NEWMARKET ERA OCT 1872 Mew Advet ligaments and tlimoailinji MOUTH in harmony with idea whether in the or ax are doing ice to the elate but the political hat the leiidcrmoner who di IT another claw of who I- no cJ can MM rffed with iiici0 and or Long Ciedlt System Abandoned By reference to our iilairli it will ho olrrcd the met I ant or have to the which we heartily commend the men id thi 01m redit entailing heavy and doing injury to the realy purchaser The advantage t lricl the cheap til hitler and are ell 1010 OCT 872 Prize Correcllon By it th 111 in the column lor pre on tit- or the the Swiet and lle liegina properly will the prize given All that which precede the inall hcwllng Agricultural belong the North York list The error not until the first page wo printed The Secre tary of write to cue John- ill parade the T he re their reader will or Shearling ear old Bull Marel Aged Item J Ilowar Our Toronto Despatch Ontario Cabinet Changes tie the Ontario ale pnldic the ice the the end Under Ihehortcmlit all in tit more on pricidcy lb Hum John Shannon Jio Italic I TV and Ann ami Held ife The Institute our Mi I and the public generally we re MA will lie ready In accord credit I lie Manager I Ilia being I K k ItwUiirtreJ I lit J M Arm- I In Mill by J I who adhered lo ill candidate that a lew da I j ihe ad vit rei iring Premier 066 hi league had Him Oliver to new In add- that Mr MuWatl ha hi office VceChanccllo and accepted Up to the hour p to pre- particular a- to I In new Cabinet hate not reached tut rumour it that linn Mora and Scott are to bate positions tbern in lha now Minitr The people of Ontario will hail with lively the intima tion of Hon Mr return to political life and will to learn of hit aeivpiance of the Prumtemhip of tho Province Hi- ability a atatcaman and debater hie integrity and conaintency aa a representative and legal fit him fur the be haa called to fill while hia acceptance of office will add and dignitr to the Mnitry and to give confidence to the it mm party throahont Ontario The quid nunri who have been prophecy- all of regarding the fniing man and the tnentwf the Liberal parly lot their riinpletely Sir organ dixlami that no one but the renegade be found qualified fur the who would accept tho but the of llo ogh Mr Mo- bow Ilia high i character lbs and will be accepted by the great liberal party an earn fur future with unbounded Parliament will be for tbe of about of November Tbe Slander A legitimate on lair ami reaMtiiiblugrouida for difference of anlicijiale and by an opposition the country at it a check upon executive And tendency to prevent and kind of and ao my I in engagement until the Now con tho money part and the m inditiiiirig bribery liifieud of tin coin rat tor- receding the Ilirlnniil of taking bond covering large amoniit and then I ell I i liiiMactioi girn tifiirghl will ho equally and- It in- lobe piiiutiiul in o an to the to a at a hour the ill imrrefore he taken at oclock re ola iak toailiUu well instruct and wo are fully ihinvVLn will be Mull repaid for their time the Hull be filled tin to be paid at the The ulJrcI this evening in the of relating t air Ac brilliant cxpcrimeM oxygen aaHl the burning ran Steel PWiJwrae ftc and u 1 1 a ui ill be AJaa Miieral with ibu Jim Ac An aver of in ilea- u re in One day a young man ume1 Jncoh Huntley MM of lore lliimiey lale Kermott A liujr in meliciiei- one third of if wallowed V liny ami putting nailed followed by deep coma ended Mu ordered and now making an limwltfe into the of the Painful rumor- have been through village regard- lite all the parties are known hero- them one ic effect that a in in lie r of the the had ah and a that the tlmoih Of had Ac We have iiifnrmalioii there no truth in nyuf them and we apprehend it rill found the deceaaod took more 1 the medicine than diteclod fatal followed King Cuuncil of tool- i Bailey who and no jmi been made upon uly certified aevounih work actual ly pvrlormed And with regard to receiving till alter the election how could he when do eaWinl nude him nil alter election The auctioneer m in a at up and a leading mouthpiece of a party Those Packed Lists Another week I a- come nod but the presiding geriuf of tbe rier laiU to come lo time pie aro born gieit oihcra lhiul them again a third la- who vainly nine the are Hie of