NEWMARKET ERA OCT 18 New Train Time Che ifra FRIDAY OCT Our Toronto Despatch long before bo know what polltk principle became werelong ere bla sprout bumble stiecipb of lb wo published list of newly dan wrote frothy Ittwn to the appointed magistrate over the interlarded with any of a Black ttfc When and italic were on lately every- the QUU and the reform thing that transpired every Iniquity party generally This la Mr perpetrated by the Government of In payment for jjrjjj Sir John A previous to work the Gov cutsets 1807 declared by oar cotcni- him a Art of roving PARK ROW- NEW our o pair ROW to bo a dead bat it commission to inspect Division Court torn rule will not bo Now offices but when it MM practical to work regarding pliilrl work incapacity developed il- ncnle what if we did it and ax raw a Black alio Mated at revoked Now be la the limo that it contained the pouring forth viola wrath through of many worthy men but it never- lor wholesale stained by the namoa retail upon the reform there who could not write and also party generally and the devoted by reputation far I bead of the present Ontario Govern- from being above suspicion not the in particular And l of men to he entrusted with the i largo capacity and all We bar b qualified a doctor bat ther who have mi notorious j and being the of hi life he will now sub- him the judgment of taken calling by arena of politic ard our cot porn ry make gueaaT The next ha re tho Iteform Central Con Courier charged that circulars had been acnt by that committee recommending that care should taken in Municipal for the appointment of who would leave off conservative wherever it could bo done and put the mil Tab aaturnenl nor or on I branded an untruth and called aeavasae at ft lno proof We thu Com- hi never an such recom- aawaaala the Courier man proof demandeJ all V tne the Era know thia that he ball fckflVj fact in sufficient But urn mk mi Lord Put- the cither uUlurHiaie hi- by pronl knowledge Tin MmondT jKraon been impoa The Courier and Municipal and bo dislikea to own it He Politics jct eyeteeth alter a while running a iicwivr diffcretrt A few nan and we in do no of the great who the Time to control the of print through whith ho J wry limited number of reader but rather lo ahow bow to the the pmpii- r of taapnrtlnn o M rfanW who the of effecting thangf and ID the tone or temper of the would of in Hiding retained hen of a packed voter branded Una ataleinont a a tout a our public men and demanded iimj u I A aecond article ha appeared undo aatemenKrlien he fc date ard he e demand off the following TT or for retraction of Mlaeaj i tio lander Our need krKibiRidia any little ittue will a ta wiggle out of ibia charge nqa or either or falac He pabltahed op J it names of the J he contained in the- above extract baa been the in- or trade cry of every ipry in the Hiding and wo an not at all The troth alhetWrria at regard aurprixod to find our lbo believe it lie would any to how the voter art old woman id order to naughty about to w that- creed Poor ho cant leaving the the help it it natural to But il lb bat Lumber A loo willing witneas i Our down wanted to aay aomething aaughty about the Government of of Ontario lat week hot in hi for our heal absentee membe forgeta what due to our ropreisentalivc jumpe from the fry ingpan into the tire and up generally In apeak ing of tho debate policy the Govern freer aay a election of the prnuijnl of nidation made of by tho of Mr and by our member was very condemns The that to market mil- of feet of lumber employed of men Ac ma harp if a tbouaand bat now another luno in requtred Mr nut been found willing to allow imaelf lo be made a tool of by the party and the mandate baa gone nil that he belong a I Well may Mr Save my friend- left all unadulterated both nothing more nor leea and until election of 1867 when the great local cry waa raised there was a word about or and now that that local ma to personal intereeta removed from the Riding frankly and bonrntly calling upon him to resign so that another local representative might be elected have a miserable subterfuge raised one of the dead of the paat by way of diverting public atleation fromadirelectiohofdaty So much commendable rhe whole charge is simply a cock indball dory manufactured out whole cloth and a diagrace lo lb Cbarlea Durand Some men ara peculiarly having an itching lo be come notorious and judging then by ibe standard of their conduct oftentimes would appear they an perfectly indifferent to whethei by act pal for the political article politic Turn wo now to toe raised by our In apeak of thu reform party in be aaya they have- to This we brand as of facta and we challenge the proof Never till reform part became divided by the treachery ol friends tor aeltish ends aqueslivn even and even iben by reformers ll the parly were enabled to control the and manipulate matters our affirms it would bava been an easy matter to bave elected councillors all of that party This but reasonable on his own shewing Now we challenge name a Council elected the years without botitu a mixed one politically in all the Hiding Such prating about imagin ary to whieh public record give a contradiction evidence gnats ignorance on the part of the newlyfledged scribe at the Courier not at all creditable to him and proves what we intimated in the out bis grievances are purely and by way of giving to virtuous indignation at a stale of things ao dire be imports allusion lo lac iba many y ears ago Nil riety la the object of their ambition and to gain il they ore prepared personal friendship forget deeds of unlocked for kindi aundor ll of party and lie to years of political faith regard the gentleman name stands at the head of article tilting illustration of elan character above deacribed Failing to win eminence in tho the law he fawned sycophamly leading politicians or the party vehemently of dying attachment and liberal principlea and at public political gather positively bis of self aaunte large and be Cutisldeie part slow in not discovering him the of and stateaman or in turn reform leaders indifferent to bis claims for a County Judgeship apparently forgetful of the foci that own intadicioasnoss bad lowered bis of the Bar and that hie peculiar eccentricity of character to