Morning AND NORTH YORE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISE OP I Ml III hi KNOW To 1TTKR TO ARliUK ACCORDING TO COXSOIFNCF ABOVE ALL OTHKR LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY SEPT 1872 Terms 150 in Advance THE NEWMARKET Book and Job EstabliEOiien PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS TO and by i Watches Mr K for Sale I w At A 1 JAUES Architect Civil Engineer Barber HairDresser John Cockerill Oils Ointments A HOOD occupied by Mr GRAPHS I tit If I were talking lo Mary Id do the heat I could to show up lo the foibles of her own sex toll foot what bring trouble on themselves and I and- that if he had been omo point re Ned and and dollar- than isly be I- I say because I Mary displeased yon Neither do lionally if have grieved raw mil nor thai you did it matt do you know that Tor pitys Ned i ir licit ever little breech i a i led doing li my eftigle blessed Talk about my taking i ever made me leal tempted wires Why Ned among my Urge tend my firee bachelor- i- rauves and etnlel a matrimonial yoke the Into M ninny dillvrcnt home a- I here I bare seen much an congbnfelllT dispositions and tauten City or Mexico Sept via Hav ana Sept Two women at Capitol of each other fought a duel and ware attended with women one armed with a bone dag- ordinary and other agger Thee the bono dag ger killed her decline to accept Minitry of the Interior offered by A rupture in the Mixed Commie- bdiacpaeion Gux- not approved of and and her of it la reported that Lcrcfo and under between when Infelicity between good Self I liiiui I I wrong bet I It though ikii for the lalking well ire a fen bap 00 an There are one few married people compared hit the mark the that lie In not reply but lowed imordamo with my ideas of married i to proceed 1Mb lira lnjo 1 and my alo hall live if I ever venture my lark you in the com- matrimonial sea No many that I to many ftm of and aboalit and Ik- treated bettor I if hall ever get do Men courage lo ever do I im at Author of man and Kven a I woman the of ban alrilffe I live my wife that I may I will never regret taking lifes voyage tab the Cable NATURES OWN VITALIZER B JOY- Dr i First Prize in 1871 DOMINION Organ and mam FORT mo lon like I tin- met JJn SI n PHYSICIAN SUIitOS Physicians Surgeon c OFFICE 91KEK torriLBSll rtfj enit- anally MaiHURTER S0 li CUcKAIUS MO F Dr WO ACCOUCHEUR for tbe at York KHLi I 44 I MPiUJ I Aeecachtnr in I Ili b Ik u 0nf MrvUlbaUMdW XIlj Horse Inflrmary LLOYD SUBGEON ToaoNTo g miuhl m Ac AVoy Description for Vw i- on Hand atUodHl Si a wi I iu will not i all the with I am I dont know in that or the in asking their a walk they been and what they Neither do moat Ned far fi ii tfpee I am warranted lusilau then or in the of their vives what thev in ftr why they did that and a till a not always in tonvH at are miiMeal either the other hand let wive nl in the way a I lie I raikh liltle domineeringly think the an n- diirctly and meekly they demands of to the Government that the amnesty be extended to parties now excluded and that the elections be posponed so that all can partici pate in election of members of Congress Diaz all hie influ ence in favour of peace It is report that President will extend the amnesty terms but refuse to comply with the real that maaus Guerrero insurgents Moxlcan Affairs Juarez Death Cttt or Maxioo The death of President Juarez was made occasion by the Masonic fraier ntty fur holding a lodge of sorrow in tho theatre when on the centre of the stage was raised heavily draped catafalque The cere monies were of a very imposing char acter honours recently paid at to soldiers who fell in battle at that place during General its campaign The greater part of populace assisted at thu CGI I did make a II HllrvOl II IlKr Insurance Company Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES Instruments i eaf MARBLE WORKS I a canxon j Rates are Much Lower DE I MalV full fCSSl imnui is fro I issUoa mUbih af work Dentistry ADAMS Toronto uumi lb l I J A SHARON MARBLE WORKS ARTHUR hi fhmtfcMhstWrsl UehotUiirf lh sorsJly to siwlsy Js be is fll hs Tombt ft Re iissr4Tl- Tomb Stores Taylors of a 1 Intended I discovered my mistake in fifteen minute after thu boy loll store 1 was nearly crazy With raw 1 on the oilier side of the counter man id nut of the door and untied Bill horse whlcn to nut topping to anyone wo and ihu all iho way up to mtn and should have been loo Mrs Nioh as I entered thi door I dashed it out of hand and died Thank God tthc nearly went when I explained her the things However