at his Despite the adulation ho had re and bis own really fine person- agca St John was no cox- mad and well he knew that with like ho must stand a his individual merits So not to call on IeKwho was np- in his thought he shown ito the family sitting room where Ir and Mr eat with their Ideal children and tin check Ho that she gave him I in bright their eye met come than even her fathers extended hand and cordial greeting But having testified by looks rather than words her pleasure at seeing him left the entertainment of their guest her parent And dis appointed a St John was he could An he conversed with bar father his eye watidcrod to tbe place where sai noting every axpree- f the pure young face oven to t in vers of the golden brow lashes thai the roso tinted the womanly charm if her low quiet tones and gentle look The richest party half lovely a t drcs of brown merino ornament save a dainty ruffle at the neck and throat You will be at Mrs Dayton to morrow evening be to My a he took bis leave I am not going A shade of disappointment crossed St John face almost immediately followed by a gleam of satisfaction happy thought struck him i -it- Do you regret your decision i regard to the party my daughter Ho indeed paps returned smiling brightly into that SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES April 10 MITCHELL Barter HairDresser Ob tkt Main Si Job tl bo to a at all ore to lb la lii hi tai Tombl TabUti Beat Stones Potts etc Short A Re able Too A flrrab PLUS o I i pal creditor month It w in metlilng that Mr St John had their remarks A nward rcBeclion all woncn You know I told you could beanie wrapped up in vanity my lowe it I had lie wo about to quit the dibguot when bin attention a a low and voice which to him He a noble hearted roOKd a boat oatu and gentle in- man God hie him ncction turned eagerly in the heart of thU wlb yoa Ontario ha 1 ay bee heneo It and a a- her father burned away For the pot Sir John A Ma in lender time regmU mingled with her he la ihov to employ other Con- hailed tell him told him could bo aa inferred by anyone who the two few minulc Interi aw how lieu I of J imecd on Bt boo I though it was the moat natural place it could tin I dot many stylish and led I Who old 11 I ru John latnjliing He then told Hose of the Intl he had witnessed in the store Brothora and ho re than mid there to do his best when tempted in expend I beyond bat ion f to ay I Can bad foreign anil By the Atlantic Cable ll f Th and of lb Ontario to bo Put Down At tbe meeting held in Toronto lat night l nominate a can Central Division Co a Conservative t th fact A proniinont of British Columbia said recent ly to him Col You i Ontario belong to tbe pivot in the Dominion Sir John is our leader and wo will unite with com Fori Garry July 17- The Hudson A Bay Company boat- Norway Howe laden with furs from Interior 10day Ann villi My and ninety Ions freight A strong feeling is in the old the hay cutting have boon held which the dilatory conduct of the ernnient in dealing will commutation of the hay privilege has severely condemn- is driving their From Or Livingstone A from Aden Arable islway between Sue and Bombay ROWS arrival there of Mr lanloy the New York Herald Afrl- n search rn pond and says will start for London in with thy son of Dr Living- Stanley is the bearer of letter from the great explorer for the government as well a for family and of tie long absent igstone Stanley slate that when ho left Ibe interior Africa Dr Living- was unwell but he was never theless determined to proceed with bis- exploration and will not return home until he has completed great work of of the Id Aibant July 18 concluded bis argument in the Tweed Connolly coses today Tbe court adjourned until next when decision will be rendered July ft American residents bad a banquet at the of Court Hotel last evening in National Anniversary iay was also celebrated In Edin burgh Manchester and other cities the Kingdom July 17 Tbe Board of Arbitration assembled today an hoar earlier than usual Tbe proceedings were delayed in of the of language iptvcn by the members of the courts renders tedious translations and explanation bat all preliminarios been settled and the Board have finally ship I Tin Bottom or Care ful sounding made between Ireland and Newfoundland i a order to lay the cable have shown that the bottom of the ocean a covered line white mod the remain of insects From the coast of there is a sharp descent for about two hundred miles from the coast of Newfoundland a more gradual one for three Between those there la a vast smooth plain depth of from ten to nil has Telegraph conj- us Monterey i that under General entered thai city this ing at six oclock The revolution ists under Truvitio and ha the ploce Monterey is lo present a pitiable sight 1 has been and ninny families Tho last art of Trevlnoa Imprison tho United Slates Consul for refusing to pay a levy and pun of the they lighted iIUs the gay would ha ring from which she bad been irred suppose bo will be there she A gentleman to see Rose said Kate opening the door Rose lifted her eyes and the of her thoughts stood before ox be Not sorry to see me I hope Mid ami as frnirrat Mr John taking her unresisting her and hand in his so Sorry Rose turned eyas to put soized Another American citizen was 000 or to receive Issbes only got off by paying The g forces was I with joy by population re maining at Monterey It is feared that the revolutionists carried off outward roan I that bo might radiant they bow i federated Me gave British Columbia more than lows and um of money to help put Ontario He gave Manitoba more reproeeata- Covallo and forces tivce than Constitution authorizes men and will be used General and condoned the murder of a Roche will immediately capture Tre- subject to get aid of Manitoba to vino and or drive thou from put Ontario as hostage lived in this city by ringing of bells firing of cannon and playing of music General or drive tbei revolution l be praciically ended tira subsidy to be only keeping then a few Ob no faltered I I in order to get tbe aid of Nova together to secure term of ear I Ontario render from Government