ear nothing of intellectual disabilities not a qualification admired by Ontario constituencies la a Aa a eoueeqaence Mr ft oat in cold Then came Confederation and great Apostb of thinking the opportunity favorable played tbe part of a a daily edited by Toraer a prominent polttir- The Saratoga Co at hoar this ng of three hundred iboOaand dollar by a nat of nine deapermdoea la ir Ku Klax tod themselves i isl lose about in bond and Stocks The Cashier occupied ir the Bank A reward of i offered for the arrest of the Chicago Oct 11 The bricklayers bore ia interfering nth the work of rebuilding the city hair Of the contractor- to demands of the men remainder appear to be firm in their Intention to hold oat It is said from other places are afraid to come here to take the of tbe striken but thus far the have been a rule quiet Oct In an order of the public lies the enforcement of the Sunday- liquor law partially carried yesterday The Isrger of kept their blind- down and their front doors locked The a marked decrease In diunken- the made by the police lor that offence were onethird less than the usual number on Sundays Cleveland Oct The sailor here are on strike Oct At half- past one r St largely very enthusiastic oi Thompson was Vanhoeven- to contest the SZ of the late Mr Street Banquet Wo observe with of Toronto to celebrate the by a grand held in that city in the November The preliminary fall exhibition of the King and Whitchurch united Agricultural So- held at Aurora and Friday of last week and cry than on a former naion the bold the the dep In point of sheep and wo understand there were than at County Fair voidable absence to Orillla prevented being present We are glad however the waa a um possible we shall illagera dcervo credit for hand OHM manner in which they came for ward with special prizes Theae created an interest in compel bad the tendency of viaitora to the are worth anything they II and and wealthy Townhip like and King are able a good show if the people mill of it as they should We again repeat out aalisfaction at learning the above proved successful Ii occasioned death hours lie entertained on bat that he should re- from the attack of catarrhal ague till last night and tbia morning while at bis age and with the con dition of the muscular palay- from whieh he has long and the fart that the fever waa increasing it him together with diaiurbnnco led physician in apprehend a lata result in of a week or more yet n mediate fear was felt and waa sudden and Mr Stewards intellectual acui ties were clear and vigorous to the laat when by the par oxysms of the fever For the last hoar of bis life hie condition became easy and he spent tho time in affec tionate leave- 1 inga of relatives and doendetite and Anally quietly hia laat rest as if going to sleep Philadelphia Oct Yesterday Prof John who occupied the chair Natural History and Chemistry in the University of ay I vanity died suddenly while bis apartment He year old and has held the over thirty years oclock this evening Lane of tbe of Lane Co wool dealers In this city and residing In Hancock street heard bis dour ball ring and mediately shot in abdomen by man Up to a hoar to night there but alight of KARaaa Mo Oct At Hickmans mill on Thursday William and Harrison both young son wealthy farmer quarrelled about the wl marriage of their sister lo a man named Clemens when Harrison procured a shot gun and fatally brother and also severely wound- Clemens Term Oct 11 A between white and at a little town n mile- above on tho Arkansas shore has been brewing days and culminated on evening in a light in which one negro killed and several wounded The trouble originated in the killing of Hurray the sheriff some six weeks since by County the breaking of a Conservative meeting last week as reported at the time to hay been upon bat a that a large from other parts of nine can lake a share ia tTJ are sure this plan will iaiiafactry and have no Oxford County will be Hon Mr Bisks have returned and will bis pablie rtanoe since seek rest and lo learn that he greatly by ihe i he news will the public the country afford especially at with the of Mr Blakes ability and baa Great Flro la Amherst Sacktillb 12 Amhorst originated in Harpers tore p lib lo be from the flue or pipe The store and the goods inauranee on the building in Ktna ana Wm valued 95 no unknown B a lose of 950000 in and inauranee la tbt and no value given a M loses valued at tilde in the Etna for of goods unknown yet bat sa The building was Chapman A lost goods at 913000 insured in two offices for the damaged from aa i pre v the believed be lb to arm and ear- round own when whiles in lown armed awl them off officers of court and some with a portion or their arrived bote bet night having threatened to return and burn town the greatest excitement prevailed there El accounts Oct 10 At II oclock ana concede the elect of by tivo hundred majority but claim Hie Comtreaamon at large the Lieu and the balance of tbe ticket by from to majority to and 95 Republicans to in house giving them a majority of on the point ballot Hal Lasts Oct The Mormon Semiannual Cooferpuce has April The was large of paying was he burthen of the discourses Brig ham Young thai a J Will only are fair different crops art worse the ease may be hat at whole the crops will be remaaea If be shipped physical to Europe ibeji bring high prices in iliemr4 BritiaJjUeV Unfortunatelv in the liar time Provinces a do I grow are content to import theaj great wheatgrowing region eta West It is important learn what is thought of a that quarter particularly a Urge scale supplying the market time worthy ibe a just as proporooa be intureating to bankera and era To whatever ranging may money market lucre is good I 8ara the of tbe well known American James but better km her de phone at is dead was bom la in July and year of her age though only the fast two her devoted lo literary I puraaiu she was a woman of A than ordinary intellect and tun in bar earlier years A Lose Mr night last The horse had lenog under ibe at preaent preralliosv a objected Fair at the lunge an whch got v Mon boat at I Oct l- two men entrant- Hi MM b Mr t Ht oclock the Hi a h cril ton TBI ol of lb J of on I on committed klnr him raw un hn 1 Sfll-vilWdjo- rfb I tea are r I