I spa The Quebec on the of A The Not Scotia eectiona Intercolonial Railway on Monday 9 An Indianapoliagirl with two hundred thousand dollar dowry ad- a- opened A BAKERY M- Ottawa I another Off MAIM STREET PC S Va J will be called lie will bo independent in Th ah BREAD CAKES I llie rue All the leading AND HIM I II NEW BAKERjftJ piling l tin EGGS TAKES IB EXCUAQE Ottawa Brock villi and oilier place Normal In interviewed Saturday in reference torchlight p Alncnn Amarican us- tiny and ovmv won fired both and i 1 At JR hour a man ih- tbe village of wax arretted and to the city with I lit an attempt the revolting kind on the of bin own daughter Tin- is tin second charge of the tamo char against him ho having made a mm lax attempt on another of daughter not long having otherwise treated Ins family in the brutal manner When he be bad in hi a of money HOUSES TO LET ALMA TERRACE I Tenant wanted to All them Apply to GEO for tar ALE LOT btr la eke fad of he TOWNSHIP OF KISO ith it Farm for Sale GREAT BARGAIN MILLINERY a a -ji- GARDEN SEEDS FRESH IMPORTATION I A DRUG5T0Rt SIGN Of THE I no- BRONZE SELLING OFF Stun JTifMunr Oar Jen Seed by the Ovnce Pound or Peek of 1171 Ifellsw Tort trld Cauliflower fin SPRING SUMMER Millinery Mantles At Below Cott for Cash I tbe United Tlie matter DON aMMMaai of Lot v a brought a county magiatrate of ka afternoon at the Police Court held with door m it In The Can das I riding in tin ago our friend John and aide of a felkur who waa weather beaten aa if ho had been ait tint astraddle of a watermelon try ing to put out nun by ai it- We converted I amid to him your name he San be Mary I Ic Han the la he Sara I The lamb that Man- bad Ue revealed the fact that he waa not lamb and he observed It tired be- I Did you ever a climate be A what I A hot climate be atran- g 1 up a aide bill Fourth of July when the un aet hat on tin- aixl if ihatamta hot why 1 haint been to one Before I had time to reply the con- duetor along out Greeny- No I Thunder I you dout expert lo traval i for nothing do you TO LOAN I Real Estate Security I j ftee Leer Bed Kit Sari Cbaaip Leaf Lxatl Ac iiib THE GOODS BE SOLD J Great Bargains BE LIKE IT NEWMARKET ryBt ami a lara Jewellery Goods J uaiauDl Mh- GOLD WATCHES AND LVKK ElectroPlated Goods TABLE AID Fancy Goods I Bel ed for AND PRICE Childrens Toya iaa la la of Jot WILL BE SOLD AT A NEWMARKET STORE HOUSE FOE ok dedietle J le wrtaCJi LEE BASTEDO JTAT OK HAND A ASSOBTaaarOF vToodvare Bar ft STEEL Wee e In eeeU ike weeiT Boa UTS e7 Ontario Pomp Andrews jk EI Mteerlker eeeeef- UJ fc eejdkvl Jei ALL AND oli Ha I DRAG CIRCULAR Leather A Rubber Bolting Hemp A Parkins mi bi nits Blacksmiths Coopers Carpenters SPADES SHOVELS DRAGS PORKS Hay Forks Scythes Snaiths WINDOW CLASS PAINTS OILS COLOURS LEE BAOTEDO IS CAPITAL HIS WELL AND FAVORABLY KNOWS COMPANY alp Heed Property A o a So s I He ij Hoy Von I 1 follow IW Greene- in your orifice in Cincinnati yon big eigi to Alt of Beat Quality I PRICE LOW tor fcadraaT Ualraae tioua iia j flair to a I ai la a will I ealy ay Dr aOK Or Eiehanedfor JOY New IT Shop VjBBHWTILiaaa mat anoaa to ia ii- f y ii villa aaaJ iLa fctjwpkved Shop ia f l af irUa lib NEATNESS AND A larp aapalj Whips Collars Trunks Through to conductor dropped and put by a big white port Tori Power of Evil A power of attorney If seven daya make one week bow many will make one When may a chair he to dialike a When it cant bear him I Why a freight car need no locomotive freight make- the cargo A in that be will keep a Sunday three limo a week on and Wedneaday and Sunday fa The following in a newapaper office oat wot Shut dour aod you have done talking aerV your month way A judge pointing with hi which end my lord as An old gentleman re on rat ed with married eon who did live oa good term with hie impropriety of the PERSONS HAVING HEEP KILLED BT DOGS dvaa to tao nlaa of aath lata Laera