Morning I AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISE GIVE UK THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY I Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY OCT 11 1872 Terms lSO in Adva THE NEWMARKET Book and Jo d Establishment It lit THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE CARD Land Blooey to Lead pjj to BASTKIX J I KM Watches Clocks AND Three Doors North of the Post Office J J Solicitor Attorney Ac i BIBLE DEPOSITORY of York Road i AM v vn PR HUH PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucbanr Office DR ISM 11 l ULSTER A Physicians Surgeons c t Dr Widdtfield SiCiUlY HOBOS AMD Coroner for the County of York at l Collar of of KUJ Ut M lop to at of Uootor of oud of Torn eacoca Goto of ft Horse Infirmary VETERINARY Ac of Erery Description Horses cattle on hand Mr Murray Scott INSTRUCTOR CAL MUSIC Oils White OiU Red 0U and Oils Blistering and other CABINET ER And John Cockerill all lB English Oils Ointments Select A Jealous Husband Shortly after being settled in my new house along Mrs to the rural districts I despatched the affair in baud with raf what speed I might and PHOTOGRAPHY A HOOD to Recently occupied by Mr I and once in the a of Mrs Smn Why dont von remember be in reply to the I told yoo your brother u coming from the country B Mumped aboard and hurried home might have two It wm night I again f lho n my home cr be jialom provocative io the and utter quiet in which I found the promises SLANG that I determined to a lovely but nature Where doon it coinu from to me on the vital point I it go to invents into the diningroom with a vie mean tuia dreadful of refreshing with a bit of cold glinting Iiorruf xjirf re ninth Every after I the timehonored joint by way of light I found my for thei It breaat of chicken cheese and lift Being act I pitched glass of old port materially as sisting the process All at once my eye caught sight of meerschaum upon the mantle Now there is nothing very alarming in a meerschaum per but when the is the properly of a Sink abused had body declares it t I and vul it in as wi re wo what Up ly to and ohih ing his absence it be invested with an importance Id derive from no other There was also a of Turkish tobacco The fel low has lasts at all said I and I filled and smoked and drank a bumper and cogitated knows I am not the least bit j f it had never entered my bead to her of imprudence but this to say the of it bod a very look I drank- again Yet protest I wan not nt all jealous At that moment I started and sprang from my seat as at lho touch of an electric battery for on the settee In the con looking hat and with wo try to think of the right and it wi shocked or bo and exclaim weve put a foot in it didnt mean to Use sla habit Thatll whats the brother or a wall much hen then fl mo more the old of e fmebonorcd in Ho ndlreoryK more wo 1 HVl lx long W Society of the fall l held at Friday The day wa fine and as consequence the attendtiee of spectators large We sorry to observe however the was meagre in moat of total wturns figuring 4o follows d JohoaoB Sic icWorkijuiitf and lu J J Work Ajlranj Woqi ani By the Atlantic Cable To amiah the B JOY HairDresser Ac flinders was the work of Took another bumper and folding my arms glared majestically MANUFACTORY had fallen beneath Charlie have arrived Sammys away stand upon Shop Corner of Main and Bra Strut n Short ill a- PRIZES AWARDED ATTHE InhijpUl FALL EXHIBITIONS Pint Visa Ontario Ijibridt Pint Marc ls72 DR SCOTT Acconcaear and of also al of ukia of tb J Heard f Mraabar of of of tot Us baa had jaara cm ia rofaaalM lour of la Ha Mud treat Tboraaill Hill Moo I lOVXNOXi NEWMARKET pJ Insurance Company Three Years Policies DWELLING am CANNON 8 E T I S ilorJloS la lprowt oa fcbor aad a la k a uuauo lb draa a Cklrna adaraw ask IT All IrUewa I M Dentistry- ADAMS I 5rf Bast Toronto talodaosa asd Special Notice aMaaaxtsrrd T J DALES la now Musical Instruments ara any oralf PRICE TONE AND MARBLE WORKS OUT SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES McABTHUR CBlRLSS A MesaaA ibalibaral sstraoat D bags la aJl snl la lis at TdbUU Stoma Short A Tarns lift Stones Well lunch and all my name lit tlnr- And rip went the odious missive into a dozen pieces There was a rose which bad no doubt boon in his buttonhole I suppose I threw that in toe fire after on it I fortified myself with another glass took off my and started up slain On my way I over a strange cat in the kitchen In my a- nt I I made some noise for a strange dog set up a furious yell in tho back area It may be well to go prepared for contin gencies reflected a I reentered the parlor with a view to ptnaeaaing myself of poker Dark as it was secured tbe desired objovt and was retreating when I fancied somebody camo in