Newmarket Era, 23 Aug 1872, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERT GIVE Ml THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO LITER AND TO ABfJuB ACCORDING TO ABOVB ALL Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY AUG 23 1872 Terms lBO In Advai TUB Book and Job EstaUisinn I PLAIN FANCY TYPE rnntiBpvHpU ml a Solicitor TSTOKES A CARD a SID tevAMMnfi Money to Lend A MODERATE sajs 4 Watches Clocks AND I Doors North of the Post Office J Solicitor Attorney Ac Otto 1872 tf THOMPSON Carriage Trimmer Ami Mr Murray Scott INSTRUCTOR OF SUSIC IIOAMIOLSK CABINET MAKER Musical Library I vLjbl IcajatbtT loo naiad Select Reading Music VOCAL A Great Operation Say John didnt that woman go away crying She a bit answered John flipping around from bis counter I should call It crying said George Austin the first speaker ON Short Jen MONEY fcwkitJiiiilA v f Sot Buggies for Sale Of Slylt At A J JAMES Jmw A Fowl Ey Architect Civil Enginei I d What was it Why fact is old fellow she brooch here a few weeks T pawned ago and LnJ doom it bat the time was mora ami up and I couldnt do it Couldnt do it Why not l Why bloat your soul I The 3 brooch was pearl and garnet in one tit the finest settings I oversaw the pare the garnet And how much bad you advanced MITCHELL Barber HairDresser is- HOTEL Mais St paolag OR HASH Accoucheur 5 OR STRANGE J r I IsWSt I Dm 1171 I flrtHrtllrmr A aplr VII- M seeaa Mww in sndjjiit- price SI FIRST TEETH Dr Robinson Ton dollars And it was worth fifty at And very likely It Ite So she said But it R B JOY 3vi3i HairDresser c MA I which ha exposed a gold watch John took tho watch and turned to the gtejet and upon examining he found it to be a masterpiece of of celebrated Swiss a winder felly ruby jewelled of moat adjustment and finish Ho know that the first coot of that watch had been not less than throo hundred dollars in gold How much did you wanton this he asked returning the watch to the I want enough to get me to New York John started upon the many and rUks of his business but the stopped him abruptly Jo not propose to sell tho watch Ioly wish to leave it with iou as security for a small sum I another just like it I bought bom as presents for two friends of I nine and would not sell them for en times their value Fifty dollars will answor John tried to cough down the idea of advancing so much but cough tuck in his throat For bow long do you want the fifty dollars For say two weeks Never mind the various dodges at tending the transaction on the part it to bis customer and took tbi and the trade be termed It stood any time within two weeks tho redeem the watch upon the payment of sixty said the mile for than any which hail preceded it John would again explained but lbs And I rcnomKr added John how bo to till mo that I ought have my can boxed robbed birds j applet and poaches from tho gar- dona But that long ago I have forgotlon him all that I sayGoorgO if be shtuld taVo fancy wo in luck aint wo You say anything about about Only tli bo been behind tho screens know tho crooks and turns You need not fear that 1 say anything to your disadvantage And as John bad locked and fiuish bis toilet two cousins set forth Unci Moses Glcddin hod been brother to Johns father and to Georges mother and for many yearn had been away in engaged for and it was known that be bad a fortune He hod married in youth but his wife had would not litcn said John holding aUand Mm ME J bj thai a- nanaaad tiaa Is i Ms M aasl frtoa- sat Shop Corner Mom and She bad her needs and I have my rules Sho knew ruloa before she left the brooch and aha had no to come back for it after the time was up Jobn Gloddin and George Austin wore cousins Georges mother a siator to Johns father bat tbo mother and the father were both dead and John and George wore both orphans George had learned the printers trade and was at pro- sent engaged upon a daily paper John bad worked his way into a pawn brokers office and though only had learned all tho tricks of trade that can extort money from poor and the needy But John Gloddin did no t How air tho customer in under own name man be- Did I not leave fore bad the name of JJ it down Simon Snibbi if you must a name So John put it down and tbon he put ibo watch away and the custom ed departed with the fifty dollar After the man had gone John Glod din took out the watch again His eyes sparkled eagerly anything should happen to prevent tbo prompt redemption of valuable pledge thought him through and through Tbo days passed and a week passed The days passed again and another week had sped by At length the elderly returned and asked for his watch What name asked John At length tho young men reached hotel and as had there before ho led the way Uncle Mosses be A upon the room where a genial faced smiling portly elderly made a mistake 1 have no watch of of Josh- Slurr and this same name John certain need Joshua appeared be- rf which I I HUNTER A Surgeons c L flaitli- way It a tarsia ax WD St of York KMv 8C0TT IU ATE of tit iUrt Stmt Insurance Company Three Years Policies On DWELLING HOUSES UNCONDITIONAL J J Un Ml fcr ik Mr If- Horse SUBGEON CANNON P DE T IS BUM Tl J ui kiu11 fer s3 r teS ah u Dentistry th gold John door nd It Not a pot it od flirlher mop All hi that for I dont know John rog bill of ho hi junior two with r of ronoolion tiM 1 think I would rAtbor plod on ibo thoronf yon bonld my typ cam than ho In your dolUn In a fund AgAin Phwl You I your