Ourconlemporar ir a brilliant In y paper he doted bin rvadera another column a of twaddle the An it editor juirrpnig one tiling to jl another without intelligible eon nee- but at the fame lime o to the real at lajtiaa tie charged that certain In vein I hi Baling for yciir the A We denie1 If ami demand i l hill- lo it TlVtnrfiikiu it We have an inlelliyenl to He charged I hat the if 4 u t I Mensam m TholwoSocictie- n inn ihivearat An on the nil and lltli iml and MH Ail Sumo 1C83 re n 1 n the ant the at of lj OfciWMayapa ial off err miblo to make the 1 in- tod all eon to know mi The the pritw lint kindly Airniahoil l at Aurora LIST I Twi 1 J M uM of Filly willul in manor Tni- wv deiiiil and demand jx1 hut It- And yet thi- about literary I A IHtle truth wrt we pity MI ir laiKra lfdiMWnK me Hood tie- Turnip- I a lad a in the Up to a II iifht there were but f hi- recovery i-miii- it Taiungi Local Summary Advt of London meeting It haa opened Won and rat Ihr M II Mti fell the dent I twenty of place lat The Star Mr I Linn Oct 1 The Ria lowarda the I oinltirv quottion n J aider conciliatory Oct The tare of Troanry iinaaj a to the Port Tee J led at longaa the from that ittieU that latt Cleveland Correspondenc you are perfect are reo from Out Mr J Private Secretary to who waa in the to accoml daughter of the late f Millar for return to Canada at once St Oct a train on the Atlantic railway tearing tween 9 and 10 night ralaaaajL Perch on entering a car by an unknown man and klllerj or ii j the deed by a man who baa been put oat for refaaing to pay In Manitoba I Foot GaaaT Man OcL I troopa arrive from the Lake of tin morning All are Donald A Smith and family the Selkirk for Montreal A body of Sioux Indiana tea reported to bo Ulci whether Some movement ia on foot with tba ipa- Red agaiiwt tba Boundary Commlaaifio Cecal American ml P by recent fall are m that are aa to whether he Will recot h to by the fflti- that a new aarafnea gerol for a 1 thousand dollar or The Qazettt the of the lion J Sag Manitoba The telegraphic utile on dejtl he forwarded and received at of Govera- Jttawa Oct The 7Vaa from authority bat nil that the of Oar i ha- decidea he San Juan aud American Newt of free trade but the making tbe enlargement the Canal compulory on Canada Me tbe would thai receive Now manufacture oik back lumber build cheap fur New workmen Mr Young of Canada it to bo thai Canada waa not dependent on reci procity though Canadian favoured an colony could admit manufacture from tbix free with a differential cliarg Oct Su peri tendon of Police tued in order in compliance with the pro directing all mi place where liquor are retailed on Sunday looked tor Willi terel tbevrdiiiaircu whn the order la having been letter aim Or trrived here aim ore are coming nan occupation Between i lid January lor by Hie New AUae tor that loe are out Clile near Alexantlriu Va I 1UA Ci tu the former American jliriifter reaideiit lo begin the a at The failure ol Caldwell Walker AC- a There on Wall nct Hit- ipnlatb Field- w o nd all hub ma i act elueieltoht whe Tweed baa nut yet In Ineml be vt he having meioly a- they gne out of low it generally believed fled Sunday lea dealer be ha- JsaA in- g in bell ring and r the the Mother hey may be of been iuoj of tbo Canadian and officer- of the active f tbe army Hat in the am ear promotera of 1 railway have ice that they will apply at a AeembU an aut- vera to a com ipany lo tract railway from thence to rttjca Oct The nap- thief named John Gconj who the WW0 from W Ik Co Iat Friday night I today and locked up lie will be up for trial tomorrow ItifkviHT Id ha bee the inoutli of the on land owned be Mr Ijketile tbe ere lately mid metal let aW1 of per ton It k toped he Will be hie Croix The St Viatel- Journal to the that Mr to withdraw the he election of Mr Attgea ivtly mailer la brought before a ittev of lb Ottawa an atrarra In inljfcg iuC IhiJi wr lb new J jar Mi am pur ft Some idea of the value of tbt Lake Superior Silver may be aalhcre1 from the fact that baft company at depth of IW feel till ore a- rich a- ever ml yielded MO ion filter Met ha already ni over an- 1 declare a dividend to the hareholden of per Pre 18 A Reform here today tor the Tin Mi wa- levied President and BimIkUikI Secre tary lion A here to- morrow A will tendered him by the inhabitant of