on tiptoe Holding my breath I dodged past him and crept jingc After a pause during which I count beatings all I object to So did Drown laconical the odious male Now who wan lhube thai her nam should fall into such a dis reputable use What she do or what Jut not do tor it We remark before a that we or thut anybody biu married died eloped become poem dcltcvcred lecture to cold sick well happy that So wan In fact we forced to belle wis and thing while with oil through ancient and modern history Tilling We pin down the unhappy with tho stern Who wo alio and he responds the expressive sentence be if I know only knew how wo would htm for bis impude Determined Io Mil the to tbe bottom and find out just what they mean we say Now what is tbo ni ion of Is It How disgusting we ex claim Now do uj decent civilised phases and tell us what that word And the bipod replies got deadwood o dont myself The dead wood my heart I tried bedroom door It was not locked and ill was dark j within A gentle nolerougbj Oh dreadful exasperating reckless thing out more of a musical moan camo from the bed She la asleep nosed I the sleep of the virtuous and what I thought step of a strangers toes was tread of that cat Poor dear Maria how could I so wrong you I disrobed and slipped into bed Charlie bow long have been I Oh thats when you aid a feroinl Graciooe goodness it was that of a stranger A cold perspiration broke all over me as I ruflctcd upon tbe horrors of my situation The bouse I had purchased was one of a pair bad been boilt exactly alike and sleepy direct from have entered ray neigh language Thats all in your eye respond malicious biped you bad a ft tiling but know ditiironcc between detcra and d see Well what couldnt undorsund put a bead despair mid disgust we our search for knowledge and a biped terms it walk off on our ear and in rear we hear a voice ask How A good deal In Bras I and on that by Mr J I and for the prism offered Vis Mark- bam Aurora and All drow prises in ibo order we have 1st 2nd and so on The first second 3rd tho and were specials This part of daa proceedings was a chief following for high And we reply it it very in deed and aro alarmed to discover that men and women every day bora of my j J I bounced out upon the floor Either lbi slang language must be BxcoaemomydearIwhiapered or a new diet I think I bear id nlnlt i remarked this to ph think yen for n CI at hi the Loan Society Mid ndhndj Air on I rropod lho compiling OUT I to autira them with J ho 7110000 fooling down my lbo In horn ui crept Into e ittfor that ho US Thor l another appalling to depended upon with Really thing getting No rt4iaia com own I No wonder foreigner I Safe on th I I w MONEY TO LEND THE HURON AND KHIE I asd Solicitor and Valuator for Society IP fan tf Safe on the sidewalk I glanced up had thinking how I should age to retorn the borrowed toggery i And It was my bouse after all I every day on an explanation I rang branded a- slang the bell loudly I heard the tip-tip- could a of a pair of feet is yourself Oct James arrived bore from dnoy Cape Breton reports that on the lath Schooner Lancaster on which be fell in with an ahandoned vessel which were found a skeleton utioniiTi crosbed in by fallen rifgingi also other skeletons four of which more leoent than the other two Inquiry seemed ord froo The bowsprit of the vessel bore the Two corpses were foud in the forecastle captains corpse was found in the state room making nine found altogether Papers found on board were to be given to the authorities at A freak of nature is report- no near Lake It is an oak pine tree growing together so closely connected as to present tbe of tree and in fact ley might be so called they so nearly grown together at toe root that no division line can be seen and the bark has nearly the appearance of that of pine Tho Niagara Suspension now about years old Its spam is feet its roadway isttffeet above the water its are and feet high it cantos are four in number and of ten inches in diaiu- There are miles of wire in the cable and stays and tbe total light of the bridge ia something it 1600000 pounds Its cost was he Missionary Committee of this Lurch meets this year in Sermons on behalf of will be preached In town Sunday or October by the Dr Ponabon President and Rev John Borland the Co- Delegate of the Conference On Toes- day 8ib October at am the Committee will its sessions the evening of that day a public meeting will be held at winch one of Secretaries the Rev Dr Wood will read the annual report after addressee will bo deliver ed by ministers end layn This Come a large numbering ministers laymen about in all The business entrusted moat Important one of duties being tbo disbursment of large sum of money among the missions and foreign wbi are under care of