Th two toll you I AmmAking money Youhvo no of profit For W J mud Rates are CT TOE MIAQC Dd full pfl J A SQUll A DA MB J gty Bui J Jar Hand sir I Will you John pat up bis band reprovingly There is no need of going into s my dear air yon see just Ay thirty Well I wouldnt hare the weight of that poor womans and tears on my conscience for ten the j amount So you can bow I now tho matter tends From a towering rage the old i descended to argument and away to the printingoffice and m it was well the evening John P He had put moat of into the safe whan the door opened and en elderly gentleman entered a good looking man he and though his garb was much worn and soiled and strongly water la the proprietor in the gentleman SHARON MARBLE w WORKS John nodded assent Mr I lhuk John repeatedrhis assenting nod am ttught in a said tho with a grim and smile as though to call for his watch 1 had not worried much ho said I had not thought would bo so mean so coldbloodedly heartless and vile to rob me upon such r At this waxed wroth and man to leave bis office And the old gentleman evidently fearing that ho should be left to the foolish if be remained longer with villainous influence closed bl tightly together and want away you and me to and see ihin owning Of well go and him said John a to nul away his valuables the old fellow bo rich as Whats thai said Why tho voice want to get out won stand any longvr Up end the cask aid tlw mat- Oh dont I youll I aro his only rrlauvc- I J vpico- don think that only I out ii sd her bow I used to lovo him in old tusked Jip inllvjdiisl days when my mother was alive and id tin male that cask As the coming Quito a crowd bad now round when a loud laugh forth which our hair stand on end and the found tilled with What does it mean tan ono It my lime mate We tho joke too well to blow as we arm in arm with the ventriloquist and magician In Peru South Pacific are It On the a rtol beaded by I Latest from Fort Garry Giaar Ma Aug IT Grasshoppers disappeared al most from settlement They have deposited but few eggs Oils year and the young first frost Attorney General Clark and Louis aro before tho electors of Pro voucher Red wilt probably retire in favour of Attorney General at P bas bis in as a reformer in opposition to Aug Governor Sea- sailed for Spain yesterday reporU in a of movements of In- Central department night of the tboy rgents and ilroad and burned bridge It was repaired by the Spaniards the next day and commu nication The Spanish in been killed that time President j In an editorial upon the situ- into prison be says We are now dvclured Dicf be middle of August and by indications lhata win I or campaign desorted for morning of the him this John John looked and tun death looked f course it is Jobn sir said George in answer And not Joshua Slurr Oh Cried George thnt accident uncle Moses might have seen Johns face beneath the pawn brokers sign lhat i if the man who was in before him added uncle sever ly if I mistake not it is name Oder he doos business for him self John could not deny it for bo saw in bis uncle Moses the man from whom bo had so meanly takon the watch Ho trial say something hut words bed him and bo stood liko ippod cur before his relative Finally he mustered up courage uncle just yoL I think you bad better go homo sloop upon Lot us both lccp upon it I would rather not of it now wound is too fresh John was no more anxious stop than bis uncle ffM to detain and without further worda he took bis departure Once more at the office he thought of the watch be bad sold and the fivo dollars profit he had made and the conviction was forced upon him that his great operation was likely to prove a very heavy settlor upon faia greater expectation And so it ultimately proved Undo Moses could not take the dishonest pulous nephew to his nor to his lovo nor could John muster tho impudence to claim the tender regards of one whom la- had so meanly wronged and abused The result was that true hearted printer ere long loft his typo i lent the trot company wii lip to i Till there was a of anarchy firing went on indiscriminately in It is to the number hilled The received ten wounds and another brother wore killed and the dead bodies of three were in the at Lima Some streets Sylves ter a brother of dictator was the Lima railway on hi- In the In order to his death ami brother deliberati shot Bod killed bis bed in prison Immediately on the receipt of of of Bella the ii left at midnight to I ok for the fleet which had sailed for on the declaration of dictatorship returned about ono oclock pm on the followed by Peruvian iron clad IndqttuUnct with Pedro on board Ho was receivol with rapturous by people The bloody dictatorship lasted about four days Fur days rails on the track to Lima wore torn up and telegraph wires a forced loan upon Miggs and each of four banks lor sales each in all 300000 Mr manager of the London Bank was imprisoned ill ho mado loan It is said that back to the parties Pedro to Lima yesterday cully received lie made an eloquent address to thousands of spectators from of his house fury of the against party can he judged by their day taking hacked bodies of the three brothers from the lamp posts to which they been hung them by means of put of cathedral a followed the insurgent will be We are convinced that the ipedto the fleet of will be necessary sufficient troops will be at the disposal of Commander-in- Chief to bodge in the Insurgents with