tuit trouble was soon over goodnflas knows Joe thought to Ned i one of the good forbearing mortal- in the world a general thing But ire on his corn ruthlessly and got bint aroused then fee if were rafat sarkmis healed luuulal corns sting clear down into the bones long after a Such slim Gaines at but a little more se dately than usual for bin Ned Im sorry Von am Mary have married year and thus I eon- MONEY TO LEND ftUtSSrJiSS that you wore til to bo placed at ihe HURON AND KBIE ln hc paged- T imitation Ned I rious baa dbe- LONDON ONT l eat least replied And Im to think that Mary will find maftr to be passed over very llgtithy Isitorc we are through with it Whew I said with a prolonged whistle Its too bad altogether too bad I Look In re would you mind lolling what quarrels about I believe Cousin Joe I ready as as it condition my n ThPoCJ BB sml fllts in Canal of General of the at Mystery at Falls On Wednesday hut while visaing the Whirlpool rapids Cbartos Mat thews a physician of found in a crevice In the rocks the following loiter and after poruninj it carefully has become satisfied of the Irulbfulneas contents and it for publication hoping thereby to throw on the mystery connected With another I waited at Montcagm waiting yoar coming at length the truth ban dawned upon me that you de serted and deceived iliurt answers if the signed to any reply Thej i bavo their wives understand that aso capable their awn think watching harping and ijnettiiiiing should In- any than them or why civil shouldnt bo just lo a woman as lo man in my mind half a dozen there have been quar rels and wives Inch J lulv botiora never would have t and frank in answering quea ns they demanded their if they had ir wnb and rtsey they tb of disgrace present state of mind hare ou the step and w no lo live Tour cruel deaertion has mad Twice I have been j would come saved me bat now baa fled my brain is on fire Signed I MIS WHOM TOO DAVE WBOMUBD written Will the finder please address the within nolo to Charlie Stratford Conn A request from one who la but one from i mom reportor Use ok- yesterday sod leaned lbt a young lady registered herself there as Mis Brooks on and remained Monday since which she has not been aeon Her hotel bill re paidshe had no baggage and the general opinion is that the young lady has been to the character of tier ho dear Charlie wbo agreed lo meet her there bat failed lo carry out tho in terms agreed upon from Well well Cousin Joe I n dreamed until that strong womans said you have remaineil in mi day You are thirty- married ton years ago should suppose a man who think that women never make t idlwomen perfect that any Unhand and wives would feel that bo igbt would find it Uurmon faith and take a of wives into bis kind and jinitection of his thnu to remain in CoouTowv Sept A meeting in iuib7 lbo iDUlr of the ami Railroad was bold at on evening Mayor Simpson in tho chair The meeting was addressed by Hamilton dule- fcr waes P Irving Snunbrs Boys Perkins arid The utmost and a pointed to arrange for we The col- bonus At Thornton a mooting was rrrsaeaasssssBarL it delivered in faour of tho road by toe Chairman Mr Warden lb County gentlemen and a was car ried unanimously pledging township of to a tonus rtfli per mile A large hell at In the Temperance Halt Mr- and several other local gentleman spoke in of the road and a resolution was carried ty pledging The necessary amount of bonus American News ng from Arizona have boon London tor identification if AT disbelief in of the reported discoveries is increasing New Sept A man named jostorday took an and bis infant child What man thinks all women are then struck his with it perfect A that wore Is never any her skull Then going into the trouble between and wives j cellar ho cut his Own throat and unless men make it queried wrists with axe and Not 1 most certainly- I Nmioof the parlies are yet but But why should I waste my breath physician they failings when i The is supposed to be rum are no women present to bear jealousy gbt it was necessary I to in regard lotheir There is rumarkable sod 1 fault They need no assist- lake near in Churchill them I never County Nevada that has an area of many men that were blind to about seven acres and has a capacity were blind know to giro my tongue toll their wives did you the Tbo bis a though not directed nor beard by Mr I turn hams conduct through in been of the most partisan character but his closing act has elicited the of all respectable iives It is thought Mr baa too to lend himself to Ibis disgraceful transaction