NEWMARKET ERA JULY 26 m in What did Lot Jiwhn FOR SALE Slock Gnain Farm 0F 10 f Adam lile GOOD Good Wtte Privilege LLVBRWKLI to break up be We dont Kt the other wit reply tenon A yoDng band dear which an Ohio upon the tomb lone Trouble family certain Mr A bride in bteied to Tbi EGGS Takcii in Exchange for Goods Groceries of all kinds BEST CANNED FRUITS And Fish of all kinds Brandies and Wines BEST BEST TORONTO cricket Eats and Material I FANS Childrens Cabs BASKETS TUBS Butter Trays Books Magazines BECBTVED ALLAN LINiJ GARDEN SEEDS Liverpool Londonderry Si NO STOCK LIKE IT IMPORTATION A DRUGSTORE SIGN OF THE MORTAR iu Main Newmarket AND GLASGOW cr c NEWMARKET I Cauliflower Liverpool Hail Line due Jon I lliiiiyiAN Rates of Fare from Toronto II Lclluce III Iras 11 i I fAlnoniil Ie criticising the the A man ra Rhin a door DM t 1 lb patlttvu r be J rant I dont know Did no I men la in panic Ir wanted tell hi Oh nil house n tire The ladies mom Mho St writ- ton depot the Old Co one In Violins CONCERTINAS A Farm for Sale All Seed of the I PRICE LOW DR havent got such a thinp a pair of trousers have yer said beggar looking in at A el Hi ELECTION QUANTITY OP Gum Swamp Whiskey SALE Now Two Years Old Bishop him one but as the clergyman ru taking his he hopes that his lonUhip would nottnnd him to the interior of an bit io could not I BRANDIES peak Your wife Ala the bishop what ho your wife AUiX Orter to do with it She docs not preach I wine does she my lord said the At Henderson parson but she lectures ay A witness in who had been cautioned to giro a answer to every iuelion and not talk about what he might think ques tion meant was interrogated as You drive a waggon No sir I do not Why sir did you not tell my friend did not waggon GREAT BARGAINS MILLINERY MANTLES MRS L R BOND ha now curiosity then asked what he should JELLING OFF do with it Ho replied what she chose as it was hers If thats the case said she you may back and give me another kiss then Too Good to Tail A western traveller up to a log cabin and asked for a drink which wss supplied by a good looking young woman As she was the lint woman he bad i several days he- offered her duly taken MM has had to skedaddle Out of Renfrew Government is growing unpopular in the Otta wa District The Toronto Tories speak of the Grand Trunk cartage man as their candidate for Toronto South Victoria Ilia election is Marshal has expres sed bis objection to entering the Trt- lb present election law the electors wilt bear in mind that then will be bat ling instead of two it tie Gammons election lav The Montreal Telegraph Com is extend iu line from Am to It will pass Kim IU and fiutbaen SPRING SUMMER Millinery Mantles c Ac At ind Below Cost for Cash Sale to Continue during July THE GOODS MUST BE SOLS Great Bargains I Bentleys Ague Cure ttoif ill Price POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam SPRING GOODS Palace of Fashion end American MILLINERY Mantles and Jackets Trimmings FANCY GOODS C OfT DRESS MAKING Miss Smith April II Botanical AntiBilious Pills Ila and la lUir can it nemnil Jeriu tor P Iinrpln id Botanical Worm Syrup aat Ilea It el at lo tk ii ii Telegraphic Reliever I Extract or Blackberry Cholera CUIiS VotaiUnf a Hi us lfllJ CO 15 r a BAKEB SEWING MACHINE I I kwlasaD ft Alt Style Graver Baker pnKnbsrritor Jewellery Goods if tkwtatMl In stixk of GOLD A S1LVR WATCHES AND CHAINS ElectroPlated Goods TABU AND POCKET Fancy Goods la tli rtjIUh I for QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys WILL SOLD AT A BARGAIN JmilUry Ittfart Rare Bargains ATJ Ontario Pump capital t B Andrews WELL AXI KNOWN COMPANY Has an Agency in Newmarket rtelrnl a n rfgfc J PATTERSON AGENT FOR CEIKBBATED FANNING MILL Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing Factory MILL ST THOMAS AGENT FOR JOHNSONS IT IS FACT J J HODGE Cooking Purler Kail LOWiR THAN TORONTO nig rat wij J An Invited New Grocery PROVISION STfJ Main St raT TEAS Wines and Liquoi Fresh Fislf TIN -AM- General Groceries C H LOCICHARTS 3ln Pipe JAPAN WARE t or Of Pate- 4 Ames if TROnrM Just Arrived A hi of White Fish Mackerell Herrings Trout Etc arm Produce Sheep Shut fUis v Exchange J J MARBLE WORKS FOR THE VERY BEST And Cheapest Eye Whiskey Malt Whiskey Brandy Sum Gin Port and Sherry Wines GO TO GH BOTTLED ALES PORTERS I Only per dot quarts At Lockharts REMOVAL THE SUBSCRIBER HAS REMOV ED TO HIS New Main and Sts J BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work J WKTllKIinl Brick Store to Let I la a tht It 11 Ju fnai fall ap Moad MODERATE J CALDWELL For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes a LOCEHARTS Tow Money 600000 SAWN SHINGLES FOR SALE First and Second ftualityl u a WW ill WRIGHT If HOUSES TO LET ALMA TERRACE I Tenant wanted to fill them Apply to GEO TRAVELERS Insurance Compan LIFE and On the Favorable Accident Department OOMPAKY iU Cetapu TEA SETS CHEAP At C H Lockharts T t3ftia inf 11 tbotv w BookAccountorNote uirtt OF APRIL to- Castings and Machinery SMOKED FISH n J Canned Fish and Fruit 1 r Wool Wool I nils PAID IN CASH FOR WOOL Hotels Supplied PRICES At Lockharts VALUABLE Freehold Property FOR SALES For Sale or to Lei a aa OK- b ik TERMS Of 11V IJM NUN M rt us or m j by Life Department I its Lift Jo 1 I wlisiss f lis ssMSJ All hat at ib tali rii ill HI HE Orricaa Kin TORONTO 14 1871 NOTICE IS HEREBY I amice ear a Bakers ft Confectiol la nam ad UK BO A tad lb ede an STPPLTALL llae BbL and Bag Salt always on hand at C Cull Paid for Butter Eggs Bacon Vegetable Ac THE STORES STOREHOUSES Ac WITH THE LAND ADJOINING b rf on BOND At H Lockharts Optnett SMITHS NEWMARKET If an iTITRAPPrNO PAPER AT THE jn auterrtca i i inuiii ait aw Par Otto la JAMES J reaeiket Ha FOR SALE TB rtis fim feud sSBlMMdofpftrt of 0 in Iks si si Mr iDg to Ut Jr ACRES TEEMS REASONABLE lea be awnalel b Mapla II arape JOSHUA OLIVER Ha it I Western Assu IB AD OFFICE I J E abaerlber bade praiplljaT- bu bate I