Morning Proprietor 4 fir J Vol Ms AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISED I Tim Book and Jot Establishment It THE LATEST STYLES FANCY TYPE ORDERS Print prompt GIVE UK TUE LIBEKTY TO KNOW TO UTTEB AND TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHBE LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY OCT 25 Terms 160 in Advance Surveyor 1 J Solicitor Attorney for Sale At A J Architect Civil Engineer MITCHELL Barber HairDresser PHOTOGRAPHY A HOOD OLiTpiri ures Musical Library John Cockerill is all ih English Oils Ointments Select No Atonement the charm my poor boys horseback again lieve forgiven I too bare loved not or weeks bat When voa a student with even L J J I All I colonel Upon 111- ltlu face an t proarhed hi Mr Murray Scott IKSTBUCIORtlF VOCAL Choice I I NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SOS opened BAKERY J ON MAIN SriiJT CQ loir Store BREAD CAKES SUITER BOOH TAKES IX I all I lofjo ir they bare Morgan Always modest why do you know that men in the swears by yon and Ton not to lal k the 1 be my wife I No I Colonel Hilton I will have sacrifice for gratitude take I can not hare your lore and I will have your pity He reached out his hand to stop her bet toil his face She was gone A and I Ren tor bat she found lime to rem hour with the rational each la I am so miserably said one day thai 1 am sure I Mull well without company your company is Kbc colored I llldu Ojfiei 1 A BURGEON St JYiiMiiirlif OR STRANGE- 7VTil 1RS Physicians Surgeons c iKlkl they mag COS A Dr field SUJtOEOX AMD Catunei far tbe County of fcjilo BUI B JOY b HairDresser c V MA A XM I of Mam and Dr Robinson LDS ill ii First Prize in 1871 sen DOMINION Organ and Melodeon the hour lie did nut how it would end lying there the Virginia woHlit with the found of battle ringing in bis care and who thouhutixod upon before him He only knew that I cut from M wantbo of hi feeling- if ho had could give to try and a- we hart- dunudiircn The retreat blood not and no In with the wounded of regiment Mian went to where colonel was among her patients Every day ho made now demand- up on her lime And so the Dm of the two drifted on until bo wait they were mro and tho end what II- told aightforward way just I In me time to think he answered with a look of in soft occasion To think Ah to think to whom thinking have been more bitter Tho- who knew Hist Morgan to Miss Morgan will know If there are tiny toiled years for an object and have almost w n and only The full exhibition of the above Societies was held at Sutton Town ship or on 11th elt and proved a affair The in many of tbe ciae- was spirited and the attendance larger than I we the PRIZE LIST CkAh lal Baits lMlss Joan smnr TwoyaMnounUor William tenia km Da nut 1st Joalnu Two obi Boll Two yssr Ball Yssnlns Hall A P ft Has Will lat Jam Armiu Carpn 1t h Tnaiss Sod A bra Doss In Cbarls rta of Sorts lUm J Special Notice J do in tl what I think about The person i is any further Would it not bo best to take up the 1st John and by flv asssi a KHaS East E Tjatr BprtJaf Musical Instruments insurance Company PRICE TOyE FINISH Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES DENTIST NEWMARKET CANNON V DE T I S T Rates are Mnch Lower lbk A SQUIEH ItfOu ii TCTEBINAKY SUt Dentistry It OS St Sired Toronto Beery Daenptum SkBSnV Anal ibeay esssssia Is i ii STi- affi life which hd Ml SEASON MARBLE WORKS IT I Ink I Tomte Tablet Poll iort A In 5 IS MONEY TO LEND THE HURON AND ERIE SavingsLoan Society LONDON ONT Csp taxi sWw i to So JSWS sj sssrwrl is si ago It bad been bad allowed herself to think what she bad been and now must she lav her old self bare Wloro tho gaze of one whom she loved It was bard to answer The temptation was strong but conquered She would learn his opinion without committing her self and then it there wan no hope he need never know why ho had beer refused- The next day presented a chance They were diseasing the woman suffrage movement the moral feature of it If it will prevent others form sin ning said the colonel carelessly I say yet but as for ail of those who dowo all the power of heaven cannot raino them They bat cast shadow over their own lives that ran never be lined I pity them bull could not help them if would feel deeply hi on this question Miss Morgan you will please let mo call you that All of poor creaare are not worth one moments sorrow from one as as you my darling Miss had deadly pale and her eyes wore full of tears Mr Hilton I have done much bo tell during ttu unhappy and saved many lives not much by skill as by patient effort Could not what have done bint out the sins or one fallen woman Great heavens I why will you make such a comparison Answer me I Yes 1 behove it might And could man not forget where God has forgiven We are terribly imperfect I sear loatl More like a groan than wordi was the sound that Tka U la lilla saett J J A SoUdtor and Valuator for Society April from white lips lost have Mr God 1 y been leas tbau Pure in heart always bat God pity me colonel staggered as from a blow and sank Into a chair I have loved yoa well sf or gan he moaned but It must all end 9d John ft tat The Cat and the Garotte The young men convicted of rob bery violence on Tuesday had to theme which ust for ever bare settlod in the of who wiUinssed it the question corporal pun- really acts as a deterrent to a young fel- but one witnessM the ufTet of each stroke upon the back of and the fearful cries of agony from him time cat wielded by the practised arm of a powerful warder comes hissing upon bis shoulders it occurs to the mind that the matter ought to he ventilated as widely as possible order that garotters in general without a word i fastened hand and foot At first his courage failed and from that hole twenty tin tin being hen released he was unable i his cell without Tie victim was a young tell w years of age named John who held a by trust whilst two other men His sentence was thirty lahe i years stronger man than the determii iiited when brought from his cell to behove that his courage i carry him through but bo dn I upright J the proffered and bis to protect bis spine From beginning to the end uttered a word although bis back mora severely lacerated iiiun the being he declined lb the wardens walked the assuming the same defiant air with which be bad entered from bis un easy motion and discolored back the punishment was such that wilt be remembered to the end of bis life Army From the York Tribune of Oct Blomme age who com in St Vincents Thursday was Il appears officer of Belgian army arrived In this v by sleaniship from sea sickness After brief sojourns several different hotels and board ing houses he was found last Monday in Broadway in an p demented condition be was then laken to Hospital and transferred to fit V cent Hospital in on Wed nesday Tbe following night be shot himself through heart with a pocket pistol a pocket pistol which he had concealed from his attendants Tbe incentive to self destruction is supposed to have been disappointment in lore He bad come to the Ua ted mates with the avowed intention of irobasing a farm in far west His relatives high position In Belgium informed of bin death and ihe Bel gium Consul Las boon requested to take charge of bis remains and per effects iiayaMme I ver bal port between tie White steamer steamer The latter veel Was I sail from pfsiloH the int so I the former on ibe following Tliu disunoe is mile- Mrs Laura I Fair the Cali fornia murderess has and released She owes her SMquittal to her If site had been a he would bars been strung without judge or jury is lo 1st hoped that Mrs Fair will not fall in lore with some one of the jury who acquitted her If juryman se lected by think- re of hie than he does of Fair it will then be proper to bis of California law for Mrs Fair to blow bis brains out