tbair I STOKE ffita SALE CHEAP A US 0M CAHDING ArTD FILLING MILL Suitable a near the Village of landing ALSO A FARM MM Aba1 100 ah twiMiBf abb food il DAVID ELLERBY Sea a II bU a eye of aiui bow thai may be replied the young men but am certain that if you had our door when we were quarrelling you d think we were at leai twenty Toe Mormon tell a good of Young Among for special privilege of wound wife there came a of very character be wm thing like the following dialog enuo1 So too want Vea ly Well mailer that one a well other So yon want know the whole Ye I should to know why I cant one wife well the era Well you ball know then In abort order waul your race lo die oat VSmI jig PLUS ifeVort or cntvjflt I araduoM il leal ere hi eie beWtleVs Botanical us Pills a l Botanical Worm Syrup daar f CattIap tad II ELECTION I J A LARGE QUANTITY OF VERY Insect Poison I tm of WBaa ha etc I- PRICE TWENTY FIVE CS2fTS I Bentleys Ague And Vegetable Tonic ike IHaiaaaA tmPr cr per Hut tie POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam rtka cit KM Ifcadal nan las Whiskey Two Old a WINES BRANDTIS Gin Ale and Porter At Henderson a BETTER EO0S Taken in Exchange or Qui of all kinds J VIEST CANNED FRUITS And Fish of all kinds Brandies and Wines UP ALL OMjY BEST p It aaaaaaa la aUaaajUj aaJ lapami far at IS Telegraphic Reliever I kaa ia be war far I fie a atWr Tea laiaatabUiaP fa aaaeriar to iC I a Extract ClioleraMorbus CWlie g an ItdpJ aaaaacr arpaa aad piaxiaa a af a ib paa a aBle Aa a BEST TORONTO ALE Cricket and lUUriai FANS Childrens Cabs BASKETS TUBS Butter Trays Ladles Books Magazine RECEIVED DAILY Violins Accordeons CONCERTIAS WITH FOB A Ml Rare Bargains General Groceries C H LOCKHARTS Has an in Mr JKib on all of THOMAS ATKINSON Agnt fer the arejrkrt ilk it 1- kik lmieneae J ilk fup e4l Ui ii kiwi ak Weia mw Aa DeMnberl417l New Grocery Vain St Hotel M ajaJAsskel Wines klck OYSTERS Vita and Retail Just Arrived A Id White Fish aeA Herrings Trout Etc LOCKHARTS FOR THE BEST And Cheapest Bye Whiskey Malt Whiskey Brandy Bom Gin Port and Sherry Wines GOTO LOCKHARTS BOTTLED ALES PORTERS I IK AAMlMolrAOOtUUlefA per At IT IS A FACT THAT J J ODGE TILL Cooking Parlor Hall Sedxoom Stores L0WEB THAN limt It PER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At that will ill J to a- 1 at A atatirUaa arm Ragt Exchange for of J A J HODGB IB Fresh Pish mi Ah JOHN Liverpool ivaUaolr iTrtT af IHIlArt ik ad Li laaari as4U fle Office Canada Branch Ah Chief I TO THE Perfected Spectacles parti are far aalo or iajitatwaa baAnaf av f aiBviaicUM I pU Aefca ill tW kr LAZARUS MORRIS A CO 295 Montreal la aar aa aiWaH far rtAiit ia allvtr far apa ij For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes CK LOCKHARTS Save Your Money A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Book Account or Note ISth OF APRIL NEXT I em I and Machinery At Lockharf i FRESH Brick Store to let LOCK II A RT8 am iu hi ki1 eT Hotels Supplied With L1QCOUS WINES nd CIGARS at TORONTO PRICES At MOVE RATE Bbl and Bag Salt on hand el C LOCKHART Paid for Batter Bacon Vegetable Ac At C Lockharts SMITHS MAIN ST NEWMARKE1 WRAPPING PAPER AT REMOVAL I SUBSCRIBER HAS ED TO BIS Hew PREMISES WRULRor and Sts ItMAM J WAMXBOtJtM la aa I aaaraia all far BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work A BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD 1 a 1 M IwereieaeeteairaakeJ ilk HemmenTnckere A ftnilto All of all Warrb4 for BOND SALE Best CANADA ACRES ea a an la ACRES Ilk let TW I eU4 MR SEPTIMUS rilAVELERS LIFE andAXip On fie met FmorahU Tea Aceedant Departweit TRAVELERS COMPANY keueeet ruuej Dewier efceitj We lean rf kernel rellelej I 10 kea I- at rale Life DeparuueoL I it lief ail Lib faatertt at Ike keaeafl I itatei Maaleaiioet kei tniluk weeTeieaaaei tJI lee me auk pita AU fcMwteU kjj JOHN Orrioaa TORONTO I Western Assurane- Of MCE TOM o4 a VHIee eln I M Maae