ign NEWMARKET ERA JULY 26 1872 NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE ADDRESS FOR SALE ERES1DENCE LEE Dr Hackett I on hand a complete assortment ok Dudley Signed ray Requisition nun of York Hostler Wanted J Woodware Bar Horseshoe Band Iron ng AM TIRE SPPING AND CAST STEEL YORK Society DRAG CIRCULAR SAWS libber Belting Hemp Rubber Packing wll lHNmHl FOR SALE ATTEST AM OLDEST CALF MANILLA HEMP CORDAGE I Blacksmiths Coopers and Carpenters TOOLS I SPADES SHOVELS SUM UK DRcs AND FORKS Hay Forks Rakes Scythes Snaiths WINDOW GLASSjPUTTY PAINTS OILSfc COLOURS I LEE PUBLIC MR Address the Electors TO THE GREAT REPP Perfected Spectacles inthIllmiiiril If 1 ihrr- for real bargains TEAS COFFEES LISTS I Li J MOVED Brick Store nurlfi OPPOSITE THE J North American Hotel Liverpool Lire Groceries II J I E I A flock OLD RYE AND MALT WHISKEY Summer Trade i Reduced Price II Pure Wines Brandies RUM ax el la a J may If hi avoid being misled b nit it ILfl BtifT In my by in mi1hu a annul 1 am by VMM on in grata- Mr Per cent Discount CASH PURCHASES sell off SCOTT 1 Readymade CLOTHING f I LinnUMi rj ft- it CLOTHS AND Stoga Boots 1 AT COST PRICE JWHUGHES lawta 1 1111 SIS IMMEDIATE SALE I and Whitchurch A BARGAIN Veto iiClvrlis Li- iis J00 fOUNDKEEiERS SALE BE SOLD tumps WEDNESDAY J iY a it faulaajt I THE OF Late Dr I at i List of Letters in the lb Apprentice Wanted a THE VERY BEST WINE BRANDY C Hotels an Is Supplied A t the Toronto WHOLESALE RETAIL PARASOLS PARASOLS PER CENT DISCOUNT FOB CASH ON TI1E BALANCE or raa STOCK At the Big iiil I will lcriji of JULY INSTANT Frame School House to tail i- mb Jf of J I J TDORNE Soon I j WTorlct I f lift your liotllulloiM Hit root itir Ihmt IBl irt id f cVtvi hJ ill IK tatwlwy of ir ami nlirWtr li qa lu MM lb and muV awl l iMiTy that SPRING SPRING 1872 CALDWELLS BLOCKlinVallfil MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Independent Electors north Hiding of York In to tl nominal rm at lb I ruintyalwy lt tn affhlr Try I ii MlTrtlrarr UllWll umjar of Dual ttillallj 1o JAUtslAKKiM BRADFORD IMPROVED CHAMPION SEPARATOR PATENTED JUNK ifUt til tMtM L Battel field WASTED rITI M Com AfiEX raki ltjlin WRAPPING PAPER AT Till SIMPSON HAS IS STOCK FOR DRESSES Japanese Silks Silk Warps GRENADINES LUSTRES MUSLINS PRINTS A CAREFULLY SELECTED Plain and Figuorcd DRESS GOODS SHAWLS MANTLES Parasols Son Eats TWEEDS And CLOTHS HATS CAPS Boots and Shoes WAIL PAPERS Borderings WINDOW BLINDS DRESS GOODS PLATS AND FANCY I Stylish New Novell PARASOLS Unique Designs Cents Furnishings A Choice Variety 1 Staple Dry Goods An Immense Assortment CAPITAL VALUE I HATS CAPS 1 ALL TBI Latest Styles Family Groceries ALL SORTS Fresh and Good I new lot of the 80 cent Tea I hand and mora CROCKERY -A3CD- GLASSWARE I Some particularly Cheap Line Cloths and Clothing A 8IoelIon SPENCER GUARANTEES SATISFACTION a is will Bo I Call and Examine our Stock SIGN OF THE BIG T Main Street Harrison Co Groceries A Complete Stock SIMPSON 181 WITH flaw of anJ It BIM lo aaantalB UM af 1MB of Tan tor IB aulk of WJCD at ilia nasi rth Tort Pal tent