ciicloof tbo zenith Moses deemed bim worthy and well qualified to enjoy What the pawn broker may gain in lime wo cannot if he ever regains tho fidetico bo has tost it will bo when be has shown by his works that ho regards truth and honor as of more value the sordid profits of bsvo soiled his bands The Ventriloquist on the Dock Quite an exciting says a re cent number of the Cleveland Jcrut occurred at of our wharves 7 la Use sSrr SEi 5aT I ki1 i0XIl- tfeainam- Tomb j on ft sfsirtaois rolling off a cask bands were engaged when to the prise of the persons engaged operation beard within the cask Boll it easy those nails Id rather pay my than stand all this Holding up tbuir bands their visu als to tbo six of two the two labourers exclaimed That beats Dickens I Your Aug Werlft Washington despatch states that claims amounting in aggregate United States for and confiscation of English btockade runners and the cargoes during the rebellion been On tbs afternoon of that day sold watch to of Philadelphia house for dred and seventyfive dollar bo cried as George brokers shop was most in during oven comfortable place be could have pod on at your type ease old selected in which to escape from jdod on tightness landed bore up John in your city and dlsoovercd that my greatest operation I over luggage by the most ridiculous over hundred and twentyfive on my part bas on to dollars In pocket at a single turn of New York In London I took a bill die interest on fifty for two of exchange on Boston and not only What do yon think of that but a few e and ten pound were mans end notes on tbe bank of England which George soberly If money I bad with me are by this time in of 1 wi Indian disturbances Further der the distant metropolis So I am an- say you on the road other grim and ghastly smile to and have to we woit the point Al at this Gmra Aug where credit may be laid a havent Urn I to caQM of game of lie ball was played today ready cllateraL 1st y know that Moses his wans for in New York Mutual ley height of feet They saturated burned in in front of Cathedral house and furniture of Gutierex was entirely demolished also proclamation has boon issued by tbe first Vice- President Balta who temporally assumed Today 18th is tbe declaring formal election of as President term pirn Aug 2nd It is supposed that Presidents term there in end at tho same date and assume the Government The Chatham Planet indulges In following Province of Ontario is losing of upwards of fiftyfive Iboee- dollars annually owing to the fact certain moneys in bands of tho Government are not pot out at in tbo usual manner That shows how much Planet about finance of Ontario how little it cares about tailing truth The fact of he matter is that Patent Combination went of power it left no loss than lying in the banks atear Mtf and that arrangement Mr Mackenzie altered assnon as pos- result of his change Is the Province has now lying in tho Ontario bank at interest by which Ontario gains fifteen a In All the available funds of tbo Province are now so disposed as aw the highest possible interest thus showing a marked contrast to policy of th Patent Hamilton Timet r Chief Justice Morris arrived at Fort Garry on Tuesday and formally sworn in on Wednosdsy by the Governor at the Govern ment In tbe presence of some thirty Rapids Aug 15 A sed accident occurred to a man named Michael Mellon here yes- terdsy While being engaged at his fathers unloading grain bo accident ly slipped and fell off toad Tbe American Corut Pa Anguat 14- Hugh Donnelly of Dunkirk was re this morning in lock up of this city by Neville an insane man whom he was- conveying to His head was chopped Off with I unci in attendance and dressed tbs Ho Is not expected to lire We have to re cord sadden death of a prominent citizen Toronto Dr J who for some years past bold a lead ing position in medical profession In this city For some days Dr Agnew had been in a delicate stats or health and last night be succumbed to malady from which bad boon suffering for years heart Globe Tmmnxn A tele gram from Quebec Aug says A very heavy thunder storm prevailed last night A schooner was by lightning and damaged The church of St Michael was also struck and burned to the ground The S from London went ashore on Basque during the Tugboats have boon sent to bar assistance arAt varioo xamlnaltons held throughout Ontario only some forty applicant computed tor Salt Aug Moore late postmaster at baa bees arrested on a charge of stealing 910- In a package mailed at San Fran cisco to this General Sherman telegraphs to if required to quell certificates and of tils tbe Council of Public Instruction in Toronto have decided to glv grade A to throe grade to seven or ten in all onefourth of the being success of This small tb Normal School mber results from of the standard of travollor in Florida writes This is land where boas where steamboats make eight miles an boar on my honour they are four hours going sixteen miles from to St Augustine whore the happy max im rules never do what yea Mn put off till tomorrow where the cm occasionally where mat coming know e has JobnGleddin bowed politely and got id he would be happy to be of ser- UeMcees dap wbkh in the Youre nobody let m out of favour of the by a score of snow storm and where telegrams tho gentloman took from bis he jostarriTednd rir- j ping Ha bands pocket a caso upon opening d Ibis afternoon

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